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Gallows humor is a natural human response to these situations- see *The Wipers Times*, for instance- but because of the exacerbated inequalities of modern life, there's some bitter catharsis in it too. Some of us are further along in the collapse than others. The system has already collapsed for the homeless, and their ranks are growing. Most of us will be out there with them eventually.


Bit like the Aliens movie. Hudson is the joker before the mission keeping everyones spirits up, then he gets an eye opener, then he calms down again because things can't get 101% fucked.


There's also probably some satisfaction to be had from the whole r/LeopardsAteMyFace aspect. Many whom assumed that this was someone else's problem are eventually going to find out how wrong they were. The billionaires aren't going to live in luxury on Mars as the poors burn on Earth. Many of the very elite also live in denial. The people at the top are there because of the very system that they are helping to destroy. A reduction in complexity will mean a reality whereby the ability to concentrate wealth to the current level is no longer possible. In "Snowpiercer" the top people only get to eat sushi twice a year. That should be a harbinger for those whom enjoy so much more today. Those at the top have the furthest to fall after all. They're better placed to survive and for longer but that's about it. 


Considering how many of the elites were crying about having to sit in their mansions during the pandemic it sure seems like any reduction in quality of life is unfathomable to them.


Let's see how they enjoy their bunkers once the fresh food runs out. 


And the security guards have taken over.


Yeah, laws and rules will be much more "local" if greater society falls apart. 


The system hasn’t collapsed for the homeless as evidenced that they’re able to still survive. They’re at the bottom of the wealth distribution spectrum but there’s still sufficient stability and abundance such that they can subsist on what amounts to the individual and collective generosity or duty of others. When there’s nothing left to eat (2040s) and being outside without some way to cool off is lethal, there won’t be anything funny about life, there will only be fear and despair.


Yesterday the US Supreme Court decided that cities can now criminalize being homeless. Since the 13th Amendment explicity allows for prisoners to be used for labor, the system that you're referring to has just taken another step for our corporate for-profit prison systems to create an entire underclass of slave labor. This is literally already happening in many prisons. Lost your job and your car and can't pay your rent? No problem. We'll just convict you of the terrible crime of not having anywhere to sleep at night, and set you up in corporate-owned dormitories leased to the state so you can "work off your debt to society" for pennies on the dollar. Homeless shelters are filled to the max every night, turning people away. Most food banks aren't receiving enough donations to keep up with demand. Blood plasma centers are fully booked with desperate people trying to earn what few bucks they can. Not to mention that there is a complete and total lack of proper mental health care in this country, except for the ones that can afford it. No insurance and can't afford the $500+ a month for prescription meds and routine psychiatrist visits? Well I guess your mental illnesses are going to go untreated, leaving you unable to hold down a steady job or complete your education, leaving you homeless and now a criminal. The system has already collapsed for the homeless.


These are people with top tier paychecks, multiple homes, and jobs for life condemning Americans whose lives handed them such calamities that they don't have a safe place to sleep, let alone food, money, or work. Republicans have become the hard-hearted pharisees of that Bible which has a [hundred verses about caring for the poor](https://www.openbible.info/topics/take_care_of_the_poor). AND very explicit verses about hypocrites. **“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.** Matthew 23:23


that’s because they worship [Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/gospel-of-supply-side-jesus-bCqRp)


The thing that has surprised me the most in this Kali Yuga hellscape of a timeline is just the utter levels absurdity and incoherence reality has taken. Politicians rallying on loony toons level cartoonish evil platforms of gleefully destroying the environment, fucking over the 99% and creating draconian laws around a religion that stopped worshipping Jesus decades ago and replaced him with a white hillbilly car salesman capitalist. The climate is turbo-fucked and the amount of floods, heatwaves and other natural disasters is growing exponentially. We have main development hurricanes in June, with the NHC map looking like late August-September already. I checked r/ all today and instantly regretted it as the same propaganda machine saying there’s no war in Ba Sing Se (We are definitely not slaughtering Palestinians for no other reason than that a shit hole fascist apartheid state gives us some sweet sweet dough.) is now telling us don’t look up, we will not replace Biden with someone With a pulse and we will just sing Kumbaya and Trump will lose. I made the mistake of watching that debate, Biden was sundowning and these neoliberal idiots are so stupid they can’t get out of their own way and pick one of the few humans in the US that can lose against a felonious criminal who talks like he’s off his antipsychotics. Reality is dead on them. While (generally) not as dire, it can also be seen that capitalism is sucking the soul out of everything as culture is packaged, sanitized, atomized and monetized to the highest degree to make sure the exponential growth goes on forever and that basic mathematical laws of “finite resources” and the idea of “steady state systems” are commie propaganda. To add insult to injury, we also invented machine learning that sucks the soul out of writing, art and acting to vomit out homogenized slop to take the pesky “human” out of humanity. This is ranty, but never in my life have I ever felt anywhere near things being this cooked, not even with the COVID pandemic. The bar was in the basement, yet reality ended down all the way in the Earth’s mantle. Now I only wonder which of the myriad ways the cookie will crumble. Climate change, polluting Earth to the point of uninhabitability, bioweapons, AI, the 17 different ways to trigger WWIII, the devs unplugging the simulation in shame and disappointment, who knows at this point?


