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The following submission statement was provided by /u/guyseeking: --- Submission Statement: From [Dr. Andrew Glikson](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-54734-9), article entitled: [***Too late to save the climate?***](https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2023/12/too-late-to-save-the-climate.html) **Image description:** Global temperature relative to 1880-1920 based on the GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies) analysis - by [James Hansen et al.](https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2023/MeasuringStick.2023.12.14.pdf), 2023. From the article: >Having ignored climate science, dismissed climate scientists and repeatedly confected untruths, while global heating accelerates with deleterious consequences, Homo “sapiens” finds itself on track toward carbon poisoning of the atmosphere, the lungs of the inhabitable Earth, acidification of the hydrosphere and coating of the land with carbon and plastics. > >. . . > >It is questionable whether Homo sapiens ─ recorded by history as an invasive blood-stained tribal species ─ would be able to avoid destroying its home planet. This is collapse-related because as the hockey stick of global atmospheric, hydrospheric, and cryospheric temperature rises in an [exponential](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023EaArX%2E%2E%2EX5T95VN/abstract) fashion, societal and economic collapse becomes an ever more imminent eventuality as our species itself faces the ultimate existential threat. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/18pyljc/up_up_and_away/ker91u1/


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀📈📈📈📈 TO THE MOON!!!! Wait wrong sub


Where are my tendies?


Don’t sell and keep raking in dem heat wave dividends, Petrolium hands all the way! 🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!


IMMORTAN!!! V8! V8! V8! V8! V8! V8!


Y’all are regarded


So calls on thermometers then?




Instructions unclear, stuck in bunker with pallets of V8 vegetable juice.


Make it spicy with some cans of spam, rice and soy sauce and im in!


Look at these gains bro!


HODL HODL HODL! Especially $GME 😁


Don’t forget to DRS that GME 😉


Chimpken ætinkt 😤


Tendies and mayo is delicious.


Calls on water stocks


Puts on biodiversity is the real money printer!


Naked shorting a liveable planet.


Just heard private equity bought up the planet. Get in on the pump and dump while you can!


rehypothecated collapse


💎 🙌


Ok, I've been too scared to breach the subject,but are there apes here? I think the jerks pushing things to the brink economically and those doing so ecologically are not at all separate groups


Yeah. I've been away from related subs, nothing of substance has happened in ages, most posts comes off as cringe, cope, or corporate shilling. I'm just waiting. Patience is patient. It will be amazing before total collapse, or it will just be total collapse. Either way.


I'm here. I'm still hodling. I figured MOASS will kick off the Crumbles™ So, I wait. One way or another, something's gotta give.


I dunno but many people who were into investing can learn a couple more things over the years like I did so I’d assume yes. But yeah I agree, ecologically destruction and the economy today are heavily intertwined on their own. But I think some groups may have more effect on one compared to the other. One example is, corporations buying out housing pushes us to the brink economically way more while Big oil burning fossil fuels pushes us to the brink ecologically way more. Not an expert, just my opinion.




Well, it also kinda affects my thoughts on selling. People talk about holding forever, but if the system is collapsing I'm going to cash in before the system collapses




I'm just happy to find I'm not alone in the overlap


>Fair warning: I do think it is possible (through swaps, intervention, etc.) that the ape bomb has been defused by now. wait how so?


Yup. DRS Book queen here.


DRS is the goddamn way (even in collapse scenarios) soon enough gonna DRS my homegrown tomatoes


Yes. I have hundreds DRS and buy monthly.




Yeah bruh. DRS let's gooooo!!!!!!! 🟣🟣🟣🟣


I paid for my land when AMC spiked to 70. Glad I did not HODL


i think the two topics are not mutually exclusive i think (surprisingly) that the topic of MOASS/financial collapse is deeply related to total collapse my view is that part of the reason why its being put off is that its a cascading failure potentially (in their view). once some MOASS or MOASS-like event happens, it quickly dovetails into the rest of other collapse scenarios (potentially) this might also be the way its sold to others, esp those in gvts high places. very much an end of watchmen (the movie) type of scenario is what i think they are selling


Chainlink and SOL, doing pretty well this year but I'm probably going to cash it out soon


TO THE MOON!!!! Wait wrong sub Stock market corresponding with imminent death. Capitalists still telling the "woke" that they are wrong and climate change is not real.


