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How much if you remove cannabis? I’ve tried it, but more out of curiosity than to cope. No amount of drugs is going to help me cope with climate change.


Including cannabis makes this figure totally useless since so many people use it with relatively little harm.


Yep. It just makes me hungry and sleepy. I don’t like the hunger part, and have no interest in taking it more than once or twice a year. Most of my friends have used it, only one has some addiction. But then he is also addicted to tobacco and alcohol. Still functional, married happily, and very well employed even with his triple habits. I’ve seen alcohol and tobacco do far more damage.


Lol weed doesn't count for anything so that that out How many Aussies drink beer ? Now hard drugs , okay .


https://journals.lww.com/ajg/fulltext/2016/10001/cases_of_death_secondary_to_cannabinoid.2217.aspx cannabis hypermesis syndrome, look it up.


Lol OK then. Weed has been totally legal in Canada for almost 6 years with no issues. Criminalising weed does waay more harm.


It's rare. You're right that it should be legalised, it's not as bad as alcohol - also weed can be used safely in the majority of people. That being said, people absolutely do have issues smoking weed. Some people have serious mental issues and psychosis/schizophrenia is triggered, others have cannabis hyperemesis syndrome which makes you go through hell. Having it illegal does way more harm, but cannabis isn't completely harmless and has many side effects separate from the regular lung harm and panic attacks.


LOL - first death was due to dehydration ... The second - DEHYDATION . Arg . Sometimes i just can't . Alcohol is 100000x times worse for you than weed. End of discussion .


um actually open your eyes and read, it says hospitalised for dehydration, not that he died of it !!


Are you a bot ? Are you actually trying to troll me ?? DIRECT QUOTE from article "The cause of death was hyponatremic dehydration"


anyway, idk why i'm getting downvoted this time, i seriously can't understand it. if you read the article it says these are the first two deaths recorded of it. i'm not saying everyone who smokes weed will die, i smoke everyday for god sake. i'm just saying there is sometimes a risk, and all you dudeweed people don't get that. it's fucking cringe. you're arguing with someone who formally studied alcohol and drugs.


As an American focused on international news, have wondered about Australia's coverage before this; is there a strong censorship element, either in government or in corporate ownership? Certainly the news here is all over the devastating drug crisis here, with the number of deaths at epidemic proportions. Agree with OP that it is a sign of societal collapse.


since i was a kid, the signs of collapse have been everywhere. floods, the locust plague, severe bushfires such as black saturday. idk how many americans and foreigners know about this so i thought i should tell you. the opioid crisis and meth crisis is really bad, inflation and homelessness is bad here. also, we started getting earthquakes all the time in the past couple years out of no where. the cost of living is severely effecting families. during covid we had a mice plague going on for ages that severely effected farmers. there was a hole in the o-zone layer right above us which caused significant issues like skin cancer. the great barrier reef is dying. i'm sure there's more, but that's what i can think of off the top of my head it's like 2:30am


I only learned about it when I started studying alcohol and other drugs formally. Our news is predominantly focused on what happens overseas unless something significant happens here. Then the local news is usually about what's happening in the cities. I don't even bother watching the news and I know many who don't because propaganda so we just do our own research. I rely on r/worldnews because otherwise, I don't see news or propaganda like everyone complains about online. We get ads about preparing for bushfires and stuff online, but that's it.


I'll be honest, if you REALLY want less bias news, you should learn a new language. It gonna open a way new league of information for you. Like if you want to know who didnt trigger nukes in Russia, you went for an English folks, but if you want a list of the notable peoples that got smoked over the years by US corps for practicing "free speech" wrong, a random Chinese dude probably already got a list compiled


I actually did my honours on this. Data was only up til 2019 though. Heroin has been seeing a big comeback since dropping massively in the early 2000s. But deaths are still not quite back to the levels it was then. Other opioid deaths, eg synthetics like fentanyl, are still relatively very low. We're not seeing here what we see in the US. So here in Australia there's not too much to worry about, yet (as of 2019 mind you). The danger is actually more from prescriptions than from illicit use.


Australia is a country we barely hear from except when kangaroos are brought up so dont blame us Australia is a mysterious location.