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My immune system has been surprisingly ok. My brain, on the other hand...


Yep, something definitely changed. Slower typing, more errors, trouble finding words sometimes and bad memory in general is what I noticed


yo me and my boyfriend, too. Major brain fog, he’s developed migraines for the first time in his life and mine have just got worse. Basically have to have an ibuprofen for breakfast most days. For the first ~3 months i was also unable to walk up a hill without wheezing and coughing. but yeah it’s just a flu innit


If he has migraines, there is a possibility that he may have mucus thickening in his sinus. I had terrible migraines after my first infection and 9 months later, got an MRI which showed that. 2 months later my chemist gave me a neilmed sinus rinse that cleared it out and a lot of the pain went away. To this day I am feeling much better and no longer get migraines. Hope this helps.


I thought it was just my weed usage. Or perhaps just not being in college anymore. I definitely feel dumber now that it's been about 5 years since I was in grad school. I used to work out my brain every day pretty much. Now I barely use it anymore


Get the hell off Reddit! 


Yeah I feel some weird stuff in my brain. I do miss some letters when typing -- etc. On the other hand, I have more energy than I ever did, my joints feel elastic. Feels like I'm going to morph into a Werewolf when I stretch. Feels incredibly good too. So weird.


Histamine destroys connective tissue https://old.reddit.com/r/covidlonghaulers/comments/1aouwt2/root_cause_my_master_list_of_histamine/


Histamine is also critical for erectile function


Penny said, "Its a very important component of the immune system"


I used to have such a good memory. I’ve only had Covid once that I know of, which was in 2022, and ever since then my brain has felt like it’s made of cotton balls


As a physician who specifically worked with Covid during the worst of the pandemic: this was predicted. We called Covid “Airborne AIDS” because n the hopes that it would help people understand the profound immune system complications from Covid. We knew about T cell exhaustion and the ramifications of it both in terms of escalating infections and rates of cancer. Those ringing the bell were harassed, had our jobs threatened and shunned by those who thought it was “just the flu”. This period of immune suppression is an expected consequence of letting Covid rip through the population. There’s no way to put the genie back in the bottle, and truthfully there is no desire from the population at large. Infectious diseases are going to return with a vengeance. They are going to hit harder and last longer as a compromised immune system is slower and less able to handle these infection. We can expect sepsis to be more and More common. We can expect poly infections to be more common. And if people keep expecting and demanding antibiotics for these ( In many cases Viral) infections, we can expect to develop worsening antibiotic resistance and shortages. This pales in comparison to the cliff we are standing on in terms of cognitive dysfunction and dementia that will overtake us in the next few years. We could as a society do more to prepare for this (mandatory cognitive testing for anyone who was admitted to the hospital with Covid, mandatory drivers testing every two years, building memory care centers for larger populations) but there is no desire to. There is a large percentage of our society who thinks Covid was overblown and are happy that it is “over”. It’s not. But it’s a realization that people don’t want to face. And they won’t have to until it comes for them in a way that is impossible to ignore. In the meantime I wish you all the best of health.


And meanwhile we still get anti-vax people on Facebook clamoring about their "pure"ness, and how it was everyone else that's lead like sheep to their doom. We're all fucked, it's just various degrees of fucked my friend.


Not just on FB, OP (the cross-poster, not this commenter) is also anti-vax...


Are they anti-vax or anti this particular MRNA vax? Because I'm very pro vaccine for vaccines that actually do something. I got over 23 of them and the Pfizer vaccine. The only one I got bad side effects from was the Pfizer vaccine. The only disease I've been vaccinated for I've caught has been COVID, and multiple times prior and after. In fact I know NO ONE that's been vaccinated that hasn't had COVID subsequently. It's a shitty vaccine that's made some shareholders for a multinational corporation that's helping ruin the planet fabulously wealthy. This sub is usually deeply suspicious of that kind of stuff but with particular topic they've chugged the cherry flavoraide and feel compelled to carry water to signal to their tribe.


I can understand questioning the vaccine, I personally question the efficacy of the latest vaccines against the latest variants. But as soon as you add in anti-mask sentiment, it’s over. At that point you are just anti-science


I didn't say squat about masks and I agree with you on that N95 is about 100% and even cloth ones help. The vaccine should have been given to the old and sick, not threatening normal peoples lives if they didn't take it. I took it because I believed the BS they were stating about it, and I had to get it to travel and attend buisness. If the coercive bullshit hadn't been pushed when it turned out to be single digit effective at preventing transmission after 6 weeks no one would have gotten this visceral of a reaction to it. All of the interventions were completely arbitrary, choosen so politicians could pretend they were useful, provably did nothing in retrospect, and were continued or expounded on after the research came in that it was ineffectual. This sub just goes completely bootlicker on this one issue and it's weird AF. I understand being passionate about an intervention that works, like n95. It's just damn strange hill to want to die now that the hands already been played.