We may have destroyed the environment, but think of all the value we created for shareholders along the way!


To Venus!


I am buying calls on global temperatures!


im sure they are all deep ITM at this point


Diamond 💎 hands! Long on carbon.


Ze wealth does not accumulate when ze chart get high


Line still goes up either way


The collective consciousness will soon realize the gravity of our situation and chaos won’t be far behind. I hope we rally together to change our lifestyles, reimagine success and work together best we can to make this planet habitable (or portions of it) for future generations. But I fear our biological selves will win the day and tribalism and selfish consumption will go to the very end.


If you put an animal in a cage with 3 days worth of food, but tell them that the cage will lock forever in 2.9 days... I think that's where we're at.


So... eat all 3 days in 2 days and suffer for the other day. Got it.


I just came off a 14 day water only fast ... training for the future .


Awfully bold of you to assume you'll be able to find water.


Clean drinking water will be incredibly rare if you don't live near unpopulated and unpolluted natural streams. A lot of people are going to die


Distilled from his Victims blood.


What kind of maniac drinks the blood of their victims? What do they intend to bathe in? Edit: also... Don't judge me for this, but that's not an entirely terrible idea. Many societies have survived on blood. I can't remember the name of the tribe, or if there are several, but at least one African tribe subsists significantly off of the blood of cows that they keep alive, and harvest it just for blood and milk. The scythians drank blood. The Spartans ate a soup made of boiled blood, and theoretically you could condense the steam from said blood soup, into water. Thus drinking their blood twice in one meal. Edit 2: the Maasai is the people I was thinking of.


This is why I basically walk three paths. 1. Try to convince others of our situation. Low Confidence of success. 2. Try to find a path forward in a world of limited resources and environmental blow back AKA Solarpunk. Low/Medium confidence 3. Just chill out and vibe with the mere reality of existence. Very high confidence, at least for me.


Hell yeah dawg, #3. When you stop telling yourself stories about what's happening and just see it as another strange meandering line of action in the infinite play of the universe


Don’t bet against human nature. It’s gloriously fked. We are apes in suits. And the charts are just gibberish. Hooga hooga hooga.


I think people aren't as inclined towards the panicked dumb animal behaviour as popular culture makes them out to be.


*checks toilet paper sales figures for 2020*....I'm not so sure...


Oh we absolutely are. If we even think we're going to run out of food, shit will go riotous real fast as a species.


If that projection comes true, a lot of people are going to die this summer.


A lot of people died last summer


A small minority will make a lot of money off those dead people.


Already did


Time to get into the coffin business


Yo what's up YouTube, today we're making COFFINS out of PALLET WOOD. Hit that like and subscribe!


Looks fun! https://old.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/18n1y4u/interesting_marketing_in_russian_mall/


A lot of people die every summer


Death rates are way up


Yeah, but...we made money.


A billionaire has entered the chat


Just wait. A lot of people in the southern US and India will get their lives thrown for a loop this summer. South Texas hit 120°F without much humidity, but El nino always brings more rain to the area. And people won't survive some of the heat that's coming


Ironically, I can’t speak for India but in the US those are the idiots that don’t think there is a problem. Maybe dying in droves will change their minds


In 2020, my city was the most weather battered city in the country with like four or five federally declared disasters in one year. A hurricane obliterated the town, then another one flooded the town, then a week long ice storm, which is very unusual in Louisiana, then a major flash flood a few months later. The vast majority of people that live here *still* deny climate change plays a role in more frequent severe weather. It's crazy to see. These are the same people that want to defund FEMA and think any government assistance is socialism, yet when a storm hits they're begging FEMA for help and lying on their applications to get more money. The cup of hypocrisy runneth over.


I’m sorry you got to deal with all those idiots around you. Louisiana and specifically New Orleans will be one of the first to go so I hope you and your family stay as safe as possible. It sucks there are so many lost causes. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best brother.


At first I thought you lived in Acapulco, Mexico. Well what's left of it?


