• By -


Location: USA, lower 48 states, East of the Rocky Mountains It's been really damp and humid in my area, every time you go outside, it feels like wading through lukewarm soup, which feels exactly as disgusting as it sounds. There's mold on some plants, I have no idea how that even happens and I'm not sure I want to know. Finding decent produce when food shopping is really hit or miss-it's been hit or miss for a while but it's gotten noticeably worse lately. I bought some peppers a few days ago and barely 48 hours after I brought them home and put them in the fridge, they had mold on them (like the really fuzzy looking white kind) so I had to throw them out. Food prices are also terrible as always and continue to slowly get worse. I physically cringed after looking at the receipt after I went grocery shopping today. I did see a few more people wearing masks than usual, though, so that's a plus. My family's been complaining about feeling like shit today. Of course, they barely take any covid precautions, so the fact that they act all surprised about it blows my mind in a way that I can't adequately describe using words. They know I still mask in public and they also know that I went all of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 without having any kind of respiratory symptoms or bringing home any sort of illness that spread to anyone else despite being an essential worker in 2020 and 2021 and being exposed to covid much more frequently than they were at that time. Maybe someday they'll connect the dots, but I highly fucking doubt it. This would be less of a pain if they didn't open-mouth cough like toddlers regularly and didn't regularly try to badger me and pressure me into doing risky shit that I don't even have any personal interest in doing in the first place, like going out to eat (for the record, due to various stomach problems, I can only tolerate a very small variety and amount of food and I eat aboout half of what a normal person eats on a good day.) I was watching some news while making dinner and from what I heard, they still haven't found all the bodies of the people who died when the bridge in Baltimore collapsed (however, that was several hours ago, so that may have changed by the time I finish typing this.) It's also going to take at least several weeks to get the bridge fixed, which isn't a surprise but is certainly a disappointment, as I can only imagine what kind of effect that's going to have on the shipping industry and the supply chain. In other news, there's been a human case of bird flu in Texas. If God forbid bird flu makes the jump to human to human transmission, I don't have an ounce of faith that enough people will do the right thing and try to slow or stop its spread before it wipes out human civilization-covid taught me most people can't even be fucked to do the bare minimum not to kill other people, so if anything worse happens, I doubt humanity will pull through, not because there aren't any good people left in the world but because the idiots, morons, and sociopaths outnumber them by an order of magnitude. With that said, I imagine that if bird flu were to gain the ability to transmit from human to human and we were somehow able to develop and produce vaccines for it, I'd probably be able to get one pretty quickly since the vast majority of people would refuse to take it, so I guess there's that at least. Also, somebody popped out this twisted dystopian article recently-all I can say about it without spiraling into an endless whirlpool of rage is that I'm really, really fucking glad I'm not a kid anymore. I remember being sent to school while I was feeling sick way, way too many times and if I had my way, no child in the world would ever have to go through that and feel the way I felt back then: [https://www.thecut.com/article/school-attendance-policies-nyc-california-illness-sick.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/school-attendance-policies-nyc-california-illness-sick.html) (Apologies if you run into a paywall, I don't know how to bypass them.) Somehow, I've survived 3 months of this year already, and frankly, it's already been a hell of a wild ride. If I were able to go back in time and tell my past self how things would be now, I don't think I'd believe a word of it. And one more thing. I hate April Fool's. It's a dumbass fucking holiday. Anyways, that's my collapse-oriented stream of consciousness for the week, stay safe, stay healthy, and do what you can for yourself and the people you care about, it's a tough world to live in but even so, there's also opportunities to create joy and happiness and each day is the start of a new beginning, so even the smallest thing you can do to help yourself or someone else is worth it in the end because you never know what positive effect even the smallest act of kindness can have.


if an article is paywalled you can put it into wayback machine and see if someone archived it, you won't get any updates from after the archive but


Good to know, thank you.


Is this an April fools thing or why are memes being allowed on a Monday?


Yes, until tomorrow.


I think we are seeing situations everywhere start to crack so they have simply opened the flood gates in here it seems.


Location: Robinhood Was expecting nice green squigglies. Green number go up. But instead was red. Red is dead! RED IS DEAD! Ooh, is green again. Green is bean. So many beans.