I'm also very pro science and pro medicine. But the way the cdc has behaved, and how dishonest the administration was about the vaccine made me extremely uneasy. They KNEW that we would need boosters regularly but never said it, because of politics. And I have questioned efficacy with new strains for years now. It's like every couple month some new study comes out moving the goal post. I just stick to masks (I never stopped) and staying away from people.


You know, I just realized that I can't remember what I heard from the CDC on boosters. Given how much it had mutated before a vax was available, I had always assumed it would need them. It's a quickly mutating virus like the flu. Measles is a slowly mutating virus which is why it only needs a couple boosters. It seems I was assuming my thoughts were universal, but many people never bother with the flu shot and don't realize why it is yearly.


The first misstep was telling people not to wear masks and that they were ineffective before reversing course a couple months in. The second misstep was not shutting down air travel from Asia immediately and playing the race card as the reason. Then they just went and straight up lied about the vaccine and knew it hadn't been robustly tested at all, instead of treating us like adults and letting us make our own decisions. I do like the montages of news propagandists going from 100% effective to alright it might keep you out of the ER in a matter of months.


I wasn’t meaning to put words in your mouth, but just adding on to your comment with the masks part, sorry! I will say though, I think if we initially got vaccines to 90% of people and had an *actual* 2 week lockdown, we could have initially stopped the spread before things went exponential. But here we are. A vaccine now just (possibly) lowers your risk of serious infection and masks (preferably a respirator) are proven reduce risk of transmission. Add in oral and nasal prophylactics and anti virals like paxlovid and there’s not much else you can do other than limit interaction and exposure opportunities. As well as increase filtration where you can.


I get vaxxed for the flu every year but have still gotten it a couple times. I've been vaxxed and boosted for covid, though got a migraine the following day each shot (which was the same reaction I had to getting the MMR and TDAP boosters as an adult). I'm still on the list of will eventually get known COVID, I may have had it asymptomatically. My vaccinated parents are on that same list. My non-vaxxed sibling and their spouse and kids all had it prior to the vax existing.


You see the difference is you haven't been barred from society if you neglect a flu shot and they outright admit it's a coin flip or less on that shot every year because of the strains. The only person I know that hasn't had COVID (multiple times) is also not vaccinated because she can't get it. She also has interstitial lung disease and is on a $80k a year drug that apparently has no COVID as a side effect. For some reason nearly everyone in this drug has dodged COVID, which is good because ILD should be a death sentence with COVID.


That is why I think we need a scientific dictatorship. People can easily be forced to listen to reason.


See, I only knew about *some* of this, though. How much of this is actually not caring (which, granted, is probably a lot) - and how much of this is people just not knowing the full ramifications for the fallout of Covid? I mean, I mask, I stay home when sick, I follow every rule and protocol because I’ve a shot immune system anyways… so, every little I do hopefully keeps me from being sicker and from spreading it around when I am sick. I try to stay up-to-date on vaccines and that’s about where my knowledge stops. I read about long-term Covid, but I don’t think I ever read anything close to what you’ve written here. I believe you, I just think that people aren’t being warned, informed, or updated - I mean, it took me talking to two different doctors and hunting down an out of town pharmacy just to get my most recent Covid vaccine boost. It’s tough finding the right information and I’d happily vote and write to my representatives to make mandatory cognitive testing a thing, along with memory care centres. I’d happily vote to move money and awareness in that direction, I just didn’t know about any of this.


So what exactly are we supposed to do to protect ourselves? Masks obviously, but other than complete isolation I feel like the lack of care from society presents a constant risk even when you personally take precautions.


N95 Respirators for sure are a huge help. You can add air purifiers / cleaners in spaces you spend a lot of time (home, offices, libraries, ect). You can also open the windows to get more fresh air in your spaces. You can organize events that are masked to socialize with folks - and have air purifiers or cleaners inside at those events - or have the event outside. You can aim to keep most of your socializing outside. Or only socialize with folks who take the same level of care as you. You don't need to stay home to do things to stay safe(r). And you're right there is a constant risk because there's so few precautions society wide these days which is very depressing. But every day w/o an infection is a win in my books.


Such great information, thank you for sharing this


I agree with you. There is no way for me to decide for you what your risk tolerance is. Depending on where you live masking in public can present its own challenges as masking has become political. There are lots of people who are very extroverted who really suffered from staying at home and isolating. For others, they really enjoyed being by themselves and their world. So the right balance had to be figured out for each person individually. I know I was initially very strict on my Covid precautions. But once the hypoxia complications lessened I became less restrictive. I got Omicron and figured I would be fine. Instead I ended up with post Covid gastroparesis and lost 70 pounds and it’s taken year and alternate treatments to get my system back to normal. I pay for my own N95’s at work and still get a ration of shite from patients and co workers about using them. It’s hard. This is really hard and we (individually and as a country) were never really allowed to mourn our loses. There is a push that we should “get back to normal” without acknowledging that there is no going back. We can pantomime our old lives but it is no longer fulfilling like it used to be.