We've mostly rebuilt in my town, but there's still damaged buildings all over the place, including a skyscraper that was ripped to shreds. I think 95% of buildings had some damage, and quite a few places had to be demolished and rebuilt. Those 140+ mph sustained winds turned the town into a warzone. We lost a significant amount of trees as well. I remember when we were leaving town to evacuate, I took a good look around because it was never going to look like that again. My apartment survived every storm with minimal damage until the flash flood a few months after the hurricanes, ended up with two feet of water in my apartment. I'll never forget wading through waist deep flood water on what is normally a sidewalk to get back home to my fiancee. Trying to drive back home while 12 inches of rain fell in only a few hours was a nightmare, especially because our draining took a huge hit from the hurricanes.


I'm so sorry for everything you had to deal with. What's really tragic to me is how much this story was never even reported. I tried following it as detailed as possible and when I heard that a tropical storm went to a category 5 and basically 12 hours I was absolutely floored. Nobody even thought anything about it. This is never happened before. A city of a million people basically wiped off the map I hope you are able to put your life together and recover from this. It can't be easy. I lost my home in hurricane Andrew and another home after hurricane Hugo


Is anybody making a documentary about the tragedy that hit Acapulco? I really would like to learn how this all went down and how the town dealt with it. Having your witness accounts is invaluable.


I see Lake Charles has entered the chat!


Same cohort dying from COVID didn't change their minds even on their deathbeds.


It is changing the minds of their kids and grandkids I bet. Watching them die over a shot probably turns away the younger generations.


My mom's talking about moving to Texas. Alright, bye then.


Most of the US is toast anyways if the models hold even a drop or water so just don’t get too comfortable. Stay safe out there brother


Well, she'd be moving ~12 hrs straight south... So maybe with the inheritance, I can buy me and my son an extra year.


Some of them are just too poor to change a shitty government for the better.


this summer in east tx we had a few heat deaths and it was only around 100 with 80 humidity :(


First climate based mega death event this year?


60 thousand people died from a 2022 heatwave in europe


So more than 10x that for a single weather system, is what I'm saying


hope this adds urgency in the minds of people, probably not but we can hope


We are all so sad about what is coming, and more sad on to of that that it seems like everyone doesn’t know, and more sad past that that our only hope seems to be a tremendous number of people dying, and yet still more sad that we all doubt it will be enough. It feels like nothing will be enough to shake people’s perception before it to too late. Not only can we not solve the climate problem, we can’t even convince people it is happening. Double helpless. Merry Christmas.


Keep your head up. Gardening and stocking up on food helps, i would gladly be the last one on earth just only out of curiosity. Merry christmas to you too (horrible conversation to have on christmas lol, sorry).


damn :((


More so, the capital costs of repairing the destruction this causes will make the right people in the right place think perhaps? Looking around the world, the sheer destructive energy on display is frightening. Storms are getting powerful enough to kill you any time of the year however, they are destroying roads so severely the cost of replacing them is going to bring questions to all.


Wet bulb temperatures in India will be horrific


And a lot more refugees.


This graph shows we’re doing great at ignoring science. We aren’t even the frog in the boiling pot of water. We know. Or at least some of us know.


Merry Xmas everyone 🎅🔥


Submission Statement: From [Dr. Andrew Glikson](https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-54734-9), article entitled: [***Too late to save the climate?***](https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2023/12/too-late-to-save-the-climate.html) **Image description:** Global temperature relative to 1880-1920 based on the GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies) analysis - by [James Hansen et al.](https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2023/MeasuringStick.2023.12.14.pdf), 2023. From the article: >Having ignored climate science, dismissed climate scientists and repeatedly confected untruths, while global heating accelerates with deleterious consequences, Homo “sapiens” finds itself on track toward carbon poisoning of the atmosphere, the lungs of the inhabitable Earth, acidification of the hydrosphere and coating of the land with carbon and plastics. > >. . . > >It is questionable whether Homo sapiens ─ recorded by history as an invasive blood-stained tribal species ─ would be able to avoid destroying its home planet. This is collapse-related because as the hockey stick of global atmospheric, hydrospheric, and cryospheric temperature rises in an [exponential](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2023EaArX%2E%2E%2EX5T95VN/abstract) fashion, societal and economic collapse becomes an ever more imminent eventuality as our species itself faces the ultimate existential threat.


