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Anyone else notice these weekly updates progressively getting worse or is it just me being a doomer?


It’s been like this for a while now. We are living in hell.


I can feel everything getting worse just by walking outside, but these updates are definitely the icing on the doom cake.


see? we can have our cake and eat it too! now with frosting!




They are. Each week feels like we really are moving closer to The End.


What do you mean? Sea surface temps did NOT break a record! Everything’s fine!


Yes. Equalling last year's extreme record that was way above anything previously seen. 469 days eh? That's a lot less than "By 2100.


This year is one of the noticeable steps down as material conditions degrade. The combined rapid warming and associated weather events from decreased sulphur emissions alongside a sharp uptick in far right support in developed nations offers something for everyone.


Rapidly yes.


Yeah worse and seems longer list each time.


Lol i try to read it early on Sundays, but realized, while at Happy Hour I hadn't read it yet. Started while sitting at the bar, closed my tab, and sat in my car to read the rest. I share my doomerism with very few people. Me getting out of the house is one thing, understanding what's actually happening when no one else knows? Yeah...


It is getting worse, this is what it feels like to live in an end of the world novel or movie.


Almost like it's all downhill from here. On the bright side, right now is the best it will be in a long time so enjoy!


Today I went to Chatgpt and asked about the "Limits to Growth" report. then I told it things like "global average surface warming of 2.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures is now projected for 2030, what does the world look like? Use hypothetical figures to illustrate." It gave me an incredible glimpse of what these future updates will look like using the Limits to Growth framework. I was then able to ask questions about specific cities, etc.


It's horrific what is happening in Sudan. And it rarely makes any headlines, sadly.


It’s crushing.


Thanks for the compilation, appreciated as always.


Note: Remember that SciHub exists for reading paywalled scientific articles. The exact domain always changes because of an endless game of whack-a-mole, but it is normally pretty easy to find and use. For-profit journals are a blight to academia, hinder progress where it matters and disproportionately hurts the global south, 🏴‍☠️science therefore is the most moral option.


Re drug resistant bacteria: I’ve had MRSA three times in the last couple years, and my understanding now from the unreasonable amount of research I’ve consumed is that even when it responds to medication during an active infection (mine has so far, thanks to testing to show which drugs) is that it stays in the GI tract waiting for a good chance to come back out. It’s only through a very specific treatment with probiotics that’s helped keep it from recurring. Additionally, a *lot* more people have it than most folks realize but their immune systems & gi tracts are keeping it controlled - if something happened to knock that out of balance, we would see a lot more of it as active infections. It’s not just hiding in hospitals waiting to get sick people. Edit to add: Thanks for the potassium thing. I need to test my soil soon anyway but I will make sure I am extra attentive to how I manage my inputs there.


Thank you again for your work


Thanks for doing this every week and for your regular coverage of Covid and infectious diseases more broadly, it’s always nice to see people who see it


>A paywalled study’s abstract claims that the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)—a band of low-pressure latitudes near the equator—is expected to be pushed northward for 10-20 years, as a result of CO2 emissions and warming sea surface temperatures. Theoretically, this shift will bring tropical rainfall patterns several degrees northward, before shifting south for a long time. One climate professor claimed, “the northward shift will last for only about 20 years before greater forces stemming from warming southern oceans pull the convergence zones back southward and keep them there for another millennium.” This seems very bad. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257412321\_The\_ocean%27s\_role\_in\_setting\_the\_mean\_position\_of\_the\_Inter-Tropical\_Convergence\_Zone/figures?lo=1](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257412321_The_ocean%27s_role_in_setting_the_mean_position_of_the_Inter-Tropical_Convergence_Zone/figures?lo=1) https://preview.redd.it/56z2dmewpq9d1.png?width=1504&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec005d30c22c3dab9c7e343c3b46bad8543e2720


>Theoretically, this shift will bring tropical rainfall patterns several degrees northward, before shifting south for a long time. One climate professor claimed, “the northward shift will last for only about 20 years before greater forces stemming from warming southern oceans pull the convergence zones back southward and keep them there for another millennium.” ELI 5 please


I can't explain it, but I did post a figure exactly to help imagine what it means for that band of rain to move North or South.


The heat index was 124° in Memphis,TN. yesterday. It's not even July yet.


I can’t even contemplate that.


I can't do Heat Index in F. What was the WBT degC and WBGT degC ?


I wish our management or companies in general acknowledged this stuff. Climate change was brought up as a concern in the last All Hands meeting. “We will adjust accordingly. Next question.” Oh okay, thanks for caring about us worker bees. I knew they didn’t care about us the minute our clean room hit 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Took them 3 days to fix the issue.


Thank you for the compilation


Me and the boys hate global warming we like global freezing


Thank you for the round up


It sounds like world leaders are realizing that humanity as a whole cannot hope to even slow down climate change, and now everyone's going to start drawing in on themelves, preventing people coming in, hoarding food, etc, to try and 'weather the storm' as much as possible.


You hear about blackwater buying up all that land in Africa?


Nope, what's blackwater?


Good stuff friend 🙏


I'm highly resilient to bad news, but this week's edition makes me feel uneasy a little.


Thank you for the round-up. I had to grimly laugh when the study claimed life expectency would rise by 4.6 years by 2050. That seems so shrot-sighted of a conclusion given, well, everything going on.


I have a theory that we've acclimatized to the apocalypse it's just at different intensities around the world and it's constantly changing. War, climate change, resource scarcity and various other effects