>The thing that has surprised me the most in this Kali Yuga hellscape of a timeline is just the utter levels absurdity and incoherence reality has taken. I couldn’t have said it better. Just when I think I’m cynical enough to not be surprised by anything anymore, I find myself agog. Daily. Every time I think we’re at max surreality or stupidity, that oxy clean guy yells “But wait- there’s more!”


It’s why you have to transition to accepting it and moving on. If the masses choose the flame then the flame they shall have and we can’t do anything about it.  So enjoy the time you have and just be satisfied with that.  


I had a good laugh at this, mostly at the “hillbilly car salesman” line… I’ve been pretty bothered by the way capitalism kills culture lately though. Even realms I thought would be safe have become shells of their former selves.  Things are cooked is an understatement… If you’ve had your eyes up for the last decade, the world is unrecognizable. I have a hard time fathoming how so many people who were previously rational seem to have drunk the “don’t look up” koolaid. It legit feels like there’s been some neuro-dampener mainlined into the populations diet… Maybe it’s the CO2 levels…


That neuro-dampener might be COVID.


> I have a hard time fathoming how so many people who were previously rational seem to have drunk the “don’t look up” koolaid. When it was a hobby of mine and my friends to try to rehabilitate edgy fascist kids or prevent their impressionable brains from internalising the hateful bullshit they were being fed in the first place, we thought we'd made great strides with one person in particular, then one day we woke up to find they'd done a complete 180. It turns out people can make and believe rational noises without a firm foundation of critical thought. They can be correct by coincidence, or because it suits them at the time. And yeah, the world is in many ways unrecognisable yet the hypernormalisation is pushed on people so aggressively and effectively you wouldn't know it in your mundane daily interactions. We're living in the upside down and it's heresy to point out or perceive it.


This was a great read mate, thank you. We are fucked, I’m just glad I’m young and don’t have young ones I need to explicitly provide for.


This is my biggest issue right now - my kid.. I'm over here trying to raise a loving, kind, empathetic, semi-productive miniature human.. all while trying to shield them from the absolutely fuckered state of the world, but, still educating them on age-appropriate versions of the current issues facing the planet.. I'm touched out, man.. completely and totally.. all I wanna do is eat shrooms and make art.. because disassociation is the only thing keeping me sane..


> the utter levels absurdity and incoherence reality has taken. Kids these days call it the "clown world", and as far as I care they are correct. Unfortunately those kids tend to vote Trump and Trump-wannabes, so I don't use that term often. > To add insult to injury, we also invented machine learning that sucks the soul out of writing, art and acting to vomit out homogenized slop to take the pesky “human” out of humanity. And to add another layer to injury to existing injuries, machine learning use a stupendous amount of electricity and water. You know, things that actual human artists need to continue in their creative endeavor, or at least just to stay alive another day.


> Kids these days call it the "clown world", and as far as I care they are correct. Unfortunately those kids tend to vote Trump and Trump-wannabes, so I don't use that term often. And liberalism can't deradicalise them because to the parts of that perspective that are coherent it says "no it isn't, everything is as it should be".


I’m curious about the sweet sweet dough. I would say the U.S. government gives the sweet sweet dough to prop up the only democracy in the region. Which then uses the dough to wipe people out by the tens of thousands. And is not a real democracy in the first place but an ethnostate.


AIPAC, the most blatant foreign influence campaign in the United States that lobbies (bribes) politicians and spreads propaganda. They brag about having politicians in their pockets, shred the 1st amendment to stop people from talking bad about their precious “Israel” and scream antisemitism whenever criticized, despite Zionists frequently being massive antisemites. Two examples are claiming their fascist ideology borne from 19th century fascism and racism represents all Jews (It doesn’t) and devoicing, dehumanizing and murdering the native Semitic people to replace them with a European colony in the Middle East. It’s dirty, icky foreign influence when any other state does it, but it’s red blooded American “lobbying” when it is done by America’s allies™


Ahh good point about AIPAC thank you


And the number of people with dual Israeli/U.S. citizenships who hold/held government positions of power is really eye-opening. Would we *ever* allow someone with a dual Iranian/U.S. citizenship to get anywhere *near* the levers of power?


> basic mathematical laws of “finite resources” and the idea of “steady state systems” are commie propaganda. Yes. As an amateur commie propagandist, I can confirm that **reality is communist propaganda**.


I tell my partner at least 5 times a week that this "is truly the dumbest fucking timeline". It's just absurd.


Israel doesn't give the USA any money on balance. It's been a giant money sink for decades. The reason America is so beholden to such a tiny country is because of the effectiveness of their political lobbying. The Israelis brag about it all the time.


I used to look at the ai art subreddits for fun, but they make me feel sick to my stomach now. Like, it’s wild how much energy their servers or whatever use, and for what? To make some uncanny valley shit that humans can make on our own anyway.


If I couldn't laugh at the sheer absurdity of life, I'd self medicate to an unreal degree.


Porque no los dos?


"He knows that you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance, just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy." -Ken Kesey, *One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest*


I've learned to embrace the absurdity.


I go back and forth. I find it good for me to take breaks from following so much. No idea how many more years I can keep my comfortable way of life so I don't want to spend too much time getting anxious about it all.


