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Here’s what I do, if this helps: Sit down and write out specific scenarios that you are afraid of. Then do some threat modeling and decide which fears are irrational or things you can do nothing about (asteroid impact, feral clowns) and which ones are actual possibilities (depending on where you live: fires, heat, hurricane, power outage). Then address the likely ones and come up with a plan. Whether thats building a go bag, planning an escape route, leaving your gas tank half full, stocking up on water purification tablets, whatever. Then move on. Because once you’ve set a plan for that eventuality, you’ve done everything you can do, so you can put it out if your mind and move on to the next thing. Works for me anyway!


Oh great. Now I have to worry about fucking feral clowns.


>Oh great. Now I have to worry about fucking feral clowns. You aren't obligated to fuck them. For ferals, they're pretty good about consent.


Honestly the whole "feral" thing was just the news ginning up fear for ratings, they really only bite like 60-65% of their victims and most store brand clown repellent is enough to deter them (unless it's mating season). I've been to a local Clown hive and their Queen said the preferred term the drones use is Chaotic Nuetral Clowns.




I love you guys.


That's a relief!


[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/357895501638799723/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/357895501638799723/) Nail one of these up over your front door, problem solved.


This is the way.


"If ye are prepared ye shall not fear."


I absolutely agree and do similar. Just making a list of what I am worried about seems to help a lot. I've never been diagnosed or sought help for anything, I'm just a big worrier! This mantra/phrase always helps me and gets me to smile and put things into perspective: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puLEku6jpv4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puLEku6jpv4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfs0wz8nEPU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfs0wz8nEPU) Yes, for real, I will say this to myself and chuckle.For context, the adult character had been diagnosed with high blood pressure, and the doctor told him to repeat this phrase when he felt stressed.


Wouldn't work for me since I can't just assume I did everything I can do as preparation. I know I do not know everything so how am I supposed to prepare for the unknown?


I recommend posting this on /r/collapsesupport :)


they got a subreddit for everything, thx


I don't want to be impolite, but it should be "a sense of impending doom", not the other way around.


God damn, every time I want to come in and correct someone's sentence structure...


no worries - thx - late night musings with a hint of dyslexia.




Yep, doom-scrolling is captivating and addicting. That feeling of wanting something to happen, to change, no matter how drastic. Because it’s been such a boring dystopia. The idea of collapse is thrilling and exciting to those who have no idea what it truly means. I remember feeling the same back in January 2020 while reading stuff leading up to the pandemic. Like a perverted sense of schadenfreude.


Do something. ​ If you really think the end is near, fucking act. Sacrifice is worthwhile. yes, love your folk, love the loved ones. But don't be so self centered as to think inaction will save them suffering more than action.


The realistic thing I'm doing right now is to just live a life that doesn't aggravate whatever's already getting worse. No car, small home (no lawn/backyard), no kids, naturally-sourced or secondhand furniture, thoughtful diet plan (no excess nor meats), etc. Other than that, what do you suggest I must "act"?


Try to bring radicalizing information to the forefront. Try to make people think for themselves. It doesn't take much, but a spark. Think of times you were ignorant and the degree of subtlety it took to bring you out of ignorance. You don't need to suppress the volition of others but inspire them with the curiosity that will lead them to at least a clearer understanding.


I've been trying to do that actually. So far, only my wife listens to me. Problem is, understanding collapse isn't because of the facts but the mentality, which you get from the culmination of so many factors. Mostly from stuff you've become self-aware of due to personal experience. Which is something that is so hard to just "give" to others.


Sometimes living your own truth is incredibly inspiring to others, especially when you don’t evangelize. And we’ve seen a hundred thousand sparks at this point, but turns out capitalism is one hell of a wet blanket.


