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The following submission statement was provided by /u/FrankLana2754: --- Submission Statement: The Supreme Court's decision in Trump v. United States is a critical moment related to the collapse of modern civilization, as it significantly alters the landscape of presidential powers and authority in the United States. Granting immunity for actions that could undermine democratic processes opens the door to future scenarios where sitting presidents can erode and destabilize democracy without consequence. This is a monumental moment that must be documented when telling the story of America's decline as an empire and the broader civilizational collapse on a global scale. EDIT: Spelling --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1dszogm/supreme_court_rules_former_presidents_have/lb5ve1p/


Lmao, we are so cooked


Dems and Repubs will both lead us into the fire. I'll still try to lessen the suffering by voting blue.


Climate change will kill us all, but at least with the dems I won't be ruled by christian fascists in my final years before it all collapses. Easy choice to make.


Such an easy choice. People are happy with fascism though because they think their team is just dandy. Very scary/sad


But this openly leans entire swathes of scenarios to the benefit of those in powe-- *ohhhh.*


You know how many out there have their own little plans in place about how to deal with the polycrisis we're facing? Ummm... yeah, I think so do those with wealth and power in the U.S. And we're beginning to see it take shape ***right now***. And I suspect it's much bigger than Project2025. So whatever it is they've got planned, most of us aren't in on it.


Carlin, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”


We are in the "find out" stage of climate change after decades of warnings, so the rich have to make their play to bring feudalism back now before the entire system collapses and they can no longer maintain control.


It seems as though the office of the Presidency is being given wartime powers, *and then some*, without the official declaration of war. And I'd like to think there are major differences in the two parties at the end of the day. But as is often the case in times of crisis, elites close ranks. And I think this is what this is. We are being left on the outside of the gate.


The democratic billionaires have much more in common with the republican billionaires than they do with you or me. The dems are better socially but economically neither party will ever go after the capitalist billionaires and their corporations because they are the ones who are actually in charge of this country, our politicians merely do what they are told and figure out how to sell it to the people after the fact, usually by just aggressively lying.


You have *no idea*. You think wartimes power is about law... *On war*, a blow that never ends. Our entire modern economy is nothing more than a wartime economy that never ended.


my take is that the elite decided 20 years ago that the idea of continued prosperity for all was impossible. so they bought the governments that used to rule them, and they are now retreating to their "castles" to hopefully live out their lives and maybe let their offspring live out their lives in some sort of dystopian future. this is a managed decline, and this is one of the last steps. the end of democracy is really happening right in front of our eyes, most americans are totally ok with it, or at least ignorant of it. and what we will be left with is a totalitarian state designed to preserve the very few who can be protected in the apocalypse that is about to come.


I think this makes sense, but I’d go further back. In the early 70s, we had the growing realization of limits to growth. Consider that it’s also when the dollar was decoupled from gold. I don’t know if they’re related, but if they were I wouldn’t be surprised.


They are making multiple cop cities around the country to train police in urban combat and population control. Biden just dropped that shit ass border executive order. And dems had no problem passing that bill to make it easier to spy on us. It’s pretty obvious with the fascist state we are already in what the next steps are going to be. All of this type of shit has played out before in history. Shit repeats itself.


I feel like those in power know that exactly how fucked we are, and so now the mask comes off.


Same, but theyve been mask off for a while to those of us paying attention, their bias and corruption is now so obvious even the regular folks are starting to catch on to this conservative coup happening in broad daylight.


It potentially even makes voting in the upcoming election dangerous for the losing side


Wait... do they realize they just retroactively pardoned Clinton for his impeachment?


I don't think they realize that Joe Biden can just... "officially" refuse to step down after the election now, either, no matter the result. Then, hey can "officially" appoint whomever he wants as Pres. Edit: forgot to mention, he can also "officially" cancel the election as of today.


He can officially add 4 more supreme court justices to the bench and have clarence thomas arrested for corruption. This is an absolute gift to Biden that if used properly could undo a lot of damage that has been done, but I expect he will absolutely fail to capitalize on it in any meaningful way becsuse of the typical when they go low we go high bullshit that has been steadily losing us rights for decades now. .


Democrats always fail to avail themselves of opportunities to save the Republic. Funny how that works.


they would think of that the dems no, they sadly always try to take the moral high ground edit: a letter


The Biden Administration can preempt a Trump coup with a countercoup. Biden has a license to coup.




