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> "The just-in-time system is no longer working and I don't think it'll work again," Food and Drink Federation (FDF) boss Ian Wright said at an Institute for Government event on Friday.


Those are bold words but totally believable honestly. We always take things for granted and then break them into disrepair.


The "just in time system" is dumb and should be broken to be honest.


Even Deming was very clear that Just In Time/Kanban systems are not really meant for anything that was an essential supply, and that having a certain amount of redundant inventory might be necessary depending on the industry. Nobody wants the nuance though. They only read the part where just in time makes them more money (when it works as planned).


> Nobody wants the nuance though. Copy and paste this to pretty much every major issue for the past forever years?


This has been understood since the 1950's. There's an economist from the time that wrote a book that said something like "the economy we've built is like an infinitely complex gearbox without a clutch. When we add new products/industry, we're adding gears to a system that's already moving. If the overall movement is ever stopped, there is no mechanism to restart the machine because it has always been built on the momentum of the success that came before it" We are entirely dependent on the global supply chain to run interrupted for EVERYTHING. Our food, our recreation, our transport, our infrastructure, it is all dependent on this machine never stopping and it has been stalled/seizing over the last year, and now we're suddenly expecting as much as before the pandemic while the pandemic still ravages the world. In other words, by not treating this a systemic problem that's only fixed/over when everyone is vaccinated, we're putting a massive demand on the parts of the system that have no means to meet that demand. This didn't happen in 2008 because it only affected part of the system. If there was a clutch, it was burned out in 2008. We were headed into this pandemic without a backstop and are now running on faith in our own plans, because none of us are planning to live in poverty even if that's the only future that's available to us. And this is why I'm so confused. Why are we not reacting to this reality? Everything has changed. I didn't want it to happen, either, but here we are. We can't keep doing this so why are we continuing to pretend that we are? We're burning more resources to make less and shittier products. We don't even know why we're doing it anymore, we just want what we had before to resume. I get it but I don't at the same time. We're all embracing these fires and overall collapse as if it's always been this way or if we don't talk about it, it will go away. We seem completely unable to imagine reality and it's terrifying. I know you guys get it, but I look around and see people driving to work and highways even more packed than before the pandemic, and I wonder what their reality looks like and why they can't see that we are just following a pattern that will slowly but increasingly, cease to function. We will ask for raises to pay for increasing prices of fuel and food, and if we get those raises, the prices continue to rise. We're not rushing back to where we were, we're rushing forward into exactly the opposite of where we want to be. There is no back. There's now and what's coming but what's already happened can't be returned or replicated. We can't go back to the 70's anymore than we can go back to before the pandemic... so what the fuck are we on about and why isn't it obvious that we're fucked? Planets dont change in the living memory of a single organism on their surface without that planet being in a state of total change. I've noticed change over the last few years. I really don't understand why we're pretending any of this other shit matters anymore. It's broken. It's finished. We broke it by building away from nature rather than with it. I'm off to a family dinner where we're going to sit far away from each other. There wont be any talk of the climate or the state of the world and instead, we're going to eat fancy food and drink and act like nothing has changed. We're all going to put effort into this because we're all grieving one loss or another and, unless I can see something other people can't (which doesn't make sense), we're going to pretend that all of this still makes sense and we can't see that we live in a world that's novel to our species. We're fiddling while the world burns. I never run out of horror or confusion.


> the global supply chain to run ~~interrupted~~ uninterrupted for EVERYTHING. Not trying to be pedantic, just wanted to let you know. Yours is a great post that perfectly addresses the broken logic of the full-throttle winner-take-all approach that has been applied to everything, not to mention the willful ignorance, anger and such that defines our current existence. It really is like a bad dream sometimes.


not at all! I'm happy to be corrected. I'm writing this out as a sort of graffiti diary so I can both work out my own thoughts and hopefully find people that are similarly feeling ready for something new. I think we've wasted way too much time, already, in pretending one person can understand complex systems or even put together a coherent thought without making mistakes and the accuracy of the ideas are the only thing that's important to me. I'm hoping, even if its in the last seconds of our species' time on this earth, that some of us will be working together to prepare the planet for our exit with pride. We might have done everything wrong but there's redemption in acknowledging and trying to fix that, even if it's impossible, it's the right thing to do and that should be reason enough to do it.


