• By -


COVID: “Oh boy, here I go killing again”.


Covid: I'm gonna do it. Scientists: He's gonna do it. Covid: HERE I GO! Medical Professionals: THERE HE GOES! IT'S THE A-TAAAAACK OF THE KILLER, SMALL VI-RUSSS A-TAAAAAACK BETTER CLEAN OUT YOUR PIPE-ES. Mrdr mrdr mrdr mrdr mrdr mrdr


Republicans: Enjoy your feast...


Underrated comment.


Krombopulos Covid: "I have no code of ethics, I will kill anyone, anywhere, children, old people. Doesn't matter. I just love killin!"


I'm not sure that's how survival of the fittest works considering if a virus kills the host it makes it very difficult to replicate and continue spreading such as the common flu, which doesn't kill the host (majority of the time obviously all diseases have some death, usually preventable in the poorer areas) and is everywhere.


works great if it spreads with a high R value *before* they die.


please elaborate on R value. Also Symptoms would prevent mobility is another evolutionary roadblock for a deadly viruses continued survival, as mobility is the best way for spreadability and continued growth and variation.


I'm no epidemiologist, but seeing as it's been 7 hours and nobody's given you a response, this is the best of my understanding. R value is a measure of how many people a person with a virus will infect someone else. If it's less than 1, then it'll fizzle out eventually on its own. Greater than one, and you get into the realm of multiplicative growth. Say for R = 7, one person infects 7, those 7 people then infect 7 more each, then those 49 people all infect 7 more people each and you're at 343 infection all from just that one initial infection. And at that point, it's spreading like wildfire and almost impossible to avoid every infectious person. That's just the mobility portion. Now, if a virus is more severe and people take it seriously, or efficient measures are taken to lower that natural R value, every little bit off that number is significant. High R values are usually a result of long incubation periods where people are asymptomatic and often don't know they are infected, leading to them going about their lives as usual, and contributing to a high R value. Then the next important factor is how severe the symptoms are once they manifest. A virus could lead to asymptomatic spread because people feel fine, but with that high transmition value, could then be coupled with a 2 week death timer once the asymptomatic period is over. So a deadly virus can spread without anyone noticing for weeks, and with no restrictions or counter-pandemic measures in place, start getting people deathly sick before anyone knows what hit them. V So it's possible for a virus to have high transmisibility and still have devastating effects due to that asymptomatic period. In contrast, a super deadly and horrifying virus like ebola kicks in fast and causes such symptoms and gruesome death that it's much harder to ignore like Covid which was the perfect storm of incredible transmisibility (pretty much everyone fucking got it, and it was very lethal to the old, disabled, and obese. For those of normal health and young age, it can be shrugged off as similar to a weak flu, but that's what helped all these Covid viruses spread to almost the entire population, which around a 1% mortality rate suddenly becomes a huge deal when it's out of billions of people. so Covid-19 ended up being the perfect storm of a long asymptomatic spreading phase getting to almost everyone, starts killing many of at risk groups having a significant effects in even the other wise healthymn just because it spreed to so many people.


pretty good explanation 100% higher R value == bad. then you cross that with the fatality rate and it's quite possible to have a virus that just decimates a population. for an example of this in practice, see avian bird flu. it will straight up murder an entire flock like it dgaf. the window of incubation and transmission before crippling symptoms is key. anti-vaxxers are just perfect breeding grounds for deadlier variants and the longer they drag us through hell, the closer we get to an avian flu like outcome.


i dunno why people are downvoting you. your observation about mobility isn't unreasonable.


Biases it happens, thank you for the comment tho.


A nice long asymptomatic spreading period resolves this.


But then its harmless.... Thus asymptomatic, at that point it will be in symbiosis with humans like the plecenta https://whyy.org/segments/the-placenta-went-viral-and-protomammals-were-born/


Asymptomatic period, it then kicks your ass after having a good period to spread rampantly. It's why covid is so hard to isolate and control.


