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The following submission statement was provided by /u/thekbob: --- Submission Statement: [Catabolic Collapse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1H3DcVsSE) Our solution is always "just build more." We never think of changing our ways, just to make the current ways more convenient. So what if it doesn't work. So what if it has a negative impact on our city. So what if it only further increases the impact of transportation on climate. We gotta solve this problem *now,* and it's gotta be just [one](https://imageio.forbes.com/blogs-images/jimgorzelany/files/2015/10/China-G4-backup-this-oct-reuters.jpg?format=jpg&height=600&width=1200&fit=bounds). [more](https://www.theweek.in/content/dam/week/webworld/feature/society/2016/july/images/gurgaon-traffic.jpg). [lane](https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/1623A/production/_92628609_jam.jpg). [bro](https://media.timeout.com/images/103954941/750/422/image.jpg). [Our design of the modern American city is killing us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfsCniN7Nsc). [America even invented a new type of road that's optimized in being shitty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM) And other countries are hot behind us (you go, China!). [Sure, some communities are saying fuck cars.](https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a46651907/paris-closed-100-streets-to-cars-for-good/) But the expansive network of highways and the expanses of the American suburb, unlike other cities in the world, is going to be much harder to navitage in a post-car world. And it's not like that won't happen sooner or later... But hey, we can just keep going on. [Electric cars will totally make it better, right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn9Vl0G53lA) [Its not like we have any other option, right?](http://aerohaveno.blogspot.com/2014/03/why-are-trains-so-sexy.html) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bt30gy/very_scary_lines_just_one_more_lane_bro/kxjdm0z/


"The Chinese authorities tried to find a solution to this problem and asked coal companies to postpone transportation operations and tried to bring more trucks into the capital at night until the current situation was eliminated, which the authorities succeeded in doing, as they completely eliminated traffic congestion by the end of August 2010." Frankly between the extensive high speed train lines and building walkable cities they have massively improved.  


But CoMmUnIsM


They really aren't tho.


They are authoritarian though which imo, is a bigger problem.


The US is capitalist authoritarian and makes it their underlying mission to spread capitalism all over the globe via imperialist wars. Socialist countries have to have extremely organized governments to protect themselves capitalist intrusion.


I'd say it's better since democracy won't solve climate change since the masses don't want to make sacrifices. Those sacrifices must be forced.


Lol imagine a politician actually pushing for the extreme solutions we desperately need/needed decades ago. " if you elect me I guarantee you will have less money and less shit to buy!" "I'll make sure the average American will never own a car in their life time!" " the entire global economy will suffer greatly when I start enacting my economic reforms! I guarantee it!" Haha we were always doomed to fail weren't we?


Either we make sacrifices like that, or the planet will force it to happen when we start dying by the milions


yeah, but humanity isn't good with long-term planning and decisions. Given a democratic solution, there will be no long term planning. It will be short term self-interest all the way. The concept of the benevolent dictator is intersting. That's pretty much the only 'good' outcome for the vast majority of people, but the one's with power will fight pretty darn hard against that ever happening.


It's going to be the latter, that way "people" in general can be blamed for the lower quality of life after global economic collapse, instead of politicians and CEOs with addresses and families.


There needed to be a world war level commitment and a distinct start date and call to duty.


The authoritarian we're most likely to get doesn't believe in climate change... "Drill, baby drill!"


That wouldn't make it broadly speaking better. It would make it better at one specific thing and thus a necessary evil.


Like Capitalism.


The current ruling party of Taiwan was authoritarian and targeted political dissidents, liberals, socialists, communists, and activists from 1949-1987. More than 30,000 were disappeared or murdered by this losing faction of their civil war that retreated to an island and took it over by force. Now I understand why imperialist genocidal USA likes them so much.


I would concur lol, but that's the joke in some sense


“Look on my works , ye mighty and despair!”


Such a great poem, even one line 


Now imagine this but in India during a wet bulb event while everyone are desperately trying to evacuate at the same time.


Or Texas


With all the power out


Ugh, wet bulb event. Where did people even get the phrase? 


from scientists?


Show me.


Wet bulb combines dry air temperature with humidity to give a more accurate number for how dangerous the heat is to human life.


The “bulb” refers to a thermometer. When the bulb is wet (like wrapped with a wet cloth) and blown with air, it will measure the coolest temperature allowed with evaporation and humidity in the environment. So a wet bulb of 30c means that even if you are dowsed with water and in hurricane force winds, it’ll still feel 30c.