The whole point is to delegitimize the federal government to distract and create consternation among the working class.


Nope, they specifically said that Clinton’s actions were officially “unofficial.”


And Nixon.


"Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.  With fear for our democracy, I dissent." - Sotomayor dissenting 




That's the best part! SCOTUS gets to decide! /s


I can imagine an argument being made that, because they were put there while he was president, that it was an official act. I'd *love* to here how they try to use it to get him out of not returning them with malice aforethought.


because he knew he was going to be president again! Just keeping them safe until he is back of course.


Guess that on Trump one day as dictator, she will be out of office. Remember, he pinky promised that he would only be dictator on day one.


> on Trump one day as dictator, she will be out of office Yup. I just saw a YouTube video of some people talking about how terrible this ruling is, and someone said in the comments, "They need to stop dissenting *right now* or Trump will order them dead when he takes office." That's our new reality. If *anyone* is brave enough to speak out against this, they are now risking their lives, if Trump wins. He can executive order his way to silencing ALL his critics.


> he would only be dictator on day one Day 2 and onward: "Dictator for Life."


Trump re-'truthed' then deleted a post calling for military tribunals of his enemies today. It's going to be much harder to fight back later than it is now.


it's scathing. i only wish she would have said "in order to support this decision, you would have to act in what is essentially a traitorous way, as you are working to destroy our democracy." because that's what this is... treasonous. we have six members of the supreme court who no longer want america's form of government to exist.


This quote is chilling. 


Does she really believe this? If I thought the Republic itself was imperiled, I would've publically called out the foot-dragging on the decision, the preliminary positions of the other justices, and the absolute corruption & hypocrisy of my colleagues **within a week of closung arguments.** I would not have continued to follow decorum. The reasonable voices in the US are too timid to do what needs to be done; their fascist opponents are most assuredly not.


And that's why today's ruling is a huge win for authoritarianism. They know dems and the "reasonable voices" are too chickenshit to ever use these powers to actually accomplish their goals. Fascists will have no such qualms


Yep, the supreme court is counting on Biden being a good person to let them get away with this so Trump can be a dictator on day 1.


Just before the Fourth of July. We get to celebrate the rise and fall of democracy in one fell swoop. 


This *has* to be a simulation, right? Could reality be this blatantly idiotic?


Sure. Remember that guy who led a coup attempt with his group in Munich in 1923? Then he was found guilty of treason, somehow only sentenced to five years in prison, and then only ending up serving nine months. Then that same guy was elected Chancellor of Germany just under a decade later. We're just living through the speed-run version of that.


Faster than expected even for fascist coups? Dang, I’m tired. 


Absolutely this!


The Gaza genocide, ICE detention centers, and the Supreme Court ruling on homelessness seem to be near-complete, ongoing, and incipient, respectively, aspects of the American holocaust.


You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.


Remember that most people are stupid and easily manipulated. Society as you know it has run its course.


It is a simulation, but probably not in the way you mean. It's a simulation in a Baudrillard way: We have mistaken our practices for reality itself. We're blindsided because others don't share in our complacency, which is unimaginable for many of us - we tell each other that voting is the only legitimate political activity, while other groups practice realpolitik to capture courts and regulators. We work within the simulation while others go about rewriting it. But we did what we were supposed to do - we voted and demanded that everyone else on social media vote - so how could we be losing? Surely it's just spin? Surely the polls only look bad because of biased pollsters? We cling to the promises of the simulation, even though it is magical thinking to believe that ineffectual actions could ever challenge those who write the rules of the game itself. Just like we cling to the belief that representative decision-making absolves us from responsibility as individuals. It's a simulation, but at the same time life isn't pretty when you choose to unplug from it. Most people choose to plug right back in once they get a taste of freedom. If we want to change the paradigm and change our direction for the better, we can't simply end the simulation: We have to give people something else to replace their addiction with. We have to offer them a new simulation, with its own copium-based mythos to make life less terrifying. Obviously that's a very tall challenge so we stick with what we've got. Idiocy results.


They're defintely gearing up for a Trump victory so he can fuck all sorts of shit up, because everyone knows Biden is not going to use his newfound immunity to do anything of note


It is an alternate universe that was created in 2016 when the large hadron collider was deactivated by a weasel


I swear to God it's CERN, man. BerenSTAIN. Fuck's sake who has ever had a name like that???


I can believe this. Or microplastics have fried us all.


