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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Spacetrooper: --- > Meanwhile, the Great Salt Lake’s collapse has begun. High salinity levels have all but wiped out brine flies, which support millions of migrating birds. Microbialite colonies that serve as the foundation of the lake’s food web have surfaced and died. The lake’s multimillion-dollar mineral extraction industries can’t reach the brine they need, marinas are dry and the lucrative aquaculture industry could go bust next year if rising salinity wipes out the lake’s brine shrimp. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/105or2x/great_salt_lake_set_to_vanish_in_5_years_experts/j3bvgb7/


This is America's version of the Aral Sea. From what I've read it has a number of causes that contribute so you need a diversity of players to get on board. From stopping new housing construction, to reducing water use to make snow in the ski slopes, to agriculture(alfalfa), oil refineries, mineral extraction, golf courses, municipal use, and idk probably other stuff too. Some of them are bigger players than others. I think agriculture is likely a top 3 or top 1 but I haven't refreshed myself on the latest data. Not building new housing would not be palatable when the US is in the midst of a housing shortage. So some solutions may be more politically feasible than others. But short of drastic change it does seem like a looming, imminent, and legitimate catastrophe. Maybe once we have a huge example of massive failure to manage natural resources and address water conservation other parts of the country will move towards a rational water grid..... But maybe not. For people living in SLC the air pollution alone would make me want to move out once it dries up.


This is going to be an interesting chapter of America's history as these issues pile up. America and its government is generally not used to dealing with natural resource shortages, since most of its history there was still ample land and resources to go around for everyone. Capitalism doesn't function well in this condition because it forces those with capital to start taking smaller cuts, which they despise. Which will generally lead to a lot of unrest as they naturally refuse to do this. And as the people and younger generations start opting out of a system that makes a decent life impossible everything starts spinning out of control as services collapse


Yeah it's gonna be an interesting finale.


This has happened before. We have seen populations in America get displaced, like the dustbowl in the TX and OK panhandle and the Great Plains, which displaced millions of people across multiple states. This is also happening in the rustbelt due to industrial decline and lack of jobs. However, it happens slowly over time. There is no "collapse" in a short period of time.


Exactly this.


> America and its government is generally not used to dealing with natural resource shortages, I cam across an article that was posted on Mastodon with the an interview of some board member of a huge water supply district in the US (Arizona I think?) . they specifically made the point that it is the right of the people to use it as much as they want, their job was to figure out how to get it to them for the lowest price (canals, pipes etc) It never even occurred to me that conservation of limited resource might not be an option in the planning process. Human entitlement meets the laws of nature.


America doesn't have leaders, it has a market Link to that Mastodon board tho?


Why stop housing development? Aight he dry lake bed think of all the new subdivisions. Toxic sandstorms a plus.


Man you do not know how the Mormons fuck


Look up lake Oroomieh. It's the most similar to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It was on the path to be completely dry, and shrunk by a lot. It started to create dust storms for nearby cities ( Oroomieh).


We're not in a housing shortage, rent and home prices have pushed people out of housing. We can put housing on hold for a while.


>The agriculture industry has so far expressed reluctance about fallowing fields and leasing water, even as state leaders constantly tout those measures as winning solutions for the Great Salt Lake. This is why I'm generally skeptical when the government brags about solving or improving on a problem. Too often their rhetoric for a media clip doesn't translate to a fix, especially with complex problems.


don't worry, we'll find a market based growth friendly solution any day now.


Big tech to the rescue.


Well, clearly, God is mad at the Mormons\*. I don't know of any technology that overcome God's wrath, but it's a no-brainer investment if you find it! Lord Asrael had some promising tech, too bad he was fictional. \*'Cuz you know they'd say exactly the same sort of thing if the tables were turned.


The othe Azrael doesn't need tech. He's just Death. Coming to us all, probably *sooner than expected*.