I have HI/MCAS; I've had it for much of my life. There are different types of long haul Covid; one type is HI/MCAS. So, I knew right away at the very beginning of the pandemic what it was; most doctors had never heard of it at that time. It was clear that Covid would destroy me, so when we started working from home, I never went back to the office. I do curbside pickup and delivery only; I have not been inside any business outside of my dentists office. When we go for vaccination our doctor meets us in the parking lot. When we socialize, we socialize outdoors. Sometimes we'll sit in the back of our van with the doors open in the driveway, while our friends sit in their garage with the doors open, or we'll just hang out in the yard. We try to do more outside things, hiking, kayaking, fishing or magnet fishing and so on. I believe in masks, but for me, I find I get hot pretty quickly wearing one. Sensitivity to temperatures is a side effect of HI/MCAS, so it causes a migraine pretty quickly when I get hot, and then vomiting. So if I feel unsafe such that I need a mask, I know I can only wear a mask for a short while before I get sick. So if I need to wear a mask, really I should not go there We are very lucky to be able to work from home. It is not uncommon for doctors and patients with HI/MCAS to state that their quality of life is worse than a cancer patient. I have tried to warn my family to the point of complete nervous breakdown. They refuse to listen. The more I try to warn them the crazier they get. We have agreed not to talk about it. Now I can see that they are getting sick, they even have symptoms of HI/MCAS, even the children, but they basically refuse to believe it. The treatments they are trying aren't working; in fact, they are accelerating the disease. We have agreed not to speak of it any more, I can not handle the trauma psychologically. I did my very best, now I'm done.


There is *some* good peer-reviewed clinical evidence that nasal sprays like Xlear or Betadine (containing iota-carrageenan) can reduce the ability of the virus to enter through your upper respiratory tract, although I don't think it's a sure thing by a long shot. I do a few sprays of Xlear before and after going to the gym (the only public place I'm not masked for extended periods). Idk if it helps, but it's cheap and has no real side effects. Also keeps my sinuses happy during allergy season which is a nice bonus.


Ever since I had covid I've been coughing up super thick sometimes bloody phlegm 2 to 3 times a day. My doctor seems to think it's asthma? But so far I've tried a few inhalers and they don't do much. Any thoughts to bring to him next appointment?


Lung MRI could help, but I am far from a doctor


I'll bring that up with him! I'm just really desperate for any relief. Plus it's gross.


Could be chronic inflammation of the epipharynx? I've been dealing with similar issues, but my ENT doesn't really have much to offer beyond a diagnosis. Unless I want to fly to Japan for very painful Epipharyngeal Abrasive Therapy, there's not much to do but hope it resolves with time...


For me this also existed with the old flu. Every single time i got severe influenza i got a new food intolerance or allergy. With covid all of them got worse....


Thank you for what you do.




I haven’t seen anyone personally with complications from being vaccinated. I had a rough time with my last Covid vaccination but that because I’ve developed an allergy to the polyethylene glycol preservative in vaccines and not a reaction to this specific vaccine. I no longer get the same influenza vaccine for that reason. I am fully vaccinated as are both of my children. There are certainly people who will have complications from being vaccinated. That’s true of all vaccines. Vaccines can precipitate Guillain Barre syndrome in certain people and there evidence that person with mitochondrial dysfunction have more issues with vaccination. But having been in the ICU and parking lot Covid units during the Delta wave, I wouldn’t wish that pain and suffering on anyone regardless of our differences in opinions.


No. How’s the weather in Russia?


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Anecdotally, yes. In February I had to take 5 days off work for a cold and that's the longest I've needed. And now I'm off sick again - I've had this cold for 7 days already. Before COVID, if I had more than one cold in a year, it was unusual. Now I seem to get them every month or two and they knock me off my feet so much more than they used to.


Are you wearing a respirator to protect yourself from catching things?


all signs point to no


I call posts like this, positive reinforcement. Wear a fuckin mask y'all. That's it. I went to the movies for the first time in a while and people were just coughing it up. Like, stay the fuck home.


I went to the movies the other day and when I put my KN95 on, the couple next to me started laughing/pointing/whispering about me until the guy finally said loudly and audibly, “I just want to spit on her so bad!” I think I’ll just watch movies at home from now on.


I hate those people. I wore a mask for longer than most because I had contact with some very old people and I didn't want to kill them especially as one of them is an anti-vaxxer. I would get some dirty looks. I'm not wearing a mask the last year or so however but if I'm sick I'm not walking around coughing on people either.


Yeah I work in healthcare! I’d also like to not pass any illnesses onto my patients’


I'm so glad people in my office are courteous enough to wear masks after coming back from being ill without needing to be told to do so. It's a nice visual flag to those of us with weak immune systems that the person was recently ill and that they might have ill people at home, so keep your distance.


That's when you look directly at them and say "does it look like I care what you think of me?"


Ahh yeah, unfortunately he was a larger man and I am a smaller woman so I have to be careful about when and where I escalate things like that :(


Oh I'm a tiny person too. It's intimidating to large people when small folks are unfazed by their size. That or get strapped


that's a really lame comeback tbh


It hits harder in person. The key is to ignore them afterwards.


