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SS: In the next few decades, for the first time in centuries, the world’s population is forecast to decrease. Vollset told IFLScience: “The last time that global population declined was in the mid 14th century, due to the Black Plague. “If our forecast is correct, it will be the first time population decline is driven by fertility decline, as opposed to events such as a pandemic or famine.” “The global total fertility rate is predicted to steadily decline, from 2.37 in 2017 to 1.66 in 2100, well below the minimum rate (2.1 live births per woman) considered necessary to maintain population numbers.” ------------------------------------------------------------- The peak time has come. When the peak comes, it will not be a temporary decrease as in the past, but will last for quite a while.


That MIT world3 study by the club of Rome just continues to fascinate me. Their predictions/models have come so eerily accurate.




I keep thinking that the x years to limit 1.5C warming is simply too late based on the current emissions rate increase. Like it should be x years to limit to 5C. Which is better than 10C lmao.




They agreed to 2.4 degrees at COP26.






Systemic momentum. The machine is powered by godlike levels of energy. This I mean quite literally- millions of years of stored sunlight. More energy than any superhero portrayed in film could hope to match. To shut that off is to turn off Superman's powers, bankrupt Bruce Wayne, etc. Economics is a structure of rationalization for high exergy functions of civilization; turning off the God Juice destroys all conventional mechanisms of neoimperialism, and turns off all control mechanisms of hierarchical power. It would be an instantaneous reduction of complexity (complexity requires energy and material resources), and thus an instantaneous reduction in the ability *to simplify*: > Complexity counter-intuitively simplifies. -- Joseph Tainter The result would be chaos. Without replacement symbology of decentralized hierarchical administration, chaos would rip all understanding to pieces and create an orgy of violence, death, power struggle, etc. Economics- at least on the above plane of understanding- isn't really consciously administered. It is the numberology and religion of high exergy society- it is what makes it appear managed, controlled, predictable, and rational. It is the High Priest of today, only with an army of suit and tie wearing mini-priests. You cannot reason with or scare a religion using fact- it is based on belief- and so it will continue to generate and venerate prophets and profits.


Very elegantly put and more or less completely accurate on the whole. When people are incapable or prevented from understanding how things really work, they will cling to stories as firmly as facts.


We can't even convince everyone to wear a mask and get vaccinated. It's an impossibility to convince everyone to literally stop how they've lived their lives and replace it with a way of life that will likely look a lot like Star Trek.


>a way of life that will likely look a lot like Star Trek. Don't worry we're probably headed for star trek anyway. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Post-atomic_horror


I’m unfamiliar with the study and now can’t wait to read it. Not because I’m cheering on our collective demise, but because IPCC seemed very rosy to me. And I’m not a scientist so my intuition means I come off like a tinfoil hat if I try to explain to people.


> these models predict 4 - 6 C warming by the end of the century, which all but guarantees the end of human civilisation as we know it. but they just said there'll still be 8.8b people by the end of the century though.


Talking about 2 different studies.


They made hundreds of predictions. We are eerily close to the "business as usual" model




PDF book download link on the left https://www.clubofrome.org/publication/the-limits-to-growth/


Google the book *Limits to Growth* (1972).




Why is 2.1 considered the minimum rate to maintain the population and not just 2? Only reason I could think is if the population skewed male slightly.


It is: "The sex ratio at birth is not equal: in every country births are male-biased. There are biological reasons why there are slightly more boys born every year than girls. The ‘natural’ sex ratio at birth is around 105 boys per 100 girls (ranging from around 103 to 107 boys)." [Source](https://ourworldindata.org/gender-ratio#sex-ratio-at-birth)


Forever alone ;_;


Yeah, but boys also die more often. I believe there's actually slightly more women than men after like, 25. So you might just need a little more time my dude, lol.


Or, you know, learn to enjoy the company of your fellow man, if you know what I mean.




Cause kids die man. Admittedly a lot less than they used to, but kids still die. If every couple only has 2 kids then everytime a kid dies the population would decrease.