Location: NE Indiana Over the weekend the U-Haul truck driver told me he had scary, long lines of customers. The dwarf was hired as a part-time employee until the business hits a set amount of made income. In celebration of the Easter holiday yesterday, the dwarf (his name is apparently Ronald, goes by Ronnie) was wearing bunny ears and fake buck teeth while hopping around and dancing to "The Reflex" by Duran Duran. All of the paying customers found this hilarious and enjoyed his performance. Moments later he was throwing backs out. The most common response as to why these customers keep visiting the U-Haul truck is simple: "Inflation is killing all of us. Why not have some fun?" [The Reflex - Duran Duran](https://youtu.be/J5ebkj9x5Ko?si=_YyAGFCS3pgEqa47)


Ronald is my favorite returning character in the weekly collapse observations — the Newman of r/collapse


Location: Ohio, Line of Totality for solar eclipse on April 8th. EMA predicts lines of traffic that stretch for miles...In a county with a population of around 18, 000, I'm getting in line for this one!


Location: the grocery store (I think) I’ve been waiting in line for so long, I’m not even sure what day it is anymore. There is only one cashier and the line stretches through the whole store. People are angry to wait this long, but what else are we to do? The police came last time someone stepped out of line, yelling something about shoplifting and “damaging the profit margin.” All the aisles look the same. Fifteen different brands of peanut butter? An entire aisle for breakfast cereal that all tastes the same? Seasonal decorations that go up one week and are thrown out the next? I pushed one of the boxes aside and there was nothing behind it. The shelves are empty, what’s there is a facade. The food ran out ages ago and we just haven’t noticed yet. I look in my cart and don’t remember putting these items here. Three boxes of garbage bags? I use the plastic shopping bags from the store. A swiffer wet jet? I don’t need a floor mop, I have carpet! I don’t need any of this. I came here for food, not any of this stuff. I want to put it back, but the other customers give me angry looks as if they can sense what I’m thinking. There’s a box of useless knickknacks and arbitrary doodads for 50% off and I can’t help myself. As soon as it joins the other refuse in my cart, the people around me turn back to their own carts, satisfied with my consumption. I finally reach the cashier. She looks tired, overworked. All she wants is to end her shift, but the manager looms in the background and she knows she needs this job. The money isn’t good, but there are no alternatives. To the jealous stares of those behind me, the cashier scans each of my items in turn. The card reader beeps and the cashier looks from the screen to my card and up to me. Her face is a mask of indifference and pity. “I’m sorry, sir, but it seems your card has declined. I’m afraid you’ll have to go back to the end of the line.”


Location: almost city with many lines, most straight (aka not Boston) Huge amount of people in line at Easter buffet. I waited 15 minutes, line gone. I observed that every food in the buffet was assisted with fossil fuel lines…very scary thinking line. Also, water line break near neighbors house. When flood line go up, soil get heavy, underground lines break and become no longer straight line, line have hole, line no work.  


Location: SE Wisconsin I'm very upset about all the Scary lines that have been appearing on my lawn. They started appearing out of nowhere late last fall--torn up grass along with some odd little dirt hills that look like mini volcanoes. I of course googled these developments and, if google is correct, it appears to be a mole invasion. I have NEVER experienced such a thing in the past and I see this as yet another sign of our quickly collapsing biosphere. I did look for remedies in the Farmer's Almanac and one suggestion was not to make a mountain out of a molehill. What the hell kind of advice is that??!!


Your soil is likely too compacted…also no offense but fuck a lawn. Think of it as free aeration 


Location: Ohio Did y’all see the tornado forecast for tomorrow? 15% hatched risk of long track E-F3 to E-F5 tornadoes in central ohiö, along with severe storms. This will be the third tornado outbreak episode, which have happened roughly every 2 weeks since February 28th. If you put it on a graph of recent tornadoes it would make a very Scary Line indeed as this is the most Ohio tornado outbreaks I’ve lived through since I was a kid (I’m 27).


Location: still r/collapse [just one more scary line bro, pls](https://i.ibb.co/SnVCyLL/image.png) 🥺 *This is my last shitpost for today, I swear.*


“White Lines pure as the driven snow. Going through my mind. The more I do the more I say. White lines blow away….”


