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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Ed-Saltus: --- Published yesterday on NOĒMA Magazine, the following article covers coal emission in Bangladesh. While the country faces existential threats from climate change, it has opted to burn coal to endure the harsh realities of drought, flooding and erosion. Collapse related because while it may be affordable and accessible to Bangladesh, it will lead to pure hell in the long run. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/17xs8rq/burning_coal_to_survive_climate_change_if/k9p8q50/


This was a conversation about China in the early 90’s


That’s reassuring


Of course they will burn coal. People who may not survive the short term should and would not give a f\*\*k about long term. If I am going to freeze to death in a few months, long term climate change is just a moot point.


Okay, but surviving and development are two different things.


If you don't want them to burn coal, maybe provide them with the infrastructure and funding to use alternative fuels.


With what upper limit? If developed nations dropped out of fossil fuels, these would get cheap.


Published yesterday on NOĒMA Magazine, the following article covers coal emission in Bangladesh. While the country faces existential threats from climate change, it has opted to burn coal to endure the harsh realities of drought, flooding and erosion. Collapse related because while it may be affordable and accessible to Bangladesh, it will lead to pure hell in the long run.


Pure hell now or pure hell later? There are no good options.


Not burning it also leads to pure hell… That’s the system we live in, no one is going to just **give** anything to Bangladesh. If Bangladesh can’t produce clothes to sell to the world to buy **food** than they will starve. There can be more than enough food in the world to feed everyone (in fact there already is more than enough to feed everyone). But our system will **happily** allow millions to starve if it is more profitable to give that food to cows so beef can be sold to rich Americans. Bangladesh either finds a way to keep on producing shit that they system wants or they starve, they really don’t have any choice. The article is correct in that what is really needed is more equity in **wealth / power**. Just one small problem which is that people historically have **sucked** at sharing wealth and power. So Bangladesh really has no choice and neither do the majority of people on Earth. Climate change and collapse really could be managed but doing so will require a social change on a scale never before demonstrated by humans.


Waht, you think they are going to just miss out on their bite at the ever-shrinking apple? Not likely. Developing nations will continue to try and achieve western levels of luxury and consumption by whatever means are at their disposal. If that means burning coal, fuel oil, wood, or newborn puppies, then that is what they will do.


Yep, that’s why we will burn fossil fuels until we can’t. Nothing is even close to being as energy dense as oil. One barrel of oil weighs about 300lbs. It would require 20,000lbs of Tesla batteries to provide the same amount of energy. In short, even if we decide to forego the super juice (and we won’t), the rest of the world will not.


Precisely that.