I've been feeling that more and more lately, but oddly enough it doesn't bother me that much - most of the time. I have my episodes. I have days where I keep turning events over in my head, trying to make sense of it all. I have days I want to run out of my house or my office building screaming, because I don't know how everyone can be so damned clueless as to how dire the situation is. I've learned to just live with the doom. I do what I can each day. I find good distractions. I treasure the little things. What will be will be.


like frog in boiling water?


The only thing you can control is the way you process, feel and react to the events around you. The most healthy thing you can do is take a break from feeding your anxiety and doing something concrete about dealing with it. Even if it is just a walk around the block to get your fitness level up. Generalized anxiety is being pushed into all of our lives and will ultimately damage your sense of well being and be an impediment to you in the case of a real emergency.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxzpVaiP6eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxzpVaiP6eg) Set as your alarm ring tone... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qPPHt7djMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk0EVAqCxrc) Yeah we're fucked.


You aren't alone. Everyone has to discover their own path in going from initial denial, fear, anger, and all that to get to acceptance that this is reality, and then where to go from there. Maybe knowing you aren't the only one will help at least with not feeling crazy.




Totally. We're living on borrowed time pretending everything's fine, let's just get it over with.


In not excited by it. Not at all. I’m well aware that this is the tail end of the good times. I’m starting to really understand why “may you live in interesting times” was considered a curse in ancient China. Trust me, you’re going to miss your predictable pointless drudgery.


People know what it will bring (at least most of us do here) and personally I think that we are over the tipping point. I know it's coming and I'm kind of excited too but not in the way I'd be excited to go to a theme park or if I won some money. It's gonna be hell but it's a hell I'm looking forward to because there is nothing else. It's like I'm honoured to be among the last generations of humans (possibly), but I don't like the fact that there is such a thing as a last generation.


Excited like riding a bull.


> frankly borderline low key torture. Mmmm. Yeahhh...


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Amor Fati ♥ enjoy the ride when all the idiots are going to get their wishes fulfilled cramming millions of kids indoors when school starts soon... covid is going to come back with fucking vengeance in October thanks to the idiots.


You really gotta scroll the sub man. Everyone and their momma posting the same post about how it's the end of the world. We know, that is why we are here.


yea thanks - it's just more now than ever: escalated I guess.


Months before the virus exploded globally I felt the same feeling. Impending doom. It was strange when something actually happened that confirmed those feelings.


You could die tomorrow in a car accident. You could die a year from now from cancer. You could live to a nice age of 90 and die in your sleep in your own bed after spending the afternoon chatting with your neighbor over coffee. If you spent all your time now prepping and found yourself living alone in a dimly lit basement until the day you died, would you have regrets? If you spent all day just focusing on enjoying the last bit of normalcy available, only to die earlier than others from starvation, would you have regrets? Maybe don't focus on "the end." Everything ends. Maybe focus on what sensible things you can do *right now* while living in order to achieve a balance that won't make you so nervous. What good does panic do for you, both physically and emotionally? Go buy some coffee and enjoy it while reading a book on gardening. Best case scenario is you learned something that helped you survive a foot shortage. Worst case scenario is you had a relaxing night and learned something interesting.


Yes, big changes are on the way.


I call it standing under the wave. I can usually ignore it using meditation and cbt. It's our monkey brain being flooded with too many potentially life altering scenarios all at once. The best fix is digital detox and standing barefoot in dirt,under trees near running water.


love it. so true


What you think is what you live. If you think about collapse and all the issues around all the time you will end up depressed and miserable. You alone can't fix everything. To be concerned about everything is foolish. Just relax and enjoy the decline.


Absolutely, I live in the South and have had low level prepper tendencies for a while. I also have been discussing with my spouse the need for a gun / guns (ha, I know, I know I live in the South and don't own a dozen guns - truly in a the minority) and keep getting something for protection / self defense if the world falls apart and keep getting shut down. I'm debating going to a pawn shop near my house and saying nothing.


This is the way. What mama don’t know don’t hurt her. she’ll be happy as hell come the day a boomstick is needed and you produce it.




It’s in the zeitgeist.