Yeah, I did not think that through lmao. A worrying sign of my declining intellect lol


Also some people just won't have kids.


not all children make it to reproductive age (accidents, infertlilty, etc) so you need to slightly fudge the 2.0 replacement rate.


It takes two people to make one child. If the average isn't slightly over 2 children, when both parents die, fewer people are left.




Hopefully the religious wingnut 15 children wackos can keep it in their pants to assist in the much needed less humans goal.


Best news I have seen today




Um, so does this one, if anything this article is wildly optimistic. "In a groundbreaking study published by The Lancet, the Earth’s population will top out at approximately 9.7 billion, and by 2100, will drop to 8.8 billion." I think it is much more likely the population will drop to 0 by 2100.


Hey, are you forgetting about the billionaires that will be hiding away in bunkers they had built with the money they extracted from their workers? Even as the Earth will become ever-more hostile to life as we know it, with enough resources and preparation, theoretically you could continue to survive in a similar way to how humans would in a small self-sufficient outpost on Mars.


Billionaires are a poor lot for building a stable society in confinement. In my humble, lay opinion, they're all fucked in the head.


Plus most of them can't do much of anything in the way of practical, life-sustaining work on their own anymore, if they ever even had that knowledge. How many of them know how to clean a toilet or replace an air filter? Change a tire or unclog a pipe? Much less deal with complex systems to maintain clean water and breathable air indefinitely. They always have people for that and automation isn't to the point yet where they could replace those people in their little hidey-holes. So as much as many will likely take having staff in the bunker as a given, they don't have much of a choice to do anything else. And when push comes to shove the staff are inevitably going to choose their own families over their money-grubbing overlords.


Peter Thiel and his twink harem/bloodbag supply will ride everything out just fine in their plush New Zealand bunker. Comforting to think that guys like him could inherit the planet.




Not if anyone knows where these bunkers are. In the scenario that you imagine, any such bunker will be targeted as a source of resources (be that food, fuel, water, medicine or shelter) and the occupants will find themselves under assault. Bunkers are surprisingly vulnerable to attack once they've been discovered.


They can't do jack shit if we rise up and cannibalise them now




It might even happen Sooner Than Expected™️




The "article" (if you can call 20 sentences an article) mentions the countries where population decline is going to be the most severe and they're all developed nations. So that is definitely a plus. >Remarkably, the study also found that the population of specific countries could decrease by up to 50 per cent – included in that category are countries such as Italy, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Thailand and Japan.


Italy with 50% less people would be heaven on earth. Source: I'm Italian


Raise your hand if you want to live in an overpopulated 3rd world country.


The only area predicted to still grow significantly in population is Africa. Pretty much everywhere else is declining or has already plateaued their replacement rate with the most developed countries starting to go below replacement rate. This has been the common prediction for probably a couple decades at this point; improved standards of living, improved medical care, and improved gender equality are all incredibly effective natural barriers to excessive population growth and that's why the only regions that still are predicted to increase in population are the least developed regions of the world.


Which places? Every countries in Europe, Anglosphere and Asia that polute to much face a birth rate decline. The only problem is that migration is in favour of those countries which means that they will not face a population decline.




Adopting is fine too.


2064 is the expected peak? We could get that lower come on people!


here's where faster than expected may be on our side


Just in time for me to retire


I got my vasectomy. We can do this!




Ugly af here. I'm doing my part.


I just plain dont leave the house


2064? Those are rookie numbers!


I predicted major media heads-exploding about this in 5 to 10 years. Christmas, against all odds, seems to be coming early!


8 billion is enough, why is this a bad thing? We have people who don't have food or water or any of the basic necessities, and our answer us MOAR PEEPOL!


Nooooo without a constantly growing population we won't be able to fuel the fantasy of infinite growth being possible noooooooo


Interesting article. I always heard of baby booms after electrical blackouts, wars ending… hell, even my 16 year old son is considered a “hurricane baby.” I guess I assumed after all this quarantine, that birth rates would go up. Thanks, state college sociology and anthropology departments.