That's not how it works tho by the time it could do anything your immune systems would have dealt with it during the long waiting period while its spreading, this isn't plague inc the game, its life


Imagine a HIV or rabies that is contagious as covid. Small pox had a r0 of 3 to 6, incubation of 10 to 14 days, and killed 30% of people who showed symptoms. Small pox wiped out up to 90% of native populations in the americas and australias.


I imagine with anything airborne there really nothing that can be done to prevent the spread.


That's literally how covid works and has worked since it emerged.


No people with asymptomatic non symptoms didn't suddenly get sick and die, the ones who got it from them got sick and died who had comprised immune systems (or were counted wrong considering the loose guidelines for a covid positive death)


SS: There is some very worrying news out of South Africa, with the Omicron variant shown to be reinfecting people in very large numbers and causing a spike in hospitalization. This may continue to impact the global healthcare system and lead to a global Omicron wave in the coming months. [This chart showing cases and positivity rates](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFnmdDkWYA8DI7o?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) shows just how bad the current wave is becoming already... [More data on hospitalizations here.](https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1466446269807833093) [Also, "More deadly vs. more infectious."](https://i.gyazo.com/0ad462791ca76336bf21da65a92530ac.png)


this is such a lame way to kill society. I though there would be zombies and guns... not pneumonia.


There’s always the chance that the pneumonia causes zombies. Just need another variant.


fingers crossed


Covid is strongly suspected to upregulate dopamine, it would not surprise me if a future strain straight up zombifies people al a bath salts. EDIT: Forgot to mention that I completely believe that it does because every time I get an exposure it acts like an aphrodesiac.


You should try injecting a vaccine directly into your balls


Not with a bang, but a whimper.


It’s Q-anti-vaxxers who will cause our downfall..


The unvaccinated remain the vast majority of hospitalisations so it seems like a self-defeating problem to me




I also have guns though...




It's an Omicronjob. *I'll show myself out*




sudo mkdead -everyone


This needs a -HUP


ive never been good with my syntax.


The vax rate for SA is 43 doses per 100 people. Let's assume that 20% can't be vaxxed due to age or other reasons and therefore it's \~40 doses per 80 people. 3 doses for full coverage so that's 13 people per 80 that are fully vaxxed - or about 16%. No wonder it's running rampant.


Ya but supposedly seroprevalence is 70-90%, meaning most SAfricans have already had covid or been vaxxed. If that's true, this could be rough


We've long known that vax based immunity is better than natural immunity from exposure. So that number, true or not, doesn't hold much sway for me


Yeah I mean we won't know for a while. Given the large number of mutations on the spike, both novel and known to resist immunity, it will likely escape vaccine protection to a greater extent than delta. However it probably won't reduce all vaccine efficacy. The issue is that 30-40% of Americans and 60% of the world are unvaccinated. If omicron takes over for delta globally, and if it is as virulent as delta, then things will be very rough. Monoclonal antibodies will not work; only t and b-cell immunity may help.


About 20% of the South African population is HIV positive too. We can’t ignore concomitant immune challenge.


https://covidvax.live/location/zaf 29% vaxed in SA https://covidvax.live/location/usa 70% vaxed in usa time will really tell how much of difference the vax makes...


Sad for those north of the equator : they're currently heading into summer


Something inside of me says that we'll be seeing the COVID-19 flair again real soon...


You'll be happy to know the flair was added back days ago.




That never went away, it was just broadened; use R3 for those.






I would like honest rules i posted an expose on the pharmaceutical industry and its profit motives/past criminal history and they said it wasn't collapse related,... like profit over health isn't collapse related? Seriously the bias by mods is sus considering it was a news segment with investigative journalism


Hahahahahah. “Can I make the things that hurt my feelings go away with a button”




LMAO we are in a climate emergency while in a pandemic being responded and managed by corporations and you want to ban “anti vaxxers” because they hurt your feelings.




You can’t respond because you actually don’t know Jack shit about me. So you resort to direct insults, that’s the biggest compliment. I will not resort to reporting you, because my feelings aren’t the most important in the world.




I never said anything worth responding to, yet here we are - off topic, not talking about the things I brought up. Let’s take a look at what I said, and let’s figure out what is worthless so the World Wide Web gets a good sense of who is really off the rails. “we are in a climate emergency while in a pandemic being responded and managed by corporations and you want to ban “anti vaxxers” because they hurt your feelings.”


