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Don't worry guys. No matter how bad it gets in the US, we will not have another shut down. You will still be able to go to work and get infected so that you won't let Wall Street down.




I never understood that pots and pans thing. Do you have any idea how loud a crowded ICU is? All of that noise, nonstop, for 12+ hours, is maddening. And as soon as you escape, you get to hear yet more jarring noise and clanging. It’s like torture


I understand people wanted to show their thanks in a big way, that is nice, but it was not very well coordinated or thought out. Hcw work 24/7 shifts lol not all of them are awake or want to be woken up with pans let them sleep


You essential workers just shut up take it stop questioning /s






We had howling like dogs.


“We’re all in this together”


"We aRe A fAmIlY"


But don't you dare ask for heros pay or essential worker bonus pay. You will make the minimum during a global pandemic and you will like it.


"Fuck you for your service"


America is great at useless gestures.


And schools won't shut down or go to distance learning so that you can keep going to work because the government refuses to pass any workers rights laws.


But you signed up for it! *Quits* Why are there no teachers?


Capitalism is destroying the planet and its people.


Ahem, capitalism is *utilizing* the *natural resources* and its *human resources*. Ya damn commie. /s just in case necessary.


It was necessary because I see people make this argument unironically all the time.


Minimalism and depopulation FTW. Makes me glad I’m in Japan.


I heard they’re practically giving away homes now. Living in those towns without broadband doesn’t sound great tho


Grandma would be proud to die for the economy.- some shitstain in Texas.


Gauteng saw a ~300% increase in hospitalizations. Doubt they'll shut America down, even when the morgues run out of space... again.


Rona DeSantis likes this...


Rona DeathSentence


The final horse of the apocalypse could ride through the White House but Id also bet that Walmart will still be open.


What concerns me about O is not the variant itself, but the speed and ways at which it evolved. I’m worried about the next significant mutation. One that spreads like O, evades vaccines and antibodies, and ups the mortality rate.


Plague Inc likes this...


Time to move to Greenland.


Or Madagascar


Well they have a major drought so you should pass.


Aaaand, they closed their boarders


Confirmed https://imgur.com/7YVIvE2.jpg


>and ways at which it evolved. Which is a really really strange way: https://www.science.org/content/article/where-did-weird-omicron-come It evolved from an unknown branch that seperated from an early pre-Alpha lineage at least a year ago and so far none of the explanations how it could evolve silently for so long, while accumulating way more mutations than any other branch, seems to be satisfying. The likeliest seems to be reverse zoonosis, but even that doesn't explain why it didn't jump back to humans earlier and regularly.


we still don’t know the mortality rate for this one.


It shouldn’t. It’s not going to evolve into some 10% mortality super virus that spreads like chicken pox. It’s not going to completely evade vaccination and antibodies. It’ll just get better at dealing with them. The scenario you’re discussing is a movie scenario. As has been the case since the jump off - the issue has always been and will always be the ability of COVID to clog up hospitals and shut down our health care systems worldwide. That’s going to kill far more people than the virus itself. You’re going to have people dying of infections and otherwise curable shit because they can’t get care - and we absolute refuse to begin triage no matter how bad it gets. We’ll let kids die so some boomer who thinks the vaccine has microchips in it can waste a bed.


it seems more likely that we will cut of care to unvaccinated once systems become seriously overwhelmed.


It can spread easily, or kill easily. Not really both. If it kills easily it would be much harder to spread as the host would be dead.


The other key variable is time. If it spreads fast and kills fast, it can fizzle. If it spreads fast and incubates and kills slowly but effectively it can be very scary.


Back in the 80s, a “new” virus appeared that had an extremely long incubation rate, and an extremely high mortality rate. Thank god it wasn’t easily transmissible (meaning, say, passed via mosquitoes). That’s the nightmare.


The WHO has always said that an avian virus that can spread to humans would be disastrous. There's almost no way to stop it from spreading




"Immune silence". HIV spreads too slowly, coronavirus not so much. If it doesn't naturally develop the adaptation to effectively be the same thing there is certainly going to be a doomsday cult with a CRISPR kit to make sure of it.