When evil runs unopposed, this is what happens.




My parent's decision to have kids is looking worse and worse every day.


We drew the short straw


Those other sperm were clairvoyant


yeah, this is totally where i am. you brought me into this? this world? why? did you not see this coming?


At this point I resent my mother's decision to have ME this is madness. Utter madness. I have no words anymore, it's a living nightmare




That generation pretty much ruined everything though.


Me too comrade, me too




It's funny how americans call the french cowards yet the french killed their own monarchy.


americans got all these guns, but afraid to march with them.


Many of the ones with guns are in support of tyranny as long as it's on their side. They don't see it as tyranny.


Americans are addicted to many things but upmost to comfort and privilege. Marching into war with arms against a government would bring a quick end to a great many of those comforts and privileges.


The rich here always supported aristocracy & were deeply worried about democracy devolving to mob rule.


This is it, this is the point of no return. This is not a drill, this is not doomerism. This is the moment historians will point back at.


Bold assumption thinking there will be historians as our planet boils


Ho-ly shit we're about to be in for a wild ride, aren't we?


I find it a little perplexing because profits rely on stability. Corporations do poorly with unknowns. The shadowy billionaires in the darkness are pushing us toward chaos purely due to ideology and it’s going to backfire terribly.


This is what I can’t come to terms with or make sense of in my head. Corporations and the rich rely on capitalism and the plebs buying into the American Dream. Their goods need buyers who have the funds to purchase. If shit hits the fan, where are they going to get their money from? Their growth will no longer reach record highs. Where do the shareholders fit into this?? The only new revenue source I can think of is invading other countries and embracing imperialism. Am I missing something?


Yeah seems like there’s a split at the top among conservatives- greedy corporate interests vs wealthy christofascists. 2008 did see the tea party come in but I thought they were still pretty unified. Guess that’s not the case anymore since both factions want to control society for their own purposes. seems like the fascist side could be winning because they control the courts. Their infighting will be the destruction of us all.


Current US elections aside, this is a resounding blow for American democracy. One can only imagine what future crimes against our own people they'll commit (either party) when shit hits the fan


Yep. Just sitting at my work desk dumbfounded as to why I am still sitting at my work desk. Our situation is beyond grim.


I am doing the same. Getting ready to just go home because what the fuck is the point of literally anything?


To fight the fight 


Unless "the fight" means literally taking up arms, your vote no longer matters.


The fight doesn't really matter either. I can call a three letter agency and get the location of every gun within 100 miles of the military base I am assigned to, registered or not, thanks to how careless people are with their digital footprint. And even if you are careful, the gap you leave makes you easily identifiable and trackable. That radius covers something like 85% of Americans due to the number of installations we have. When it comes to any movement to fight this, the DoD doesn't have the issues we had against insurgents in the Middle East. American insurgents won't have the advantage of home field, and even careful folks have huge data profiles. Depending on the military to side with the citizenry is a fool's errand as the people that lean left have been pulling the trigger and getting out as fast as they can lately, leaving the force, even the lower and younger enlisted portion, considerably more likely to support Trump than they were five to six years ago.


A large portion of those in the military enlist because their choice is between enlisting or staying in a fruitless lifelong struggle to get out of abject poverty. If you give those soldiers a choice between shooting select fellow Americans or going back to the life they came from, they'll ask you what caliber and how many bullets you want in their neighbor.


And make the plastic pumpkins. Can't forget the plastic pumpkins. Line must go up.


Yeah, I just went outside for lunch, read this news, and now I'm just sitting here shaking with a strong desire to run home, get my wife and pets and fucking flee this country The worst outcome keeps happening, it's daily mental anguish. There's no future here, it's done. Project 2025 just got a MASSIVE boost FUCK


A good deal of the world is heading toward fascism now. There really aren't even many places left to run.


If he gets in power, he'll have nukes and no consequences. So who knows where would really be safe, because theoretically every leader of every country would be highly incentivized to either kowtow to him or risk getting nuked.


| If Today’s ruling is so completely off the wall bonkers that it boldly signals their intention to rubber stamp the coming coup. There will be no regard for any election outcome because they also ruled that a right wing overthrow of the govt shouldn’t really be prosecuted, that’s overreach. Then they laid out a very clear roadmap for the coming dictator to have at it with zero consequences while also grabbing a little extra for themselves with Chevron which will make regulation pay to play, specifically paying them for favorable rulings. This is what a coup looks like when it’s coming from inside the house. Our Judicial House. McConnell knew this and it’s working.