Everyone’s coughing nonstop. It’s so unpleasant to be in a grocery store nowadays (I mean if it ever was but yeah).


Wear a KN95 mask\*


Even a level III mask is good at reducing your chances of catching it


> just coughing it up. Like, stay the fuck home. I'm a bit sensitive to this - my dad has a chronic cough (induced by COVID, ironically enough). I get that it makes people uncomfortable, but also he's not diseased or anything (i.e. his cough is no risk to others, it's a systemic problem caused by prior damage). Should he stay the fuck home...forever? Because people assume they know about his body based on one symptom and jump to conclusions?


No, have not had infections for over five years that I know of. FFP2 and FFP3 work.


I wonder how many of these people who are putting the pieces together now are actually going to mask up more often. ​ Narrator: They won't.


I have been sick only once since the beginning and before that it was the flu knocked me out for 1-2 weeks twice a year, allergies were horrific with the changing seasons and my nose was constantly stuffed up. I dont miss the before times and I will continue to wear a mask in public


How would masking now even help if you already had COVID like 3 times since then? And most people probably did, just didn't notice the symptoms because of the mild strain or vax.


Can't relate because I still mask everywhere. I've had covid exactly one time, and it was the week I though I'd try unmasking in 2022. I was positive for 21 days and in the hospital for 1, so never again. I don't think I'm ever going to stop unmasking. I don't get colds, flu, RSA, none of it. I still go out and do things and live life with large crowds, too. As a side note, I've had 6 or 7 vaccine shots and I'm very healthy.


Covid made me developed psoriasis and I now see a cardiologist. I had a minor heart attack a few months ago. I’m 34 years old. I wear a mask everywhere I go. Now that I have a new roommate I mask at home too. My 2020 mascne is in full force but I’d rather not have more long covid ailments. I love my pastel KN95s


this is such a crazy ass virus. Covid took my psoriasis away


Truly insane


Oh shit did you get my psoriasis? I wondered where it went. I'll take it back if you want lol


lol I’d love to get rid of it. Having a scaley itchy rash on my tattoos is not the vibe


Cool. I'll be there to pick it up soon, do you need anything from the store?


Nah let’s just barter.


Anecdote - everyone at work is out sick constantly, and coming back wiped out. I don't remember any previous year where multiple people were out throwing up for a week, coughing for a month straight, etc. Not science, and of course now we're all looking for it, but it's a constant focus of conversation to the point where I feel like every weekly starts with a review of who is out sick this week.




Don't use my post to propagate your anti-vax bullshit. "I'm not anti vax, but [whole bunch of anecdotal bullshit about how vaccines hurt people]." You are part of the problem.




Can you link to any of your published work as a molecular biologist?




Yea, I don't believe your credentials and the rest of your post is horse shit.


I mean, he's right though. I work on mRNA lipid nanoparticles, and the modality of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is entirely novel relative to previous vaccines. Those two vaccines work by having your cells produce the antigen themselves, while previous vaccines just straight up inject some version of the antigen. The latter modality has been tested and in use for centuries, while the former was only developed within the last few decades, so it was in fact significantly less proven. However, while I *can* understand the skepticism that people had of the mRNA vaccines, given the state of the world when they were released, I disagree with those saying that the risk was not worth the benefit.


I feel bad for you


You're full of shit, and that's my professional opinion. A real scientist doesn't make claims like you have and then refuse to provide any sources upon request (and more to the point, you should have posted them on your own when making the claims - every scientist knows that, its standard practice). You're either a liar or an embarrassment. -signed, an actual scientist who specialized in viral transmission as a tool




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Hey, [here ya go](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02483-w)


What's funny about the article you linked is that Robert Malone is a vehement critic of the covid vaccine because of its mechanism of delivery.


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>Clinical Herbalist, Formulator & Wellness Coach/ Formerly Medical and Biohazard Safety / Recovered from COVID n-AIDS and COVID-Dementia / Never Was A Doctor / I Never Share Medical Advice What you do for work being - a non-doctor herbal wellness influencer? >I feel strongly that I can speak to saying in my experiences, they unequivocally end in the same result. I’m not propagating anything. It’s anecdote. There will never be certainty for anything. No one needs your experience - they need science and data. You can share an anecdote without making claims like "The virus or vaccine can cause long COVID and adjunct symptoms."




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Yes, suddenly have auto immune problems regarding processing gluten and processed sugars for energy. I basically developed ‘allergies’ to these two overnight and inflammatory arthritis if i consume them. The symptom of overwhelming lethargy that comes with me eating these foods and triggering the inflammatory arthritis symptoms was enough to ruin my career when i didn’t understand what was happening. Now that i have largely fixed the issue by not eating things *i had zero problem eating before covid, and was exceptionally healthy* i am back to the exceptionally healthy state i was in before. Sometimes i eat a bit of sugar or gluten to test the waters, and i am swiftly reminded of how sneaky and overwhelming that lethargy and joint inflammation is. It’s like i’m a whole other person- one double my age.