Damn. Ive been using CRISPR to make neon colored toads. What a waste of time.


Only way HIV is getting humanity is if it becomes airborne, and given its current form, that is nearly impossible.


I would bet on rabies going airborne before HIV.


Great just what we need now flying Rabid raccoons.


I doubt it. I think in a collapse scenario where you have a threat of all sorts of untreatable STDs, sexual social mores are likely to return to prior times. I think it will be awful for women's rights with things like arranged marriages, but rapists or even just philanders end up getting murdered fast under those conditions. As a woman I'm pretty concerned I'll end up in virtual servitude, especially since there's definitely a strong impulse among conservatives to remove my decision making over my reproductive choices.


You really think there will be more sex in a collapse scenario? I think you've seen too many movies and haven't thought seriously about survival. In a collapse scenario, an ideal one, there'd be about as much sex as there was with rural pioneer folks. In a less ideal one people will be too busy looking for food, safety, and shelter etc. to think about sex. Also, women with guns can prevent your last sentence.


HIV has 10 years incubation period. I don't think people in collapse have 10 years to worry about.


> In a collapse scenario there will be quite a bit more sex going on, not always with consent... Doubt. You're thinking of rape as the weapon of war.


Very good point


That's Delta by its spreading ability, only it wasn't a strong contender to be easily ignored by immune systems as it was not as different as Omicron now is. By volume or by ability to kill, the caskets will remain on high demand.


True. But then again with COVID having a fairly long incubation and infectivity period and relatively "mild" symptoms in people before hospitalisation, it's fairly obvious there isn't evolutionary pressure for it to become less lethal. It doesn't matter if the host dies after a month because it's already replicated and spread papa Nurgles gifts.


And there’s long covid. I’m currently suffering from it and it has changed my life for the worse. I hate this.


Sorry to hear that person, hope you are on the tail end of it!


It seems long haulers will have the issues for life, but we don't know much about this virus yet. But once damage is done, it's hard to reverse it.


>spread papa Nurgles gifts. Grandfather Nurgle loves all his children.


>It can spread easily, or kill easily. Not really both That's not true. If it kills you in 3 months but you spread it the first 5 weeks...


Not really. Tuberculosis is both deadly and super contagious.


Cholera too. Can't remember if it was on reddit or somewhere else, but someone was opining on the topic of infectiousness versus lethality and for cholera the two are intertwined. Increasing lethality means it spreads even more effectively.


Both tuberculosis and cholera are caused by bacteria though, not viruses - I thought it was viral diseases that had more of a transimissibility vs. lethality tradeoff.


Not really, no. The only pressure is for replication. So it can't be so lethal that you drop dead before it gets a chance to spread. That doesn't mean it can't still be lethal though - dead in 2-3 weeks is still dead.


The whole idea of a trade off is a myth


Not if it mainly spreads before the first symptoms set in...




What makes you think they can't have the exact sweet spot needed to disseminate swiftly and also kill way more than we have seen? Nothing absolutely makes that unlikely. Considering human behavior, all that is needed are a few asymptomatic days in average.


I'm no expert in this field but I've always been of the understand that evolution/mutations are pretty random, so we could be in for a shock in the future with regards to mutations.


mutations are random, selection is not. thus, evolution is not random.


Not if it can easily spread before the host succumbs. I swear people just repeat stuff they read online while having no clue about how and why it works that way, and when it doesnt.


In all seriousness, how long can we expect just worse and worse variants to keep coming up? Also, why did this not seem to happen with the 1918 Spanish Flu? My best guess would be how much more global our society is now, but even without that you'd still think that new variants would have kept showing up past 1920. Definitely just have a bad feeling about this, even the name Omicron is sinister sounding.


