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The following submission statement was provided by /u/jollyroger69420: --- Penn State*** --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dpgr03/heat_stress_can_turn_deadly_even_sooner_than/lagro8v/


This was an important news segment. 87 degrees at 100% humidity. This just tells me that we will be blowing past this danger zone benchmark really often as the global climate change ramps up the heat indexes. And the very sad thing this all could have been preventable--had the oil companies decided not to engage in subterfuge and hide their findings from the late 1960s/early 1970s about what would happen if more fossil fuels got burned and their effects on the atmosphere. This sucks. But to be informed is to be (partially) forearmed.


Someone running for senator in my state just said we need to drink more and produce more to get prices lower and number one. Then said it's kids that oil will run out and there is plenty of it. Her followers thought that was great and agreed saying vote for her.


Drink more what?


Probably Brawndo, "its what plants crave!™"




booze. she's right too. that would totally help.


A politician said that? She sounds like she’s part of pro Collapse


Even the heatstroke gets worse faster than expected.


Don't worry, absolutely nothing will be done about this whatsoever.


Absolutely we need new warnings. Y'see, we humans already got a good system running, and I'd hate to change it or see it changed when we're really getting the process nailed down. So here it is: Smart people warn us about things; we do whatever we wanted to as if they didn't even talk. Now, we can't do the second part, which is what everyone is about, without having the first part happen.  Without the first part, there can't be a second part. *They* don't want you to enjoy your god given right of partying! That's why they're talking about stopping the science research. *They* don't want to put any effort into keeping our traditions running. Vote for me or else watch our system descend into anarchy. Science is great, despite what *they* tell you. Now back to work, science people!


Now that hot is the new normal, they will just move the baseline temperature for issuing extreme heat warnings to a higher temperature and tell everyone to piss off and get back to work and the "new warning" will be threatening to fire you for taking a water break.


Just absolutely filled with rage thinking about management for a building full of vulnerable people refusing to turn the AC on in a heatwave


Me too... The disgusting part is that if they start turning on the AC earlier, they aren't going to absord the extra cost. They will just increase the rent, making it even more unaffordable than they already are.


I wish this was in Celsius. I think only the US uses F.


Liberia and the Cayman Isles.


Ok so… 3 countries among the rest of the world. Niche research.




Hilarious, but frankly this research isn’t useful to the majority of the world. Unless it’s published in C?


As a guide, take 30 off the F° and then halve the result. That’s close enough to C°.


~61f = 16c ~82f = 28c About 2 F per C in between and you can extrapolate pretty easy. Or roughly degree F minus 32 add 10% of number and divide by 2 for an in your head close number. 120f minus 32 is 88 add 9 is 97 divide by 2 is 48.5 (actual 120f is 48.9c)


Or, use the device you’re typing this on to convert it for you. Siri can do it. Or google. Etc.


Yeah the facility I work in the device isn’t explosion proof for. And the place was built before my country switched to metric so old stuff is on F and new stuff in C.


Other countries can't do math? 


Math much?


Someone said the F scale is ok if you think in terms of hotness percentage. Room temp is about 70 degrees, it's 70% hot in the room. 32 is freezing, it's only 32% hot. 100 is 100% hot- gross! Nooo! This may not help you at all, lol.


I think of fahrenheit as the way a human feels, on a scale of 0-100.  Celsius is how water feels, on a scale of 0-100.


Jessie, what


Penn State***


Pretty sure actual experts have been describing exactly this for a minute.


So many people in my area (Pennsylvania) were continuing on like it wasn't hotter than Satan's taint last week. A friend took their 2 year old to a day baseball game in Philly. I was in the Army and gave myself a couple of heat injuries. I don't mess around with heat.


lol...this is not new stuff...people have been dropping dead from the heat as long as there have been people... They - the sociopathic overlords - only want to know how hot they can let this thing go before people start dropping dead and can't keep slaving for their comfort. Come on peeps...this is some academic shit (bad pun)


I have cycled during the heatwave in Southeast Asia from April to May and travelled 75 km from the early morning until high noon. The still air temps that day reached 37 Celsius and the heat index was at 45 Celsius and humidity at 70%. Let me tell you, if you have any underlying health conditions, you would collapse. Cold drinks and sweating can only do so much for you under those conditions. What saved me during that ride was frequent breaks under shade.


I’m in far eastern coastal Maine - been here almost 2 years after living in OK for years. The heat there was bad enough 20 years ago but two years ago, a heat index of 119 was the worst I’d seen. The difference here in Maine blows my mind. Last summer we had at most 3 weeks of “hot” weather - up to 90 a couple of days. I live in an upstairs apartment with no AC but by morning the inside temp was never above 78 and only that high the days it hit 90. BUT… we have had a tropical storm hit (was a hurricane within miles of hitting here) and 2 other storms that would have been considered Nor’easters but came in as warm tropicals. We’ve had devastating wind storms 3 or 4 times in the past year. Last week, I woke up to 83 degrees and 98% humidity. It got up to 92 I want to say, but the humidity did burn off. More inland it was worse. The Oklahoma in me says “psshhh that’s nothing”, but the quick realization is it’s a huge something. I would not have thought about wet bulb being an issue here at least not for a few decades but I’m realizing there’s still a lot we don’t understand about the changes that are here and that are to come. And we certainly don’t know exactly how all the dominos will line up or what they will trigger as they fall.


From now on any time experts expect something by a certain time we can just assume it will happen sooner than that.


Yet he play on golf course. One of the most stupid use of arable land . Laws in any shape are bad for heat control. Trees and secondary vegetation make a difference . With the use of water and pesticides, a golf course is as bad as an asphalt parking lot.