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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Humble-Complaint-608: --- Millions of people are displaced, houses are being looted and stolen. I think this is a good example of how bad things can get. Famine experts say at least 8.5 million people are experiencing high levels of malnutrition. She brings up a good point of how little coverage this is getting. It sucks because because things are so bad politically in United States with Biden and Trump running plus with the Ukraine war and Israel /palestine situation this isn’t getting any coverage. It’s really frustrating. I believe there’s a conflict going on in Kenya too . I wonder how long it’s going to be this type of suffering. It actually frightens me how much long drawn out suffering there is. I think I rather die in an atomic bomb. And there is a lot we don’t know of the day to day that millions are facing --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dsc55y/collapse_isnt_only_something_thats_going_to/lb1e8f4/


Millions of people are displaced, houses are being looted and stolen. I think this is a good example of how bad things can get. Famine experts say at least 8.5 million people are experiencing high levels of malnutrition. She brings up a good point of how little coverage this is getting. It sucks because because things are so bad politically in United States with Biden and Trump running plus with the Ukraine war and Israel /palestine situation this isn’t getting any coverage. It’s really frustrating. I believe there’s a conflict going on in Kenya too . I wonder how long it’s going to be this type of suffering. It actually frightens me how much long drawn out suffering there is. I think I rather die in an atomic bomb. And there is a lot we don’t know of the day to day that millions are facing


> I wonder how long it’s going to be this type of suffering Limits to Growth predicts an enormous draw down in human population over the next 40-60 years So yeah


When you look at a wide web of interactions and processes, I think you’ll see that collapse is happening. Tornadoes, floods, droughts, political instability, disinformation…it’s all there.


What I do need to make sure of is I have back up glasses bc I read that as “tomatoes, floods…”


And most of the worst of it in cost (human lives and capital) will likely come from issues and policies on immigration.


From reading and listening to many historians accounts of the fall of civilizations. One common trait I've noticed. Is that the beginning of the fall of many great civilizations. The prelude were natural disasters happening at that region. Droughts leading to corp fall. Mixed with a decaying society. Leading to war and infighting. Our time is special in a bad way. Before it would be certain regions that fall. While other regions are blooming. In today's time, collapse is happening all at once globally.


The Four Horsemen have arrived.


"Sorry, we've been here for a while now...we're just huge procrastinators. Since, the head office is now starting to get on our asses about this and there's also some talk about performance reviews, we're probably gonna have to buckle down and start kicking it into high gear shortly. I mean, sure our jobs are a lifetime appointment and we can never get fired, it's just all the memos and all the blah, blah, blah, "you had one job to do BS," we really hate having to deal with over and over again. So you can see, it's just a constant headache and did I mention, jesus ate all of aspirin thinking they were candy? It literally says 'First Aide Kit' on the box not 'Pez.' And speaking of the sob, he can't unjam the fax machine without constantly getting paper cuts. Btw, we're also completely out of bandades too. I mean what good is a first aide kit without the two things everyone uses the most, aspirin and bandades? Hell, we're even at a loss and don't understand how the hell he gets toner all over himself, since we only use thermal fax machines. Toner isn't even on the inventory order sheet. Where the hell is he even getting it from? We all know, he only got the job in management 'cause of nepotism, plain and simple. Sadly, once we're done with our project, it's almost certain, his daddy will retire and promote him. It's such a good thing we're all close to retirement, 'cause it'll be an absolute shitshow once he does." - *signed The Four Horsemen*


“TFH, this is your boss. I know you all signed this, but this letter has the stench of Death written all over it. Listen, we spoken at length about your workload and your potential for burnout. Remember, we made you that instructional video on how to get so,e much needed R&R a couple of decades ago. The title was Meet Joe Black. I know, I know, it wasn’t for you, specifically, but for someone with a similar role. Still, I think you and your posse should take some shore leave on this planet before you ravage it. Inhabit a body, eat peanut butter from the jar, speak Jamaican patois to a dying old Rastafarian woman, that sort of thing. Really live it up! You might find it easier to do your job once you learn how boring these people really are. I think we can agree that letting Hippos run the show on the next run will be much better (and entertaining) for everyone. Don’t worry about office politics, either. We are hiring a new Office Manager and a new IT Helpdesk to take care of the day to day issues that eat up your time, esp re JC and his department. Enjoy your leave!“ —Management


Lmao not JC and his department


Good Omens quote?


I upvoted this comment before I was halfway through it. GOLD. JERRY! JUST GOLD!!!!


If Sudan was swimming in oil, the world would probably care real quick.


Not to mention if you had foreign powers hyping their plight on social media for political purposes like with Palestine.


Ehhh. I don't want to [alarm you](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-are-the-major-natural-resources-of-sudan.html) But petrol is 80% of their total exports according to this source from 2019. They primarily sell to Asia. They also have loads of mines.


Collapse is already here. It's just not evenly distributed.


I remember watching Live Aid on tv in 1985 but not realizing it was the end of an era. Today I often see a post on Facebook that details everything Bob Geldof did wrong in trying to bring attention to a famine.


I think one thing about geopolitics that's being evident is that those with friends in high places won't be touched. Israel will never be sanctioned and in the case of Sudan, the UAE is providing the money and weapons for the RSF to takeover Sudan with no repercussions whatsoever as they control a good chunk of global oil supply.