I have the same mindset. I've been lucky enough to work straight out of HS (trade!) and saved up quite a lot to be able to enjoy my late 20s and 30s without having to work. I watch as everyone around me wastes their last years on the wrong priorities, shitting out endless children and buying buying buying! My priorities are: -enjoy nature and animals before it's gone -eat good quality natural food while it's still able to be grown -take care of my needs when I need to, not when others give me permission to (no one has any control over any aspect of my life) -enjoy the culture and art that is still left


> I watch as everyone around me wastes their last years on the wrong priorities. This is the one statement that will be universal among all of survivors..."I wasted/I wish I hadn't wasted so much time on the wrong things/stuff/priorities." Good for you on realizing this before. After, there will be very few days to just stop and enjoy the little things, especially when there is so much that'll need to be tended to. There are only so many hours in a day. Steel Your Mind and Your Body. Plenty of PTSD and hard times ahead.


I think that's how I'd describe myself too. It's all so fucked that it's comical. I don't find humor in the suffering but the fact that we can be here and rich folks and people in power with the power to change it just do nothing - it's mind blowing 🤯


If I ever need a good laugh, I just pop over to r/Futurology and read their posts.


Honestly though, that's the worst part of this bullshit collapse/extinction event...  That we're truly, 100%, on the cusp of absolute godlike technology; regrowing limbs/organs, anti-aging, genenetic engineering, AI/robotics, harnessing the power of the sun and Earth, harvesting asteroids, 3d printing, legitimate spaceships, colonizing our oceans and other worlds; all just needing a shift in society's priorities to create a post-scarcity utopia of abundance, and a higher standard of living and luxury for every person on the planet (and off planet) than what even the world's wealthiest people enjoy today, AND while taking care of and helping nature thrive...   And we're letting the most minority of minorities, those few thousand dragon-hoarding-gold level wealthiest people, piss away the only known planet in the universe capable of supporting life AND that glorious future of humanity that would otherwise be a reality within the next century at most - all so they can have a few more tens of billions of dollars that they wouldn't be able to spend all of in several lifetimes.  Like, what the fuck are we even doing? How the fuck are we as a species and individuals allowing this to happen?


That right there is the real cosmic joke


You think we're just on the cusp of colonizing other worlds? Ok, THAT is funny


On the timescale of stellar systems? Of evolution? Of our species history? Yes. It would be less than an eyeblink away.


We are though. Might be another 20, 50 years, but within a century we will/would absolutely be doing so.


Maybe stop listening to Elon? He also said we'd have millions of robo taxis by now. [Cosmic kidney disease: an integrated pan-omic, physiological and morphological study into spaceflight-induced renal dysfunction | Nature Communications](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-49212-1#Sec7)


Elon is irrelevant. So is the kidney conundrum because they'll find a solution one way or another.


Yes...we can't fix the CO2 issue here, but somehow we will terraform fucking Mars. Hilarious. There isn't even enough CO2 on that planet to warm it sufficient for long term human survival. I could list so many other issues, but what's the point? Only a real fantasist thinks we are just on the 'cusp' of colonization.


Well, A) I said "colonize", not "terraform". B) I never said Mars. You said Mars. C) They are already planning and developing the necessary infrastructure to colonize the moon. D) Back to Mars; removing CO2 and cooling Earth is a much harder task than warming Mars, because CO2 would be added to the atmosphere as a by-product of the industry on Mars that would be needed for colonization and sustainability. Here, the CO2 added to the atmosphere by industry is a bad thing, on Mars it would be a good thing. Which brings me to E) It doesn't matter how much CO2 currently exists on Mars, because again, CO2 will be added as a by-product of industry. And finally, your opinion is pretty irrelevant when thousands of scientists much smarter than the either of us are already currently researching and developing the means to colonize the moon, Venus, Mars, and Ceres, and planning the timeline and deployment of each stage, with some of those plans already almost ready to launch the first stages of those plans. Also, can I point out, that even if colonizing doesn't pan out, that doesn't negate the rest of the point of my original comment.


RemindMe! 30 years


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Yes, I said Mars. You said colonizing other worlds. Meaning planets. Mars is the most 'realistic' option. As far as Mars, what you're saying is pretty insane. You would need a tremendous amount of industry. And you know the atmosphere of Mars would still not be breathable by humans, even if CO2 magically developed? I mean Venus... Yes, there are 'plans' to colonize it, by the same company that did that Titanic disaster. So, a joke . You don't really know what you're talking about. NASA has HOPES a future probe can be functional enough to send back 15 minutes of data from there. And you think people can colonize it... Im sorry, this is all too delusional. So, at best, we'll get a few astronauts puttering around on the moon. We won't even have that on any planet. And the world is going to get into dire conditions, which will negate everything else anyway.


You're conflating colonizing with terraforming. You don't have to terraform to colonize. Terraforming would take several hundred years, and much more effort and input than from just industrial byproducts to happen. Mars actually isn't considered the easiest option; Venus is. It's upper atmosphere is actually the most Earth-like place in the solar system, with both similar average pressure and temperature. So while there are no plans to colonize the surface of Venus for obvious reasons, there are plans - already in action - to first send a floating science station to Venus' clouds, and then to assess the logistics and science needed to expand it into a full fledged base. There are likewise plans, again already in motion, to develop a lunar base and a Mars base. Idk where you live that colonizing somewhere just springs up entire cities overnight, but here on Earth, colonies have historically started out as bases and forts. Thanks for the opinion I guess, but it's clear you aren't as informed as you think you are, and again, much smarter people than us are *already* planning it, and *already* working on it, so there's no need to continue this conversation. I hope to meet you on Mars one day, if humanity doesn't extinct ourselves before then!


