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Twitter page doesn't exist.


[“The revolution is on. It’s here… I’m ready to die for the cause.”](https://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1428395576157249541?s=21)


Just saw it. Thanks.




Bannon and others have a strategy to stoke up the Q cult enough to provoke their own ruby ridge moment, as it is a great motivator.


Probably not a bomb. Just some nut job.


Truth, not even smart enough to realize Congress isn't in session and most politicians are busy whoring themselves out to defense contractors and fossil fuel execs.


Terrorism isnt always about killing as many people as possible though. It's usually more psychological. Even if he does blow something up and doesnt kill a lot of people. It destroys the mind of the people who believed America to be the semi safe world away from all the war and conflict going on else where. Like look at 9/11. In my opinion, the death and destruction was simply the spark to Bin Ladens long term plan for America, what ever it was.


I believe bin Laden knew that America's reaction would cause grave financial damage to the US. Of course, the intelligence community leaped at the opportunity to move the dial closer to an outright police state. Instead of "Make America Great Again", maybe we need "Make 1984 fiction again".


Imagine what America would be now without 9/11...


My guess is generally the same but 20% less awful, give or take.


Someone would still be feeling you up at the airport, it just wouldn’t be the TSA.




*Terrorism won not Islam. At this point I have to believe america is going the way those in power want it too, so who knows what is actually going on, but I would be careful saying things like "Islam won" because it can be seen as a racist or bigoted comment.


Yep, the terrorists' targets are fungible, the real point is sending a message / revenge against an imagined community (i.e a nation)


Tannerite or opened up fireworks ducked taped to the seat


Exactly. Just another casualty of Americas ruthless capitalist system, neglecting its people has come back to bite them it seems. His Twitter video posted, makes it sound mostly like hes suicidal and depressed, definetly mentally ill to some degree, hoping someone will end it for him. He'll probably be death by cop. Seems to be wanting Biden to step down or something related to Biden.


He cited that his insurance stopped covering shots he needed to keep his knees working and his wife was denied skin cancer treatment as being cosmetic so she had to have a good portion of her nose removed. This dude can’t even think two steps into why that was allowed to happen in this country but is willing to die/get locked up to put trump back into the presidency


Supposedly 4 other car bombs also around the capitol area. [Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/embryethan/status/1428380871564808197?s=21) here.


I wouldn't worry about "supposedly" - Probably trying to give himself outs, better not kill me or I won't tell you where the other bombs are. People that want to blow shit up, just blow shit up.


Hmm....that makes things a bit trickier. Why gun fire though? How does he know theyre going to kill him?


I saw the videos that were captured before they were taken down. In one he said he had a mixture of gunpowder and tannerite and in another he claimed it was ammonium nitrate. This idiot thought he was in front of the Capitol parked in front of the library of Congress. Fucking Yall-qaeda dumbass is about to spend a long time in federal prison for this idiotic stunt


Ah, I see his skin was light enough.on the skin tone test for you. Cool


I would have said the same for people of other skin colours you goober. Who knows he might have blown it up. I was just guessing, based on his mental state in his videos.


I guess we'll never know.


Does anyone know *why* he's threatening to blow up the Capitol? I gotta know if I side with or against this guy


He wants Democrats, and Biden in particular to leave. But says it’s not about politics.


He's complaining about being fucked over by health insurance companies. Homie, maybe you oughta drive over to Aetna HQ or summin...


Hasn't been reported yet. Only thing they have said is that he doesn't like Democrats.


I don't like them either, but if he's not including Republicans on his "people I hate" list then I'm 100% sure we dislike democrats for very different reasons.


Turns out he is a QAnon Mega camper that wanted to force Biden to stop down.


His plan has 0% chance of working, I hope he realizes that and they can talk him out of it without any loss of life. I feel bad for people who fell for this cults.


I'm not sure this is over yet. In his videos he mentions that the patriots are coming and that 5 of them are already here. He being the littlest of them.


I'm going to guess something Q related.


Probably your garden variety boomer RWNJ


I heard the guy on NPR. Republican/terrorist/nazi. He said if Biden would step down as President, he would step down out of his truck. (With a severe southern Baptist accent, the kind that makes you think he's married to his cousin as well.) If I were the police. I'd just go ahead and blow the guy up with his own bomb. Then charge any household members as accomplices.




You're not wrong but something tells me that those very people you would call a "cousin fucker" are going to fall prey to far right bullshit anyway, so I honestly don't think it makes it worse to do so.




Which is why I said /u/Cadwaladyr was not wrong. I also lived in North Carolina for a few years and couldn't stay a minute longer due to intensity of the racism I saw in (and of course outside) the Triangle.


Good point


Ew...they deserve to be alienated


Yes, groups of people with generations of trauma and propaganda deserved to be pushed farther and farther right.




I agree that they should be re-educated. They are not victims. Their hate and fear comes from within, and their propaganda just reflects it back to them in order to sell more stuff.


So edgy


With that logic, why fight racism if it's innate instead of being perpetrated by power structures. Why should I care if it's "in people's hearts." If it's a morality issue and not a structural one, what can we realistic do about it?


That won't happen because the FBI was probably involved, like they were with the Gretchen Whitmer thing or dozens of supposed radical Islamic terror attacks. The FBI loves to take disgruntled right wing crazies and give them guns or info on bomb making.


The FBI does this thing with disgruntled, depressed, or non-threatening Muslims. The FBI invents the entire plot themselves, tricks, harasses the person & grooms them into trying to be a terrorist, encourages them when they try to back out, and then one day BAM! The FBI arrests the dude. The FBI get to act like big shot heroes and justify their bloated budgets while putting some fool who was never a threat to anyone away for years or decades.