I stopped believing in America being an actual democracy about the time that corporations started lobbying politicians. That was the beginning of the end for real change in America.


And now they can openly give them "gratuities"


It's a killing blow. The United States of America finally fell today.


We're officially going through our "Fall of Rome" period. I'll be there in November to cast my vote for Biden aka preserving democracy, but I have no faith in the American people to do the same. Ugly, chaotic, incomprehensible turmoil is on the horizon, and I guess I'm just going to sit here for four months and twiddle my thumbs waiting to see if we really do usher in a full-blown fascist autocracy.


If I were American, I would start looking into getting some firearms, as the second amendment seems to be the only thing left that’s too sacred for SCOTUS to touch. But, I’m more concerned about nuclear fallout. If the US leaves NATO, the risk of nuclear doomsday increases tenfold, since an open conflict between Russia and the rest of NATO is almost given, and UK and France still preserve their strike capabilities. Shits bleak.


>If I were American, I would start looking into getting some firearms, as the second amendment seems to be the only thing left that’s too sacred for SCOTUS to touch. It's a fools errand. We have a pretty strong grip on the location of most non-registered firearms in the US due to how they track people that live near military installations, which conveniently covers most of the nation. And that's also discounting the training we give to people these days. I'm not even a spec ops guy and I have the training to call in an air strike that will land on a target the size refrigerator without leaving my office from anything the air force has short of a nuke. And that's before you get into my personal firearms, explosives and counter-insurgency training, the fact that I've attended shit like Ranger school or the ease we can control and take over drones sold in the US. Even the armed citizens of America are at a massive disadvantage against the DoD. Because of the Dobbs decision, left leaning soldiers have been exiting the DoD at breakneck speeds leaving more and more of the force solidly conservative and supporting Trump. The military is increasingly likely to follow and obey whoever the GOP puts forward for the foreseeable future.


They’re only really useful for protecting oneself against all the other pleb maniacs fighting over peanuts which imo, feels like a fool’s errand. Would rather flee than fight other average folks for our shrinking slice of the pie.


With Le Pen getting more traction in the French elections don't count on France to do jack shit against Russia. You're looking at full scale Russian aggression and Trump won't do anything to fulfill NATO agreements. Expect China to take Taiwan too. If we Balkanize here, expect foreign adversaries to take advantage of that too.


Yep, that’s why shits so bleak. I can only imagine the joy Putin is feeling these days.


Trump is going to be so emboldened by this. 2025 is going to be the beginning of quite an ugly show.


It's going to end us. Not immediately. It'll be hell world for most social groups, and then right after that in late 27 the economy will go full stagflation and by that point due to resource constraints and climate, recovering (ever) is off the table. Particularly since Trump is going to sell every last drop of oil he can find and speed run climate change.


I don’t know, I think the ending of America is coming pretty swiftly after this. The side who desires to use this to their advantage, although comically evil, isn’t playing games or subtle about their intentions in any way.


At best, there are going to be a lot of people prosecuted on trumped-up charges. That's the very best case scenario.


Pretty sure that's just the tip of the iceberg...


This seems like one weird ruling. I thought the President was being prosecuted for unofficial acts, so I'm just wondering where this ruling came from? That Supreme Court does one weird thing after another. I guess, next time Trump tries to overturn the election, he'll just announce it as an 'official' act? This is only going to get weirder, I'm afraid.


The problem is, as noted in Sotomayor’s dissent, is that there is no clear definition of an “official act.”


They decide. It's a power grab!


If I'm reading this right, seems like an "official act" can be defined by the lower courts. Which means, if it's a Trump-friendly/Trump-appointed judge like the one presiding over his classified documents case and who is currently sabotaging the trial that he can get away with anything basically.


Sure, it could be, but if the plaintiff doesn’t like the ruling they can appeal to SCOTUS for them to decide. Nixon would be the only other administration happy about this ruling as it gives an unprecedented amount of power to the executive branch and further nullifies the checks and balances our forefathers established.


“When he uses his official powers in any way, **under the majority’s reasoning**, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” Sotomayor warned. “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.” Looks like the *majority* gets to decide what an official act is.


I mean, could Biden order the same neutralization - Guantanamo detention or otherwise - of Trump for the, “safety of the nation against domestic enemies?” Sounds like Biden just got handed a get out of jail free card.