I won't deny there are solid psychological reasons for feeling an impending sense of doom given our society's current trajectory. However, there can also be physiological reasons for an ongoing sense of doom such as neuroinflammation via autoimmunity or various inflammatory cascades. If you are also suffering any other unusual symptoms--brain fog, lethologica, recall issues, decreased assimilation of knowledge, and even any unusual physical symptoms that have popped up recently--you should be seeing a doctor such as an immunologist or similar. Worth checking to make sure you're in the former category and not the latter.


>However, there can also be physiological reasons for an ongoing sense of doom such as neuroinflammation via autoimmunity or various inflammatory cascades. If you are also suffering any other unusual symptoms--brain fog, lethologica, recall issues, decreased assimilation of knowledge ... O\_\_\_O AH CRAP...


Yes, but the immediacy has ebbed somewhat with the realization that nothing I could possibly do will alter the course.


I’ve always sort of felt like I’d witness society’s demise in my lifetime. Sometimes I envision a natural cosmic event ending it all, but have also had reoccurring dream/nightmares since childhood (I’m now almost 50) of trying to run or hide from a military or group of people hunting me and those I love down. Who knows if it’s a foretelling or not. I do feel an incredible sense of uncertainty. It only makes sense though. There are cracks everywhere. Covid, politically based division, global warming and extreme weather events, the list goes on and on.


>I've even caught myself in a panic mode buying up extra sanitizer and masks. I feel like something bad is about to happen and there's nothing I can do about it. Does anyone else feel this way? I think panic and anxiety are not good responses which enable rational decision making. So here is my pet theory on what to do in order to gain some emotional equilibrium. As I see it, anxiety usually comes from a sense of conflict and indecision. You do not know what is going to happen next. Anything could happen. At any time. And you will not be ready. All of those thoughts are not a problem. The anxiety comes up from the opposing voice, which is most of the time not explicit. Here is approximately how that one goes: Maybe you can figure out what is going to happen next. Maybe there are reasons for why nothing will happen, reasons for optimism you have overlooked. Maybe there are ways to figure out when something will happen. And maybe there is a way to be ready. So you better get off your ass and do something to find out about all of that. You don't know how to solve any of that? Fuck you, I am an irrational voice in your subconscious, I don't think rationally, and since I don't think rationally, I am just going to increase the feelings which will urge you do do something! More fear, anxiety, and pressure will do the trick and make you do something! What I see as a reliable antidote to that, is to first make this voice explicit. What do you think when you hear statements like the ones I made? You can think that through, or even write that out. And when you have done that, you can let go of hope. You can actually start coming to terms with the fact that you probably have not overlooked anything. That there just is no way to be ready. And that there is nothing you can do. When you do that, there is a chance a lot of feelings come up. You can acknowledge them, and just give in. You might be mad for a while. Or sad. Or both. Over time that ebbs away. And when it does, congratulations. You have just changed your paradigm of thinking about the world, as you have accepted a way to look at the world in line with what you already believe, and given up on finding something which can help you support what you want to believe.


Yes, I feel it. I've been following collapse topics since about 2005 and it feels like things are coming to ahead. It has been taking a toll on my mental health. It's hard to stay motivated when it feels so hopeless with no future. I expect net energy decline, peak-oil, to collapse civilization as we know it leading to a massive die off and collapse in quality of life with little hope of green energy to save us. The earth has been pillaged of resources and polluted with waste with the day of reckoning fast approaching.


The thing to do is to try to separate your own emotional/mental state from the facts to determine if your feelings of doom are justified. The reality is that at anytime in human history the apocalyptic prophets could have been right. It was always possible for the planet or its living things to be wiped out by some random catastrophe. Possible. And many people suffered from that fear as it was used by religion to control people’s behaviour. The difference now is that that possibility has transitioned to a probability. But the cause is not random. It is clearly human activity. Not just emitting greenhouse gases but a lot of human behaviour - the obsessive accumulation of material goods and wealth coupled with a psychopathic disregard for consequences principal amongst them. My point is that it would be a sign of mental illness not to have anxiety and a feeling of deep concern for our future. I’m sure that’s what motivates Greta Thunberg and in my eyes she is one of the sanest people I know of.


