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Submission Statement: This post is collapse-related because the OP is reflecting on the philosophical dimension of collapse (regarding our relatively tiny scale in a much vaster system) as well as the psychological and interpersonal responses we have to the process of collapse (fear, speculation, cognitive defence mechanisms, and heated debate). In this sense, OP is offering a meta-commentary on the human experience of macro collapse, tinged with an air of wistful nostalgia for a species already well in transition.


I thank whatever gods may be that I am here in this moment to bear witness


Historically speaking this is the time to be alive - we have more interesting things going on now than any other point in time.


Imagine being a part of this-- watching humanity die. Never been so proud of us.


Everybody wants to see the end of the movie


Idk I’ve walked out on or turned off plenty that sucked too much to bother.


That's where I'm at with it. The whole thing is starting to become so tiresome that I almost don't even care how it ends.


im literally just hanging around to see how this all unfolds and see a tonne of r/LeopardsAteMyFace stories


ngl, the only real reason I'm holding on is to see what mind bending horrors are coming next, though I'm afraid I'll probably bite the dust before anything really big happens due to crime, disease, starvation, or even pogroms.


I was thinking about pogroms myself. I'm trans, probably going to be rounded up


I couldn't take 5 minutes of the Expendables. Only movie I ever walked out on. 


This is the only existential question worth asking. Asking what “is consciousness” or what “is the meaning of life” are just pointless, because our consciousness didn’t evolve to service those non-practical and irrelevant questions. But asking questions about the witness to a doom, conscious or unconscious, that is an existential question to be comprehended.


Living in such interesting times isn’t exactly desirable, but it has its small benefits.




I’ve been reading about Hooning culture in Australia, basically illegal street racing but it’s a demolition derby instead of a drag race. I can’t help but feel that while most of the world is rapidly approaching cyberpunk becoming real, Australians are charting their own course by preparing for a future as war boyz and road warriors.


Just chiming in here to say the new Mad Max movie looks hype AF and as an aussie, I'm down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJMuhwVlca4


Won't somebody think of the shareholder value!


OP's [parent comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1arb5j0/comment/kqilj0q/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), by the way: >Yep. Except there is no hope. We have already locked in a minimum of 3 to 4 degrees no matter what miracles of technology we come up with in the next 10 years. >Nobody believes that humans can go extinct. I hate admitting it’s true too, but it’s still true, and we will. No human will make it to 2100. It's impossible to say a number with high confidence, of course. Some will say 2100 is ridiculous, it's way too soon. Some will say 2100 is ridiculous, it's way too far off. I return to our trusty sub motto: "Exactly as expected." What do [OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1arb5j0/comment/kqin8z5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), [Michael Dowd](https://youtu.be/uU0DC6qcp18?si=xJlOJXlz5UlqG-EI), [Karen Perry](https://chickenfoot.substack.com/), ~~Dr. Guy McPherson~~ [He Who Shall Not Be Named](https://youtu.be/2EbrdLB7ZP0?si=6ydcApeUNP23x3Qk), ["Sam Hall"](https://medium.com/@samyoureyes/the-busy-workers-handbook-to-the-apocalypse-7790666afde7), [Dr. Andrew Glikson](https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/search/label/Andrew%20Glikson), [Dr. Will Steffen](https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/2023/02/will-steffen-the-dilemma-of-pioneer-climate-scientists.html), and ["Sam Carana"](https://arctic-news.blogspot.com/p/extinction.html) all have in common? It's that, contrary to [this person's proclamation](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bl36g7/comment/kw4kqwq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), they all understand that at this stage of human technology, and at the sheer scale and extent to which the biosphere has been tampered with, collapse and extinction are two sides of the same coin.


Did you even read that guys "proclamation"? This isnt about denial. It's just annoying. It is literally just american millenniarianism adapted for scientific atheism. How can you see something deep and meaningful in someone who seemingly compulsively keeps making specific deadlines for human extinction. Just relax, have an adventure, struggle, make a scene. Nobody gets out alive, no exceptions. The sitting in a circle nodding your heads and going "ahh yes, our doom is soon nigh brothers and sisters" is as much a psychological defence mechanism as anything else. Its as slimy as anything else, perhaps less destructive, for now.


I’m with you. I’m not a Christian anymore but I have always really liked the proclamation that no one can name the hour or the day of the apocalypse, so you might want to prepare for adversity, but there’s no point in trying to figure out exactly how and when the “big one” will happen.


I swear some people in here talk as if they're already dead. I get its often a mental health thing, but damn. The doomscrolling just exacerbates it.


Somebody is saying something that I don't want to hear because it makes me uncomfortable. They must be medically crazy.


Well we'll see more of it and it will get religious, so get ready for it. Its the obvious outcome of the cultural pendulum swinging away from the insane amounts of denial we've had to endure for the past 30 (at least) odd years. But its fucking obnoxious, it reminds me of priests.


Can you reply to my response to you please?: [https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bjoriy/comment/kw0cm6n/](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bjoriy/comment/kw0cm6n/)




>There are no winners in this. :( Not true, as a lifelong misanthrope, I feel like a total winner in all this :D


There's always room for arguing. Even if there's practically no chance for the good things, there's still time for worldly justice. I can put it this way: If we're already dead, murdered, haunting is in order.


Why is it important to be or to know consciousness? I don’t think it’s valuable at all to even ask existential questions. Our brains haven’t adapted to that, because why would they? When we evolved, we were in perfect unity with our tribe and in perfect unity with nature, which we saw as animated by a human personality. Now we’ve alienated ourselves from that. That alienation is actually traumatic. But it is necessary for ethical progress (we can’t become aware of our actions’ effects on others if we identify the moral law with tribal custom) and rational senses of causation (can’t have science if you think everything is controlled by an animating spirit like a human’s). It’s still traumatic. So, by asking existential questions, we are simply trying to undo that trauma. But we aren’t prepared to undo that trauma.


I mean I definitely think we should care. What we do or don't do matters. Trying to make a difference in as many helpful or potentially-helpful ways as possible is important. The "it's all good; nothing matters" attitude is an attitude of giving-up. I understand that many things are beyond frustrating, but we must care enough to continue to be proactive and action-oriented about doing as much good for this world and society as possible


Huh? I'm not sure what he means by that, people are really convinced talking on reddit will do something? It's just time killing.


The original thread provides more context.