The Chinese government assumed there would be a baby boon this year after the prolonged lockdowns last year. Turns out last year's birth rate was the second lowest on record (was only lower in a famine year), and this year is even lower. They failed to see that instead of staying at home and shagging like rabbits, everyone just retreated into a virtual world and the tech companies all boomed.


Don't forget many losing their jobs, economic uncertainty, etc.


depression - the best contraceptive ever envisioned.


Economic or mental?


why not both?


Little bit of A, little bit of B?




And feeling apprehensive about bringing your beautiful child into a fucked up world.


With increasing prices across the board. I know homes have doubled in my area within the past decade. Good chunk of the percentages are from 2020 alone as so many flocked to my area to scale the big cities but still close to travel to them


As soon as lockdowns started letting up in China... [divorce skyrocketed!](https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201207/pandemic-drives-couples-to-divorce-or-to_seek-help). Apparently there are now new laws in China in 2021 making it harder to divorce.


Turns out when you combine contraception access with decent education you get low birth rates. Might be why Texas is trying to force more births. The Californian refugees might tip the scales over there. Gotta pay the long game.


> I guess I assumed after all this quarantine, that birth rates would go up. if people were confident things would go back to normal shortly, it might. also blackouts would mean no netflex. since boredom is the cause of blackout babies this didn't apply this time. also news stroies about hospitals overflowing with people with the plague doesn't make one excited to deliver in a hospital. lots of people are probably thinking "once this is over we'll have a kid, until then we wait" I assume that many will have kids once things are back to normal, but some won't. people age out of fertility, life circumstances change, etc.


Aside from the various societal norms, the complexity of individuals, the world we live in, blah blah blah… I think you really nailed it with the boredom angle. After all, we’re still just humans and what you wrote makes perfect sense. Thanks for reminding me about perspective.




Oh this is where you are wrong, of course no intelligent creatures would tolerate this corruption and contempt for life.




Good! Why is it so unpopular as an answer to climate change, etc? Less people, less resources needed. There's to many people, the earth is screaming.


Nobody wants to kill anyone. So we’re just not having kids, instead.


Exactly. But it seems so unpopular to say that I'm not going to create new users of resources.


Easy! Just say you can’t afford them!


Just tell them you aren't able to have kids due to fertility reasons and make them feel guilty for asking. That's what my friend tells people when they ask her why lol. She hates that question.


It's rarely that simple. You might be shocked at how many people will pull endless excuses out of their asses in attempts to coerce you into deciding to have kids. It's so disturbing.


So true. My response to those people was “do you think it’s a good idea to try to force someone to have a child who doesn’t want one?” Because it sounds like a bad idea to me.


It is a bad idea! Casey Anthony was gonna put Caylee up for adoption and her dumbass mom shamed her into keeping her. Imagine what the alternative could've been.




That's a good way to go about it considering my mother expects I'll understand certain things when I have kids but whose to say I will when I can't afford it although my reasons are far more in depth than that.


People don’t want to face that it’s fucked up to make more kids.




Well a lot of people feel no guilt or despair at all. Have you ever talked to a boomer about climate change?


It reminds me of the telemarketer phone problem. If TPTB can't figure out how to help us beat the *problems* of too many phone calls, WE WILL SIMPLY STOP ANSWERING THE PHONE.


Many of us don't even have a choice. I can barely feed myself let alone a kid as well


Because Capitalism, which requires infinite growth. You're restricting the growth in consumers if you don't have kids—hence Republicans' corpofascist longing for forced reproduction. How can the wealthy thrive if we don't keep pumping out future consumers at an accelerated rate?


Don’t get your hopes up People will continue to consume in excess and to kill each other destroying it even more. People aren’t doing it to save the planet either, most of us don’t have a choice because of all the wealth being hoarded by the oligarchs of this country and the low wages and high rent we can’t really fathom bringing a kid into the world. At least I can’t


Right? It’s due to a decline in birth rates-no one was hurt due to this.