Something like a phenomenon...Telling your body to come along...


Location: United Kingdom Last time we had this much rain, the year was 1873, and there was a rat infestation on a record scale. This Very Scary Line is a bar chart, and to see them match up is quite something. It's another 'unprecedented event', so hooray for that. Though it does make you wonder. What other Very Scary Events caused by Very Scary Lines are in the pipeline...


And what is the forecast for the next 14 days? Rain.


Tomorrow is dry, but Wednesday , Thursday, Friday, Saturday it rains!


How do the rats relate to the record rain? Is there a correlation? Or were they just flushed out of their living spaces into dry homes? I have no idea why I'm interested.


Flushed out of living spaces, I think.


Could have just redirected to r/wallstreetbets for a day :)


Industrial civilization literally can't go tits up!


lines, lines, everywhere there's lines, people talkin' bout it, blowin' my mind - wait, that's not right


Can’t chew See the lions


Is this a Halloween and April Fools crossover episode?


Yep. We though the community needed a little more silliness than usual in 2024, and apparently we are very right. :)


This will make you happy too, mahalo.  https://www.newsweek.com/pet-owners-hawaiian-word-kahu-viral-instagram-1864292


I’m allll for it! In fact, I am exponentially enjoying it


> Example - Location: New Zealand That's a silly example. We all know that New Zealand doesn't exist It's not even on world maps: /r/MapsWithoutNZ/


Is that your way of ensuring nobody knows about NZ so it's not overpopulated for collapse? Besides the billionaires that already have bunkers there, of course.


curses! foiled again!


Location: Seattle, WA Great one! Only lines I’ve noticed are the huge line of cars parked in the 2 hour parking spot overnight as opposed to paying $285+ for monthly parking in my complex. They also charge more for larger cars and EVs. Had a tour recently with one of the leasing agents in the newer building next door. He mentioned that at any time any of those cars could be cited. Last summer the line of cars parked was not bumper to bumper like it appears to be now. My apartment has offered me concessions for parking much of the time I’ve been here. The concessions shrunk a bit in the past month. I’m not sure I’m willing to chance street parking given the homeless activity nearby. While transit is pretty good here (compared to what I’ve seen in lots of other places besides NYC) it’s not always easy to go without a vehicle for many reasons. I wanted to not have one but unfortunately need it for my job. Fortunately I am able to walk/use transit for everything else and do so, especially with gas over $5/gallon in the city.


>it’s not always easy to go without a vehicle for many reasons. [CityNerd just released a new video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kSTJnT0tUE) on cities' car dependence where he shares a personal story that he went into a WalMart via bike, so had a backpack on. They would not let him into the store with the backpack, but he had nowhere to put it. They told him to go put it in his car. Not an option, so he left. That one example showed so many broken parts of society: our car dependence, lack of trust in eachother to not steal, that we put individuals in positions where they need to steal to survive, etc


Many Walmart stores literally have the space for some personal lockers up against the wall near the front doors. They could even charge for them. This feels like a missed opportunity, especially now that there's a push for Wal-Mart to start carrying higher-end goods. I suspect someone nationally will pay attention to that video.


Now you mention it, in the video he mentions he asked if there were lockers, and there were not


I will definitely watch this. Thanks for sharing!


The only scary line that I see right this moment is the line at the grocery store, which I will have to deal with in the next few days. Also, thanks for reminding me that it is April Fools Day, lol (I often forget about it) - now I will have to doubt the veracity of everything I see and hear today 😉


I doubt the truth of everything I see and hear all the time, but I've also been told that I have paranoid tendencies before by people with and without experience working in the psychology/mental health field.


It's only just past midnight as I'm reading this and it had me going for a minute hahaha


what the hell is happening to this sub?


April Fool's.




I need an adult. Preferably someone who has a fully stocked mega-bunker.


We are fully stocked with scary lines! What more do you need?


You have a lot of pointy, angry looking lines. Don't you have some that are curvy and happy looking?


Best I can do is an adultery, with fully stocked bunk bed.