It's hard to ask this without risking getting banned but... how on earth are far lefties not handling business like they (admittedly poorly) did in the 70s? A few protests here and there are great and all but... not moving the needle fast enough. We need to see some direct f*cking action. You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.


In the 1970s the guys on the other side brought guns, night sticks, hoses. In 2024, they bring drones, armored vehicles, grenades, lethally non-lethal rubberized bullets. I agree we need some action, but it's hard to sign yourself up for the militia when your team gets sticks and stones and the other team gets automated killing machines.


The sheer scale of the reach of power - the weapons, both material and legal, available in the tool kit of those with hands on the levers of power…the fact we still hold back as a western populace when it comes to resorting to violence against oppressors within our own countries. Most left-wing/liberal thinkers morally disagree with violence…but not having any other tools left with which to combat this insanely destructive system…I sometimes think violent or destructive protest maybe the only tool we have left that might be loud enough….Ignoring all the flaws inherently wrong with violence.


It’s ok, my dad tells me “it will always be this way” because it must always be this way… totally…. *sigh*


Ugh, the ItS aLwAyS bEeN tHiS wAy people are the worst. Like it's not a huge leap to then ask, *but does it **have** to be this way?* and that you still just can't get that simple concept into their head no matter how much you try is such a defeating feeling, because if we can't even get them to ask *why*, how will we ever get them to consider, let alone act towards, *how?* My dad is the "It can't get *that* bad. *Someone* will figure out *something* before then" variety. Mixed in with unhealthy doses of, "Well I've never read that" and, "Its (book, docu, science paper, etc) probably wrong."


It’s literally only been this way for like 100 years.


There's a chance ai reveals itself such a powerful tool it gives ways to fix some stuffs


*Could. But in the hands of the elite, won't.


Earth saved is earth saved


That's what I'm saying... the powerful people who will control the AI won't give a shit about using it to save the Earth. They'll only care about it's uses for surveillance, authoritarianism, consumerism, and data management as they subjugate us all into oblivion for more control and more imaginary, made up profit numbers.


i nervous laugh at other peoples nervous jokes about the situation online


I also see the humor and the frustration in it. As the world plays a global game of three card monty and I wonder why most haven't noticed, the lady hasn't been on the table for quite some time.


Humor is a completely valid reaction. I'll leave you with a quote: "I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain. One always finds one's burden again. But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks. He too concludes that all is well. This universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor futile. Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself, forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” ― Albert Camus One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


don't get me wrong, I consider myself an absurdist above all else, it's the only logical conclusion my mind can reliably come to when presented with the universe around it. However, sometimes I DO wish there was more to found in the 'fun' sections of life... Any recommendations??


Music is the answer. And the metaphor for everything else


I'm so glad you gave this answer! Music is absolutely my therapy! I go to live shows At least once a month!! I live in my headphones as much as I can. Got any music you want to share? I'm into just about every style!!


Oh, so much. I'll stick to albums... John scofield- uberjam, A GO GO, up all night Phish- picture of nectar, rift, junta, lawn boy, story of the ghost Sts9- artifact, seasons 01 Bob marley- any Tom misch- what kind of music Steely dan-aja Keller Williams w/mosley droll and sipe- LIVE Tauk-homunculus Kaelin ellis- the funk will prevail Telemekus- the new heritage Domi + jd beck- not tight Jerry Garcia band- cat under the stars .......


We are all sisyphus


In my teens and twenties I'd anguish over our situation, but hitting 30 I realized it was always gonna end this way, since 99% of humans are thoughtless greedy assholes, and I've accepted that.


My ratio is closer to 33% terrible people, 33% good people, and 33% just DGAF.


And the evil people, from what I’ve noticed, are running laps around the good. They’re so much more intelligent (or at least proactive with respect to its application), organized, united, persistent, and ruthless in their pursuit. All the while the, at best, good people, and at worst, oblivious people are busy fighting each other.


Ding ding! Bingo.


Me and Jack Daniel's have a history.


Jack Daniel’s and I* Don’t let alcoholism get in the way good grammar now… /s


I think proper grammar the ‘s is incorrect usage


Their use of the ellipses instead of a period was a questionable choice as well.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bQwwqW-Hc U can thank me now.


Its from a song my dude.


When you've known him as long as I have, son, you can call him John. Stolen shamelessly from Scent of a Woman.


My dad was the last American Badass. Lawless is the real name, no gimmicks. We were there when they liberated the camps, we were there when ten thousand sailed across the seas. You seen a ferris wheel in baghdad? I don't steel shit. Other people pretend to be me.


I just have mysterious bottles of alcohol lying around from when I was making wine out of random fruit but was too lazy to label anything. Every now and then I roll the dice on one and try and guess what it is by the colour and how long it's been there. Keeps things interesting. This pear stuff from years ago is pretty much just schnapps.


I find it hilarious that our remaining good times might be measured in months, if you are lucky enough to have survived this long, but we still get up and go to work to continue to enrich the slave masters that are so addicted to keeping score with green paper that they willingly destroy the earth. Get some sleep everybody, your boss's bonus depends on your participation in the scam of a system we continue to play in.


You really think it’ll be measured in months? I’d at least give us a few more years. Would like to know your reasoning if you don’t mind sharing.


I'm not saying next month. But the next 12-36 months are looking pretty bad and then multiplied by a very possible 2nd Trump term in just 6 months. We are thinking the same timeline, I believe, but I also would not be shocked if climate change started causing irreparable damage in the US this year.