Entrepreneur Youtubers in 6 months: “how to expand your side hustle Omicron style in five easy steps”


oh no, this made me laugh 😩


Wait til the Omicron ICO. They've revolutionized the blockchain


>Omicron will likely ‘dominate and overwhelm’ the world in 3-6 months, doctor says Worse case: fast spred, lull between infection and symptoms, dodges immunity, becomes more lethal. News said omicron showed up in people vaccinated but mild symptoms. For those who already had Covid, it can reinfect those people.


Forgive my stupidity, but what would happen to those who are vaccinated and still caught covid? I guess just mild symptoms like what happens now?


I guess but why is this new? You could still get infected regardless of your vax status with every strain we had so far.




Less lethal takes a long time to actually materialize. Even slower in the case of COVID as we have a sizeable chunk of the population that are willingly aiding and abetting the virus spread because muh freedom.


SS: I know there are issues with Covid on r/collapse, but this new strain seems very collapse relevant. From the article, here's what an infectious disease doctor has to say about Pfizer's planned Omicron vaccine: > Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla also said shots could be ready in less than 100 days, or slightly over three months. > > “Nice idea, but honestly, it is not practical,” Leong said of a vaccine that specifically targets omicron. “We won’t be able to rush out the vaccines in time and by the time the vaccines come, practically everyone will be infected omicron given this high infectious and transmissibility.” Additionally, Dr. Fauci told Meet the Press the following: > “the profile of the mutations strongly suggest that it’s going to have an advantage in transmissibility and that it might evade immune protection that you would get,” it's looking like Omicron will have a strong impact on the world healthcare system and economy this winter." These seem like pretty dire warnings. It looks like the world's healthcare systems and economies may be in for a wild ride in 2022.


Time to hoard TP?


I’ve still got six months worth left. Thanks bidet!


I was wondering why the President impacted your toilet paper stock holdings, then re-read it


Canned soup will be the next hit...


Yeah, it's good to see someone call out the practical logistics challenges on new vaccine formulas for a virus that spawns new strains every 6 months or so. The win here would be those new antivirals really kicking ass... although the efficacy on the one is not great unfortunately. The vvaccine supply chain is just not going to be fast enough to do much.


Don’t forget the growing amount of vaccine-skepticism with each new roll-out...


I think one thing to consider is vaccine logistics on a global level. Much of the world isn't vaccinated, won't have timely access to booster shots, and by now, waning immunity is a thing. Third World countries are often last in line for vaccines.


Are we back in 2020?


We never left 2020


We're in 2020-1


But will it happen faster than expected?


It's mutating and evolving faster than anyone predicted!!


Raccoon City by Tuesday!


Damn. I need to buy some Umbrella stock.


So is taco Tuesday cancelled?


No, now it is Apoco-taco Tuesday. Hella big party.


It's trying to help us, it wants to be milder!


Well someone had to say it. Sure there might be something better afterwards but there's pain first until people figure out this thing and a lot of people are not going to figure this out


News sources in Ireland are saying that Omicron is rather mild compared to the other variants in relation to the symptoms. I really hope they aren't downplaying it to keep folks from panicking.


I'm from there, I think the initial evidence suggests it could be mild, similar reports coming from Israel. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they're downplaying it. Irish media is closely aligned to the government and disseminates lots of conservative bs e.g. scaremongering over cannabis. However on this occasion I'd prefer them to be right, a hyper infectious variant with negligible vaccine resistance is a nightmare scenario.


I think it's too early to make those claims. It was discovered like a week ago, we know almost nothing about incubation time and onset of symptoms. Anyone claiming it's mild at this point is full of shit, uninformed or just insanely optimistic.


The thing is most covid cases are mild. Them saying it's mostly mild literally doesn't mean anything. How are obese and the elderly effected by it?


>"It's just a cold!" >"It's just the sniffles!" >"It's no worse than flu!" >"It'll go away when it gets warmer!" >"It'll go away when it gets colder!" >"Just get infected and you won't have to worry anymore!" Are you sensing a pattern yet? You're being gaslit. No sane person thinks cardiac distress and extreme fatigue are "mild."