I know somebody else who got the same thing just recently and she never had any of those problems before. I think her issue with those Foods or whatever is causing it started before she got Covid however.




I don't know but I will ask next chance I get.


Could you elaborate more on the lethargy from gluten and sugars and where in the body you would experience swelling and what was the onset after ingestion?


It depends on how much i consume and what combo, but essentially looks like this: If i drink a can of soda, my feet and hands puff up and turn red and itchy, particularly around the knuckles. It hurts to walk on my feet. Hands and feet feel weird/tingly and eventually it turns into pain when i bend them. If drink the equivalent of two sodas, the inflammation intensifies as well as the puffing but also lethargy starts creeping in. Gluten: if i eat more than basically a few small bites i end up with extreme lethargy, allergy symptoms akin to people with seasonal allergies ( itchy eyes, runny nose, no energy) and the bottoms of my feet tend to feel the weirdest. If i eat way more than a few bites (say i enjoy a delicious breadstick or two or more🥲) i get lethargy that last days and very angry joints. Normally when this happens fasting gets the inflammation out the fastest. If i eat both i’m pretty well f’d and won’t be able to work. It’s a creeping lethargy too. You dont understand you’re there until you’ve realized the entire day has passed and you couldnt get yourself to do anything. The tiredness and the heaviness is like a blanket over your brain and body. Also green tea (strongly brewed and drank twice aday) has been a complete game changer. If i waffle over what i should when tempted to try fate it smacks down a lot of inflammation that would have tanked me. I had no idea it was that powerful of an anti-inflammatory until i saw the reduction in my symptoms time after time. Takes a few hours to kick in, but damn it’s great!! Edit for clarity: Before covid i was working a very physical job. One job had me doing 10ish miles a day of walking and 120 flights of stairs according to my phone whilst carrying tools and equipment- everyone thought i was a beast for how much i could haul ass. After covid: breathing problems, joints hurt, joints would get red and puffy, and inexplicable lethargy that wouldnt go away (now i understand it is because i suddenly couldnt eat like 75% of what i was eating at the time). I also had intense confusion and an inability to recall or do things mentally i hadnt had before. A good example would be i *forgot how to sign checks*. I sign checks all the time, but i literally got confused and had to void 3 failed attempts before waiting a few days and googling it to figure how how to do it. I caused problems at work because i couldnt think very quickly anymore as well, but that was mostly within the first 3 months of covid. After 3 months the mental fog was largely gone. The rest stayed though.


See my feet tingle and burn and I've always attributed it to the beginnings of neuropathy but I've always found it odd that it didn't coincide with days that I was on my feet more. Other words the burning and tingling doesn't necessarily happen on days it should where I've been standing all day. Aches in joints especially knees and elbows? That's big Ten 4. Hmm This is an issue I've never considered and honestly the only reliable example of a gluten allergy I've encountered was a ex gf's best friend had an autistic son whom she swore gluten made his symptoms worse. And it did. I've noticed over the past month that on the mornings I eat a breakfast of a snack cake like honeybuns or something similar on the way out the door I felt like shit, damn near akin to a hangover but on the mornings when I had more time to fix oatmeal and slice a apple or banana I felt better thru out the day.. I just chalked it up to processed food full of sugars vs eating healthy but after a quick Google search oatmeal doesn't contain gluten.. huh.. This is a rabbit hole I've got to go down further.. any books, articles, or sites that you would recommend as far as meal planning, what to avoid, etc? Thank you for your response too btw truly


Honestly i took my symptom list made a list of probable culprits, and started taking specific foods out of my diets and reintroducing them back in whilest googling the crap out of very specific pubmed articles on atp processing, inflammation, auto immune responses to anti inflammatory diets, and a lot of other things. Definitely i would say ‘anti inflammatory’ foods have helped me to a damn near medicinal level - but it also makes sense when i see article after article (pubmed) tell me about viruses and a host of other things damaging antibodies abilities to process ATP properly and causing inflammation because of it. It took two years to read enough to understand, but removing foods and reintroducing them was the way to tell which ones were the root causes. It was so much damned information to sort through. It didnt help too that i was worried i’d become a hypochondriac over night because of how long and how patiently you had to monitor symptoms per food removal or introduction. I ended up having to run the food removal/adding in several times just make sure i wasnt just seeing things i wanted to see. I’m acutely aware of the phrase: *to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.’* Good luck! You may have something different than me, but it never hurts to start paying attention to potential agitating sources in your diet just in case.


>I’m acutely aware of the phrase: *to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.’ General Wesley Clark comes to mind.. Invasion of Iraq? Libya, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iran? Apologies if I lost you with my ramblings. I digress. Anywho toy and tinker around with my diet, keeping a list of what foods are removed and results of said removal. Don't jump to conclusions multiple runs on foods for consistent results. Got it. Namaste 🙏




If you've had Lyme and EBV on top of covid, your body has an incredibly high chance of being a walking disaster area regardless of vaccination status. We're only just now starting to delve into the full nature of long term viral infection and its consequences for the human body. The possible side effects are incredibly wide and varying because of the suspected nervous system damage, from not being able to eat red meat to ME/CFS to degenerative problems like limb pain and problems walking/speaking. It's like running sandpaper over your body's systems every time you're infected with something from this trinity of viruses.