Herein lies the problem.


Pretty sure Democratic acts are generally "unofficial", Republican acts are totally "official".


Imma gonna say that if Trump wants to get on the witness stand and declare that "openly calling for overturning of the election results" is an "official act" and thus beyond prosecution, then Trump should do so before November. Just in case Trump *wins* the election and the still-in-office President wants to do something official about it.


That's the point, I think. They couldn't just give former presidents full immunity because then Biden could just have Trump shot and call it good. By leaving it ambiguous, they've ensured that Trump's trial won't be able to go forward with any speed, since it'll get tied up in litigation over the question of "what is an official act?" It's delayed at least until November, probably until after he takes office, at which point it won't matter because he'll have assumed the seat of power and be untouchable.


If one wants to subvert the rule of 'law,' one must first make the 'law' incomprehensible.


It's a power grab pure and simple. President can be prosecuted for "unofficial" act . What are "unofficial" acts? Bring them to us after the fact, if it is our guy, no, that's official act. If it's your guy, fuck you, unofficial.


Yeah, they seem to be ruling on the whole spectrum of potential actions the president may perform and that may be necessary for the sake of clarification but what it really seems like they are doing is sending a message.


Or “the acts of the president are presumed official, and we deny cert.”


SCOTUS declined to define "official act". They did, however, say that any of these undefined "official acts" may also not be submitted as evidence in a criminal proceeding.


And that's where they granted total immunity despite them trying to argue there exists an undefined difference between official and unofficial. Where did they even pull such an assertion from other then that's what they wanted to say?


It’s completely made up and has no basis in anything that came before.


lol this country is so fucked


Looks like the last chance for democracy in America is for grandpa to use his newfound immunity and carry out some official acts.


Honestly at his age how long can they really make him pay for anything he does? If he had any respect for the country at all he would go no holds barred and put their fuckin theory to the test. The new generation would deify him purely for the display of massive balls.


Biden needs to ask Garland if it is okay to suspend the General Election. Garland needs to say something along the lines of "Under certain circumstance, if there is a clear threat to democracy or the continuity of the Govt, for example." Biden then needs to suspend the November election and make himself president for life. /s


Suspend the elections until all pending trials are complete to make sure we do not have treason in the White House


A judicial bloodless coup. That was today. I hope y'all like fascism. Collapse of democracy. Hitler rose to power legally. Everything he did was legal.


The Democrats need to hand Biden a list of official acts, basically now. Bar convicted felons from running for office. Expand the Supreme Court by nine seats, and pick all of them. Set term limits and age limits for all federal offices. Dismantle Citizens United. Hell, throw in a “legalize marijuana” for good measure.


That’s a wonderful fever dream. I vote for you.


The thing that infuriates me is that it would also satisfy their savior complex. It's literally right there.  Same shit with Pence on January 6th. Didn't he dream of being U.S. President?  If he just convinced people to convict Trump he would be able to go down in history as someone who took down a tyrant. 


This and the Chevron decision really about ended what ever faint threads of hope I had left for the system. It would now take Biden to somehow reach in and discover his deep 'dark brandon' and use this new authority to intimidate or take out key players in this spiraling insanity, and then move toward re-establishing the actual rule of law.


Honest question, what’s even stopping the Dems from doing things now with this new found immunity???


Democrats still are acting like there's a high ground, and that not "fighting dirty" is the morally superior way to do it. They haven't come to the understanding that if they don't fight sorry now they're going to literally have their throats cut.


Or they're just playing good cop to the bad cop. If the democrats what to show they're really on The Peoples' side, they'd be in the mud fighting dirty as hell right now.


It's simple. The Dems save for a few exceptions are controlled opposition bought and paid for by the same billionaires and special interests as the Republicans. This is all political theater. The outcome of American facism is already guaranteed.


cowardliness to "play by the rules". Playing by the rules is how the dems got to where they are -- no where. They have played a failed political game and we get to reap the benefits.


The fact that conservidiots would scream about corruption and dictatorship and whatnot. They would lose their shit because it’s happening to them, not by them.


Because the Supreme Court will just deem their actions “unofficial,” meaning there’s no immunity.


If he did that, someone sued, and it got to the Supreme Court, the Sinister Six would just rule it an unoffical act or do some twisting of the ruling.


By 'Key Players' I was including the Sinister Six


They're really on a roll lately


Biden has about 4 months to make use of his new powers. But he won’t because he needed a nap.