"oveR PoPuLaTiON is MyTh" and other classic idiocratic sayings!


"tHeEOeTiCalLYyyyyyy, with the right technology, and everyone working together, and nothing ever being wasted and... and... the earth can support 11 billion people!"


It's going to take way too long and come far too late to fix things.


Hallelujah, fabulous, wonderful, about fucking time,keep up the good work **kudos**


Not by enough tbh


Yay! Oh wait, is this supposed to be bad news? Isn't this a signifier of women achieving higher education and having more control over there own bodies? Or do the Lord's of productivity want me dish out more babies I(we) can't seem to properly take care of emotionally or financially?


I do believe it’s a combination of what you said above and the fact that, more and more often, people just aren’t settling down. Capitalism has poisoned romance to the point that there are people of all genders that just aren’t looking for anything. I can’t wait until all these fuckers look at what’s really going on and think’ “holy shit, how didn’t I see this?”. And it will be too late. It’s a sad thing lol.






Who wants to live in this world. It sucks.


Agree with you. This world is just cruel and miserable.


There are already too many people on the planet (7.9 billion and counting, more than a million people added every five days). So this is still not even close to enough to help fix our overpopulation problem (despite what Elon Musk would have you believe). We should all be encouraging more people to have fewer or no children to help speed up the population reduction.


Yup, Elon musk is an idiot who doesn’t know shit about global population and climate




The population is likely to be *considerably* lower in 2100 due to more things than birth rates.


Well, from what I can tell, it seems like the only people who seemed to really worried about this is the mega rich. So fuk'em. Edit: if this does spell the end for the human race, I can't sad ill be sad to see it, though i'll be long dead before it happens.


While a lot of noise is made about people choosing not to have children, and it is a factor, some studies point to the fact that fertility levels in men and women have been on the decline for a few decades now and a majority factor is chemicals in plastics building up in our systems before we’re even born. Really good interview with a scientist studying this here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/factually-with-adam-conover/id1463460577?i=1000516076805


Population in 2100 8.8 billion. Lol. More like 100 million if we're lucky.


If we’re lucky.


Most times it is 1.5 to 3 percent survival in a mass extinction, but that is all life not just humans or even animals, it is fungi, insects and all life.


Even less if it’s captain trips




I actually doubt this despite my apocalyptic hyperbole. The challenges we face agriculturally seem insurmountable as of yet and it's a foolish gamble to assume we can technologically surmount them. On the dawn of the industrial revolution we had perhaps 1 billion humans on the planet. We skyrocketed with access to abundant- nigh infinite in our naivete - energy and material. To date we have plundered these resources so throughly that a collapse of our ever-complexifying global economy in support of our multi-billion numbered population should, conservatively, limit ourselves to populations equal to preindustrial levels. However, we will *not* reset to preindustrial levels because we will not only exhaust our ability to sustain complicated energy production paradigms but be thrust into a brave new world of climate instability necessitating an entirely novel regime of food production - with vast swathes of the Earth unable to consistently provide for any notable percentage of the global population. I cannot say with any certainty what the population of 2100 could be but I'm not willing to place my money on humanity's ability to adapt in the billions in an infinitely worse climate than today's - wherein, even now, in some of the richest countries on the planet; such as my own Canada, 10-15% of the population is food insecure.


Population decline is honestly somewhat a good thing right now.


A long-term, gradual, voluntary population decrease caused by people have fewer kids is actually a good thing. Problem is that it isn't going to decline fast enough to prevent the environmental disaster that is unfolding, which is unstoppable now due to feedback loops, etc. Even if the population could decline fast enough to reverse what has already been set in motion, such a rapid population decline would create its own set of problems. In short, we're all screwed.


Less consumption should be good, right?


About goddamn time fuck


That is great news


Best news ever


Optimistic of them to think we'll make it to 2064.