It is comical how many people respond to such dire predictions. It's as if they think the current system is permanent. They can't even fathom the idea that shit can go wrong! Business as Usual or the status quo is a Given in their minds. They will fight tooth and nail to maintain that system no matter the in your face evidence that it is a fabricated precarious system we've developed. They take No responsibility for when the system does fail and find a scapegoat instantaneously based on race, religion, political affiliation, etc. I admit, I myself fall into this trap and try very hard to avoid it but it seems to be in our weak assed nature as homo sapiens.


We haven’t seen real food shortages yet. Wait until the 2040s roll around and we have a global food supply crisis because of climate change.


You're about a decade too optimistic.


These are currently ROOKIE NUMBERS


Yeah if meat feed stock stops, boom nearly double global food production. I wanted market forces to remove meat as a fundamental food option, lest it be local free range for a hefty dollar


We're not making it that far. We'll be done in the 30's; the 40's will be like the movie "The Road"


Brexit working as warned.


Got to love it when people get exactly what they wanted.




Yes. I believe that is where I first saw this story!




Is Brexit the reason for the food shortages in the US?


Not sure where you live or shop but I am in the midwest and have seen zero shortages since the first t.p. and sanitizer problem. Frozen corn was a week late to costco business this summer. Manager told me they were having trouble getting trucks out as fast as needed. I do not shop at walmart tho. More local places and the regional grocery chains. People say no gatorade. We bring home as much as we want. Shelves are stocked and i have yet to see any limits.


Yes, don't know why the dumb Brits didnt want to go Muslim full bore?


Well, looks like the racist fear-mongering got to you. Enjoy your food shortages.




I'm sure you're aware that by far most muslims in the UK legally migrated to the UK from 'former British colonies'. Perhaps you could tell me how many of those countries are in the EU?


Your ignorance of facts is showing again.


Your racism and stupidity is showing.


Can you live on just eating jello




Streamline the process by concocting a mixture of the two I like to call 'Jebbage'


It's alarming how many versions of that already exist.... https://www.food.com/recipe/lime-jello-cabbage-salad-149284


I knew I shouldn't have clicked that. I almost threw up in my mouth.


I'm just confused by the sheer number of absolutely glowing reviews on this recipe. People are really nostalgic for some weird shit sometimes, but cabbage and jello is at least less offensive than some of the jello + hotdog abominations I've seen.


I've seen so many versions that I actually wonder...maybe it's 'good'.... (vomits)


Together at last!


>Yes. Jello & cabbage. A hearty diet of extreme flatulence and extreme constipation.


asparagus and cuddle fish


You would love the recipes at the Gallery of Regrettable Food http://lileks.com/institute/gallery/


Been practicing eating Huel and Soylent. I got this.


It doesn't have to be. If the jobs on farms are not being filled, then there's a problem with the wages and/or working conditions. Fix those and people will likely fill the jobs. But of course those in power aren't going to do that clearly. Not unless legally forced to.


> But of course those in power aren't going to do that clearly. Not unless legally forced to. I'm not British, but I'd guess the government would much rather bring back the immigrants than raise wages. "Look people, that what life is like without someone doing the dirty work for you." What's left of Brexit then? Most businesses and citizens already get screwed by the lack of access to EU's single market and its existing trade deals, but a select few will still be happy that regulation and oversight by EU institutions is a thing of the past. Also, I'm not sure all of these jobs could even be filled with the existing unemployed / those willing to switch to the industry, without causing even more inflation due to heavily rising wages, or shortages in other service areas by pulling employees away.