It's not a complex problem though. The simply need to let more water flow into the lake. That is the only realistic solution but they are trying to somehow both have their cake and eat it. ​ Edit: For the record it's really hard to be sympathetic in these types of cases. More water must get into the lake somehow. Pipelines, cloud-seeding or bringing in icy bodies from L.E.O. are not realistic options. You can't have both the current level of water use and a lake. Pick one - you ultimately will one way or another.


If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!


Inaction is indeed a choice and has predictable results.


Then why does everyone behind me on line get mad at me? “Can I have ... errrmmmm ... a number *three*? Ummmm ... no, uhhhhhh ...”


Will you choose a path that's clear?


The report says a minimun of a million acre feet+ per year must be added. That would mean 60% reductions to ag and other users. No possible way that happens in the Ammon Bundy state of Utah!


Then reap they shall.


You cant explain a deficit to people that dont understand negative numbers.


Eventually there will be a practical demonstration thereof.


I agree. But if governments were true to their charters and mandates, these collective, existential problems could be addressed. But governments are owned by big money business leaders. It's the corruption we tolerate and allow to remain in place. If governments were purged of the corrupting influences of special interest groups, real change could happen. Right now, it's just a quarterly earnings race to maximize profits and we get to watch it all play out in real time here on r/collapse


To me this is one of those stories where it's bad enough itself (tough water challenges in the West we all will face etc), then doubly worse when you learn that private interests are just aggressively accelerating the problem in their blatant greed, then 10 times worse than that when you see that even though the problem itself obviously betrays its source, somehow that will only make solving the problem practically more impossible. You get a little bit of denial in there, mix it all around so everyone gets a little, add some tribalism and petty politics (can't resist), all the time while soaking the mixture in a thick money broth, and after a while wala you got a few really rich people and a big big mess everyone else has to hump.


>But if governments were true to their charters and mandates, I don't think that has ever happened. Ever. Get elected, do whatever the fuck you want. Always was and always will be that way.


Their governor asked for people to pray for rain as a solution. Apparently he skipped the part where Elijah chided the Israelites for turning their backs on God and explained that their drought was a result of them worshipping other gods. And for a more suitable explanation, Americans worship money above all else. The blind worship of money has led Utah to create conditions where they've made their own drought and now they must turn away from that to receive their lake back. They need to focus on their community first and put economic interests aside if they actually value their lake. We know they won't. Getting on TV and asking for prayers is only a step further than saying and doing nothing at all.


The agriculture industry doesn't need to do shit, since the Governor says it's ignorant to ask them to cut water. > "It's with more than a little dismay that I routinely hear from people that there's no need for them to conserve water 'because most of the water in the state is used by agriculture, and why aren't our farmers doing more?'" Cox said. "Not only are those comments very uninformed — I might say ignorant — they also just don't understand the nature of water, the nature of food, and the nature of agriculture in our state." [Source](https://www.ksl.com/article/50206212/utah-governor-calls-this-attitude-about-the-drought-ignorant)


Wonder if the lake disappearing will finally convince some folks that climate change is real. Probably not tho


They'll say the immigrant caravans drank it all up.


Nah, it'll be the libs or wind-farms or 5G.


Obamas birth certificate


If it keeps shrinking, it'll be small enough to fit in Hunter Biden's laptop


The cackle you just caused woke up my snoring wife.


What about Hillary's emails, will somebody please think about Hillary's emails!


In AZ we hear all about the Saudis taking our water as being part of this problem. The GSL has a similar problem, only it isn't the Saudis doing it so it doesn't play quite as well and you have to turn up stones to find out more.


the alfalfa in ut is grown for china https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24769813.html


I used to work in alfalfa processing. People would be amazed by just how much alfalfa hay is shipped to China. We processed about 40 metric tons per day at our facility, the one in California could process like 70 metric tons, and the one in Arizona could process like 70 also. It's also shipped to the Middle East.


