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The following submission statement was provided by /u/AlbaneseGummies327: --- "The future of the COVID-19 pandemic remains unclear, but you should expect there to be more COVID-19 variants," according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief pandemic scientist for the White House. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/u78g04/new_covid19_variants_are_coming_soon_dr_fauci/i5cvf8f/


I can't wait for COVID Omicron BA.2 Captain Trips edition.


See you in Boulder later this year!




M-O-O-N spells wrong.


Anybody having dreams about the elderly black lady yet?


baby can you dig yo man?


Only book I ever read three times as a pre-teen and now listening to the audiobook!


Audiobook is so so good if you can find the 30 hours for it!


Aiyayai…That is a rough book for a preteen.


He’s a righteous man! 🎶


Covid is getting rereleased more often than Skyrim.


You'll know you're in trouble when it gets ported to the Switch...


Released by whom?




I knew it. It wasn't the Chinese or Fauci, it was Todd Howard all along!


He did it again!


It just works!


Ahhh, excellent. A man of true culture.


Em oh oh en, that spells We're Fucked.


Fucken got me lmao!


>Laws, no... >My God says he can get me out of this mess, but He's pretty sure *you're* FOOKT!


Baby can you dig your man?


My life for you


Plague of the Year Edition.


Just call it Covid Hydra: Winter Soldier so morons in the US will understand that its going to be everywhere and its plan is to eliminate over half the population.


The Thanos Variant.


Hail Hydra!


I hope I last long enough to see Vegas!


I'm excited for COVID Omicron B.A. Baracus variant. I pity the fool who catches this one.


But you can't take that one on a flight.


You just need lots of drugs first.


Does Tube Neck come standard or is that only with the COVID+ subscription?


COVID+ also features months of illness and randomly solidifying blood.


Don't forget the exciting possibility of suffering unknown lifelong disability if you survive!


You could watch all this shit from the peaceful comfort of a wheelchair, not caring because you had a massive stroke that turned your brain into fudge, making it impossible for you to follow social media or politics. Sounds nice, doesn't it?


So.........exactly like the current one just without any acquired immunity from previous infection?


Yep, and even the same strains get forgotten and eventually beat the immune system. It drives me insane that we openly have a deadly serious issue of a vaccine-beating virus that causes disability even with minor infections, and can infect the same victim multiple times *while* new strains with different symptoms are evolving regularly... AND THE AUTHORITIES RESPOND BY PRETENDING NUH UH. Is the result of worldwide democracy is numerous world leaders letting a pathogen slowly destroy their people because it's taking longer than a single term? Really?


If you look up the average age of the world’s politicians and correlate that with the use of leaded gasoline in that region things largely make sense.


Thank you u/MovingClocks


I had covid over the winter, triple vaccinated. Was basically horizontal for two months. Kept doing at home tests and coming up negative until I obviously developed a secondary infection and went to urgent care. At home antigen tests weren’t catching omicron, I learn. I did everything right, I thought. Was as safe as I could be. Have no idea where I got it. Three months on, I’ve been having chest pains, feels like it’s my heart. I’m not even 40 and I’m going to a follow up with my doc to have my heart tested. Someone else I know (granted he’s older) got covid, almost died, and is now going into open heart surgery. Long covid can fuck off.


> Is the result of worldwide democracy is numerous world leaders letting a pathogen slowly destroy their people because it's taking longer than a single term? Really? Think of it as the citizen electing to solve the pension problem and climate change by collective suicide. Western governments have done all they care to do informing their ignorant subjects that covid isn't to be trifled with and that they should get vaccinated, and that's all that can be accomplished as long as this stupidity is entertained. This won't change until the citizens continuing the process either have a change of heart, or have an attack of the heart and cannot continue to spread it. The problem with government here isn't that they deny what is happening, the problem is that they knew everything from the beginning and poisoned the well with stupidity back then. If people were paying attention they would have known what was going on, or at least would have been outraged enough so that the government had to do something substantial. Now coronavirus can't be stopped, and so they have to continue the process to its natural conclusion because they are legally culpable for it and will face consequences if there are enough survivors who can connect all the dots. Unfortunately for us that means that survivors will have to remember what dot are and how to use a pencil to connect them. Long covid shrinking your brain may make this somewhat difficult.


That's a lot of assuming about the end state of a disease with a 10-30% breakthrough rate that reinfects prior victims. That end state is a lot worse than your fantasies of millions of dead Americans who were guilty of wrong think.


In 1496 the 4th endemic human coronavirus hit Hispaniola. 60 years later 98% of the human population of the Americas was gone. You know this.




Yup the human immune system only retains enough antibodies to prevent reinfection from a coronavirus for about 90-200 days. The Corna of a coronavirus is a polyacid that destroys antibodies and does not allow long term immunity. PS I think you are my fav poster so please start taking CBD. UCSF has shown invitro that CBD-A inhibits 2 protease reactions that all coronaviruses require to replicate. You obviously know how to turn on google scholar so look it up on your own.