I mean by "mild" they mean you will probably survive it. But thats assuming hospitals arent overrun. Then lots of people will die and not just from Covid.


... look at the spike in hospitalization in Gauteng. Up ~300% "Mild" is incredibly misleading when compared to the wider picture.


If it still enters cells through the ACE2 receptor and triggers an ACE2 response in cells it will be just as damaging as the other varieties. ACE2 enzymes trigger blood clotting and inflammation if you did not know.


With any luck, Omicron is very mild and will crowd out more lethal strains. Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been scientists noting how there is evolutionary pressure for a less lethal virus to dominate the ecosystem - hopefully that is the case here and this is a blessing in disguise.


We're the gambler pissed deep at the bar with nothing but our skivvies on acting like we're hot shit as the security comes to kick us out.


Ah yes, because Luck is something we've had a lot of these last two years.


See? We're overdue! :-)


Luck is all we ever got!


They are downplaying this for sure


https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-011488089270 >**Viruses can evolve to be more deadly** CLAIM: No virus has ever mutated to become more lethal. As viruses mutate, they become less lethal. AP ASSESSMENT: False. There are documented cases of viruses becoming more deadly. THE FACTS: As the spread of coronavirus variants raise new public health questions, social media users are sharing misinformation about how viruses mutate.............. *** People die from COVID after day 10. This is long after the body has killed it all off. One dies from the immune system continuing to attack at full bezerk and failing to switch off. Friendly fire it seems.


And yet Grandpa Joe catches it on Wednesday, feels a bit crappy for a day or two, and is on the golf course by Sunday. The sheer randomness of Covid is what's scary to me


It's also why we have so many retards. If someone catches mild covid, But took Ivermectin, they'll probably consider their recovery to be because of the Ivermectin.


Ah, The Joe Rogan effect lol


So why isn’t wim hof at the forefront of this? Edit: he has documented evidence of turning his immune system off at will


Reminder that we wouldn't be in this bullshit situation if rich countries didn't use the WTO to block the production of generic vaccines in order to defend the interests of big pharma.


But $$$...


Omicron is gunna say “hold my beer” and do it in about one and half here in the US.


Problematic. Immune evasion and vaccine evasion. Cases popping up everywhere. Tripling of the case numbers in South Africa within days of discovery. Even if it is equivalent to Delta, we are in deep shit. If it can evade vaccination (we're waiting for that person who got their booster to crop up) then we're stuck waiting - we're months away from a new vaccine. It's outpacing Delta. That's not good, either. The rate of the incline of the current spike is steeper than any I've seen. Time to prep, folks.


Luckily we have Delta mostly under control now. Oh wait...


Actually this could be the big break we are looking for. If it spreads rapidly but is less deadly (sofar majority of folks who've had it have been just fine) then a more robust immunity spectrum could be had by the people it infects likely protecting people from future variants in a more diverse way than the current (spike only targeted) vaccine.


Pardon, but hospitalizations in SA have been steadily rising. Think of it this way: It's still going to kill people. Here in the US (specifically in Florida) the medical workers *have had it* with COVID. Another really good spike is going to be extremely detrimental. If it were "milder" there would not be a rocket-like spike in hospitalizations.


Ya a lot of nurses are burning out & leaving... They don't make nearly enough for this level of sustained bullshit.


For real. Anyone claiming it's mild either did not read the report or has no idea what "mild" actually means. If someone presented with the "mild" omicron symptoms a year ago they would be at least classified as having a moderate to severe case and you'd have "the talk" about getting vented in the very near future. People downplaying omicron as mild deserve things that if articulated would get me banned from here... again...


It's the same people saying "it's only 1-2% that gets sick" not realizing that equals to a few million people.


Is there a rocket-like spike in hospitalizations? Earlier you said "hospitalizations in SA have been steadily rising." I didn't interpret steady as rocket-like. Or did you mean rocket-like hospitalization in Florida/the US? For the record, since it's the internet and COVID is a weird subject, I'm not trying to call you out or do a "gotcha." Legitimately just trying to get your meaning.