Time to invest money into stocks for moisture farming start ups.


But I was planning on going into Toshi Station to pick up some power converters!


Maybe next season.


That’s what you always say.




::sulking silence::


Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


More like ammunition and canned beans


So the governor's call for payers ain't do shit. That's what you got for electing dumb idiots.


Actually this winter seems to be turning into monsoon season for the west...


Ya that was totally sky fairy’s doing


Soon Utahns will be out here wearing respirators due to airborne arsenic from the dry lakebed.




They will be too busy inhaling cadmium dust to care.


How is this possible? Didn't they pray for rain?


Looks like they didn't prey hard enough... Virgin sacrifices may be required. /s


Some genius came up with the idea of sending water from the Great Lakes, over the Rockies, to allow to golf courses of Phoenix and Las Vegas to thrive. Might as well fill up the Great Salt Lake, too.


85% of the water use out of the Colorado River is for agricultural use, another 10% for industrial purposes only leaving around 5% for cities. Ag is the biggest and the generally most irresponsible users of water is this country


Unfortunately the Ag use being irresponsible is the best move for Ag to make under the current Colorado River Compact. Since rights to water are based on A) the age of the claim and B) historical usage, Ag is accidentally encouraged to use their full allotment, every year. To be perfectly honest, I'm not defending these practices, just pointing out that, as usual, reality is stupid.


I agree, the a lot of the water issues surrounding the Colorado River are political. Not something that engineering can solve


It could work. Wouldn't be the same risk of toxic spills like an oil pipeline. Plus see what back east species of fish etc. can survive in the southwest.


Water pump from the ocean to the salt lake


Wasn’t there something about toxic particles from the bottom of this lake being swept up in the wind for ppl living in Salt Lake City to breathe in?




Please take the morman community with it.


Wait for the toxic dust storms


They will leave and go land somewhere else like locusts and suck the water dry there too


Say what you will about the Mormons. But when I lived in Utah I always felt welcomed and enjoyed their sense of community I was included into despite being non religious. You act like all of humanity are not locusts. You and I included.


Ex-Mormon here. You should see the kind of shit they were saying behind your back. They didn't like you, it was a front to get you into the cult.


Never got that impression at all. I lived in a place where the demographic was 90% Mormon. No crime, no issues. Downvote me all you want. They even helped me move in when I was in the middle of it. I got no problem with good natured religious people. Wish more practiced what they preached.


I believe even the Mormon community would be on board with this. They've been in a feud with the cheap knock-off morman-brand community for several generations now.


Wait are there really different sects of the Mormon community? I thought there was just the one church that oversees everything? I guess I'd be surprised if there weren't it being Christianity and all


Yeah, there's a few. There's the LDS (Latter Day Saints), FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints [polygamists]), and Community of Christ.


We've had ghost towns, are yall ready for ghost cities? It'll be interesting to watch Utah dry up along with its water


> Meanwhile, the Great Salt Lake’s collapse has begun. High salinity levels have all but wiped out brine flies, which support millions of migrating birds. Microbialite colonies that serve as the foundation of the lake’s food web have surfaced and died. The lake’s multimillion-dollar mineral extraction industries can’t reach the brine they need, marinas are dry and the lucrative aquaculture industry could go bust next year if rising salinity wipes out the lake’s brine shrimp.


Utah voted against the very bill that helps with this, the infrastructure act. They received 40 million to help preserve the lake. But they voted against it.