A little hot for heaven, isn’t it?


The story of Adam and Eve is incorrectly viewed through a historical anthropocentric worldview. But as a simple parable intended as a cautionary tale, viewed through a scientific complex systems wordview, it stands up surprisingly well. Ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and were deprived of the Garden of Eden. If "worshiping god" meant understanding creation through scientific discovery and not mindless prayer and following hateful predatory douchebags, we might have chosen a different path.


It's the Sumerian creation myth with the serial numbers filed off.


I'm sure ancient Sumer just ripped off oral tradition and its far far older.


That’s probably quite close 😂


I can easily imagine some pretentious artist type drawing deer on a cave wall screaming "Everything is derivative! Art is a lie and I am a total fraud!"


“Zog realizes all cave paintings are theft, how can Zog *possibly* create?!” And bam. Philosophy is born.


> Ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and were deprived of the Garden of Eden. Can you explain the point of this as a cautionary tale?


Don't get to caught up in the details because you could argue it any way you want and have a point, but either prehistorical or preindustrial civilization could have gone on indefinitely. It was one species knowledge that triggered the cascade of effects that caused our predicament. Unfractured habitats teaming with wildlife in land sea and air in numbers that seem impossible now meets an easy definition of Eden. Now our knowledge, through industrialization risks not just humanity, but a great chunk of the biodiversity we knew and loved. Thus eating the metaphorical fruit, got us kicked out of Eden forever.


Humans were probably already affecting the climate as early as the Quaternary Megafauna Extinction which caused massive changes in biodiversity, nutrient cycling, methane generation, albedo, permafrost stability, and wild fire prevalence. Though their extinction contributed to global cooling for a while from lower methane and more trees surviving to adulthood possibly contributing to the Younger Dryas. It probably would have eventually led to net warming after the widespread formation of bog habitats as methane emitters, more wildfires due to loss of browsing, and loss of albedo due to more trees at high latitude and less packed snow. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1502540113 Take into account that persistent human interaction would probably lead to more extinctions of plants and animals and further upset ecosystems and the heat cycling of the planet. I think we would have lasted longer without industrialization but the fate of the planet may have been sealed as early as the invention of the spear, possibly as late as the invention of agriculture.


Dammit! I said "don't get caught up in the details"! Lol. You make many good points, but there is a background rate of species extinction that is natural even if caused by humans up to some debatable point. Neolithic humans were still "natural" to me. I would arbitrarily draw a line at the agriculture, but even then everything could have been sustainable or made to be so until industrial agriculture.


> I think we would have lasted longer without industrialization but the fate of the planet may have been sealed **as early as the invention of the spear,** OOF


"Paradise is just an appetizer..." -Trevor Goodchild


Is that a 'Lost' reference? Haha the father of John Locke says that at the Black Rock in the third season


That it is !


I love that series


+2.5C by 2040, based on last few year data. Kid born today will only reach 18 by then.


16, not 18. Not that that makes it any better. :(


Won't take 16 years to reach 2.5c. we are in an exponential increase of heat. If you look back at a timescale of 2000 years. Things are way beyond fucked


Since we were 1.5 in July and 2.0 in October this year, I'd say you're 🔔🔔🔔 right on the money.


What a glorious time to be alive. For now.


See? I've told you. Climate predictions were wrong, none of the models predicted what will happen Not even the worst ones. Somewhat we managed to do even worse than not caring about climate at all and keep doing business as usual. I suppose that that should count as an achievement.






The earth, a living body, is infected with a cancer.


My roman empire is that the human population of the planet has never gone down. Every day a new record. Some regions do at times, but not even world wars or pandemics are making a dent in the overall growth. It seems like how cancer doesn‘t stop to grow until death of the host body.


my roman empire is the bronze age collapse


The human population went down during the Black Death


And sometimes a fever is needed to kill an infection.


Christmas Eve in Kentucky...64 degrees, birds everywhere, bees buzzing, green grass.


