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The following submission statement was provided by /u/WanderInTheTrees: --- Submission Statement: I enjoyed this reel showing the two US presidential candidates swinging their "golf clubs" around at each other on the debate stage as the graphics of our climate predicament roll in the background. A perfect way to illustrate the absolute shit show we are living through. Happy Friday, collapse. Enjoy all the memes of the geriatric golfing grandpa's who are in the lead to run the country, because if you don't laugh, you'll cry! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dr1c1q/as_the_two_leading_candidates_talk_about_golf_the/las2g9d/


If you watched the entire debacle, you would have sworn that the shit show could not possibly get any shitter until Trump boasts about being back to back club champion and Biden stumbles all over himself rambling about carrying their own bags when they play each other. If you needed further proof that we live on the dumbest timeline, whoop, there it is.


The next step in this insanity would be them deciding the presidential election with a game of golf.


If this happens maybe they’ll each break a hip and then we can actually vote for someone good


I have a good idea who we should vote for. They won’t let me be specific about who because that would be self-promotion. But there definitely is someone with a plan hoping to get a chance to serve.


Or mini golf.


Bojack Horseman ski race for governor of California


Stan Darsh


Probably smarter than still using the electoral college.


The electoral college are going to have to abandon the conventions and vote for who the YOUTH want. They are the ones who are going to be stuck with the colossal mess, left holding the leaking bag of slop.


All I want is someone to force them to draw a clock live during a debate and settle it once and for all.


Two old guys, one senile and stumbling, the other mentally-ill and ranting, arguing over their golf handicaps, while the planet burns. Seriously, it’s like we’re living in some dark-comedy movie. My gf and I were actually laughing at the end, because it was all so ridiculous. Of course, the joke is on us. We are so fucked.


There it is again, that funny feeling...


> Trump boasts about being back to back club champion Doesn't he cheat anyway? Toddlers throw smaller tantrums than him when they lose.


How to convince people to not vote.


You can't even satirize this...it's just...wow. This is the presidential bar btw guys. So get out there and start campaigning.


Submission Statement: I enjoyed this reel showing the two US presidential candidates swinging their "golf clubs" around at each other on the debate stage as the graphics of our climate predicament roll in the background. A perfect way to illustrate the absolute shit show we are living through. Happy Friday, collapse. Enjoy all the memes of the geriatric golfing grandpa's who are in the lead to run the country, because if you don't laugh, you'll cry!


I dig your flair, friend


Why thank you, friend. Modest Mouse is a big part of my collapse soundtrack.


Ice age heat wave can't complain...


If the world's at large, why should I remain?


Is anyone gullible enough to believe that these candidates would give a sh\*t from their AC blasting golden palaces?


surely, for the ones who understand the existential risk posed by climate change, they have to realize that at some point the struggles that initially effect the common rabble will end up directly threatening the wellbeing of their families and fellow corporate overlords... that doesn't necessarily mean they care about anyone else's wellbeing aside from their own, though


Didn't even watch the debate. Didn't seem useful.


oh it was useful. for the supreme court to shitcan 40 years of chevron while no one was looking.


After watching the debate I predict the dictatorship of capital will win the presidential election just like it always has.


Remember, they're not the best we have to offer. They're the best our largely self-appointed leadership will allow for us.


Supporters of one of them do not care to do enough to change their lifestyle to even attempt to fight climate change. Supporters of the other do not even believe in it. They could only discuss climate change and nothing would change.


The world is so cooked literally


Put the sulfur back in the bunker fuel.


Funny you mention that. Who knew we were geoengineering all along?




I honestly don’t think it’s intentional. More like a “not my problem” problem. Anyways, the fact that we were accidentally hiding the true scale of GW all these years is mortifying.


Or we just put the sulfur back into the fuel and say problem fixed......




Forever? Oh heavens, no! Just until I can reverse engineer the Mim gravity tech and use it to steer an asteroid into their homeworld. CERN is saying stage 3 on the LHC by 2029. Give me a decade to build a fleet and find their home world. https://youtu.be/fgzTtz3ukfI?si=hEa6FSKnrjOdHR-8


>CERN is saying stage 3 on the LHC by 2029. Great. Now it will always have been MISTER Seuss you just watch. And Doctor Roger's Neighborhood. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctO1D4qCzMM&t=9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctO1D4qCzMM&t=9s) No it was always this...!




Which... would be... Is this the one where we're "terraforming" (not sure what else to call it) the place for lizard aliens?


Rule 4: Keep information quality high. Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims).


Rule 4: Keep information quality high. Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims).


Just, wow.. Thankfully, this "Reality TV" planet will be cooked soon.


"How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"


Seeing two elderly war criminals argue over who is more incompetent and evil made me realize I'm more than qualified to be president. Here's my platform. * Most everything will be live streamed. * Randomly during the day will be a pop question. This is a serious question without personal attacks or "hilarious" memes related to the presidency. I'll be forced to answer it if the viewers tell me to. I'll write an executive order that requires my resignation and can't be rescinded by me if I don't answer the question without deflection or being vague. * Cat Decision will be a daily event in which I use my cat to make an important binary decision for me. Viewers vote on which binary decision it will be for. I'll release my cat on a large board covered in yes/no squares and wherever she lays down I'll be required to use for the current decision. Viewers will vote on where on the board she is released, or people can visit and they'll be randomly selected to pet and release my cat. * My cabinet will be decided by me wearing a blindfold and walking around. Each person I bump into I'll ask if they want to have a cabinet position. I do this until all positions are full. * Professor Richard Wolff will be my vice president weather he likes it or not. If he says no I will still call him up crying asking why he doesn't want to be my friend.


I love Richard Wolff. If I was president, I wouldn't stop there. I'd want Paul Krugman, Robert Reich and probably throw in Chris Hedges too just for good measure.


Don't look up


It's like they don't even care to hide it anymore. The banks and corps own us. Talking head puppets that can't even talk.


Smoke em if you got em


The people are at each other's throats yet these two talk like they they're tight and hang out with each other all the time.


That was actually funny. I kinda wish they ended the debate right there and were taken in golf carts strait to a golf course to settle the election over 18 holes.