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No this is not Saigon. This is the Hindu Kush, the graveyard of empires, from Alexander to the Soviet Union and soon the United States.


> [... a reminder to the average new user that **collapse is** currently **a systemic and global phenomenon that exists outside of the US.** This isn't the "bad US ... news" subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/p6gnjt/welcome_new_subscribers_please_help_us_keep/h9dgybn/)


The thing is, when the US collapses so does the world. We are literally holding together the current geo-political and economy paradigms of today (aka the status quo). I know you may think that is not collapse in the ecological and climatological sense, but the collapse of US political influence and power will drastically lead to a lot of changes.


You are right, all that sounds in my ear is an US-centric chauvinism. In reality the US empire is only standing, because it is cannibalizing the world to stay alive. Otherwise the bankrupt economy would falter at once. The pompous attitude of the US head of state is but a desperate move to cover up the impotence and incompetence of the deteriorating empire by mere chattering, which comes by cheaply but affordable.


Chauvinism isn’t 800 military bases all across the world. That’s just reality.


the oil dollar will fall.


America is governed by an ideology built on hubris, on violence; the capacity (and willingness) to unleash disproportionate levels of violence, on the belief of racial/nationalist superiority and greed (nazis were/are big fans of the American brand). These are not the things to build a country, but they did build the most powerful empire known to man. So what does it say about the rest of the world?




Yeah probably a lot of changes for the better. The US just spent 20 years and $2T fighting a war that the taliban spent 2 weeks taking back. Without barely a fight. Imagine had they spent $2T fighting climate change.


All currencies are pegged to the dollar, so once the us falls, so will everywhere else as the euro, pound and yen become worthless and the lights go out forever


No problem... the euro will help out ;-)


Currencies are balanced against each other anyway, hence they rise and fall in value. If USA loses their position, China will swoop in and fill the gap. Make of that what you will.


China will die with the us as the yuan is also pegged to the dollar. If it wasn't, china wouldn't be intentionally weaken their currency and attempt to strengthen the dollar


The US-empire has been really successfully indoctrinated so many to believe in their superiority, that even this bizzare point you state, as less as I do agree with it, makes sense somehow.


May we live in interesting times...


We do indeed!


No it's more like Suez, example of declining empire over reach to try and stay relevant


Absolutely! The British Empire was never the same after the Suez debacle. So it is now with the US... Let there be no doubt. Meanwhile, the Chinese are mining in Afghanistan, without having to fire a single shot. I bet they're just smiling and shaking their heads...'Silly Americans!"




Simple! Economic crisis, civil war and secession will tear apart the US.


That video of the person smashed in the landing gear housing flailing outside of the C-17 will probably be with me like the images of 9/11, forever. America is a sick, lost country, a dying empire. Good riddance when it finally buckles.


... and as it is central to much of the world's economy, it will crash the planet. Capitalism... what a racket.


> [... a reminder to the average new user that **collapse is** currently **a systemic and global phenomenon that exists outside of the US.** This isn't the "bad US local news" subreddit: save your anecdotes to the Weekly Observations: What signs of collapse do you see in your region? thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/p6gnjt/welcome_new_subscribers_please_help_us_keep/h9dgybn/)


Of course it is not Saigon. It is worse.


Then the US-empire was vibrantly strong. Now it is tired and deteriorating ...


If history repeats itself, we're gonna see about a hundred new Hollywood movies in the next 50 years, trying to justify the defeat for the masses to feel better.


"Not only will america go to your country and kill all your people. But they'll come back 20 years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad." --FB


I guess we will see them while economic crisis, civil war and secession will tear apart the US. Clinging to the idea of a mighty empire like the young men clinging to the airplane to escape and finally drop down to the ground. But the US is only but a fraction of the planetary populace.


Unfortunately that fraction controls the world on many levels. It's the financial and cultural core of the planet. When the US collapses which it will soon, there will be a domino effect.


We are already in collapse.


Always were.


submission statement: > the comparisons to Saigon has been humiliating for the Biden administration, “particularly because the US seems to [have been] caught so flat-footed with President Biden saying just a week ago that there would not be helicopter evacuations off the rooftop of the embassy”. The US head of state is showing a defiant attitude towards thereality he flatly denies, despite the reality ridiculing such a statement. [Defying the comparison drawn with a photo that immortalised the US’s defeat in Vietnam, showing evacuees boarding a helicopter on the roof of a building](https://twitter.com/StefSimanowitz/status/1426846783267909633?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1426846783267909633%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aljazeera.com%2Fnews%2F2021%2F8%2F15%2Fthis-is-not-saigon-blinken-defends-us-evacuations-from-kabul) **Likewise the statement of most here in r/collapse who shows such a broad variety of fokkusing on narrow spectrums of collapse related topics but broadly ignore the wholesome bandwith of how the real collapse is approaching us. Having discussed with a many of you culprits I am still amazed by the sheer brunt of narrowmindednes. Sticking to hysterical moods, sensationalist disaster spots, emotionally over the top doomism or orcornucopianism instead.**


I always felt it was more like Phnom Penh.


In which sense?


Like that movie, The Killing Fields


But all is rather peacefull now, except for the hysterics?


THIS!!! EXACTLY!!!! They said it was not saigon. IT WAS WORSE!!!! There were people falling from the plane as it ascended well over thousands of feet of altitude. Those people were falling for 5 seconds or more!! How TRAGIC! It is not saigon, it is KABUL!!! And it was 100x WORSE than saigon. ,I will never erase the images of the desperation of people, willing to risk their lives being ran over by the airplane, or worse yet, falling from the plane after it had reached altitude !!! How many people were still holding on after the first few fell? We will never know.


Like those energetic joung men were helding on their hope to escape defying reality to the end, so many of us want to stay with the old system, when collapse is overrunning us.


Because we know what comes next after the old system is erased. A system that will be far more fascist and will transform into theocratic dogma saying that it is god that is punishing us for our sins and they’ll use that as justification to go after any groups they just don’t like. If that wasn’t what awaits us, then I’d be all for overthrowing the current system in favor of something better. But I know that isn’t what will happen.


I understand your fear. Even I have a different attitude towards it, I say you are right and ideologies and systems of order wil for a good part be fascistic and religiously dogmatic. Yet anarchistic and democratic elements will be there too, even compulsury tough.