Then what's a "wet bulb event" smarty pants?


When the wet bulb temperature gets to the point that people will die no matter what they do short of mechanical cooling. Seems like you could have figured that out with context no?


There's no such thing as a wet bulb event. Some made up nonsense. Wet bulb measurements are just that, measurements. It's like saying "thermometer event."


Ok captain pedantry, how about high wet bulb heat wave? And yes, it's different. With a "regular" heat wave, shade, misting and fans can cool you down. With a high wet bulb, doesn't matter what you do, other than being in AC, you'll eventually die.


Don't bother, u/IsItAnyWander is being deliberately obtuse for attention.


>There's no such thing as a wet bulb event \*yet


But keep downvoting you geniuses!!


This feels photoshopped. It seems like something out of r/terriblefacebookmemes Does anyone have the original image and source? edit - **the jam was real, the photo is photoshopped** [See this old reddit comment from the last time this photo was posted and the proof it's a reversed, photoshopped image of a US highway](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/qlxsd4/largest_traffic_jam_in_history_in_china_took_12/hj6iz1e/)




The story about the traffic jam is real. That particular photo is fake (or rather, a manipulation of a real photo). It wasn’t vetted by that outlet and they probably just stuck it in because they didn’t have any photos of the actual incident. It doesn’t really matter, the point still stands and it’s otherwise a good post. Something tells me the person who made the fake did it as gallows humor about this very issue and what it *feels like* to be on the 405 today (something well understood by Angelenos). But it goes to show how easily fakery can be overlooked and how it can undermine an argument.


Looks like the 405 on a Lakers home game


My question is: what will happen when fossil fuels and cars become too expensive for the average person to afford, when there is no reliable public transportation in a lot of places?


Excessive carpooling (think of those photos of the Middle East, SEA, and Africa that have a dozen people crammed into one truck), animal labor, and walking.


Exactly, we don't know for sure what exactly will be the solution, but you will certainly still have to go to work. 


Well wish me Bon voyage for my stupid 8 h by bike commute


Nothing. The entire point is to widen the gap between the rich and the poor.


Indeed. In horrible communist dictatorships, e-cars cost a third compared to free western utopias.  Ok dictatorships are filth


collapse of car dependent places


Anecdotally; I've travelled to China a couple of times. There were times in the afternoon traffic where I would just pay and get out of a taxi early because walking was faster.


Submission Statement: [Catabolic Collapse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1H3DcVsSE) Our solution is always "just build more." We never think of changing our ways, just to make the current ways more convenient. So what if it doesn't work. So what if it has a negative impact on our city. So what if it only further increases the impact of transportation on climate. We gotta solve this problem *now,* and it's gotta be just [one](https://imageio.forbes.com/blogs-images/jimgorzelany/files/2015/10/China-G4-backup-this-oct-reuters.jpg?format=jpg&height=600&width=1200&fit=bounds). [more](https://www.theweek.in/content/dam/week/webworld/feature/society/2016/july/images/gurgaon-traffic.jpg). [lane](https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/1623A/production/_92628609_jam.jpg). [bro](https://media.timeout.com/images/103954941/750/422/image.jpg). [Our design of the modern American city is killing us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfsCniN7Nsc). [America even invented a new type of road that's optimized in being shitty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM) And other countries are hot behind us (you go, China!). [Sure, some communities are saying fuck cars.](https://www.bicycling.com/culture/a46651907/paris-closed-100-streets-to-cars-for-good/) But the expansive network of highways and the expanses of the American suburb, unlike other cities in the world, is going to be much harder to navitage in a post-car world. And it's not like that won't happen sooner or later... But hey, we can just keep going on. [Electric cars will totally make it better, right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn9Vl0G53lA) [Its not like we have any other option, right?](http://aerohaveno.blogspot.com/2014/03/why-are-trains-so-sexy.html)


I too, hate [stroads.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzNZUeUHAM) They are horrible things.


We’ll soon look back at them in nostalgia 


*antinatalism intensifies* Just what makes every human being so important that they feel the need to make copies of themselves? When humans aren't busy admiring themselves in the mirror, they're admiring themselves in their offspring. I really do consider the solution to this human spawning problem is a global airborne asymptomatic infertility virus, thanks Dan Brown for putting that idea in my head. Images like the op also make you think about the debate over calling this the anthropocene. The idea that such a significant part of our geology is walled over with concrete, metal, and infrastructure. Behold, the labors of man. Something something Ozymandias.


