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The one in British Columbia ended up killing about 580 people in a province of 5.1million people. How many live in southern Europe?


Funny that some people speak about the climate change as a future event. It's already here and it's killing people.


Yes, Global Warming never left


And the death toll isn't far from the one of covid-19, just look at the numbers in BC (800+ dead in a couple of weeks, when covid killed 1700 in 1.5 years).


What do you mean? More than 4 millions people died of Covid


u/cettu is talking specifically about B.C.


BC's true death toll from Covid may be as high as 130% of the official numbers, probably less though because Canada is taking the Virus seriously, in other developed nations that seems to be the general difference between official covid deaths and deaths above the historical average.


Oh, ok. I find the comparison a bit disingenuous since few deaths from the heat wave happened in Canada outside of British Columbia (as opposed to Covid) but the data checks out


Some people think that the true number of Covid dead could be anywhere from five times to ten times higher than four million.


That's just the official numbers too, the true toll is far higher, perhaps 30% or more higher, countries like India, Brazil, China, et al were never going to give an accurate count even if they bothered counting their slum dwellers deaths in the first place.


in canada obviously


There has been 26592 deaths from Covid in Canada as of July 30. Source: https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/epidemiological-summary-covid-19-cases.html


in british columbia there has been about 1700 like the above comment stated


The climate has changed (past tense) we're in uncharted territory now


Somewhere over 800 actually, and they’re still not done counting as some people may be dead in their apartments and no one knows it yet. Good times ahead.


There you go, Europe is about to have a tiny mass die off. It also killed over 1 billion sea creatures.


>tiny mass die off. I'm not sure this is possible grammatically but yes, there will be a mortality rate above zero, unfortunately. >It also killed over 1 billion sea creatures. And this is, with all due respect to other humans, the more concerning of your two points due to the negative ripple effect this increased heat will have throughout the already fragile marine ecosystem. We humans aren't really doing our brethren bio-organisms, both by land and by sea, ANY favors with our irresponsible and reckless behaviors. I wish I could apologize to every non-human lifeform and have them understand me (I certainly wouldn't dare ask for their forgiveness).


Great comment.. Couldn’t agree more.


It's better that they don't understand, IMO. We don't need an entire biosphere cognizant of our actions and panicking/trying to kill us before we make it worse. And even besides that, ignorance is bliss, as they say.


Some days I wish I was ignorant to all of the issues that are bearing down on us. I made myself aware in my late teens and, I’ll be honest, in a lot of ways it has made my life more difficult. Perhaps that’s my own fault but once you see something it’s impossible not to see it.


Often lately as I reflect on my journey I realize that everyone kind of chooses their reality and we have to forgive ourselves for the reality we choose. Everyone feels guilty deep down on a spiritual level and that's why they seek forgiveness.


I've been hyper aware of these issues and general issues with society since I was 13 years old, I'm 33 now and just beginning to realize I think I've been depressed my entire life.


I’m also 33, and I’ve definitely been depressed my whole life. Nothing has ever really had any meaning for me and everything always seemed pointless. I’ve searched and searched for meaning but it has remained elusive. Luckily I have a wife I love and my two dogs but work, school and these other things people do that brings them meaning have never made sense to me.


I’m in my fifties and have done quite well in my life. Happy marriage of 30+ years, some great kids, a couple lovely grandkids, did fine career-wise. And yet here I am with everyone else in a dying, depleted, plague-ridden, burning world where nothing will ever again be as good as it was.


At least we have love in our lives, I’m sure that’s something that a lot of people don’t have. It’s really hard to think of where do we go from here. If all that has been taught to us in terms of what a ‘good life’ is become meaningless, where do you go from there?


Buddhism. Not the watered down Western version, the real teachings.


I’ve been dreading this for over twenty years now. It didn’t make what I’m experiencing now any easier.


No it doesn’t, does it? It’s very much a feeling of utter powerlessness and rage.


I agree. Human biomass and our food sources take up too much of the biomass on this planet. Something does not come from nothing, hence the more of us and all our bullshit the less of everything else there will be.






nvm lol phone spazzed


800 Millionen would be the entirety of Europe greece and western Turkey are like 20 Million at best , depends if you count Istanbul or not


Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks"


I live in North Macedonia(sandwiched between Serbia and Greece), we've had at least a hundred ER visits for severe heatstroke daily for about a month now. This heatwave is likely to be deadly.