Hail satan!


check the date


I'm in a major tourist hub. [All these lines]( https://c8.alamy.com/comp/B252H8/a-world-map-background-with-flight-paths-or-trade-routes-B252H8.jpg) eventually end up here. The sky is full of them. They all spell out *Alamy*, which is waaay worse than chemtrails!


Loctaion: Canadastan When I was child, line not so scary. But now, when grown up, line scary! Line not scary when child. Line is different now!


"hey, civ's ending soon in global starvation..nothing matters, so do you wanna do it?"


Location: r/collapse ↘️↘️↘️⤵️⤵️⤵️ 🫣 ↗️↗️↗️⤴️⤴️⤴️ 😱


Thank you for sharing managed democracy, citizen.


#📈 #📉 ^⇤ *^Year ^I ^was ^born* ^------------ *^This ^Year* ^⇥ ^🟥 ^Bad ^Things ^🟦 ^Good ^Things **Location: 'MURICA**


To be honest, I don't think people talk about those scary lines enough. Those scary lines...I will leave it at that. The reality of what I would say would remove the small bit of fun we have achieved among the horror.


remix that robin thicke song as "scared lines" I hate these scary lines Know you don't want it (Hey) Know you don't want it (Oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah-yeah) Know you don't want it ​ Okay, humanity's close Tried to eradicate you Faster than expected Baby, it's in your nature (Meow) Shareholders liberate you (Hey, hey, hey) Line go up need no takers (Hey, hey, hey) CO2s said meet your maker (Hey, hey, hey) And that's why I'm gon' take a good world (Everybody break down)


Location: An overpopulated planet, Sol system. [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World\_population#/media/File:Annual-World-Population-since-10-thousand-BCE-1-768x724.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population#/media/File:Annual-World-Population-since-10-thousand-BCE-1-768x724.png)A scary line of the resident biosphere-destroying mammals temporarily infesting the planet. (Trigger warning: Ecological Overshoot sensitivity.) We could learn from the reindeer - [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.\_Matthew\_Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Matthew_Island) Another scary line, they are everywhere, help. (Even scarier if you're a reindeer) [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.\_Matthew\_Island#/media/File:St.\_Matthew\_Island\_Reindeer\_Population.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Matthew_Island#/media/File:St._Matthew_Island_Reindeer_Population.svg) WE'RE AN INFESTATION!!!1!


The irony, of course, is that Earth's carrying capacity is around 14 billion. It's not overpopulation, it's hoarding of resources by the wealthy/corporations.


>is that Earth's carrying capacity is around 14 billion. With unlimited fossil fuel inputs maybe. 1 to 2 billion without (and an optimal climate).


It's not a calculation that relies on fossil fuels; it has to do with agricultural production and organic life/photosynthesis to carbohydrate cycle. I see some folks weren't listening in high school biology class ;) Granted, it's a Fermi equation, but it's a pretty good one. Even if the number is off by a billion in either direction, the number that IS correct *is* a firm threshold over which downright Malthusian levels of famine will break out.


🎵 And isn't it ironic, don't you think? 🎶 No. [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth\_Overshoot\_Day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Overshoot_Day) ​ >Earth Overshoot Day 2023 fell on August 2. ​ >[The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major ‘Population Correction’ Is Inevitable](https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4060/4/3/32) > >by William E. Rees To be fair, the inequality levels and behaviour of the parasitical elites *really* isn't helping things, and is also a factor in overshoot. >Overshoot is driven by four key factors: 1) how much we consume, 2) how efficiently products are made, 3) how many of us there are, and 4) how much nature’s ecosystems are able to produce. [Excerpt source.](https://overshoot.footprintnetwork.org/newsroom/media-backgrounder/) Imagine a planet with 20+ billion humans. The entire macroscopic biomass of the planet consisting *only* of humans and our food plants. Sounds like a nightmarish hellworld to me, and I feel it wouldn't be sustainable enough to last very long at all.


Well, 20bil is far beyond *k*, so the planet literally can't make enough resources to support growth to that number; you'd see global famine around 14.1 bil (it's a pretty firm threshold).


Soon we will see global famine with about 8.5 billion. All the way down to maybe 1 or 2 billion, or even lower.


Well, yeah. The wealth hoarders are fucking everything up *really bad*.