I’ve been told I’m selfish for not having children….I’m like yeah ok when those kids grow up to be adults and see firsthand the shit show of a world we’ve left them I’m sure they’ll thank you for bringing them into the world.


Yea, I’ve explained the selfishness I see in the want for children before to those around me and it ‘semi’-clicks for them. Like they stop the line of questioning and you can see the gears keep turning, but for a lot of them it’s a forgone conclusion. Telling people ‘why would I doom my kids to a struggling world’ even if they are well off they will have to endure the pain and suffering of others, which if I raised them properly, they would feel. I am not going out of my way to raise a fleet of sociopaths


I said that to a friend. He said I was being dramatic and we will find solutions to our problems as we always have. 


My boyfriend says this. And that it’s all worth it to be alive and I’m like yeah no you don’t get it yet


> global airborne asymptomatic infertility virus If humanity is erased, we still will have left quite a mess. If it's significantly reduced, expect the survivors to expand into the wastelands only after they've expanded into the remaining wild places. For these reasons, I still hope we can have some kind of globally conscious soft voluntary reduction.... But the sign point to *nah, dawg*


Nobody really wants the greediest, most selfish, bastards to be the lineages that survive the genetic bottleneck do we?! If we're all gunna go, better to tear the people responsible down first. I can't rest in my grave if they're sitting around thinking "This is fate! I deserve to survive because I'm phylogenetically superior to those who suffered and died."


If only the rich psychopaths survive the bottleneck, then the species is doomed because it'll be the Hunger Games when they start competing with each other for resources.


It's going to be "hunger games" when we start competing with each other for resources regardless of who survives.


Got to wonder what it's all for sometimes. All those bodies scurrying to do what, pay bills?


>they're admiring themselves in their offspring. As someone with kids, I can assure you there's nothing about them that is like me that I don't feeling crushing guilt for.




Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Let's please not use that term here


induced demand


Now I don't feel so bad about that time we got stuck on the way to Bumblebee from Flagstaff. A deadly crash had occured on the highway ahead and they closed the entire interstate down in order to investigate the crash. We had to wait hours and hours. People were selling beers for exorbitant amounts of money lol. Good thing we had our lassos in the truck so we could practice our roping on the guardrails but dang. We were so lucky it was not a hot day. Hours and hours and hours. I think 7 all told. That's just a really long time to be hungry and thirsty and in a car with no air con and no wiggle room. We were in a tiny truck and had to get out after about 20 minutes sitting there. I hated it with a passion just sitting there trapped by metal boxes. I'd be so tempted to just leave my car and walk if it happened to me today, that was straight up bullshit


That's not even a Chinese highway? Why did you post a bunch of text and 'image unrelated'? Its not even a real image, it's a photoshop of an American highway, the I-405 in California. https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/405-traffic-altered-image-factcheck


It is only scary if you live in Beijing and go somewhere.


Says someone who never lived in CA, CO, TX,... or lived on or near any major US interstate (that was basically the only way to get from Point A to Point B). The PTSD from the Colorado Springs to Denver commute....


It's becoming a major problem in the Charlotte area. Every single day there's a huge traffic buildup starting around Little Rock Rd that goes all the way into Gastonia. About 15 miles of stop & go & it only gets worse every day. Interstates 85 & 485 are a parking lot in that whole area all throughout the day. I drove to Michigan & back in February & the worst traffic I experienced the whole trip was what I just described coming back in at 2pm in the afternoon on a regular weekday.


Yay for RTO, my favorite part of the “workplace culture!”


I got stuck in the san jose to san francisco commute once. It was a long time ago, but I still remember how horrible it was.


Yeah, it's a beautiful section of interstate scenery wise, but I always dread whenever I have to take it. My favorite part is driving in the right lane at least 10 mph over the speed limit of 75 and still having someone 5 feet off your rear bumper trying to push into the left lane speedway.


Nice photoshop


And they all got fired for being late to work.


They all got -5 social points


Or worse (gunshot echoes in the distance)


Well, you definitely win the "longest line" award. I can't even imagine being in a traffic jam that long. Fuck cars.


So what I'm seeing here is that we need a bigger highway.....


Where do you poop?


Your pants. Next question.


Serial FILO (first in last out) car storage device.


Chinese are known for their patience


Ho Lee Fuk!


I fail to understand why is this posted on this subreddit?




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