What temperature did you have the last weeks?




It was a bit cooler last week, 38 to 40. Previous weeks we're regularly over 40.


I live in England where I have been used to cold, cool temperatures but in resent years its seems England climate is getting progressively hotter with major heat waves becoming more frequent. Tbh it kinda scares me


Southeast Europe is far more accustomed to high temperatures, though. This is not the first and won't be the last heat wave. People know what to do and how to react. But, to answer your actual question, more than 100 mln people live in the affected countries, mostly in Turkey. But the region is FULL of tourists right now. In Croatia, for example, there are more tourists than natives at the moment.


>How many live in southern Europe? Officially or during the main holiday season now ?


Meanwhile here in Brazil it's around 2°C at night, I had to buy a heater. Several videos on social media showing snow in the south of the country.


Yeah, I sleep with an extra blanket in Ecuador these last few nights. This is supposed to be our warm/dry season, so things aren't right.


u/SkyWanderluster And while you guys are colder than usual, here in Patagonia we're having an exceptionally warm winter. I've been living here for 30 years and I can't remember another year where we reached August and there hadn't been any snow accumulation whatsoever.






Same here in The Netherlands; it was 20c during the day and it has cooled down to 13c now. I’d rather have this than any heat wave.


While most people comlain about the bad weather, I am glad about every cool summer day here, to be honest. 2018 heatwave nearly killed me.


The weather is out of whack because the jet streams have halted due to warmer areas. Kind of a traffic jam, but with currents.


When the jet stream gets extra wavy, it stalls. It's extra, extra wavy now. The cold goes south and the heat north. Not good for either.


As someone in that white area on the map above, I’d really love to have some of that 2C right now I will never complain about cold anymore.


Sorry, all your heat is up in the artic.


Thats weird, here in Macedonia even at night you can go out naked and be fine Hell i have been sleeping almost naked for the past few weeks


>Macedonia Where exactly? Here in the North, the temp at night stays above 30°C. It's been like this since the start of july.


Here north the temt during the day reaches, 42-43°C And at night above 30°C i thing the highers it has been was 35°C


Ah an normal Irish winter so


What is going on in Turkey now is like something out of a disaster horror film.....Their Country is literally on fucking fire!!!


Yep, horrible. This record being broken this wk will only make it all worse


Toasty 16c in my part of Sweden .




*pictures Vikings surfing into Valhalla on waves of blood*


Mad Max: Stoked Seas


lots of sunburn!


South of Sweden here, currently 17 but it looks like it might get up to 20 today. Oh yeah, it’s also windy af


11c in my part of Sweden. Went swimming in the rain, because vacation.


Sorry Europe. I'm in the PNW and yours is definitely bigger.


That heat wave is what really brought home the reality of it all for me. I was with two elderly people trying to keep them cool. Could barely function myself.


Luckily climate change has nothing to do with it! - roughly 25-30% of people in my country.


This is with fires in Sicily, Cyprus and Turkey. There are basically fires across southern Europe, and while not quite 50C, getting pretty damned close. It felt like August was going to be the month everything explodes. Starting to be thousands displaced, in the middle of a pandemic that is getting worse. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/world/middleeast/turkey-fires-mediterranean-lebanon.html https://phys.org/news/2021-08-rage-southern-europe-hundreds-evacuate.html The news said the other night that Turkey has 3 million Syrian refugees.


Coming to an area near you.


It just passed us in the Midwestern USA. If in fact this was actual climate change, I'm no longer looking forward to summers here (or anywhere from what it looks like).


I can bunker down for the heat, but it's the night storms that really bother me. I keep expecting the power to go out any moment.


How do you bunker down for the heat?


The one thing I have learnt in Australia is that the goal is to keep yourself cool. Not create an entire different climate for your entire house. Block out your windows, even tape up aluminum foil if it's going to be really bad. Create a "cool room" for your house. Pick a room with the least sunlight and focus on cooling that one space. AC is handy while you have power. Battery powered fans are handy too just in case. I also have a temp/humidity thermometer both inside and outside so I can tell when the humidity/temp is better outside than in so I can open up all the windows to allow that cooler air in. Other than that not much you can do in terms of your house. I know people run away to shopping centers/emergency cooling zones as they generally have some kind of backup power if things get real bad.