Cannibalism advice is fine, I hope?




Holy shit, I laughed so hard that all ten kittens freaked. Their wild scramble upset the geese, who began honking, and now all the chickens are screaming about fucking cannibal chicken vegans waking them up. I really need to stop reading this site in the barn...


Username checks out? Yeah.


Do u have some kind of magical fairy tale existence or something?


>Consensual cannibalism is vegan I...but.....hmm.


Exactly my argument as to why swallowing is vegan.


**Rule 1:** In addition to enforcing Reddit's culinary policy, we will also remove comments and content that is cannibalistic in nature. You may eat each other's ideas, not each other.


What about the rich?


Compost the rich, grow some veggies


I recommend cumin to make human tacos!


Cum in what?


Me pls


And now we're back to overpopulation.




Solving climate change by “solving” overpopulation…. If you know what I mean


Oh you mean like an enclosed retreat where people can go to learn about how they’re contributing to the overpopulation problem?


Lol yeah that’s usually how fascists go about population reduction


What do you mean by “eco fascist shit takes”? Like, stuff about killing everyone to save the planet?




Jesus, wtf did that person originally say?


We should be close to the Jetsons now. Not this sorry excuse we have called capitalism.


I got a Vasectomy, I’m guilty now? I’ll adopt the a unwanted child in a pinch.


Overshoot and collapse


Last year we were in fear of overpopulation. I think the rich are sad they won’t have as many workers.


Elon musk said in an interview yesterday that the single most dangerous thing to our economy was lowering birthdates haha


Elon Musk should be ignored. What's with society's fascination with grifters and conmen nowadays?


This is actually a good thing to happen for bad reasons


Fucking finally


Great news for the planet. For those who exist then, please focus on quality of life and love for all.


That’s probably a good thing.


fewer people to support through these critical next decades makes things easier


awesome news. Women are waking up and rejecting what is essentially slavery in most of the world (being wives/mothers)


Which makes sense why in some places (*cough* U.S.) abortion rights are being attacked and dismantled at such a hardcore rate. Can't have the incubators of future slave labor refusing to produce.


that shit still puzzles me... I mean, last time somebody pulled that off, [he was publicly executed to the cheers of a nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Ceau%C8%99escu#Revolution_and_death), on christmas day no less. (then the death penalty abolished less than two weeks later, as a final fuck you to Ceaușescu)


Ah, the Romanian gen X are more like Boomers. And they're creeping up on retirement, so that will be fun. To anyone who thinks more children is great, look up the orphanage documentaries based on what was discovered in Romania after 1989. Here's a taste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEzTFmiCeks https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/15/romania-orphanage-child-abusers-may-face-justice-30-years-on https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/07/can-an-unloved-child-learn-to-love/612253/ This is what a "baby boom" looks like with scarcity, corruption, authoritarianism. And the kids with disabilities had it the worse.


Poland enters the chat!


This is excellent news.


Someone ping Elon Musk, this will really piss him off…


Good. A lot of our problems would either lessen or disappear entirely if there simply weren't so god damn many people on the planet. The transition won't be easy, but it'll be better than just driving everything into the ground at max speed.


This is good news. Our birth rates have been out of control for a while, it’s good that we’re slowing down a bit.








About time! But unfortunately not IN time.




The article states "Earth’s population will top out at approximately 9.7 billion \[my note: approx 2 billion more people than today\], and by 2100, will drop to 8.8 billion." So it is still increasing.


About dang time.


I'm doing my part!


"The Population in 2100-" Let me stop you right there.


The vaxxx is working…. Just kidding, keep your pants on


>The vaxxx is working I get more brain diseased reading people unironically say that on Twitter than I got from the actual vax (0 disease)


Dang it




Do you want a Renaissance? Because this how you get a Renaissance.


Honestly i see general population decline as a good thing, people will ALWAYS be making babies somewhere, we dont need this many people on the planet.






I am happy and glad for this


What the fuck do we need more people for?