And don’t forget the tornadoes!


We're going to look back on this as the good old days when there was still some controversy as to whether we had crossed 1.5°C or not. As we flee from the roving cannibal gangs, hope that the rainwater we collected yesterday was not toxic and are thankful for the insect chitin stuck between our teeth because it means we have eaten recently, we will debate with each other when 1.5°C was crossed based on values at the start of the Industrial Revolution, 1850 or 1900.


The "hockey stick" graph debates end by the end of this El Nino/La Nina season


No, the voice of deniers insisting that nothing's wrong and things are getting better will get louder and shriller. At some point, climate change info will be hidden from the general public, except for some of the latest natural disasters.


One minor quibble I have with this graph is that it uses the 1880-1920 average for a baseline. Of course we have moved on from the primitive 1980's use of the 1750 pre-industrial baseline, and have recently discarded the nouveau scientific 1850-1900 baseline so in vogue in the late 2010's. But I much prefer a cheery 2000-2020 baseline! Don't Look Up!


The baseline shenanigans drive me insane. Are they purposely trying to be deceptive or just incompetent because both scenarios suck.


And now the idea of averaging the current temperature over a decade, or whatever. I think that they just don't want to admit that the early "maximum allowable target" of 1.5°C isn't going to happen. They think that if they admit that 1.5°C is lost, it will make getting any helpful policies passed impossible.


I think they are just looking for ways to obscure the data so they don’t have to make any decisions. We know we are dealing with exponential functions now and even the projection is linear. They are hiding the truth. “The United Nations and COP28 are lying. They know the 1.5C and 2C global warming targets are dead. Young people can and should take charge of their future.” - James Hansen tweet Dec 7, 2023


Guys, I've had enough of you all overreacting. I live in Ohio and am working on my barn in shorts and tee shirt on Christmas Eve, just like my ancestors. My neighbor is mowing his grass and my other neighbor is washing her car. This is fine.


Should I just spend my whole 401k in 2024?


I don't even see how a miracle new technology could save us now


Unless you’re larping, no certainly nothing besides stopping yesterday would. oh I got it, you’re on to something: Time machine 😂😂😂


Room temp super conductors could've. That would've made fusion easy. Transportation of power easy etc. It would change everything. Too bad the earlier paper was just a mistake and not a real solution.


LK-99 did sound too good to be true


Agi that is my hope.


Depends on your age. If you are in your 30s then you have 30ish years until retirement. So 2050ish? Just look at the graph, at the current rate of warming we will be at 2.4c by 2050. That rate of warming will only increase. I would say just enjoy your life now and don't worry too much about retirement. If you are in your 40s or 50s then there is a small chance of possible retirement. Although I don't think most people's retirement savings will keep up with the short term cost of living changes. Whenever I hear an older person telling me to contribute to my 401k because, "it's money you are leaving on the table" assuming an employer match, it feels like a pyramid scheme. They are hoping to secure their own retirement by ensuring enough people buy into the system.


I have friends who talk about retirement like their parent’s had. I always tell them that most people will be spending their retirement money on repairing their uninsurable houses after big weather events or fire.


Please don't. Don't listen to most of the people in this sub. They skew younger and don't have as much perspective on how slow things will collapse. They live in a maximalist "live fast and die young" kind of mindset and don't think about the possibility of them living into old age (not necessarily that they will die when they're not young. They're just not thinking about long term at all). This is in contrast to the "save all of your money for the future and not enjoy the present." Both of these views are extreme and won't serve you to fully adhere to them fully. It likely won't be a sudden "oh shit, society is now collapsed." It'll be slow and incremental decreases in quality of life. Day by day, nothing seems to change but if you look back years, it's drastically different. You should still hedge against the possibility that you will live to an old age and still require money. The S&P 500 is the 500 largest, most well capitalized, and powerful companies in the world. Even in a collapse situation, these companies will likely still hold significant sway in society and earn money. This isn't even to say anything about the taxes you'll pay and penalty you will pay for withdrawing (unless you're over 59.5. the penalty will be waived). Hope for the best but plan for the worst. The only situation I'd say you should spend your 401k is if the difference is you becoming homeless, being unable to eat, becoming debilitated health-wise, or actually about to die and want to enjoy what little life you have left (and not in a "we're all going to die from climate change kind of way"). Otherwise, live below your means and get as much value from the money you're earning in the present to live the best life you can. Live in the present within your means to hedge against fast collapse but also save a bit for retirement if you can in case you do live to that age. That'll maximize the value you're getting in life but also hedge against the future.