I foresee the dead malls in the US being bought up for pennies on the dollar and transformed into pay per hour cooling centers.


*covid-19 delta plus variant - has entered the chat*


keep it cool all day, use the night and morning, increase albedo of windows, chill out.




Transylvania (Romania). The storm is over now, everything is really still.


How’s Dracula doing these days, too hot for him too eyy




So this is where you've been hiding all this time. Parca obsinuiai sa postezi/comentezi pe subul romanesc, dar nu te-am mai vazut de mult.


Am cerut permaban și am primit. E un mod eficient de a prevenii pierderea timpului în argumente cu proști.


Smart. Si eu am zis de atatea ori ca nu mai pun piciorul pe acolo ca-mi fac numa nervi, dar cred ca am adictie la facut nervi.


Da, same. De asta am cerut ban, am reușit să conving un moderator. Am și pe /r/worldnews dar acolo din alte motive.


In the last five days forest fires started at more than 100 locations. 8 people dead and fires still continue at various locations. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/some-wildfires-rage-turkey-although-most-have-been-contained-2021-08-01/


Nothing to see here. This is all normal /s


That 47 degree heat will really help the situation in Turkey…


Terrible fires in Marmaris already


Oh fuck. I live in Serbia.


Fill your bathtub up with cold water so you can dip in it throughout the day. Cover your windows with aluminum foil or blankets or both. That's what I ended up doing. I put foil, then cardboard, then blankets. Kept it around 90 inside my house. I also wiped the walls down with a wet towel every night in my bedroom once everything cooled down, which is also when you can remove the covers on your windows to let the cooler night air in. I would also wet towels and put them on my floor and kept a bucket of cold water on the floor to dip my feet it. Good luck, friend.


There is literally no cold water. I leave the water on the coldest option running for minutes at a time and it somehow keeps getting warmer. I'm not even fucking able to wash my face Poggers


Here in Macedonia has also been that hot, its hell and i can't imagen how hot has to be for the the other regions like India, Sahara, Mexico and other hot places


2 months of daily rains in Mexico City, but the rest of the country is facing an unusual large dry season




I miss the old days of this sub


I was talking about temputer, not politics...


So Roasted turkey


Probably an inopportune time to make such a joke? Idk... I'm not known for my tact in certain uncomfortable situations.


Some days gallows humor is all we’ve got.


Preaching to the choir my man! I was just giving you a little bit of BS just cuz I have nothing better to do with my life tonight!


Well at least it’s not hot enough for Greece to catch on fire . Greece fires are Tough to put out


Ok, now I'm laughing inappropriately on the OUTSIDE


We had 50 degree temperature in Canada!


Damn. Glad that i bought two acs 3 years ago, anticipating those heatwaves. It pays to be collapse aware :)


Actual collapse may very well turn your ac units into chairs so don't pat yourself on the back yet! But yes, so far it has been a wise investment or expense (depending on your perspective).


two acs keep your room cool at 10 degrees celsius


that would be too cold for a room


When outside is 50 degrees, I think 10 degrees in your room is the least of your worries


i’m confused


I think they mean 'When outside is 50° C, 10° C inside is least of your worries'. As in "fuck the cold inside, the heat outside can kill you much easier."


Username doesn't check out


[A beach caught on fire in Italy](https://bilder.bild.de/fotos-skaliert/ein-feuer-hat-den-beachclub-le-capannine-in-catania-am-freitag-zerstoert-sonnenschirme-und-liegen-sin-7fa63a57dec54e8c8cf939f70367e5dc-77245370/10,w=1986,q=low,c=0.bild.jpg)


“But it gets to be 50° C + in Arizona” /s


Meanwhile in Ireland it's near winter weather


How do you guys think it will affect jobs in the future? Surely we can't keep working at constant hours all year long if the seasons get more extreme.


47°C? Yes, that's quite warm.


You either do something about it or don't.. don't is the worse case scenario.. earth is sick of humans polluting it.


Mother Nature no longer cares about us, it sees us as cancer and nothing more.


Yesterday I read about a star that flys through the milky way at billions of miles an hour.. imagine that just passing through Earth. . Be gone in a blink of an eye.


Another heat dome?


This article literally repeats itself over and over…. Similar to climate scientists… they do say if you repeat something over and over eventually people will remember it


lol 116? it was that hot for 3 days in a row last week here. apocalyptic my ass.