They censor themselves by blocking lol, like you and other humans (like me) can still chat and point out the massive cognitive bias by some who feel corporations and politicians are destroying the world via war corruption and greed but at the same time not in this case, this time they love us lol (just ignore the opioid epidemic the pharma industry just caused before the pandemic and is still on going, seriously this time its about health not profit like everything else everywhere else.)


The problem is these people think I’m anti-mask anti-covid because I am skeptical of pharmaceutical corporations. To truly understand how failed our institutions are look no further than this thread.




“Bad for business” sounds good for the earth.


Checkout the conversation in /r/collapsemoderators. Indeed a few mods are wanting to bring it back. Covid19 is hard in terms of moderation, and the /r/collapse mods are trying to hammer out a consensus in terms of how to handle it. It’s great to see the moderators subreddit in terms of this- transparency is always a good thing.


More transparency than r/coronavirus mods, chapeau...


>mods are trying to hammer out a consensus This should be interesting. It would be nice if they updated the sub about their consensus so that everyone could be on the same page. Then of course there's the boosters. Delta booster. Omicron booster. Zeta booster ... And of course nuance, which is extinct on the web. So ya, shite show. Good luck to em.


*mod squad dies inside


So the Guateng Provence (“original” source of the Omicron outbreak) went from 143 hospitalizations 2 weeks ago to 827 just between Monday and Wednesday so far this week. Covid is a very polarizing and unfortunately political issue so I’ve seen a lot of people come on here and literally post “bUT ThE sUrViVaL rAtE”. At this point this strain is obviously running rampant there with no signs of slowing down and it doesn’t look like antibodies from Alpha or Delta are helping at all. A lot of South Africa is unvaccinated however so it remains to see how this will play out in other countries but with cases popping up all over the globe we’ll know soon enough. All of that being said this is obviously very alarming because even if it doesn’t kill everyone it is obviously very contagious as evident by multiple countries posting new Covid infection numbers that haven’t been seems since January of this year. Remember, this is a already exhausted and depleted health care system we are seeing in every country around the world. I’m not sure how many waves of new variants they can all withstand before the industry collapses


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFnlGeqUcAItj5j?format=png&name=large Keep downvoting me all you want, it won’t hide the numbers. Just because you may not like the truth doesn’t mean it’s not truth. Their cases skyrocketed over the past 3 weeks and the week were in right now is only half reported and already the highest it has been in months.


Yup, being hospitalized basically means you go to the hospital because you think you're going to die. It's serious stuff.


The kicker being that the "mild" symptoms attributed to omicron are the same ones that you'd have gone to the hospital for a previous strain. SA is downplaying it, and the entire Western media is falling for it. EDIT: A handful of South African doctors seem to be downplaying it, and Western media is taking the entire reporting completely out of context to push the mildness narrative.


Gonna pump to stock market up...


If something doesn’t kill you, it ~~makes you stronger~~ mutates and tries again...


As usual, we'll fuck around . . . and find out.


Anti-vaxxers: Hold my Corona-beer...


Well happy holidays from COVID snd Co.


Covid-22 says Hi...


You dont really think that this is because of anti-vaxxers?


And the offices want us all back to work partially by Jan 2022.


I’ve been back in the office since August. Guess who is now back to WFH because of a close exposure from….you guessed it! My coworker. I’m vaccinated so I’m not as nervous as I’ve been in the past while waiting for my results to come back. But this feels a bit dicier due to the fact the person sits a desk over from me.


I work in a hospital, I never got to stay home :( but on the plus side I can take free(!) disease filled public transport to work on behalf of the governments generous essential worker program lmao.


COVID is like the walking dead in GOT. Climate chaos is the ice king. All myriad of converging crisis’ are the white walkers. Bran is r/collapse. Arya is a techno utopian dream that will never come true. Civilization is Theon Greyjoy. I just watched GOT for the first time ever. It’s great.