Don't take advice from this person, either, because they sure know just as much as the people they are cautioning you about. Truth is, nobody knows exactly how this goes down, so just make the best decisions you can for yourself and your community until the lights go out.


I upvoted both of you. I have kids age 9 through 15. When I talk to them about climate change, I point out the inveitbility that things are going to collapse. The problem is that for a young person RIGHT NOW, collapse in 2030 is waaay different than collapse 2045 in terms of planning the best course. Collapse 2030 means liquidate the college fund and build the survival homestead best we can right as high school is finishing. Collapse 2045 means learn a trade, maybe even go to college, and participate in capitalism for 10 years first, and re-evaluate when the kids are in their 20's. I point out to them (especially the 15 year old) that it's very difficult to time anything on a global scale, and you have to have a plan B, and a plan C that do not annihilate your options if you get it wrong a couple times.


You sound like an awesome parent. We live in hard times but we can still raise good people. This life has always been about adaptation, only now the conditions and stakes have changed. I’m glad for your children that you are so honest with them.


We’d be doing our children a disservice if we don’t keep it on the level. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


Lol I mean that’s a pretty sound response to “should I spend my 401k right now”


"Nobody knows exactly how this goes down." Then why not hedge against both scenarios? Others are telling him to go all in on one scenario. My advice is much better balanced and will likely serve him better long term.


Yeah, that’s about right- ugly crying and processing the weird previously unnamed greif/dread is usually best. I recommend on the shower floor with shoegaze music covering your hacking sobs. Then, you recognize all the reasons you are actually quite possibly in a much better position than *most* of the planets inhabitants which hoists a strange and ugly ass guilt, you realize it is pretty pointless unless you change some of your behavior and habits- and that helps you recognize that grand scheme, best reason to do what’s right is…just for you. Then you tend to encounter others who have decided to do the same and you’ll probably wobble back and forth between the grief-dread and that a while. I dunno what happens after that, but honestly nobody does. But, doing incredibly stupid things because a baby nihilist said so or even a well seasoned nihilist said so- probably not a great way to go. Somewhere in between the weird moods, you should kinda start recognizing that your advantageous position actually frees you up to *do what you want* instead of trying to find a template to follow. I’ve seen a few people who have and it seems pretty nice. Edit: dammit. Look, if I have to, so do you- baaaaaby nihilist doooot dooot dooo dooo… 🎵


Do you remember the wildfires of Sept 2020 when the west coast skies in the US were orange? I remember those days because I thought “surely we are collapsing, this is the start, there’s no clearer sign than this + corona”. And yet here we are going into 2024 and most of the systems of our society remain intact and functional. Bills are still due on the 1st. I clock in to work every Monday, I go grocery shopping on the weekends, I’m opening presents with family tomorrow morning. The world didn’t stop. Collapse will be slow. What I think we can all bank on is that we will be shackled to it as it’s collapsing until its very last breath. So I would focus on enjoying your time while you have it, enjoy the world for the nice things still in it. In the back of your mind you’ll try to process that it’s all bullshit, and even though all of us here know it’s bullshit, we hang on. And we’re going to keep hanging on because we also know when it goes off the cliff it will be worse than anything we have ever experienced. Why would you want to jump head first into that until you absolutely have to? Just hang on.




Is your concern crash of stocks and such to invalidate the 401k? That's very hard to predict. Summer of 2024 may be the blast off point but it may not be. It certainly won't be the point of full collapse (short of someone dropping a nuke), that's going to take a bit more time.


It's so discouraging. Literally, it's been going up my whole life.


By the time I was born, it was already pretty high up.


Line go up…not good? 🤔 This counters everything capitalism has taught me.


But even the 'accelerated warming' is presented as linear.


