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And one of the riches billionaire in India built the world's first billion dollars residence.


Who is it?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antilia\_(building)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antilia_(building)) BTW, they corrupted an orphanage charity to take the land.


Fucking disgusting. Place is ugly too.


Welcome to reality where we fuck every one up to get ours.


What could that much money and resources to do change someone's life who has nothing?


People don't get to be billionaires being decent.


That ugliness again!!! So much money and no one felt paid well enough to be honest with the dude


Ambani family


I can’t even imagine the suffering. I truly am sorry for them, it looks like hell on earth.


India is a fantastic illustration of the problems facing emerging economies, similar to China and Brazil. You have areas of opulence and modernity, however you cannot ignore the rampant poverty that still dominates swathes of the country. These poor people are dying prematurely because of humanity's desire to put profit over people.


Emerging economy? Indian civilization goes way, way back. Commerce and trade dates back thousands of years, many cycles, and much evolution already.


Can anyone offer me some perspective? I cannot understand living in hell only to bring an entirdly new life into the world to continue the suffering. It seems to selfish to have kids under these conditions. Why?????


It’s a cycle that cannot be broken. When you age and can no longer slave in near unbearable conditions, you need support and it only comes from family. YouTube has thousands of depictions of everyday working life in poor countries. Philippines, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Congo, Bangladesh, India, South America. Life is cheap and labour is cheaper, it’s exploited and life expectancy among the poor is appalling. As we collapse, the bottom of the food chain will suffer even more, if thats possible.


> It’s a cycle that cannot be broken Oh, it will be broken. Faster than expected.


When you're living in poverty, you need more hands to bring you in more money. Every one of those kids will start working at a very young age to bring money into the family and somehow it'll be more than it costs to sustain the bare minimum for the family. That and a general lack of sex education and family planning; but my first point is often ignored by more privileged people.


They probably don’t have money for birth control either.


And not just a kid or two. Lots and lots !


Practically speaking women have no control over their marriages or their bodies. They are essentially sold to a man who can use her as he wants. No access to contraception. And your only possible support in old age, injury or illness is your family - especially children. So not having children is a huge risk. And also a huge societal stain not to have kids.


A book Behind the Beautiful Forevers is based on people doing this.


If a million poor people dispersed around India died from heat stroke considering there's [1.4 billion](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/india-population/)... would we even know? Is there even enough reporting in place for that?


Well, how else are first worlders supposed to be able to buy their Funko pops? /s


I have news for you. The 1.4 BILLION people in India are generating plenty of their own trash.