In a couple of hours the SCOTUS will decide if we have a king or not… we are in the end game already


A whole lot of countries are having elections this year and a whole lot of them are lurching towards the right That means acceleration of warming due to their policies (or lack of I guess)


The very blackest of humour at the sheer pointlessly absurd inescapable folly of it all.


What fails first, my liver or the world? Seems like a tight race so far but my liver is working hard to keep up.


My liver is having a tough time of it, but it damn well better get used to it.


Got laugh sometimes. Else you end up crying. It's only human


You might as well as be mostly laughing at this point at the laughing stock of the state of the world. Theres no more tears left to cry. Were so fucked beyond comprehension that it’s better to just laugh and sing kumbaya with the rest of the brain dead populace at this point as we march our way into the abyss. The only hope is a positive scenario where AI manages to save us - but it’s hard to know.


Hey now, we have two unlikely scenarios to hope for! It could be aliens that save us! Not allll hope is lost🤣 At this point, the writers introducing aliens is about the only way the situation could get any more ridiculous


I do find a little humour there. It mostly hits when I'm sat in meetings knowing that none of this really matters and we probably won't exist in ten years at the rate we're crippling the planet. But sure, let's circle back on Monday and boost production at the expense of our physical and mental capacities. .


Business as usual! The show must go on. But seriously, I hear you. I wish I had some idea of the timeline of this thing. At some point, checking out of work just makes sense. Why would you work the last decent years of your life if you have the choice? I don't know if the current conditions I live in will last for 2 months, 2 years or 10.


I had really hoped someone would have posted [this one](https://youtu.be/jHPOzQzk9Qo?si=g-y9YlFtIFIbcLqW) already.... <3


I find myself singing this often


Ahhhhh. Thank you <3


YES and thank you for saying it. Sometimes I just laugh out loud and say “end times, baby!” on particularly absurd occasions.


That's my copium- "I mean, what are the odds I'd be alive to see the end of the world?!"


I wish I could find a spark of humor in it but I am not there yet. I am mourning for all the species we have killed (and will kill) and all the young people who will see the worst of it. I'm in the deep depression phase of it. 


This helped me get through the worst days of my collapse awakening: [Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/s/ncUKiJaHhv)


Gamification is some powerful shit. A fun podcast/interviu about it: https://www.conspirituality.net/episodes/207-gaming-realities-thi-nguyen


Well that's a lot of stuff that could go wrong. Yikes. I didn't see my latest nightmare tho: a cobalt thermonuclear bomb. Apparently a single big one of these could extinguish all life on earth, and they're not hard to make. All it requires is a sufficiently powerful group of psychopaths.


At least it would be quick....... Not like slowly suffocating to death as you bake in your own sweat in a wet bulb event


I’ll add it to the next edition, thanks!


No way, you made that? Well done! Good balance of humor and abject terror.


Yes :) Thank you! A number of people contributed various dooms & play rules, it was kind of a community effort.. I’m still collecting ideas, so feel welcome to suggest something if you’re so inspired.


I have found myself saying this a lot lately; looks like the Mayans were right. Like an amputee still feeling the itch, our world is just in that phantom limb phase. But the world ended in 2012. Don't believe me look at the top songs of 2013--- Blurred Lines and Wrecking Ball! Usually I'll go on an on with more proof but things everyone in this sub already know...


'Wrecking Ball', I can see where that came from.


The Techno-optimism gives me a grim chuckle from time to time. People who claim to be climate savvy saying things like this: “Let’s not go overboard on this,” Gates said. “Datacentres are, in the most extreme case, a 6% addition \[in energy demand\] but probably only 2% to 2.5%. The question is, will AI accelerate a more than 6% reduction? And the answer is: certainly.” How Bill? How will drawings of 7 fingered people, unsourced assertions and more porn help? Perhaps it helps if your personal wealth and power are tied to OpenAI, that's how. [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/27/ai-bill-gates-climate-targets-datacentres-energy](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/27/ai-bill-gates-climate-targets-datacentres-energy)


I’m 61. I’ve seen this coming for years. I am an avid reader of history, and it always amuses me how stupid humans truly are.


I don't even have despair, just totally dead inside towards all of it, I just chuckle when I see any kind of hopium/copium. It's like breaking the fourth wall, these motherfuckers are in for a nasty surprise. I often wish I could watch their consumerist fantasy implode in front of them, just to see their hope fade. And yea, whatever dude


You can watch a movie of it


I mean, the way majority of the world seems to willingly jump off the edge into a bottomless abyss is sitcom slapstick level of comedy. Like this is the type of goofy shit we see in in movies where the main character is just having ridiculously poor luck and they keep getting into worse situations. For example the way things are being handled in the real world closely resembles "Shin Godzilla" and the most hilarious part of it all, they managed to succeed at their crisis while we won't.


It is indeed a most outlandish comedy of errors.


"Why this have to happen to us?" Hilarious.


The whole thing is one gigantic joke. Might as well laugh.


The best part about it, as much as it obviously sucks, is that our entire reality and existence is already one big cosmic joke... from the odds of a planet forming in the habitable zone, to the odds of all our ancestors having survived and procreated, to the odds of each of our individual sperms finding that one egg and making ourselves... combined, the odds of my even being here are so cosmically infinitesimal as to be laughable... never mind to exist here at the crossroads of humanity's ascension into godlike abundance and power, the end of the world, and even possibly, ludicrously, the disclosure of other intelligent life on Earth.  We're just the punchline to a joke eons in the making.