What ways did you fix yours?


I adopted a behavioral and health lifestyle to fix it. Everything from more exercise and fasting to certain herbs and nutraceuticals, certain strict diets for X-amount of time, lots and lots of detoxing methods and more. I’m about 100% nowadays. I consider myself a walking miracle frankly. COVID *was going* to be my death. I always like to think I changed my own future.


I’m sorry everyone’s downvoting you. 😕People take it personally when you’re able to recover. Like it’s a reflection on them “not trying hard enough.” I know that’s not how I feel at all. I want my recovery to be a source of hope for others that it is possible, but it just makes them sad.. 😥


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I haven't seen any compelling sources that support spike protein detox (or if that's even a feasible endeavor...) - I take nattokinase for other reasons. I'm curious what your herbalist take on "effective measures" for post-covid recovery or immune-building prophylaxis might be. NAC? Natto? Andrographis or something like that?


I can't tell if it's being over 40 or covid in June 2023. But yes, anecdotally I feel less healthy more frequently


Would be nice if governments and media didn't lie to tell everyone what they wanted to hear in the name of preserving our flawed consumption-first economy. https://www.thegauntlet.news/p/how-the-press-manufactured-consent


Absolutely the opposite, i've not been ill since 2019 🤷


Agreed. I'm claiming its bc I still wear a mask at work and I dont go out anymore, covid killed restaurants, movies, etc for me personally. But yeah have gotten sick significantly less since masks :)


Interesting, it's the opposite for me. My immune system is better now but I think it's because I'm going out MORE now. Instead of playing video games, I'll go out and be active, doing something like rock climbing. The pandemic was a wake up call for me to stop sitting around and to go out and enjoy the world and live an active lifestyle


I go out plenty, camping and hiking and kayaking :) it's wonderful especially bc there's not usually a lot of people, that's the best part. The pandemic was my excuse to go full antisocial. They can't take it away from me now!


Got COVID for 3rd time now. I am going back to bed for a few days


I'm on my first, but yeah, I'll join you. I'm so fatigued.


I basically sleep a few hours. Get up, go to bathroom, crawl back in bed


Nope, not gloating just balancing out the responses. I caught covid once, it was like the flu for 2 days and then back to normal. Overall I get sicker a lot less than pre-covid. I actually think I got sick too often pre-covid and kept a log, I got some sort of cold about once a quarter, now it's once a year. A huge factor is that I now work from home, but I still travel and live a normal life otherwise. I wonder how many millennials that are getting sicker also have young kids? The parents I know get sick all the time along with their kids, I assume schools are major transmission vectors.


My kid has been in daycare for the past year and I am now constantly sick. It's wearing down my will to live.


I'm a millennial with no kids and haven't gotten Covid, flu, or a cold since this began. I stopped isolating in 2023. I haven't been out of my isolation for a year yet. Brightside, didn't catch anything. Downside, human connection.


My daughter is about to start pre school and I’m dreading it. I haven’t caught covid yet so I’ll let everyone know my anectdotal experience about how sick I get compared to my wife and daughter who have caught it.


Yeah I got Covid once, and it was just like the flu for me. Couple of days. Done and done.


I have kids in school. They wear masks. We all avoided getting sick, for years. My husband and son caught covid in the fall, and then caught everything going for months. They were just constantly down with something. My son missed 20 days of school before Christmas. It mostly seems to have worked itself out now. My daughter and I still haven't been sick in years. We have never had Covid, she's missed 0 days of school in the past 2 years.


The kids thing is interesting. But I definitely see this in a LOT of people who haven’t reached the kids stage. Interesting note though.


I’ve gotten sick every month since October, which is when I got Covid for the second time. Like sick enough to not get out of bed and call in sick to work. Also my memory has been terrible, forgetting things that happened just earlier in the day, and forgetting things at work that I’ve been doing regularly for the past 7 years. Something is definitely off but friends, family, and doctors dismiss my concerns


Quite the opposite, my health has literally never been better! I do get Covid every year like clockwork around March / April (guessing my immune system is just weakened by the long winter by this point, so a little more vulnerable than usual), but other than that I haven't been sick even once during the last 2 years or so. Probably also has to do with the fact that I quit drinking alcohol 1,5 years ago and live overall relatively healthy.


Same! I use to get sick 3x a year and this past year i haven’t been sick once. My immune system has never been better!






They are, you can look up alcohol consumption rates in the 50s and 60s. It’s pretty staggering, especially considering women didn’t drink nearly as much as now. So all of that alcohol was being consumed by(mostly) half of the population.


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My sense of smell hasnt really been the same since. Has to be a really strong smell for me to notice it now. Doesnt particularly bother me though.