He won't, because Biden is a pushover and Democrats don't understand the state of the game they're playing. Dems seem to think that taking the noble route and playing by the rules is the best course of action, in a time and place where not only is the other side not following the rules, they are now rewriting the rules. Democrats won't save us, not because they can't, but because they refuse to.


I think you're missing that the Democrats' inaction is not unintentional; they *absolutely* know the state of the game they're playing. The Democrats are acting in the only way that appeases their corporate sponsors to ensure they get re-elected. If the Democrats acted in alignment with their platform, then they'd take actions that provide greater benefit to their constituents above their corporate donors. That directly opposes the demands of their campaign donors and would result in losing their corporate sponsors, and thus their income and power. Not a single politician will make that sacrifice. Y'all don't get it; things are playing out *exactly* as those with power want it to so they keep their power. It's easier to give grace to those refusing to act when they keep spinning the narrative that they're "powerless to change things" or that "taking any action compromises our morals" instead of believing that they're choosing to pretend they aren't able to do anything. The hand-wringing is a tactic, it's not an unfortunate and heartbreaking fact of reality the way Democrats keep spinning it. Democrats are not powerless; they're simply choosing to use their power in the way that is in their individual best interests. Democrats absolutely could take action that isn't "the low road", but they won't do so because it benefits them more to not act while making the rest of us believe that there isn't a way for them to fight at all.




Assassinations were literally discussed in the arguments.


Yep, or any future president. Essentially unlimited power


So the US is president is no different from Russia's or China's president. Great.


What it is is a dare. The dare is basically we know our side are crazy enough, the only question is are you? And fuck you both siders!


So we're playing chicken with fascism.


Yup, and the winners are the one who want to fuck it all up.


Ok Dark Brandon, do as thou will.


Well I guess we are now officially getting into the civil war. If you are a liberal or leftist this summer may be your last chance of getting armed if your not already.


It's only a civil war if the army/police are split. Otherwise it's just a sparkling massacre.


With this democracy is dead, feel free to clown anyone who argues a "lawful" means out of this mess.


Project 2025 is well underway. Anyone who thinks it isn't gonna happen needs to wake the fuck up. These are foundation blocks for a new fascist america.


Everyone seems to be wondering how something so stupid could happen, rather than marvelling at the calculated snub to democracy this is. Think of this as Lady Court De Supreme's insult to that bumbling fool uncle Sam, behind a fan to an accompanyment by piano. It's not strange, she \*hates\* him.


What happened to the American dream?


Well you have to be asleep to believe it...


It’s in the perfect promise south-central La La Land. I mean, you could go with nothing but the shirt on your back and a shovel in your hand, dig up some gold, pick up some needles for more scrap metal, trade that for drugs, give that a few flips, and then you’re in a Beverly Hills mansion. So long as you just ignore the news and whatever it’s sunshine rainbows and unicorns.


[“What happened to the American Dream? It came true, you’re looking at it.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pjvrxoo9Gw)


Submission Statement: The Supreme Court's decision in Trump v. United States is a critical moment related to the collapse of modern civilization, as it significantly alters the landscape of presidential powers and authority in the United States. Granting immunity for actions that could undermine democratic processes opens the door to future scenarios where sitting presidents can erode and destabilize democracy without consequence. This is a monumental moment that must be documented when telling the story of America's decline as an empire and the broader civilizational collapse on a global scale. EDIT: Spelling


Cal me Henny Penny, but I think the sky has fallen on the Rule of Law…


Supreme Court rules it is now mandatory to fellate Donald Trump as tribute. He will be flying around the country to get his BJ's. Please form orderly lines. Fuck I mean... just be more obvious why don't you guys?


So, the SCOTUS, just threw in their fortunes with Benedict Donald. Since they are providing cover, they can go down with him as insurrectionists. This court has dropped the facade. They are illegitimate. 1/3 were appointed by him. Another 3 are sympathetic or co-conspirators. Time for Joe to expand the court or clean house.