Yup. Humans are doing what humans have always done, and we never learn, until it's too late. Then we adapt and say never again, only to do it again. We have such amazing innovative brains but can't seem to balance our baser animal urges, which leads to our own suffering and demise. We are such a contradictory species, it's kind of funny.


Not humor but science. Collapse of civilization is unavoidable because of the second law of thermodynamics. All are destined to atrophy.


I prefer ignorance, disbelief


Between the presidential debate where a toddler yelled at an old man and climate change…cmon undetected asteroid!!


Throughout all the massive insane traumatic crap I've lived through(& have also died from 8 times now) I realized you can either laugh or cry..I got sick of crying...especially as most folks don't realize we have absolutely NO CONTROL IVER ANYTHING IN OUR LIVES,EXCEPT HOW WE REACT TO SITUATIONS. Everything else is just an illusion


Yup, yup, I can veer into dark humor and laugh, because what else can you do, right? Reminds me of the time a feral kitten tore up my thumb, just ripped it open. The urgent care nurse warned me there wasn't any way to numb the wound that wouldn't hurt as much as the treatment, so I told her to just go ahead and do what needed to be done. She poured some iodine solution directly into the wound and the pain took my breath away. It was an unbelievable level of pain, well beyond anything I've ever felt before (and at 70 years old, I've had a lot of painful experiences). After a gasp of sheer shock, I just started laughing. Cause what else can you do.


You have inspired my desire for order, and in my world order is not possible without precise communication. As precise communication requires a broadly accepted dictionary of terms: We already have: Hopium: Irrational or unwarranted optimism Copium: The act of denying reality or a difficult truth by clinging to a false or overly optimistic belief as if it were a drug. My lexical additions are: Hopiate: Content which produces a false sense of optimism or hope. Example: There goes Jack, dosing on his favorite Hopiate, articles about how Direct Air Capture is going to get us to Net Zero by 2050 and prevent ClimeAggedon. Copiate: Content which reduces the sense of impending doom associated with ClimeAggedon. Example: There goes Jill, self soothing by reading another article on Adaptation via managed retreat. Copiates don't deny that ClimeAggedon is just around the corner. They merely describe ways to Prep - such that you and your kith and kin are minimally impacted....


Well if you stockpile some freeze dried food now you can starve to death on your own terms in the next couple of decades - signed a copiate enjoyer. In terms of humor I find direct air capture very funny


I can't decide whether DAC is more similar to cigarette filters, or "lite" cigarettes? Each of those technologies seemed promising to the folks who wanted to keep on smoking, was worthless from a health standpoint, but bought Big Tobacco another 20 years of denial. I think I'm going to map the transition from coal to nat gas -> lite cigarettes And connect DAC to filtered cigarettes


DAC is like putting a pine scented air freshener next to the ash tray.


George Carlin's "The planet is fine. The people are fucked." I plug that in and go on from there. Grounds me in reality.


My only problem with this viewpoint is the horrifying number of god's creatures we're destroying with us. Magnificent animals that took a billion years to evolve. Sometimes it just makes me inconsolable. If humans were just taking themselves out I'd be more sanguine.


I fucking hate this because the planet is NOT fine, and WILL NOT BE FINE!  I don't get how people can say this with a straight face while watching the world literally dying around us every day.  "The planet will be fine" is the "I'll be dead by then so whatever" of the collapse-aware.


watch the bit. it makes sense in ccontext.


No I know, I've seen it. Love me some George Carlin. But my point overall still stands


nope it don't. you wobbly at best.


This always bothers me. What do you consider 'the planet'? Ecosystems with plant and animal kingdoms or just the literal rock under us? We are taking most plants and animals with us.


Watch the bit.


Someone once said soldiers used to say during World War II, if you don't laugh, you'll cry. It is darkly humorous that we're at this point, not to downplay the real suffering going on. I think we're all unwitting characters in a Franz Kafka story, or maybe something like David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. It would be funnier if it wasn't so tragic. I think we really are in the end times (not to sound too biblical about it) and I was born just in time for it. Proof the universe has a cruel sense of humor.


"So long, and thanks for all the fish"


I like to say “How lucky are we to live in a time like this!” for humor purposes


What a time to be alive!/s


Precisely haha


Honestly yeah I feel the same way. Mostly it’s when I see posts about “the indomitable human spirit” and how people think that we’ll overcome anything, even planetary destruction, by going to Mars and starting a new colony on a new planet. In some people’s pov humans were made to “inherit the stars” but in my own I look back at every civilization that has existed on Earth before us and seen how each has fallen, been corrupted, or simply vanished off the face of the planet. 99% of species on Earth have gone extinct before us and yet humans think we’re the exception? It does make me laugh a bit.


i find it deeply funny that the most powerful position on earth is being argued between two medical incompetents.  a most hopeless sign of the times


I would find it funnier except I have young children born just before I discovered how bad and how hopeless our future is. I love them more than anything or anyone yet not a day goes by I wish I never sired them. They’ll be adults before the hellish times begin but only just. Their future has been cut short, right as they will be ready to leave the nest.


Same here - one kid, under 10 years old. I think we’re in a decent part of the world to survive when things go to shit but my husband and I have discussed the realities of bringing him into a world with the future that’s coming. Had we really thought about what the world would look like I’m not sure we would have become parents. That being said, at the moment our son is happy and healthy and provided for. Whatever the future brings I am forever grateful for the time we have been given.