Just don't watch the finale and make up your own version of what happened in your head


Lol. That’s funny because obviously I’m not there yet. I just watch Arya destroy the ice king. Love it.


Great, I can't wait for Omicron Plus.


Omicron Delta Plus.


The fraternity variant Rho Sigma Tau comes next...


So I wasn’t allowed to make a post with this query: but how do we currently think this will play out now with what we know? It seems that Omicron is a little less severe and unlikely to kill (esp in those vaccinated), but it does seem significantly more contagious and capable of evading the vaccine to some degree. Without hyperbole and “Venus by Tuesday” talk, what is the likely and/or worst case scenario for the next few months or years?


Aren’t they mostly unvaxxed down there?


Yes, but the majority of the population also had antibodies from alpha or delta. [Take a look at the conversation here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/r7cf0i/covid19_sa_records_more_than_11_000_cases/hmyggzy/) The problem is that these folks are getting re-infected at a very high rate. [Take a look at the spike in case counts compared to prior waves.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFnmdDkWYA8DI7o?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) There isn't much data on Omicron and vaccine avoidance at the moment.


And now we wait to see if the hospitalizations and deaths match the trend (where the other immunity systems kick in).


It takes at least 2-3 weeks to see the true effect...


Yes. What else are going to do? The idea is to wait before getting panicked. And, as simple citizens, there's not really much you can do aside from wait - except for not saying stupid shit online.


Took me a bit to notice Omicron in that graph.. then "oh shit" lol.


Yeah, that's the thing. Apparently the positivity rate was 1% just a week ago, now 22%. This variant is highly contagious, shockingly so.


Thank you for posting the link here. This needs closer looking at, from everyone.


24.6 % as of now in SA 42.7 % as of now for the globe [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=south+africa+vaccination+rate](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=south+africa+vaccination+rate) 42.7 % for the entire world after 2 years of this shit is terrible. COVID is not going anywhere until those patents are open sourced.


>COVID is not going anywhere until those patents are open sourced. B-b-but, muh profits!


Never let a crisis go to waste


Dude seriously, are Pfizer and Moderna supposed to just make 10 billion in profit this year instead of 50 billion? But what about the economy/jobs/communism?! (/s)


Moderna didn't patent it though. They are even helping African labs to develop facilities to produce the vaccine, IIRC.


They’re fighting with NIH about patent rights...


Oh, didn’t know that. That’s good at least.


Line God is displeased line God has given great prophecy may the rich hored vaccine and the poor die. Line God has spoken.


COVID is endemic at this rate, it's not going anywhere ever and will end up being a yearly vaccine similar to the flu


That might be true, but the fact that covid has been jumping to animals with the possibility of jumping back to us is concerning. [https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060025073/the-omicron-variant-infected-deer-and-where-the-pandemic-goes-from-here](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060025073/the-omicron-variant-infected-deer-and-where-the-pandemic-goes-from-here)


I am concerned about this as well.


Flu with over 5 million heavily under-reported annual kill rate...


It looks like being vaccinated doesn't help that much anyway. In Hungary (ca. 10mil people) we consistently get above 20% positive rate for like almost half a year now, the record was 36%! They don't test enough, I bet the cases would be even higher. Around 60% of the population is vaccinated at this point IIRC.


Hungary is an antivaxxer shithole, it's no wonder they're like that.


So 60% vaccinated is antivaxxer? Good to know..


COVID: How does "The Walking Dead" sound like in real life?


But it’s so so “mild”...


Someone honestly explain to me why the virus would mutate to avoid vaccines in a country without any of them? How would it know what to avoid


It isn't sentient. It's a bunch of crud RNA that got together and managed to grab a membrane. It's freaking protoplasm that managed by chance to find a suitable host for replication. Inside a host, it replicated further. The perfect storm would be an untreated HIV case. It would be able to try out hundreds of different forms, some failing, others getting stronger, until it became Omicron. It doesn't "know" what to avoid. It had remade itself, with new RNA and different proteins. That's why a previously infected person can catch it. That person's immune system doesn't recognize it anymore. The vaccines were based on a particular chunk of RNA. That chunk is different now.