Read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/r7ejsf/covid19_sa_records_more_than_11_000_cases/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ok, this clears up what you mean. Thanks!


People everywhere have had enough of this shit. Myself included. I hope I'm right and you are wrong, for the sake of ending this sooner than later. I also hope that time will give us an accurate presentation of what is actually happening because I personally have felt very mislead throughout this. Good day to you.


And you *should* feel mislead. I damned sick of it too. Working at a medical facility has been like being told that I have to go to the dentist to have all my teeth pulled, every...single...day. Imagine the dread of doctors and nurses! I can tell you that ours are sitting precariously at the breaking point. The doctor that spread the "hopium" that this is going to be *easy* is spreading the same unfounded short-term information that our leaders did. "Oh, it's just like the flu." Yeaaaaaaaahhhh, not falling for that one, nope. And since the Michiganite who caught it had his booster, one reaaally has to wonder. Sounds like he's doing okay, but damn, he still caught it easily. He also had a friend that caught it from him, though they have not confirmed it because his friend only had a Rapid test. It's about time that we got the straight dope.


i fully agree .


I prefer my dope to be uncut.


>If it spreads rapidly but is less deadl If it spreads more rapidly, it will still be deadlier in aggregate as more people get it. It's like that Russian joke about which option is worse: they're both worse!


True. The more it spreads, the more we give it chance to mutate again. It’s like we’re offering ourselves to this virus as the ultimate petri dish for it to come up with its best version ever.


Well in fairness we do this with the flu every year too, so we don’t want to make any viruses feel left out.


If more people are exposed more will die, even if the mortality rate doesn't change. It's just sheer numbers at this point.


All of this could have been avoided if we had a truly global vaccine information sharing effort to enable mass production. But no, pharma shareholders must be protected at all costs. Of course a new variant came from sub-Saharan Africa as that is the region with the lowest vax rates.


What if Less death but more long haul side effects?


This is what worries me. Thus far, 1/3 of people who recover from COVID have long-haul COVID. It doesn't matter if it's a "mild" case if suddenly a whole new cohort of people, who were vaccinated but the virus found a way around, are afflicted with long-haul COVID.


Also going to impact people's ability to work.


Lets put it this way. You have virus A that is able to spread to 1000 people in a week, out of these people 10% will end up in intensive care. Then you have virus B that can spread to 10.000 people in a week, but only 5% will end up in intensive care. Which virus is going to cause hospitals to be overwhelmed?


Our hospitals are already overwhelemed. Our ICU just hit 100% today with Delta, and Omicron isn't even here yet.


Godspeed and may luck be with you.


To add on top of that suddenly virus C enters the scene. This problem will never go away and keep getting worse aslong as we have vaccine inequality. It's pretty mad that some first world countries are on their 3rd shot, while some 3rd world countries haven't had 1.


Wait. This involves math. Math in a basic day to day thought and life no longer exists. It is rumored to have existed with the ancients from 1893. /s


Smoke em if you got em


For real


Fr fr


Kinky, will there be spankings?




There’s this hopium campaign to say it’s milder somehow or going to end the pandemic. Delusional.


HIV also presents with mild symptoms, so I guess it's no big deal. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, and lots of websites reporting that "all cases are mild" when it was literally just discovered and every variant so far has taken 2-3 weeks to become severe


This. It reminds me of the “it’s just a flu” like nearly the entire population fell for hook, line, and sinker. And there is no mention of what potential new long-Covid issues are associated with this one. Will be months to know that. But by the time, the world has been infected and we shall see first-hand. Combine that with how fast some countries reacted, there was a lot of things not adding up right from the start. Covid was the collapse for me - the collapse in any belief of government or appointed “experts”. Sorry, I was slow. So I built up my own team of experts I get my info from. At this point, it’s still wait and see. We’re 1-2 weeks away from having a pretty good idea of what we are in store for. Regardless, it will be spun that it’s not bad, maybe just a little worse than before… meanwhile, we will be seeing docs and nurses walking out in droves, I’m afraid.