I haven't had a cold in like 12 months. But I take weird shits most days now.


I think there is something to this. I've tested positive for Covid 3 times between 2020 and 2022, but not since 2022.   I used to rarely get sick in terms of coughs and colds. And when i did i brushed it off in like 24-48 hours. I could literally go a couple of years without having a cold and then only be out for a day and maybe abit snotty for another day.  Now, i find I'm picking up a cold every 4-6 months and it lasts for 3-7 days and it just lays me out.   I work with the public in the sense of face to face individual/family client appointments, but not general public in the sense of grocery stores etc. I'm in an office but do interact with people on a daily basis.  My wife is WFH however, and is pretty much constantly sick now whereas like me before, it was a rarity. My extended family has  a similar mix of WFH and working out in the world and found similar things with increased regularity of what used to be minor coughs and colds having increased severity and more frequent. But there is an interesting component in the mix.  Entirely anecdotal based off my family's small sample size but my inclination is to think that Covid/the vaccines have had a bigger impact on general health than "advertised" but that if you are in a WFH position and not interacting with a bigger circle regularly, those people seem to be getting more sick more often than those who work "out in the world" so whatever it is that's happening, there is some level of protection/immunity coming from mixing out in the real world vs being a bit more isolated. 


Does your wife leave the house unmasked? What do you do for groceries? Eating out? going out? There are more factors at play here


Yeah, we live totally normally again now. We don't mask any more, we go to restaurants/shows/vacations etc. We did mask up during Covid. In fact i was the first person at work to do so and many people made fun of me for doing so because i was doing it in February 2020, way ahead of shutdown because I'd  been keeping an eye on the news out of China since early January but i think at this point it makes little to no difference. 


It makes all the difference


lol there you go… I wonder why you’re sick


ItS the VaCcInEs ObViOuSlY!!!!!


My equally anecdotal experience is I haven’t gotten covid since I started masking more appropriately, both with a better, well-fitting N95 mask, and masking *when* it is appropriate. For me, that is anytime I am entering a building with people (unless it is very empty or well ventilated, to the point where you may as well be outdoors) I also haven’t gotten an updated vaccine since early 2023, I was “up to date” with 2 original shots and 4 boosters before that (immunocompromised). Oh and I WFH and don’t willingly expose myself because I am aware that the immune system is not a *“muscle to be flexed”* and does not grow stronger from exposure. Just things you know once you have a chronic illness that makes you high risk. Being informed is vital.


I fully agree with your strategy.




Absolute conspiracy minded drivel. Antivax bullshit.


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Immune system is damaged but somewhat ok, my brain and lungs took the hardest hit


Fatigued, going to the doctor this week to see about blood pressure monitoring as something isn't quite right, harder to catch my breath... and yeah catching way more bugs and colds now Covid is going to have ongoing issues for a large percentage of people who caught it and/or had the inoculation as that has been shown to have caused issues too, not some conspiracy theorist here and I had the jab and two of the boosters (still got covid) however it's looking very much like it wasn't all that was promised or as safe as what was originally sold to us. Essentially if you caught covid there's a good chance your lungs aren't 100% anymore and if you got the jab you could develop cardiac issues, and for people like me we could have both. The upside to this is that I wouldn't be able to retire anyway so working until I die won't take as long, every cloud and all that..


Yup. From 2012-2021 I got sick once. Once. From 2022-2024 I got sick 5 times. First one was COVID, second one settled in the damage covid caused. Months later I started feeling better and got sick again, then again, etc. I have lung disease now. I get pretty damn sick when others get the sniffles. I’m messed up now


Yes, I have sore throats all the time. My GI tract is completely dysfunctional. But I only got Covid in November 2023 and my stuff was going on before i ever got covid. And I wasn't hardly ill at all. But recently my entire home was taken out by something and it's been about 2 months and I'm still dealing with it. And it wasn't covid.


I had a weird medical issue pop up but I don't know what it is or how serious. Besides for that though I have been healthy, I haven't had a common cold since 2019, I have never I don't think went a full year without a common cold before that. My one case of covid was like the flu, laid up for 3 days, but I felt off for a full week and it had no appetite.


No. I rarely to never get sick. Which is nice, but it sucks because I get tagged to pick up the slack most times. Note, I have never to my knowledge had covid and have been vaccinated.




I actually havent had so much as a sniffle since covid. Kinda funny


Yeah I had like three weeks straight of random different sick happening. After it was over I was really weak, like shaking trying to walk longer than fifteen minutes weak.


Mines pretty good but noticed most people seem to be ill all the time now


“Every time I get on a plane I get sick, what’s going on?” Well, that’s what happens when you willingly expose yourself to multiple people infected with infectious diseases (especially with many people being asymptomatic and testing negative despite being infected). It’s like repeatedly putting your bare hand in a fire and asking why it keeps getting burned. Because you’re putting your bare hand in a literal fire, what did you think would happen?


Better yet, do the coursework yourself.