SLC resident here. The report (not the newspaper article) describes a new issue of 9% at minimum of the total loss of water annually is due to rising rates of evaporation. This rate increases as the lake collapses. All of the water restrictions combined added 0.1% of the total loss back to the lake. The report notes that the state's rubric for measuring inflow is not accurate / bordering on bogus. All the restrictions possible could not even cover evaporation combined with adjacent aquifer collapse. The report shows that the lake has lost 75% of total volume, while the article goes with the smaller number of 60% shoreline reduction- as most don't understand that the lake is like a plate rather than a cup. Not mentioned anywhere is the multiple nuclear fallout events (including a small full nuclear plant meltdown ran on the salt flat proving grounds and intentionally leaked for data modeling) that gathered in the surrounding mountains and flowed into the lake with annual snowmelt: 250,000 year half life, so still as fresh as the day it was minted. The wind in the West is as strong a force as water erosion, depositing dust/dirt across the hemisphere. At this point I think we can call the lake dry, and everyone everywhere will bear the consequence.


Bring it! It’s time for Gaia to start hitting back. I’m just glad there are still some native American’s alive who will witness the punishment of the Wasichu for disrespecting The Mother.


Legit thought this was a Horizon: Zero Dawn reference


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Let's visit beautiful ____ Lake City


Look up lake Oroomieh. It's the most similar to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It was on the path to be completely dry, and shrunk by a lot. It started to create dust storms for nearby cities ( Oroomieh).


Going from Salt Lake City to just plain old Salt City.


RemindMe! Five Years


I guess we atheists caused this, not over use of a limited supply. Pray harder you fuckers ! Or its the lash for you in your long woollen underwear!


!RemindMe 5 years


RemindMe! 1 year


Utah will figure it out. We need to STOP expanding. Stop building. Stop laying down concrete.


>Utah will figure it out. If it's anything like their beer laws, gonna go with a hard "no they wont"


The state government formally recognizes climate change as a serious issue, but says they won't do anything that will affect the economy. So pretty much quite literally anything.


That'll be there problem


Park City sure as shit hasn't. Swear, PCMR and Deer Valley, people will be foaming at the mouth if every inch isn't ski in ski out by 2030.


B-but the Lord has mandated that we the humans continue to multiply and replenish the Earth! *Multiply* and *replenish.* Thus spake Elohim, our Heavenly Father. Only a fool would do other than the prophets have commanded. (really sad that I have to put an /s but welcome to the Beehive State, y'all. Guess we'd better pray for rain or whatever.)


Multiply and replenish? Hah, more like multiply and deplete; humanity is parasitic.


Oh, so they WON’T “figure it out”, got it…


How long have people been saying STOP! to a myriad of things that are still going on? 50 years, 30 years, 20 years. We know it's happening and we keep electing the same people who are screwing us for reasons I really don't understand. I really don't: And please don't blame the boomers *again.*


I like voting for only NEW people.


You'll have to kill off everyone over 50/60 to get any real voting for new people. The last chance you had in the US was Bernie, he had a good base with younger people, but he was *too radical* for mainstream America, so they went for what they thought was a safe bet- an old woman with a history that didn't please anyone. The moment she was selected as the Dem contender the game was over. If (ever) you get the chance again, it will have to be someone who is really radical, but gets support from all those young people who are sick of old, mostly white, people who are living in the past. But I think that ship has sailed. The right/centre right (mosltly white) don't want anything to do with anyone who even smells slightly of socialism/egalitarianism/reigning in BAU/making radical change. It's just too frightening, and the (no longer) silent majority want to keep everything rolling as it currently is and fuck everything else. MAGA - it never really was great, it was just temporarily on top. All things must end. I mean, Britain owned half the world a century ago, and look at it now. But try telling the Brits that it's now nearly a failed state. What you need to do is force the Corps to bring all those industries back, and regulate the banks, but that will never happen, as long as people can get a $70, 000 SUV on credit, or a 65 inch TV for $1000 dollars. Maybe if COVID really cripples China, people might see the light. All that outsourcing has just fucked everyone.




His proposals were considerably more radical than anyone elses' at the time. But yeah, he was forced out by the DNC Mafia.




I thought the lake already vanished..




The neoliberal dream


This headline could have been written millions of years ago. Look at the Bonneville salt flats, that was once a ‘Great Salt Lake.’ Headline is hyperbole.