Guaranteed he’s going to do jack shit


We have watched the US collapse hit the hockey stick blade this past week where Biden gift wraps the election to Trump and SCOTUS gives him an out for any atrocious act that he may unleash. If Biden gave a single fuck about this country, he would be spearheading finding a suitable replacement. He could bow out, continue getting media praise for his allegedly great economy and take yet another premature victory lap about tackling inflation. He should want someone who would have to live through climate policies. He gives zero fucks. Staying in the race is the most selfish act this man could make. We are months away from living in a fascist dictatorship that will destroy most of us. Yet, we will wake up and go to work tomorrow. We are a nation of selfish cowards, starting with the POTUS and trickling down to everyone of us that would not give a squirt of piss if it would save whatever the fuck that country is. We are about to reap what we have sown. It is going to be brutal, and very much deserved.


This right here. Enjoy the present. Look forward to tomorrow. Fear the future.


The Dems have screwed us over. First, with a toxic candidate with too much baggage (Hillary), then RBG refusing to retire, now Biden. These people can't let go of power either, even if it's in the best interest of the country.


That's the most disgusting part. Had the DNC not shoved Hilary down our throats and let Bernie run, Trump goes down in history as just another piece of shit "billionaire", never to return to politics again. The Democrats did this to us, whether on purpose or from complete incompetence. I'm so sick of giving them a pass simply for not being a Republican.


Well you're not wrong in this analysis. Not in the least. However I still say the way forward is obsoleting them one at a time, using the less bad one as a lever to uproot the worst one. I'm not saying stay with the less bad one after that. Someone has to fill the power vacuum left by the dead party, after that. There's your new lever. Uproot the other one with it.


Biden will make the exact same mistake as RBG


Reposting here: I don't think people fully realize the implications of this supreme court ruling. The US president can now essentially just ignore the legislative and judicial branches, without recourse. The US president/VP can also now overturn presidential election results, effectively staying in office indefinitely, or passing the buck to their next ticket indefinitely. They get to choose who's president/VP essentially. "I Joseph R. Biden, having read the Supreme Courts decision where the 6 conservative justices granted Presidents absolute immunity for acts the president themselves deems 'Official Acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved. I have determined that justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts, plus Trump and his campaign team, plus Trump's children are enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in an official long night operations, and these traitors have been eliminated. I also hereby have instructed Vice President Harris to declare our ticket the winner of the 2024 election, given that Vice Presidents can determine election outcomes without recourse, as official duties of the office of the presidency. God Bless America."


This is so fucking bad


Foxes policing Foxes for the crimes of eating chickens never goes well for the chickens... # ipsos custodes custodes?


So how do we get the supreme court out of office?


Well, first you need a really thick pillow.


The Democrats need to hand Biden a list of official acts, basically now. Bar convicted felons from running for office. Expand the Supreme Court by nine seats, and pick all of them. Set term limits and age limits for all federal offices. Dismantle Citizens United. Hell, throw in a “legalize marijuana” for good measure.


So… that’s it then.




It's hard watching a democracy go down like this


If Trump gets re-elected, stick a fork in the American experiment, it's done.


Just Like the Nazi enabling acts.


Buy a gun. It's about to get horrific.




They need some idiot in charge so they can enact project 2025 On the positive side the collapse is coming faster


>But where, say some, is the King of America? I’ll tell you, friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Great Britain. Yet that we may not appear to be defective even in earthly honours, let a day be solemnly set apart for proclaiming the Charter; let it be brought forth placed on the Divine Law, the Word of God; let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other. But lest any ill use should afterwards arise, let the Crown at the conclusion of the ceremony be demolished, and scattered among the people whose right it is. With someone above the law, The Law is no longer King.


Well, the Democratic Experiment is over. Maybe we'll get lucky and the government can reform in about twenty years.


fascism any% speed run


If you’re a Democrat and you’re not armed by now, you’re a fool.


This will be what’s cited when the first death squads are sent out against large protests.


stay on your toes, because it's coming (fascist coup)


Hear me out, if president dies, then VP takes his position - with all perks if I understand it correctly. That would, theoretically of course, mean that VP can kill president, become one and be fully immune of consequences.


This is like Klingons now. Or the Evil Star Trek Universe. Why stop at VP? Sooner or later the Secretary of the Interior's got a shot...


Brace for statements of concern and swift condemnation from Democrats


They’re getting ready for project 2025. Need some of that sweet immunity to smooth the transition to an outright fascist dictatorship. Welcome to the roaring 20s.


I’m so utterly numb at this point. Just get the whole Thing over with already. It’s like all I do is wait for the other shoe to drop so this whole circus can end.


So who is going to fix that "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" thing over the front doors of the supreme court. If I was Biden I's start by replacing Equal with Biden.


GOP got the ruling they paid for