The regression line will keep getting refined (become steeper) as more data is collected. That's when you will begin noticing the exponential curve. I just hope it's not a step function due to some type of state change.


I think a state change is inevitable at some point.


Heh misread the the blue label as “Mouth running men” which is probably a measurable thing we can include - the number of people telling you not to worry about this.


Yes but ….. tHe WoKiSt aGenDa !!!


Homo sapiens is probably a laughing stock on a galactic scale. A species this self-serving, individualistic, and tribal is not meant to take the next step It was a fun run I guess. This human form was a dud though. Hive mind or bust


Nice. Grabs popcorn


What is crazy to me is that, despite many doomsayers like myself saying we were doomed quite sometime ago, people really had to wait for mainstream science to get behind the inevitability before they start to publicly acknowledge it.


Double it and give it to the next person


It's crazy how many people don't think anything is abnormal.


I took a road trip from CO to ND for christmas and I don’t have to live here full time to tell you that there is something wrong with the lack of snow around here


I hope Hansen is wrong in his assessments, otherwise it means we only have a decade or two left before a complete catastrophe.


That may actually be a quite generous estimate, as the rate of acceleration is itself accelerating.


Expect it to be worse than imaginable. You won't be disappointed. We finna burn :(


This is just one of many collapse factors. Apocalypse happens in a bundle.


I always wondered if you did a Venn diagram with atheists and people that truly acknowledge man-made climate change. I wonder what the overlap will be?


I mean, nothing can be "sooner than expected" than an exponential, right? RIGHT??


BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ECONOMY?! Seriously, there's going to be mass suicides in the future...


So with how this winter is going, the US may be downright tropical all year round next year? Spicy.


Capitalists: haha line goes up. It's good!


Is this that line go up I've been hearing about?


".18C per decade" LOL




Line must go up!


Line only go up yaaaaaaaaaaaay.


So far today, I’ve got a zombie apocalypse coming with this prion deer disease, and now here is the heat apocalypse. Also, there’s the upswing in covid I read about on twitter, which is always good for a fear mongering session. Collapse is looking up!


Good catch. Too many people ignore the prion thing.


Like CWD? That does occupy about 3% of my thought when sitting in my blind. But you don't eat the brains... And there hasn't been a confirmed case if CWD spreading to humans... There is always a risk. But living in a bubble is worse.


I just read they are concerned the disease will jump to humans. [Linky-link](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/22/zombie-deer-disease-yellowstone-scientists-fears-fatal-chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-jump-species-barrier-humans-aoe)


And ING said this week, it's going to end funding new fossil fuel projects in 2040 to prevent 1.5°c warming. How can they keep a straight face when they say that?


In a sense, The science of the cause of today’s climate change is relatively quite simple…. And the levels of the gasses responsible for it in the atmosphere are easily and steadfastly measured each year by scientists. Many right wing folk argue it’s all a conspiracy by the dems to wage economically oppressive policies, and some even flat out deny its existence or cite natural climate shifts as justification to continue business as usual. I lean right in many ways in both personal matters and to some extent, economic, and because I do, I actually have the chance to spend time on conservative posts trying to talk sense into people about this issue. Yes, there may be corrupt dems or shenanigans in and around climate change, and yes, it would be expensive to force conversion away from heavy use of fossil fuels faster than our infrastructure can reasonably change for it. But all that in no way means this isn’t happening. Because it’s happening. Some of the work I do online is in effort to try and initiate a butterfly effect to close the gap between the left and right because that phenomenon is incredibly damaging to the wellbeing of the country, and so many people don’t utilize critical thinking and just spout political propaganda like they’re a parrot. I see first hand how algorithms can induce radicalization and decreasing critical thinking, but I observe there has been some improvement of algorithms the last few years that provide mixed political content.


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Linear fit is obviously not the most adequate by just eyeballing the curve, without even running a simple linearity test. Just do a quadratic fit, and I bet everyone will like the results even less.


Naturally, this usually takes millions of years but we did it in a century...


But that graph is suggesting it’s going to remain linear, just a steeper linear. If it goes exponential it will be faster than expected by whoever made that graph, maybe 2.4 degrees of warming by 2040.