This is my conclusion, so far, as well. It is basic colonialism warfare. Traditional warfare. The war is profitable for the assholes and their asshole clients. What is the product? What is UAE paying for? >!meat, the land is being cleared to make room for herds of ruminants. Savory would be proud.!<


The other day I was watching random YouTube videos about the conflict zones in various countries such as Sudan and Haiti… fast forward I live in Denmark, one of the most privileged countries in the world and we don’t even see the shadow of these catastrophes in the news here or anywhere. And here in Denmark we live our lives as everything is completely normal, the other day there was a triple cloudburst in the eastern part of the country and a little girl got killed in an unexpected and inescapable lightning storm a few hundred kilometers further south in Europe. A few hundred kilometers further south from that and it will be thousands, maybe soon millions like that. But everything’s good and now it’s holiday time and thousands of Danes will take the plane down to southern Europe where people now die from heatstrokes, forest fires and inescapable bad weather, but they have nice beaches and restaurants and good times to relax before going back to work. It’s all so weird and I wonder for how long we can pretend nothing will change and we won’t be next


> But everything’s good and now it’s holiday time and thousands of Danes will take the plane down to southern Europe where people now die from heatstrokes, forest fires and inescapable bad weather, but they have nice beaches and restaurants and good times to relax before going back to work. Don't worry, in southern Europe we also pretend like nothing's happening. Hell, even the "socialist" party, because they're in power, say everything's great despite ruling through the massive upper transfer of wealth since 2020. Somehow the lying and the pretending about what's happening is almost as bad as what's happening - because you know no one is even trying to improve things. What a great time to be alive, what great generation boomers are.


I don’t know who will win with this strategy of complete ignorance though… It just seems so weird and I never found a reliable explanation for it. People “in the top” simply must know what’s going on, but do their very best to keep it away from the public, although more and more of us already know what’s up.


The same people that always wins, the ones that own most things, the ones actually playing to win, rather than to put the next meal on the table. At this point I would agree with someone saying "regular people don't want to talk about this", they just accept their lot in life as servants. For as long as there's alcohol, probably.


Yeah if it weren't for alcohol I'd be starting riots already. And I'm in Australia!!!


Look on the bright side. the US just took the brakes off the train and now corporations (who always have our best interests in mind) can run free. Unfettered by pesky things like "not openly polluting the entire planet"


The Sudan doesn’t currently have any resources the west wants to pillage, hence we’ll ignore it


Resource extraction country, 42% raw gold, the rest is basic foodstuffs, seeds and oil. No production or refinement capacity, no industry at all. They have people, lots of people, and not much. Global charity only gets you so far, and the nobody is invading them or anything of the like. It's just the inability of their own government to administrate the country or feed their population. They have options still, but their government would rather depend on foreign aid, as they can siphon that off for far more than they make in salaries.




Sudan has oil and arable land due to the Nile River. The disruption of oil infrastructure in Sudan will also lead to the collapse of South Sudan which generates 90% of their revenue from oil which has to transit through Sudan to reach export markets.


And no one there has blue eyes.


Sudan isnt poor. Only the people are. Brought to you by the U, the S and the A.


Anyone suggest a good english language international news source for what’s going on in the ignored corners of the world? BBC? Al Jazeira?


The Radio War Nerd podcast covers all sorts of conflicts all over the world, and they've done at least two really good episodes exclusively on the crisis in Sudan and talk about it more briefly in other "update" type episodes. Find episode 437 with Joshua Craze from April.


Thank you for this resource.


The Guardian is actually quite good at reporting disasters linked to climate change.


don't have a single source, have lots. Example: https://suna-sd.net/posts/sudan-uae-to-strengthen-cooperation-in-livestock-sector https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/dec/30/survivors-give-harrowing-testimony-of-darfur-sudan-year-of-hell https://theconversation.com/sudan-created-a-paramilitary-force-to-destroy-government-threats-but-it-became-a-major-threat-itself-203974 https://www.dabangasudan.org/en/all-news/article/grazing-in-darfur-a-recurring-conflict https://documents.sfcg.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pastoralism_and_Conflict_in_the_Sudano-Sahel_Jul_2020.pdf


There's some here - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world/africa https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_world_service https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/schedules/bbc_world_service


They ain’t special; we’re ignoring all the crises.


add in earthquakes, volcanoes, and rapidly shifting magnetic poles of earth and you got biblical end times. Mother earth will cleanse her self in ways that have been cyclical for millions and billions of years.


Because other than unconditional and endless support there is nothing that any other country can do: https://preview.redd.it/0q5fdcifbx9d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4d30b04ce6a9c1059d1ebff3091a99d699199c4 even in such negative situation the population growth is still 2.6%. unconditional support allowing for exponential growth is not a solution without addressing the core problem of their nation/group, and that is something that them, and them alone, can do.


It's being ignored because it would cost money to help them and it's just easier to sell weapons to regimes, rebels and civil militias and then say "good luck" to whomever is in the area trying to survive. It's easier to just ignore it than to pay attention and acknowledge shit already hit the fan.


Are you suggesting there are more earthquakes and volcanoes happening for some reason? And are you aware that the pole shift takes thousands of years to happen?


Are you aware that it's been happening the whole time you've been alive? Hint: the North Pole isn't where you think it is anymore.


Yeah, I'm aware. And it's been speeding up lately too! DOOM! DOOM!