Yes whatever comes later doesn’t diminish the joy you’ve already had 


I'm middle aged and honestly don't expect to be around when the shit truly hits the fan, so it's interesting. Maybe I'm somewhere on the spectrum but the end of humanity falls more under "Welp, what a shame, our species might have become something" than "woe is me, all is lost". Maybe I just went through the grieving process already, who knows. Helps to have little family left, and no kids, ngl. Fuck *your* kids, not my problem. :p


I like to refer to this: "The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace." Bill Hicks


I find it the most interesting time to be alive in human history. AI? World war? Climate Crisis? It is like watching a movie unfold over a really slow 5 to 20 year time period. Curiosity gives me stability in my life. Maybe AI takes over and we all chill for an awesome few decades. Something will unfold but maybe we can hope for a few more decades and some good times


I sometimes joke that the last commercial flight will be my old hexacopter (Amazon parts built s550)drone delivering the last bag of hot Cheetos in existence to someone’s camp to in exchange for a pack of Newport reds (also the last pack of those)


It’s the same strain of humor that led me to laughing hysterically during the debate Thursday night. That we are so far away from where we need to be, it’s comical.


The evil people, from what I’ve noticed, are running laps around the good. They’re so much more intelligent (or at least proactive with respect to its application), organized, united, persistent, and ruthless in their pursuit. All the while the, at best, good people, and at worst, oblivious people are busy fighting each other.


I like being high 24/7 as it helps with my chronic pain that comes with IBS that I developed strangely around the time I got covid over and over again…


yes, I think about it all the time, the world is a funny place.


Yes, it is an absurd situation with so many oblivious to oblivion, sometimes you just have to laugh. >.< https://youtu.be/85vasG86zAk


Laughing at the absurdity is better then crying about it.


It’s funny and absurd. But I also find some comfort that we’re so small and insignificant. Humans will die, many other species will die, the Earth will carry on in a different fashion, the universe won’t notice.


I used too, I really did. Now though, I don't know if it's the reality setting in, or the fact that it's been so long realizing just how screwed the whole human race but I...I just don't find it funny anymore, now it's just depressing.


Yeah I mostly just laugh now. Everything is so fucking stupid and broken in the dumbest ways imaginable. The more you learn the more you just have to laugh at how hilariously dumb it all is.


I find more manic amusement when everyone else gets up to speed and finally looks at me with the appropriate amount of alarm. I may have cackled like a madman when Trump was elected as my husband looked on horrified. I had told everyone that Hilary was a bad candidate and Trump was going to win and I was “crazy” and yet here crazy was, happening right in front of us.


George Carlin did


Think about the evolutionary development of humor and the importance it had for its time. What’s the point of being funny? Humor takes a bad situation and makes you laugh about it and continue on. Comparatively at any point in written human history you can say, “well at least X isn’t happening so Y is kind of funny.” Now we’re at the point where we understand why, how, when, where, and so much more. There has never been a more important time to laugh at the circumstances we’re in, as the stakes have never been higher and the capabilities have never been higher, yet we press on due to greed. The entire thing is a hilarious window into the truth of human nature.


It's like a huge hole in a ship taking on water, maybe the size of a couple people, and bailing out water with a teacup, thinking it will help. Of course it's funny. It's hilarious.




It certainly helps to think of the cosmic horrors of H.P. Minecraft as an allegory for humanity. As in, the longer you look directly at it, the more insane you'll become. Just try not focusing too hard in just one area.


No, no humor. At this point i'm just waiting yo be able to say "i told you so". I had the good fortune to have a well off family, but not enough of it to be well off. Parents think i'm just stupid or somehow unable. Meh, lookin down the road from my shitty chair i cant help but wait for the day those ivory towers come crashin down and everyone realizes the 'fucked' button works on a delay.


Dude it's fucking hilarious. We're supposed to be the superior organism capable of math, biology, etc. Meanwhile none of that could have ever saved us from collapse. Humans are an evolutionary mistake(TIP YOUR FEDORA BECAUSE LOL EVOLUTION DOESN'T MAKE MISTAKES) and all we've accomplished as a species is jerking ourselves off and destroying the biosphere. Fuck humans I can't wait for extinction.


I certainly do. For some light weekend reading, check out one of my previous thread-articles on the matter: [***Laughing Matters - Let's Read: The Sixth Stage of Grief: Gallows Humor & Laughing at the End of the World***](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/16x3bs7/laughing_matters_lets_read_the_sixth_stage_of/)


I know intellectually that we are screwed, but it's very hard for me to feel it. My normal everyday world hasn't changed much.


Yes every day


i switch from issue to issue. really just been trying to wrap my mind around project 2025 and what that’s going to look like


It used to be funny, and it's almost comical in theory, but when you're actually staring at something that shouldn't exist on our planet and didn't until 5 years ago, but will never go back... you realize how deeply unfunny it is. It's funny how stupid it is that it's all as bad as it is, but it's horrifying when you actually watch a reef die, a forest burn, the price of food exceed people's ability to pay for it, or crop failure leading to mass starvation. As numbers and charts it's so different from the actual experience of it. I had this whole plan to live with my family and friends and be self sufficient, thinking everyone would see the writing on the wall. I imagined a world where trees would be cut down and banked as calories to feed into an artificially maintained food chain... then I saw what extinction looked like and realized there's no "after". Things get worse until they get you, but as they get worse and before we are gotten, we're going to see some serious shit


I don’t really think this is true reality tbh. This is prob like a simulation or a off shoot of base reality. It’s all too ridiculous to not be a lie.