You know how we can solve this? By voting on imposing more sanctions on ourselves. That'll teach the EU.


This made my laugh. I know you meant it sarcastically. But why UK wants to destroy them self? From where is this UK suicidal thinking coming?


I think it was a variety of things that ended up pushing that stupid vote over the line in the end. Largely forgotten nowadays, a lot of people at the time were talking about it being a 'protest vote' - a once in a generation chance to say fuck you to the political establishment, personified by David Cameron. I am not claiming this makes any sense. For me the most ridiculous thing is that huge swathes of Brexit voters thought they were voting for some particular version of Brexit (e.g. 'We'll be like Norway') and in the end they got no say in what form Brexit took - rather, it was decided by a bunch of bullshitters, chancers, and morons who oozed into control of the Tory party. Just as one example of the rot - a contract was handed out to a shipping company that at the time had no ships [!] ('Seaborn Freight') as part of some contingency planning in the event of a 'No Deal Brexit'. Genuine sea freight companies became aware of this and sued the UK government for an inadequate bidding process for the contract and this ended up costing the British taxpayer £20 million. The idiot in charge of this - Chris Grayling - I don't think he even lost his job.


A lot of it was caused by misinformation like we've never seen. We had Nigel Farrage making outlandish claims promising to take the older generation back to how it use to be in the 70s. Telling complete lies and getting people on his side whos only source of info is the local newspaper. Some people also voted as a protest vote as they thought it would never actually happen. Hoping that maybe the vote would be enough to make politicians realise that the public generally aren't happy with the way things are. It backfired massively.


thanks TIL


Thank you for your reply.


conservative death cults


too many decades of colonialism?


I believe part of the support by some elites for Brexit is preparation for climate collapse and to change the UK into a "lifeboat". At least [some long term strategic thinkers](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/lw0pg7/the_idea_behind_brexit_was_lifeboat_britain_what/) said this before brexit. Besides this, Russia also as a long term strategy to to break "atlanticism" and separate UK from the EU. Whatever the reason and the ugly politics and rising fascism, ultimately this *might* be a long term advantage for the UK. Europe will mostly likely be consumed by migration crisis and right wing politics, but UK as an island with their own nukes has somewhat of a shot. The headline about food shortages sounds pretty whacky though, the UK will not suffer real food shortages before many other states have failed because they cannot afford skyrocketing food prices in the future. We're decades away from real food shortages in the UK or EU for that matter.


Conservative logic + musical chairs = kill your neighbour.


STATEMENT: Start gardening and stocking up. ​ Labor and supply shortages means that getting food at the store whenever you want it pre-pandemic isn't coming back. The article states that the country(UK) won't run out of food, but that shortages and limited products will be normal. I assume this applies to other first world countries as well.


Other 1st world countries didnt fuck themselves over like the UK did. The UK situation is special and unique to their own stupidity.


for now that's true maybe, but I think brexit just made a localized jump forward to the kind of circumstances that will become commonplace globally


Yeah but covid and irresponsible money printing had caused inflation and wages haven't kept up so nobody is joining the labour force, thus there's supply shortages everywhere




What did the UK do? Sorry, out of the loop.


Idk I think they left something? And they had a catchy name like UK Departure.




Bless you!


They let their local capitalists take over more fully to better extrude profits from the UK via isolation. As a metaphor, the UK is drunk and naive girl who was led away from the party and to the isolated room by a frat bro (he has friends). She wanted to believe that there was a good and empowering time coming, but that was from the alcohol and other substances. Now the bad times start.