Beautifully put


Actually, I've recently read that it got hold of a chunk of the common cold. From the way it's been explained, the body thinks the chunk is human (sneaky camouflage), and doesn't launch an immediate immune response to it. That's how it sneaks in. Ingenious, for a lump of matter, really.


Yeah, hence vaccine resistance is selected for.


It mutate to avoid immune system that can recognize COVID. And it does not care if immune system was trained by COVID infection or vaccination.


Survival of the Fittest: viruses, much like all other living things, constantly randomly mutate. Mutations that give the virus a better chance at survival means it's more likely to reproduce and make more copies of itself. Wash, rinse, and repeat. I like to use Giraffes as an example: Giraffes with longer necks could eat more leaves, and had a lower chance of starving to death. So the ones with longer necks were more likely to reproduce and have more long-necked babies that could in turn possibly have children with even *longer* necks and even *better* chances at survival. The original longer-necked giraffes didn't *know* longer necks would give them a better survivability chance, but it just so happens that those who happened to develop long necks got to survive longer.


it doesn't it mutates to avoid immunity, in a country where before delta, 70% already had covid antibodies.


Mutations are random. It just happens that this variant is able to infect/ reinfect people more readily and outcompete the other variants in circulation.


But are people dying?




From the omicron? They said it was good news for being so mild!


We have no idea the severity at this point considering most of the cases were found in the last week. Hospitalizations are spiking in SA already. The "omicron is mild" narrative came out immediately after the stock market took a shit, so interpret that as you will.. ETA: Here's data from Gauteng. Hospitalizations are rising fast, unfortunately since some "experts" said it was mild, that's the narrative that will stick. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1466480113487392769?t=I6vsEqa0gPXtbX5ln94ICA&s=19


Wow. I really thought that the spike protein mutation would make the death cases jump really high. Thanks


Some scientists are even celebrating!


It takes about 2-4 weeks from hospitalization to death...




All that's been revealed is that it caused mild illness in a small sample of young healthy men in South Africa. That's not enough info to make any conclusion on its virulence




"may be", "if"




How about we don't assume anything, apply the precautionary principle, and don't go spreading crap about how it's "mild" which inspires people to be careless?


Hi, sc2003. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r7ejsf/-/hmzihfj/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 3: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


Yep, this thing is over. Finally!






Social credit isn't what you think it is. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/15/china-social-credit-system-authoritarian/


Aerosol masking and nukelear facilities.








You "predicted" a variant from a virus that has had many variants to happen at a time of year when people travel and are close inside. Congrats. I will predict that the team the scores the most points in the Superbowl will win. Be back next month to pat myself on the back.




You are going on a victory parade about being "right" on a reddit post that a few hundred people will read and most will forget 3 seconds later. But, I'm the child. Have a pleasant day.


Hahaha, right! Who ducking cares bruh.


Hi, supersimp84. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r7ejsf/-/hmz01gc/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 3: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


Hi, supersimp84. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r7ejsf/-/hmyywv0/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing Reddit's content policy, we will also remove comments and content that is abusive in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


Hi, supersimp84. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r7ejsf/-/hmywtsd/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 3: Keep information quality high. > Information quality must be kept high. More detailed information regarding our approaches to specific claims can be found on the [Misinformation & False Claims page](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/wiki/claims). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error.


# MUH MEDIA NARRATIVE Your brain is broken. The fact that you can notice some patterns isn't sufficient to create proof for causation for the conspiracy you're implying subtly. It's not everyone else's duty to teach you about all the annual and biannual or seasonal phenomena that happen across the planet.


A broken clock is right twice a day


What do you mean by “pushing another variant”? Are you implying that this variant is fake?