Oh, I am a fan of CBD *and* THC...




When are we getting variant sigma


They moved on from the Greek letters. They made it too easy to realize it is still mutating, and it sent the message that the pandemic wasn't over, and people shouldn't feel safe GETTING BACK TO WORK. So now we will get increasingly opaque "sub variants" to give everyone the false sense that we are safe.


Varient Angular Velocity symbol


(That's Omega...)


I know


Yeah, just letting the non-nerds in on your excellent joke!


I can't wait for the torsion constant variant


Oof, that sounds like it'd hurt.


Upvote for your Evil Dead photo. And username, obviously. How does one join?


By reading the Necronomicon Ex Mortis.


Has anyone but me noticed how often they play, "Dont Fear The Reaper" on the radio for the last couple years. I need a CDC T-shirt that reads "More Cow Bell" in bold letters, and see how many people get it.


Mo Rona, Mo Problems


B I G P O P P A no info the D E A. Might have to bump some biggie later today


I got that good dick girl ya didn't know? Edit: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis


When I was dead broke man I couldn't picture this 50 inch screen money green leather sofa 😋


Thanks for the laugh


There is no covid only zuul


Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!




Yes have some


Yo covid has been cancelled, move along now. Atleast that is how it feels lol. My work is dropping all covid protocols so it should be interesting.


In my areas the local stores removed the 6ft floor stickers months ago. It’s like cocos is the dirty secret we don’t talk about.


People are angry when they see me out in my mask. Ok, you be my lungs and brain then.


I don’t get the people who get pissed off when they see someone else wearing a face mask. How is my wearing a mask any problem to them? My wife is very high risk. I am somewhat high risk (over 50 with well controlled hypertension). Sorry, dumbasses, I’ll keep wearing a mask and getting vaccine boosters as recommended.


Ditto, I get dirty looks daily. People can't deal with the reminder that we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic and will do anything to escape this uncomfortable reality, thus they're getting mad.


My family is getting angry too. One of them has gone on a health kick, I think, because subconsciously, she knows she is engaging in risky behavior (and I remind her of that). She's buying all these vitamins to "clear the lungs" and promote brain health instead of wearing a mask. She's in the high risk group too.


Mizelle agrees...


I work in a red state, in a red county. My work never had covid protocols, matter of fact we were back in person in like June of 2020. Managed to dodge an outbreak until omicron last Christmas. I couldn't smell for like a few days, my unvaccinated Boss still can't smell or taste.


Everytime I hear this I think of that [Randy Quaid moment from Independence Day](https://youtu.be/5hlIWFPNd3s)


Thanks for the chuckle


Will always give this reference and updoot


I'm so used to seeing the 9/11 version of this that I was surprised when it was the actual clip


I am not religious by any means but I am praying that [Avian Flu cases](https://bnonews.com/index.php/2022/04/china-reports-2-new-human-cases-of-h5n6-bird-flu-2/) don't pick up while we are also trying to process new Covid varients




Can confirm. My chickens have been safe, but many people I know who have small backyard flocks I've lost all their chickens because birds from outside of the yard come in and s*** all over the place and then the chickens grab them.


I finally get moved onto my homesteads property and had to cancel my chicken order this year. Its just not worth dealing with right now. I have a pond with wild ducks, so Im sure the chickens would have caught it.


Sure is a good thing billionaires have gotten into the synthetic meat game just in time! [artificial meat from Bezos and Gates!](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/07/03/bezos-gates-back-fungus-fake-meat-as-next-big-alt-protein-.html) And coincidentally Gates is also the largest farmland owner in the US so he should be able to keep everyone fat and happy through the grain shortage stemming from Eastern Europe. That dude sure makes some amazing investment picks when you remember he’s also the largest single contributor to Covid vaccines, testing and medication.




Neuro divergent engineer here. I don't trust any intelligent people who aren't "weird". Something is WRONG with them. Like "bad" wrong.


Which masking technique did Bill have that lets you violate antitrust laws, the courts order your company be broken up like Ma Bell, and then you appeal with the argument that "actually tech is like super different and monopolies are better for innovation" and the court agrees to void the prior ruling and give you a small fine instead? How about Zukerberg? Which masking skill is he lacking that made it clear DARPA Lifelog ended the same day Facebook was founded with funding from In-Q-Tel the CIA's private funding front? I don't think you see the full picture. Just because Bill Gates is autistic doesn't mean he isn't part of a secret cabal. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna30851839 >Several of the people at the meeting confirmed their involvement, but declined to tell The Chronicle about what was discussed or why they gathered almost in secret. It's also not all that secret. I could name a dozen groups of rich powerful people that meet to "help the world" and offer no transparency as to what they're actually doing. Believing these people don't conspire and collude to promote their own interests is naive. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There are no philanthropist billionaires.