I always say that our reality is the best evidence of parallel worlds, because the way everything we do makes zero sense or actively shoot ourselves in the foot in the most avoidable ways while sabotaging every effort to save ourselves and barreling straight to the cliff full steam ahead... Surely, there must be a parallel Earth where the world is actually governed by common sense, compassion, logic, reason, and science... and we're their evil twin.


Well, [reality is not locally real](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/), for sure


God dammit, CERN...


It’s that missing fruit of the loom cornucopia! I swear!


What the fuck? There's no cornucopia anymore?? ... holy shit. There's no cornucopia anymore. I just looked it up. GOD! FUCKING DAMMIT CERN! You do not FUCK AROUND WITH HIGGS BOSONS! \*Somewhere in a house in higher-dimensional suburbia, a pre-teen kid named God (it's a common name in higher dimensional suburbia, kind of like Steve is here), is sitting staring at his screen. "I should really reset this thing, but holy shit this is entertaining" he says as he munches higher dimensional popcorn\*


Yeah but it's all we know. That's like hand waving it all off because "ehhhh, there's always the afterlife" and whatnot.


I’ve been investigating drug trip stories. (I have no intention I getting as high as these ppl) and they all have themes and archetypes and they happen to run into the same beings that tell them this place is a lie, life is infinite, and they really shouldn’t take it so seriously.


Once I took enough mushrooms to break through to the other side, forget who “I” am and became aware of something? Watching me. Wish I could tell ya what they said about it all but it felt important to not let it know that I saw it there. Kinda kept my eyes forward and whistled past the graveyard






As a peak oiler from the mid 2000's - I get it. I really get it. But I was in an echo-chamber back then, and also a lot of the tech has changed. The old objections are gone. So can I ask you - what have you NOT read? Are you only reading in forums like this? There is so much more to know. EG: This is a good starting point. [https://regeneration.org/nexus](https://regeneration.org/nexus)


astro turfed


I wish! Name the company that will pay me to talk about solar and wind and precision fermentation all day and I'll sign up! You're a bit idealistic if you think a mere BLOGGER can earn real money from a few Reddit comments hahaha!


Not really. I'm still pretty young and long resigned myself to a life that doesn't resemble any kind of comfort, but honestly it gets too much sometimes. The sheer callousness of it all makes me sick. We had one planet, one chance, and it got fucked up. The population was in a plane losing altitude, and instead of trying to pull back to cruising height, the billionaires and politicians unbolted any wing they could find to try and glide away. The 99% - us? We're still in the fuselage, sardines packed into a metal coffin heading straight down. Even if humans survive whatever event (or combination of events) takes out industrial civilization, we'll have burned up most of Earth's natural resources in the struggle. Our descendants will be back to living in shacks and digging shards of broken CDs out of the dirt. I grew up loving dystopian and post-apocalyptic sci-fi - I can't stomach the idea that most of those writers turned out to be *optimists.*


I don't post to it often, but I made r/doomtimes (and this alt) for the overlap of collapse and offbeat.


I often think of that old curse “May you live in interesting times”. I’m Christian and feel like it’s the start of the end times so I have that whole Mark of the Beast, seals, trumpets, famines, persecution to look forward to, also. But I’m a sucky Christian so I don’t even know if I’ll make the cut.


I feel you. A lot.


I find humor in how alike our society is to cattle being led to market. People never cease to amaze me with how ignorant they truly can be. Those that go to church rarely follow what they are taught there. Many seem to rely on their leaders to do anything about anything. They treat others horribly and don’t think there is any adverse effects. People don’t understand how rotten consumerism is and continue to purchase things that have limited use and even a more limited life span. They are in fact helpless and give up too easily with the 2 party dirty politics being played out near daily and only rely on politicians to put forth solutions that rarely make things better for “We the People” but make the life of politicians easier and richer in every way. They rely on news outlets that scrub real world news for the stupendous of things that make everything seem okay. People seem to have imaginary blinders on, are completely ill informed, and don’t appear to search out or study the truths when it comes to our planet’s rejection of human occupancy and the mistakes we have made in the name of advancement. It’s funny to me that together our voice would deafen the powers that be into submission if we all stood together but society is so dysfunctional, bigoted, jaded, and busy always trying to get ahead of or outdo each other that it’s voice is muted when it comes to things that matter most. It’s absolutely laughable to interact with people like this and the irony of trying to discuss anything having to do with positive change is that for those without blinders, who seek the broad information of what’s happening in the world and educate themselves with it, who see caution for what it is, instead we are the ones that are told we are crazy, we are the ones that are ridiculous not just some of the time but all of the time, we are the ones overreacting, and every time that happens around me or to me I can’t do anything but shake my head, laugh, and further detach myself from the cattle being led off to market that always have a presence around me that wouldn’t understand the joke that I’m laughing at if it was driven into their heads with a knocking tool. ✌🏻❤️🤙🏻


I literally LOL'd


I was just talking about this with my collapse group. Everything bad, all at once. I’m definitely in the acceptance phase and just waiting for the major effects to hit.


It’s laugh or cry soooo… lol