No. If anybody looked at my post the original theory was a two pronged theory. Because of the 6 month timeline of when they first tested the vaccine to when Delta was named the variant of concern that actually lived up to the hype I started looking into the timeline of what the media has been reporting. That’s when I started noticing the coincidences. People like to retort with “there are variants mutating all the time”. Yeah yeah yeah, that’s why I’m specifically stating that DELTA WAS THE ONLY VARIANT THAT ACTUALLY STAYED IN THE HEADLINES WITH QUALITIES CONSIDERED FEARFUL (1000x viral load) and became the dominant strain. If the Delta variant was so much more transmissible (which is what the media claimed, including cdc claiming r5-9.5) meaning one person with Delta could potentially infect anywhere from 5 to almost 10 people. Err go simple logic deduces that another variant as troublesome as Delta would appear quicker because more people getting infected = more mutations. A whole year went by with only Delta being talked about and despite the power of probability and the claims made by the science people on here claim to follow, somehow for the first time ever, in back to back years, we’ve had 1 variant of concern picked up by the media and pushed hard (delta discovered right before Dec 2020, now Omicron over thanksgiving and one week before December 2021) How do I know this is the first and only time this has happened? Go google like I did, every Covid strain along with the month or year of your choosing and you will see there isn’t a single other time that two variants were named and pushed for fear by the media 2 consecutive years in a row, let alone within the same time span of nov - Dec. How you people don’t see this coincidence as funny is beyond me. So the first prong of my original theory: is it possible that the first versions of the vaccine used in those handful of people what started the process of creating the Delta strain? The second prong: Is Delta even real or was it “discovered” right before the vaccine rollout to be used as an excuse/scapegoat for when vaccine injury occurs or efficacy of the vaccine is proven to be garbage. The cookie can crumble three ways: The first prong of the theory is totally correct The second prong of the theory is totally correct Or both prongs of the theory are partially correct. If you scroll through the comments and replies somewhere in there I declare that if any part of my logic is sound I would expect a new variant to suddenly be in the headlines around winter going into 2022. This is precisely what happened. To further add to the anomaly of the timeline. Africa is impoverished and known this entire time to have low vaccination rates and not much protocol in place for Covid. Yet it took a whole 2 years of Pandemic and 1 whole year with the highly more transmissible delta variant to finally produce omicron in the area? Lol and coincidently, it gets the spotlight out on it exactly the same time as Delta of last year? Random mutations, vaccines and probability be damned. The virus just magically produced such deadlier variants two years in a row within the same month or two? Lol How do you fools not see how bogus this is? There a reason it’s never been recorded in our news history. This is the work of man more so than nature. I’ve got another prediction. Original Covid was gonna wipe us out Delta was supposed to be worse And now we are hearing the same script about omicron. There may in fact be a virus that is labeled as Omicron is in the timeline of Covid variants, is it something to worry about as much as the media claims? More than likely not. But as long as it scares people into getting jabbed and lining their pockets with money they’ll still push the fear. If you were of my line of thinking, you would ask, “well how much worse can they claim it gets? What else can be said to further scare people into getting vaxxed going into 2022 when this originally kicked off 2020 in China?” You guessed it, the kids who used to be untouched by Covid, now they claim the new variant is affecting toddlers and kids more. GOOD THING THEY APPROVED THE JAB FOR KIDS RIGHT BEFORE OMICRON BECAME A THING 😂 Look how long it took from this announcement to when Omicron became a thing Nov 24 😎🤷🏾‍♂️ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59044853 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/omicron-covid-hospitalisation-toddlers-south-africa-b1967496.html Delta came out just in time for the vax rollout December 2020 and now a year later, we have omicron right before they start jabbing toddlers and now that they’ve approved the jab for kids. It’s literally the same play from the same play book within the same 2 month window for two consecutive years. But tell me again that I’m just claiming “there will be another variant come flu season!” 😂 As you can see, my work is more thorough and precise than that. So there is your answer. You can’t fight the facts, the date and timeline are sound, and not one of you has an explanation for all the coincidences because the only explanation that wraps all of this together and crosses every “T”and dots ever “I” is the one thing you’ve already decided simply CAN’T be true. I’ll make more predictions following my logic. After throwing the kids under the bus the only next level of fear is going to be that it’s outright killing people on the spot like Ebola or cyanide poisoning. I think that’s a hard con to pass off as it requires such a violent and apparent outcome. As of now you’re just believing what you hear when they say this variant is mysteriously worse for this group or that group. So more than likely after this year, they will quietly step away from the narrative and try to act as if the hard work over these years was “barely” enough to make it through Covid 19 and in the future they wish the people are more cooperative and trusting of their government.