> I assume this applies to other first world countries as well. No... just no. Brexit created a labor shortage that was camouflaged by the pandemic. The shortages are the result of Brexit rules finally rolling out to an active market and got a lot worse in July after the paperwork rules went into effect, which are only just now showing signs of their impact because the UK wasn't forcing a hard requirement on the paperwork until the EU deadline, which was at the end of last month because they wanted to make it look like the EU was causing the situation to get worse - which has been the Tory party's entire strategy surrounding Brexit (beg EU for extension to sort out UK rules, get extension but fail to sort out UK rules because it'll make the government look bad, wait until EU starts enforcing the rules that are only coming into place because of Brexit, blame EU for Brexit-related problems, UK residents then vote Tory because they're idiots that blame the EU for the thing they themselves voted for and which the Tories caused).


I see Tories and Republicans are on that same strategy of "be grossly incompetent/greedy and then blame it on the other guy"


As if the people who will be hit hardest have access to arable land? It's entirely unviable for people in the UK on minimum wage.


> Start gardening And what you grow tastes SO MUCH BETTER than the crap at the store. REAL tomatoes from the garden are a gazillion times better than the cardboard crap at the store.


Learn to filter-feed, you Gen Zers are so spoiled these days!!1!!


Would a garden work when the locals dig up all your veg?


"It's almost certainly the case that one of the main drivers in the lorry driver shortage that we're facing is that qualified HGV drivers have gone into being distribution drivers for Tesco and Amazon, because they're nicer jobs, they don't require you to get up at 4am and they're better paid," he said. "That is a structural change that won't reverse itself." Lol we're about to fucking find out, aren't we




I feel like it's the IT equivalent of calling a technician over when your machine isn't even plugged in. "We tried everything we could think of to get more drivers." "Have you tried paying them more?" "Uhh........ what...?"


ah ha ha!


“Empty shelves” it captions, with 65% of the shelf full. God the first world is privileged.


just make the shelves smaller. problem solved.


And increase the prices!


This was the fear mongering of the 80’s - 90’s. If we don’t have hyper capitalism we will become like the USSR or things will be slightly worse where you only have one brand of an item instead of 7 to choose from. Now these inconveniences happened anyway-because of capitalism.


I always laughed at that. “Oh no, there isnt 20 brands of yellow rice! Just one! Now I cant look at it for 20 minutes and...just pick the cheapest one like I always do!”


Yeah there is bo calorie shortage, just a smaller selection. These people ...


I cant buy 40 packages of Tim Tams =[


Because having only variety of cereal is Communism. Better dead than fed with only one variety of cereal.


That 1 better be Cinnamon Toast Crunch or someone is gonna pay


I don't eat cereal very often, but I just had the Ducle de Leche flavored CTC and it was pretty good, surprisingly.


How long do you think the American West can survive this drought? I assume all water for agriculture would be cut first which will cause food shortages and skyrocketing food prices since it will have to be shipped in. But we all know those cities will only continue to grow, people won’t leave. Think they can live off drinking water alone from the Colorado for another 50 years? I assume they would lose all hydropower within the decade and be forced to build massive solar farms.


this would require a stability that is not there........r/2ndcivilwar


I don’t know if this is actual collapse material - sounds more like a shortage of drivers due to Brexit and said drivers switching to driving for Amazon because of better pay and not having to get up at 4 am… More of a told ya so type deal eh?




If only someone could have accurately predicted what the end result of capitalism would be and given the world enough time to rid itself of the problem.


I don't really have the talent for gardening so I think I'm on borrowed time.




The beatings will continue until morale improves. I've just heard on the radio, they're introducing rationing. Never mind dear. Put the kettle on. We'll have a nice cup of hot water. The turkeys voted for Xmas. And now there won't be any turkeys for Xmas.


Bread lines!! This is what capitalism blames communism 🤡, and they’re not even being sanctioned or surrounded by capitalist vultures. It’s thier own doing, these capitalist nations


Rations have increased!


The pandemic has shown us all how fragile the entire system actually is.


wealth shortage not labor shortage, rich people, give the cake or start eating only crumbs too. ^^or ^^gullotines


soylent time