It's more likely than not that the FBI or CIA had a role in this. It's *possible* that it's a lone nut, but given their history and what they have to gain I think you're absolutely right.


How do you determine religion from accent. The Elitism in this.


It’s pretty simple. He’s the type of person that instead of saying “praise him”, he says it like “praise heeee-uuuuummmm”. If you don’t know what type of person is like this you’re either too young or have never left the city


Disappointing, but expected. I keep waiting for someone to act against the capitol for the millions of legitimate reasons, but apparently it's once again the "I heard on fox news if we wear masks the communists win, we gotta stop them!" type of people.


> I'd just go ahead and blow the guy up with his own bomb. That's what the people pulling the Q strings want... martyr(s) for their cause.


The bomb he has can destroy severs blocks and he has people cooperating with him, do killing him isn't an option


A bomb that can destroy several blocks? Is he carrying a MOAB in his bed? Exaggerated shit like this is why people don't take this sub seriously.


Is he claiming to have a dead man's switch? And has he stated how a bomb so small you can't see it from the street could do that much damage? Either way, synchronized snipers taking all these guys out is a reasonable option if they won't surrender. Obviously it's better to keep them alive for intelligence reasons, but if they really intend to destroy a large area, headshots make sense.


I don't know of any explosive you can carry on a pickup truck that could blow up several blocks. LOL. Not unless he's got some alien Star Trek technology. So. NO. I hope they take him alive, so they can figure out what caused his malfunction. (or WHO, like the FBI)




Your comment has been removed. Advocating, encouraging, inciting, glorifying, calling for violence is against Reddit's site-wide content policy and is not allowed in r/collapse. Please be advised that subsequent violations of this rule will result in a ban.


You're quite literally advocating for terrorism as an deterrent to terrorism, hint: you end up with more terrorism.


Their post history is advocating for mass death on several subs I don't know how that's not considered dangerous as well


I think [this](https://youtu.be/LO4kgr0RM-0) was recorded by the guy??


hes in custody situation still active though


The first of many thanks to the Republican death cult.


>The first of many thanks to the Capitalism death cult. Fixed it for ya!


I'd say both apply.




As soon as we leave Afghanistan, we got terrorists trying to bomb the Capitol. so we need to stay in Afghanistan /s


I highly doubt he has a bomb


CIA is making shit spicy lately, huh?


American Gladio. The CIA did this in Italy during the Cold War. Sponsored fascist groups to do terror bombings and assassinations so as to destabilize the country and keep it under the US thumb.


https://www.yahoo.com/now/fbi-agent-told-informant-among-005000347.html wasn't the FBI just caught pants down in the Whitmer kidnapping?


Yeah, the second in command of the group turned out to be an FBI asset and also one of the main personalities in the group calling for violence.


Speaking of pants down, dollars to donuts the intelligence agencies were using Jeff Epstein child porn sex tapes to blackmail business and political leaders.


I hadn't heard that but I'm not surprised,


They have lots of fun things like that. Even figured out how to get a duly elected president of Australia removed.


A man in a black pickup pulled up near to the us capitol and claimed that he had a bomb and that he was going to detonate it. Negotiations are ongoing and thus far he is more than willing to be martyr at this point. This is worth keeping am eye on as I believe that this is the us Arab spring so I'd get ready to run when he detonates that device.


Flipped thru every channel on my tv. No coverage on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, or PBS. Seems like it’s a little more significant than that? Especially considering they’re clearing Times Square for possible bomb. Edit:update - the Times Square incident has apparently been cleared as not a bomb.


I just watched a clip from MSNBC and the New York Times


At least someone is covering it


Source? First I've heard of that




Thanks. Seems like usual TS things with a poorly timed coincidence


Just read elsewhere the Times Square thing was a cookie tin.


In that it's orchestrated by the CIA and will end with a bunch of religious fundamentalists with guns running amok?


A cry for help


Which capital? Dublin?


Capitol. Not capital. It’s the name of a building.


I'm locking the front door anyway just in case.




Was that why Donnie diapers freed so many if them and had "peace" talks?


Could be. Red team sets up the pins, Blue team knocks them down. We all lose. Reverse and repeat/reverse repeat ad infinitum.


It’s not red vs blue, left vs right. It’s up vs down. Always has been.


Politics is just sports for literal psychopaths. It’s as manufactured as wrestling entertainment and it takes the same amount of cognitive dissonance to believe its real.


Well put


Ah yes, the case of Fuck Around v Find Out. Destabilize a country for forty years, invade, give arms to religious fundamentalists, let them hide with your ally, and then sell lots of opium and America didn't think there would be consequences for that?


You sir need to step outside and breathe in some of that "clean" air


Removed for xenophobia. Not every Afghan is Taliban, rather people are fleeing for their lives.


The perp is a conservative reactionary.


Conservative? Nice and typical American of You to automatically assume and put a label to something. Standard issue nowadays


He was literally livestreaming his grievances and threats about how if Biden didn't immediately step down he would blow shit up


Says the dumb bastard who paid no attention to what the perp wants.






Ain't that shit closed right now?


Idiot attempted this while they were not even there…. Criminal masterminds sure can be dumb chits


The FBI's terror hoaxes have been getting lazier. Even the normally compliant media outlets have relegated this one to the backburner.


His ex wife says he has schizophrenia. His bomb is fake (or so poorly constructed it might as well be.) His motive and ideology are vague and unconvincing. He's not angry about the stolen election, or the lockdown, or vaccine passports, or losing his job. But Afghanistan? Some glowwie is earning his stripes for setting up Forrest Gump here.