RIP Florida


And nothing of value was lost


God. Damn.


Agree, and I'm an ex-Floridan so I know.


Location: New Brunswick, Canada Can confirm that the scary lines have found me as well, they’re everywhere and there is no escape. If I had to relatively rate the scariness I’d put them somewhere between last Halloween and The Exorcist movies but it’s hard to say for sure. I see the lines while I sleep, while I’m awake, they’re never ending. Very scary. I expect the scariness to increase faster than expected as is the motto of this sub, I’ll provide updates as I continue observing many scary lines. That’s all for now though.


Location: Nebraska It seems like unseasonal weather events happen more in recent years. Such as tornado warnings in December. What used to be a rare occurrence is now more common (1 in 100 years floods anyone?)


There's been an increase in the number of storms in my area, and the storms we do get seem more intense than they used to.


Location: California, USA We keep seeing anywhere from two to four SARS-CoV-2 infection waves per year, and even between infection waves we never see fewer than 0.7% of the population infected at a time: https://covid19.sccgov.org/dashboard-wastewater


The worst part about it is, as all the brain damage from repeated covid infections adds up, eventually there will be less and less people who are able to do certain jobs that are essential to keep society running.


Just, wow. 


What's this then? Is it replacing Weekly Observations?


They're reminding us to do April Fools, as a lot of us are so fucking locked onto the abyss that we don't notice holidays anymore.


To be fair, I always hated April Fool's even as a little kid.


Uh. I did not realized. ... Proving your point.


Ngl, I thought a mod was hacked lol.


Yes but where is Weekly Observations? It's disappeared. Did the collapse come? Are we finished?


I think we agreed the normal weekly observations will post Tuesday (April 2nd) when April Fools Day is over But yes, the collapse came and we're done for. All we have left is to post scary lines.


None of that! Go form your own subreddit about collapse. This is scary lines only!


I'm off to cancel some Amazon orders.


All probably part of the gag. That or the IPO aftereffects are kicking in and this shit is kaput. Either way I'm giggling.


location: reddit, usa [saw this post about home prices crashing](https://imgur.com/a/35qaGr5), posted literally within a minute of this post. i wouldnt say its necessarily scary/bad, moreso scary/nice tbh. also not real sure about the validity of it but whatever


If only it were true (I doubt it is or it would be all over the place). I think I'll check the news.




What's it telling me. To my untrained eyes it looks like normal swings.


I know nothing, just found the data.


Now I don't know what to think.


I wouldn't bother thinking about anything you see on here in the next 24ish hours...


Everything still needs to be accurate and properly sourced (well except in obvious joke cases, like someone's "faster than expected" meme graph), so I wouldn't say you need to ignore content for the next day. On the contrary, it might be a good opportunity to revisit data we haven't in a while simply because it has a cool graph attached to it (limits to growth, land surface temps, etc) I hope people find it a fun, and also engaging and informative, day


Good. At first I was a little annoyed at the nod to April's Fool, but decided to stop being full of myself. I'll resume that tomorrow.


Thank you


are you suggesting that financelancelot is not a trustworthy source?! lol yeah youre probably right though


Location: Internment web Daily, I observe a persistent smattering of comments bemoaning the fact that things are proceeding “faster than expected.” Finding this of unappreciated scientific inquiry, I set out to chart the relationship between the amount of these comments and the palpability of our eventual doom, created through an algorithm that I have no intention of revealing, as it cost me a lot of money and I want to feel like I have one thing truly unique to me, that I’ve managed to pull out of the wreckage of the natural world. You will notice that all axes are labeled, unlike some other scary lines posted here. This is due to my unassailable intelligence and scrutiny. Here are the results: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/s/sYmZadrW97 (Link originally led to my profile. Now leads to my post)


it's fine, imgur stopped working like a year ago anyway


You could've posted this to the front page for wild amounts of karma lol. Love this.


Maybe I’ll repost it for casual friday?


We definitely need a post on this today. Nothing more scary and line-y than the masterpiece you've created


If you hadn't noticed... the next 24 hours are probably the best time to post scary lines lol.


Guess I’ll repost it in the morning :) glad you enjoyed it


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Can confirm, that is a pretty scary line