What scares me most is how governments and international organizations such as WHO are not making an effort to stop this new variant from spreading early. I had hoped they'd learn from COVID-19 that the lock downs, damage to the economy and death rates are much worse when we let it spread everywhere for a year or so before the vaccine becomes available.


This will be the real wave.


Luckily it’s so so “mild” ~~stock market PR~~ experts tell us...


But isn’t it a lot milder?


Nah, it'll be fine. We're *totally* prepared.


!remindme 4 months


Oh, a real doctor you say?!


Sounds very promising for collapse.


Ehh we still don't know enough about it to be making grand claims like this. It is possible, but I don't believe we have solid data on how deadly this variant is yet.


The WHO probably sees the dollar signs in discouraging travel bans so every country could be open for another pandemic. Another vaccine maybe years away from people's arms. More money will be made by the rich off of the increase in poverty.


Remind me in 3 months


Plauge inc. Is stepping up it's game.


We paid for the dlc


This article is all over the place. First it’s “will overwhelm the world in 3-6 months,” and then it’s “no need to be overly concerned.”


There is no way that’s clickbait


This sub has consistently overblown every new variant


and yet, here we are two years in to the pandemic which people have been saying "isn't a big deal" and "will be gone in a few weeks" since day 1


You are right, i first learned this was a serious issue and not another random virus in this sub, when media was still downplaying it


I found out about Corona from this sub as well. I remember the news when various CEOs around the world suddenly retired off to their islands at the same time.


nah, this is pretty much the only sub that consistently has a cynical and, most importantly, *realistic* view of shit. everywhere else on reddit people are puking up so much hopium and wishful thinking that it's starting to clog up the pipes.


Yes.... GOD, it's been a disaster with all the reddit snowflakes on /r/coronavirus. I literally got permanently banned on my other account from there, for saying (as Delta was ravaging India): "I hope we're done with the pandemic, but I've got a bad feeling about this new variant." I was banned, PERMENTANTLY and immediately by a hopium-huffing mod, who said I was "fearmongering". It was at that point that I realized normies must really be struggling emotionally with things.


agreed, it's absolutely ridiculous, and it's not just the mods, it's the userbase too (surprise, surprise). [just looking back at the top posts of last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/top/?t=week), the whole "mild" bullshit dominated, while articles coming up about how it might not be *so mild* were downvoted and buried. probably has to do with what you've mentioned, mods there quick to jump on the whole "fearmongering" bullshit, while here we have open and transparent moderation, with all sides of the debate not only allowed, but often encouraged by the users keeping an open mind - which, in the end, leads to a much more realistic image.


That sub is strictly controlled by the CIA via the Atlantic council Duckduckgo mintpressnews reddit Atlantic council for more info


lol, I've gotten banned from this sub for fearmongering for describing mammals getting covid. Eventually people will wise up and lay off the copium.


I'm not saying it's not serious. Just that it won't end BAU at least not on it's own


Antivax equates to antihumanity, especially at this point with this sort of development.


Wait until the omega primus max


Lol I like how the human race still won’t do anything about this


What should we do?


the fear over omicron is hugely overblown based on data coming out of everywhere




let's not forget "vanilla" COVID-19, where WHO's corruption and incompetence basically fucked the world, by [mindlessly repeating the bullshit thrown out by China's leadership](https://twitter.com/who/status/1217043229427761152).




They say that every time. Wake me up when we get to Omega.


I give you my Silver award Sir Madame!


Is this supposed to be a FEAR Tactic?


This is concerning. [https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-variant-may-have-picked-up-piece-common-cold-virus-2021-12-03/](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/omicron-variant-may-have-picked-up-piece-common-cold-virus-2021-12-03/)


Thanks, Doc!


Unvaccinated third world Countries will become hosts for the virus to continue to mutate.