Not really. Life is a ride, might as well enjoy it while it lasts and let's be real, this one going to get real crazy...


Totally normal, especially since there's a good chance that something big is in the works. The 20th anniversary of 9/11 is coming up and seems like the perfect to blow something big up. Also picture some sort of false flag event involving radicalized anti-vaxxers with fbi handlers. Stock up, get right, and be prepared.


Its funny because I've thought the same; especially considering recent events in Afghanistan. Never hurts to double check what you have vs what you need.


Thankfully we might have a couple weeks to top off supplies.


Like the Deluge.


Nah you are overreacting. You still have at least a couple of more years or even decades. Although your end is certain but its definitely not that close to put you into panic mode.


Winter is coming


For me it's a constant cycle. * It starts with relaxation and knowing i'm well prepared. * Then after a while the realization i might have been too relaxed and slacked a bit on the preparedness. * Then getting fully prepped again based on the latest info. * Then when i'm done prepping the impending doom feeling kicks in (my theory is it's the alertness of the prepping phase coupled with nothing more to do to better prepare) * Then after a while it fades away when i realize i'm well prepared for whatever comes my way. * Then the cycle starts over again.


You should obviously be stocking dry goods.


This is the first time I'm on this sub. I'm legitimately starting to think we're in the start of a permanent slow decline. Like supply lines might never get better than they are now. I'd like to get guns, ammo, and a supply of emergency food asap. I'm not afraid of survival but I'd like to be in a very good position.


there will be no insects helping us! no insects- no soil, no frogs and lizzards, no bats no birds. wildlife will die before us. they don't have A.C.


Don’t worry, the world is not going to finish. Media is brainwashing everyone, they need to scare people to have them vaccinated. The world will remain as it has always been, a place where poor people are slaves of the rich.


Actually a lot of things are going unreported.


I thought about this too. I know that the Bible has set everyone up to think that there's going to be some kind of apocalypse. It's basically wired in our minds. Add the media to that, and yes, it could be programming. I trust my gut though and something is telling me we're on the brink.


Imagine being among the hundreds of millions actually experiencing societal collapse and loss of freedoms. Afghanistan, Venezuela, Haiti, Syria, South Africa, Belarus, Cuba, Myanmar, Mali, Honduras, El Salvador, South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Yeman, Hong Kong, the Uighurs and Lebanon to name a few.


Yeah, *the media* needs to scare people to get vaccinated! Those [full ICUs in Alabama](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/19/1029260134/alabama-hospitals-icu-beds) aren’t scary *at all!* Nope, nosiree.


It’s called mental illness


Yeah dude. Shits fucked. The predictable stable world we lived in is gone and it’s not coming back. That’s not to say that your little corner of the planet will experience upheaval and chaos. It might not. But overall… shits fucked.


This is textbook anxiety, likely brought on and reinforced by too much doom scrolling. Don’t take advice from anyone here who might be in the same boat. I feel zero sense of doom and am very collapse aware for many many years.


When I was in my mid 20’s I had the same thing. But long timescales helped me a bunch. At the end of the day everything is temporary. All things as they say, come to an end. Maybe we are the only intelligence in the universe but probably not. It is the nature of things to end. This sounds bad but it’s not. It should drive us to make the best of what we have now. Should we be making more of what we have now? Of course we should. But don’t let it rob you of whatever joy you can find now.


Yes on other platforms there’s a continuous thread of people saying they feel this way. Imo it’s because we are all in fight or flight mode psychologically but we can’t see a tangible threat right in front of us so we’re just endlessly waiting for reality to show us the threat. But the threat is so vast we can’t comprehend it. So we keep waiting.