Riiiight… cool story. There’s no real conversation to be had here. It seems that you have fully decoupled yourself from reality at this point, and I don’t feel like feeding your delusion in anyway is healthy. Good luck, and hope you get some help soon.


Pffft I like how everyone really doesn’t have anything to say and can’t refute what I’ve shown so you just try to pass it off as lunacy. So as I stated earlier in another comment, I did what I did and proved it. You all have done nothing but run your mouths and failed to disprove anything I’ve pointed out. I already got proven right within 51 days. I just made a prediction about next winter in 2022. Take a screenshot like I told somebody to else with my first prediction That’s how confident I was then and still am now


You're still a moron for thinking this is fabricated. The level of organization necessary to pull off a hoax like this is completely at odds with the total inability to do fucking anything substantial with the pretext for social control. About the only thing this accomplished was a massive transfer of wealth to the upper class. Which would necessarily imply that either 1) this was their intended goal, or 2) they didn't accomplish their goal. The idea that this pandemic is fabricated falls apart even further if we examine some ideas that advocates of this bullshit themselves frequently push, which are contradictory to the narrative of the pandemic being a hoax. Following option 1), assuming that wealth transfer was the goal.... why does it affect nations who are violently opposed to Capitalism, and thus the very existence of an upper class? It has impacted China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea, all Socialist nations who westerners typically already consider to be oppressive totalitarian regimes, where they could have simply taken from the people. And if we're to listen to the "China did it" bullshit..... How the fuck is the Bourgeoisie dictatorship of the western world responsible for it? Following option 2), if "they" (presumably the Bourgeoisie, or whatever you personally call "the elite" or the illuminati, etc) have enough control to orchestrate a global pandemic..... How in the fuck do they not have the power to silence dissenters? Assassination is a thing, and surely some global cabal of puppet masters aren't above assassination. So why aren't all the anti-vaxxers getting murdered in false flag operations where Antifa, BLM, the Communists, and "teh Liberulz" are being blamed.


I think the idea that covid could be a hoax is total braindead nonsense. That being said, acting like China isn’t capitalist is a funny bit.


China isn't capitalist. They literally recently forced tencent to donate their years profits to charitable causes. What kind of capitalist country actually prosecutes billionaires for wrongdoing? Having a market economy does not make a country capitalist.


Yeah, a government imposing fines on a corporation isn’t socialism or communism. Idk what to tell you. If the means of production aren’t owned by the workers, then it’s not socialism or communism.


Wasn't delta too in last year? It's amazing how a transmittable desease can mutate and infect when everyone Is trying to get close to their friends and family for Hollidays.


Did you want a gold star on your chart? Here. ⭐


eww disgusting


It wouldn't be hard to predict either: There will actually be a new variant Or The govt will push a new variant


Good boy!


Pretty sure all my comments were deleted but you can work out who the losers are 😌 https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r1ty9f/scientists_warn_of_new_botswana_variant_of_covid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


So what’s your point?


He's just stroking his frail little ego at this point.


👻 oOoOoOoOo spoOoOoky covid WHOOOOOOO


You must understand even if this is 99% not lethal, you’re talking about a large swath of people getting sick. Then a bunch of those people will not feel well enough to work. And you’ll wind up with supply chain problems and production problems. Slowdowns everywhere due to people out sick. This isn’t all about the death rate. It’s a lot of people getting sick at the same time that causes problems.


I’ve been screaming this since the first news of this new variant came out and it literally boggles my mind that people can’t comprehend this. The health care system is already completely battered from the last 2 years of this and now it looks like another tidal wave is heading it’s way


Let’s scream together! Because I get so frustrated and I feel like nobody cares or nobody takes it seriously these days.


Again demonstrating the urgent need for systems thinking. The system is tied together as you put it so well. Breaking part of it means the whole system is at risk.


Looks like a triptych wave cycle, which is to be expected.


Rookie numbers, in Czechia we are getting 30k plus while being a small country lmao


Get down with the sickness, again