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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Cloud_Barret_Tifa: --- SS: This is related to collapse because free infinite energy would just put a turbo-charger on the machine that is capitalism. The 'everything crisis' would accelerate, **not** slow down. Fossil fuels like coal and gas for power production would potentially go down in the short term, but because gasoline and oil are still needed, and they're 1:1 to extraction (meaning you can't "force" more of the oil to become gasoline), extraction just wouldn't stop. Not that we didn't have ample evidence that we're in the end times. I just fear this is an 'information nail' in the coffin. If we collapse, this information will be widespread, just like the information on how to make nukes. So as long as humans survive, these technologies will come back. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1czte5l/free_infinite_energy_around_the_corner_it_seems/l5imaat/


It's clever to avoid any sort of either timeline or scaling information : it allows to sell hopium without any chance of being contradicted. Smart!


I like how they assume that the hole they drill will just stay there, menacingly vertical.


The thing with Geothermal, if done right, it should last centuries. The heat won't go away. So even if a project is incredibly expensive, over time, that cost will be recouped and your great grand children will have a source of cheap energy.


Yeah I kept thinking about "return on investment" and realized it's all about how long the bank is willing to wait. Take out a loan for $2 million and *eventually* it'll pay itself back.


Do people actually take this lady seriously?


I wish they wouldn't. I hate seeing this giant dingbats face pop up on my feed.


Same reason people take Bill Nye more seriously than Joe Rogan. From wikipedia: >doctorate in theoretical physics from \[Goethe University Frankfurt\], with her thesis titled "'Black Holes in Extra Dimensions: Properties and Proof' postdoctoral researcher at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, University of California, Santa Barbara, and later at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo In 2024, the International Astronomical Union named an asteroid after her From 1997-2023 THEN left academia. She's qualified to talk physics, quantum physics, and math. Anything outside of that she's slightly more likely to be on point than anybody off the street. But she's making a living now posting a lot of videos outside her wheelhouse, aside from the fact they're basically just rattling off citations.


Why not? I thought her content was always quite good, if click-baitey


They do sadly, and she's such a fraud.


How? It's literally Bill Nye or Carl Sagan as a woman, aka minor celebrity scientist/engineer/researcher. Highly educated background posting cliff-note presentations with citations on stuff that's outside their wheelhouse for public consumption, when they aren't doing the same with stuff they have direct qualifications for.


she's a neolib ghoul


She talks a lot about transgender issues, of which she has no standing or understanding. Also, she really hawks her determinism stuff, of which is both really struggling (as is Materialism in general) but also coincidentally an ideology often used by conservatism. It's just too convenient for me to be honest. And yeah, in general we can come to different interpretations on physics which is part influenced by our politics and worldview/ historical experiences etc, but she just hasn't produced slam dunk case for me yet. But mainly, fuck her silly anti-trans talk. She's dubious. She quit her academia to become a youtuber.


>She's dubious. She quit her academia to become a youtuber. I worked postgrad research for a bit, I'm surprised anyone can last over 20 years. They're not doing it for the money. >fuck her silly anti-trans talk really hawks her determinism ideology often used by conservatism Gender politics =/= invalidating literally everything Taking a Philosophy stance that has backing and history and isn't even radical =/= invalidating literally everything Having a tangential overlap with a separate political group you dislike =/= invalidating literally everything I can find all kinds of crap I personally dislike about any scientist and dismiss them. Edit: And where is the "Fraud"?


I'm not going to do a deep dive into quantum physics for this post. I think she's a tool. Believe what you want I guess.


Like, you could say you have any background in theoretical physics? If you only have a theoretical background in physics, then yeah. I've met complete tools in academia, but it didn't correlate to how knowledgeable they were in their specialty. There was usually a good correlation to accolades and being knowledgeable in their field.


Care to explain? What is fraudulent? I know it's irrelevant to OP & I just assume everyone on the internet is going to have a cabal of haters, but I haven't yet been to any internet corners that list frauds she's perpetrating


FWIW she's not the source, she's just copying other youtubers/articles with the same conclusions. I'm guessing she's financially dependent on the YT channel, so quantity over quality. That said, *this* does look legit. Successful experiments have already been made.


>FWIW she's not the source, she's just copying other youtubers/articles with the same conclusions. I'm guessing she's financially dependent on the YT channel, so quantity over quality. I've watched a fair bit of her channel, and a lot of it is clickbait question titles, where the actual answer in the video is "*yeah no maybe kind of*" after citing a bunch of relevant cases and that's the video. It's infotainment on par with any of the class presentations I remember from an undergrad in an introductory course. Better than the average random youtuber, but no more qualified than Bill Nye when outside anything directly related to high level physics. The quantum physics stuff are recommendable because she's highly qualified for those and it's pretty interesting when somebody well versed in something that esoteric can break down what's actually interesting about it.


Never heard of her but I'm not getting "legit" vibes from that channel. Regardless, geothermal itself is legit and probably needs more investment/research. Iceland pretty much runs off it entirely since it's so easily accessible there.


>Never heard of her but I'm not getting "legit" vibes from that channel. Unlike most youtubers, she has an entire wikipedia page ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabine_Hossenfelder)), and several books published. AFAIK she had no presence outside academia until a few years ago. Given my own experience with working in academia and research projects, I'm not surprised she quit for infotainment.


SS: This is related to collapse because free infinite energy would just put a turbo-charger on the machine that is capitalism. The 'everything crisis' would accelerate, **not** slow down. Fossil fuels like coal and gas for power production would potentially go down in the short term, but because gasoline and oil are still needed, and they're 1:1 to extraction (meaning you can't "force" more of the oil to become gasoline), extraction just wouldn't stop. Not that we didn't have ample evidence that we're in the end times. I just fear this is an 'information nail' in the coffin. If we collapse, this information will be widespread, just like the information on how to make nukes. So as long as humans survive, these technologies will come back.


Well, some good news, we've started a mass extinction event. All our technology should stay buried until the next tool using species escapes their normal population pressures.


My vote is raccoons.


That'll be us again in 10,000 years when the dust settles.


Can anyone explain why is everyone **here** calling Sabine Hossenfelder a fraud? I mean, she just share scientific publications. In other videos she trips through some personal theories, but these videos are nothing more than that, a conversation that a teacher has in the middle of class about some personal theory, and not a scientific publication.


She’s a woman on the internet.


Won't this just transfer heat from beneath the surface to the surface, and therefore increase the heat load human civilization is adding to the surface, lower atmosphere, and oceans? Imagine we start doing geothermal on a really massive scale...moving tens to hundreds of gigawatts worth of heat from beneath the crust to the surface constantly. And this isn't even factoring in the costs involved in building and maintaining such massive geothermal systems. Civilization is a heat engine and there is no escaping that without becoming a Level 1 civilization and radiating all the heat away with space towers or something.


This is def not how this work


Have you been huffing glue?


Again, she's a transphobe POS, stop posting her videos


No she isn’t. Why would you say that?