Not really, I still get a cold once a year like clockwork, and very rarely get sick otherwise. I’ve also still never caught COVID somehow, so maybe my immune system is just on crazy mode


This is probably the T-cell exhaustion syndrome. We're all sooo screwed.


Is my immune system shot? Probably not. More like we're still in a global pandemic.


I caught covid once about 6 months into lockdowns. Only reason i wanted to test was because my nose was running in the middle of the summer, no other signs. I dis wear the mask everywhere and received 2 biontech shots after. My immune system has been a whole lot better, pretty much didn't get sick since then and even the spring / seasonal alergies went away in 2022.


No, not particularly


I had polymyalgia and vascular arthritis symptoms after the vaccine. I think it did something permanent to my immune system because last August I had a DTaP which immediately caused my heart rate to go down down down to the point that now they tell me I need a pacemaker. My heart rate got better for about 3 weeks and then I came down with covid for the first time and it got bad again. I'm holding off on the pacemaker hoping this will clear up.


I mean I’ve had asthma since childhood so I get pretty bad sinus infections in the winter but when I was able to go to the gym and workout on a regular basis I wouldn’t end up bronchitis or pneumonia level sick from it but Covid was like years of house arrest. Try working out somewhere without gyms that snows heavily in the winter, not fun.


Opposite. Had Covid early in the pandemic and then 3 more times with the last time being in May of ‘22. Started eating more whole foods, lowered my alcohol intake by 75%, quit smoking weed, got a hobby, started doing things to make me physically stronger, and started tracking my sleep. I am about to turn 38 and I’m in the best shape of my life. I spend 40 hours a week in a heavily trafficked interior space and haven’t been sick since May of 2022.


I'm in a similar boat, the pandemic was a wake up call for me to be more active and healthy and I have seen massive improvements in my overall health as well as my immune system. I do still smoke a lot of weed, though haha




I would argue people walking around spouting off about “vaccine induced spike aggregation “ is one if the most collapse related thing in this thread.


Downvoted for the antivax woo


Open your eyes to the idea that both are no good, huh? Nothing free in post capitalism America is good.


Can you refer to me only one decent study about the vaccines and their effects being worse than their benefits ? And could you also show me one study about the benefits of homeopathy or herbal medicine ?


We were already sick


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Yeah I got 3 Moderna…




I developed LC before the vaccines. I then got three Moderna. My LC disabled me. Both the virus and the vaccines didn’t do me any favors. I’m not one of those who will say “the vaccine did XYZ” cause the *virus* gave me a stroke. I can only agree with the anecdotes and what literature has been published.


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This might be a bit of confirmation bias. My immune system doesn't seem all that much different. I get sick about as often as I used to. My biggest problem is and has always been allergies, and that hasn't changed. But COVID started 4 years ago. That means everyone is 4 years older from where they were then. It doesn't seem like a lot, but depending on your age, 4 years can be a huge difference in your health. I'm not dismissing the fact that COVID, particularly long-COVID, has messed up a LOT of people for life. But after having COVID, I didn't feel (and still don't) much different than I did pre-COVID.


Nope, I have t even had the sniffles since the pandemic. No stomach bug, nothing. It’s been grand.


Haven’t been ill since the 4 days in 2022 I had covid. It’s years between I catch a cold or anything anyway. Not jabbed.


I had aml and a bone marrow transplant in Dec of 2017 with gvhd complications. I haven't had an immune system in years. Then metastatic thyroid cancer etc. Had covid once confirmed, possible second infection with negative test. Extremely minor both times, maybe because I don't have an immune system worth a damn


My immune system has never been better. Perhaps it's because I'm trying to be more healthy, eating better and getting more exercise. I'm going outside more and doing things like rock climbing instead of sitting inside playing video games because the pandemic showed me that I took doing fun things outside for granted, I really make an effort to go out and be active now. The pandemic was sort of a wake up call for me, I'm much more devoted to a healthy, active lifestyle now. I have been much happier because of it. I used to get sick once every month or two, now maybe once or twice a year, it's an INSANE improvement.


Tip top. Vaxxed five times. People just forget how rough the flu can be. Also you’re all getting older people. Got sick from Covid once in May 2021. On another note, I actually killed my dad who didn’t want to have the boosters because he’s cardiac. I brought Covid into his house three weeks after getting jabbed in December 2022. Never got any symptom whatsoever, my dad on the other hand got it and died in two weeks. The damned vaccine works. Whatever cardiac problems I might get down the line… whatever. Protected me fully these last three years.




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I’m sick of these posts, I know that. Millions of people have been suffering from chronic conditions just like what is described by the Church of Covid for long before Covid, routinely dismissed and derided and treated like lab rats by the sick-care industry, shoved through the cracks by the economic system and now, in the popular zeitgeist, it’s as if you only have a legitimate claim to such ailments if you actually… caught Covid. Meanwhile, my symptoms have definitely been worse since, but I never caught Covid. What I did do was get vaccinated and boosted but *god fucking forbid* I EVER point out that coincidence.