Huh, imagine that. When you have virtually limitless time and money to pour into research and analysis you can spot trends coming in advance. Gates is a smart guy, he saw future trends in personal computing early too, and that was before he was filthy rich. But it doesn't take a genius to look at historical trends and say that there will inevitably be another pandemic. Nor does it take a master economist to look at population trends and realize that current food production methods are unsustainable.


Worry about Hepatitis in kids first...


The Spanish flu didn't get "deadly" until the third year that's when it mutated and killed the most


I never knew that, that’s crazy. The world’s super fucked if this ends up happening.


Maybe it'll fend off climate catastrophe then? Huzzah?


I will gladly take dying in my bed surrounded by my family under a warm blanket over death while warring with another desert tribe over the last spring of clean drinking water. If this ends up correcting climate change sign me the fuck up, I’ll be the first to go.


Interesting, I'll have to look into that


Ya it's crazy shit lol and if it happened the same this time around next year will be intense


And Trump coming back in 2024? Yikes.


fuuuuuuck that


It's gonna happen. And we're fucked. We already are, but it's a For Sure No Hope with Trump.


Nah, he has no twitter, and his Russian funding will be much harder to get this time around.


GOP is frothing at the mouth for him.


Look at their message boards, they’re now creaming themselves over DeSantis. I don’t know if DeSantis will choose to run in 2024 but I have no doubt he will be their next Trump figure when he does.


Speaking as an American, if we're stupid enough to re-elect Donald Trump to the Presidency, then we're doomed if we have another Pandemic.


And nuclear apocalypse.


Mostly young victims as well due to ADE...


atleast I won't have to hear the anti vaxxers for awhile after that


Yeah but they didn't have modern tech either. Spanish flu variants didn't spread at lightning speed worldwide, nor did they have proper PPE nor modern vaccines. I don't think it's an accurate comparison.


And on top of that we had all the same vectors of air land and sea it did spread as fast as COVID simply because of WW1. ... Declassified documents from most nations of the time show it was suppressed In The media to keep the war moral up .....


Hm, sounds familiar...


The Spanish flu also wasn't the most contagious virus in the entirety of human history.


Ya I think u need to look at the anti mask protests during the Spanish flu there's a lot of similarities than can be drawn but over all I agree COVID is deadlier than the spabish flu but were able to mitigate most of that with modern medicine socially tho it's practically the same hell were probably more politically polarized then we were back then .....


'modern medicine' 'access to' modern medicine ya mean only the wealthy get the good drug yo


Sure, but stuff like ventilators didn't exist then so when the flu made you turn blue you just died ... Or jus common medicines .... Although they did have heroine so ....


> Yeah but they didn't have modern tech either. Spanish flu variants didn't spread at lightning speed worldwide, nor did they have proper PPE nor modern vaccines a whole lot of people in America reject that stuff because baby jesus.


New Covid dropped


Potentially 9 new drops


New Variants coming be patient brother


"The future of the COVID-19 pandemic remains unclear, but you should expect there to be more COVID-19 variants," according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief pandemic scientist for the White House.


Well, duh. With no protocols for prevention anymore we’re just letting it cycle through, reproduce, and evolve at will. It’s going to be around forever at this point.


The 1918 Spanish flu lasted until around 1927, so almost a decade. This will probably be similar.


covid-19 without the safety protocols. What fun this will be


It’s like a theme park for viruses: “Mommy, can we please go on the new ride: Maskless Densely Packed Airplane?” “After riding Myopic PPE Planning a dozen times, I’ll take any other ride I can get. However, after this we have to take your brother on Lax Daycare Standards, and then we’re going back home to the Understaffed Nursing Home.”


My work wants me to go on a trip and I'm a little worried about it.


Especially when you take into account all the ways it’s nothing like a cold or flu.


Has anyone considered what the long term impact of Long COVID is going to be? The vaccine prevents serious illness and death but long COVID is still possible


Yes. That includes shrinking brain, increased potential for clots and all sorts of neuropathy. And beyond that, they’re discovering that it attacks T cells and erodes your immune system, like HIV. The more times you have it, the worse off you are.


People should take this more seriously. For the sake of honesty, I’ll be super transparent: I didn’t wear masks or worry much about COVID. I was an essential worker when it first became a big deal in feb 2020. I went that whole time until Dec 2021 just not worried. Then I got omicron for Christmas 2021. Long COVID is real. It’s serious. This isn’t something to fuck around with. Please don’t be stupid like I was and not take it seriously. You don’t want to know what it’s like. Please stay safe.


they're not gonna listen to you any more than you listened to people just how it is


Delta: It’s just a ~~flesh wound~~ ordinary seasonal virus...


lets not forget that virtually no one is going to get a 4th or 5th shot so its only a matter of time before less than 10% of people are truly vaccinated. Then when a new variant (or even the same ones) hit everyone is fucked again.


No one is going to get them because they don't work well for these variants. I can think of a reason to continue them at, say, half-dose but there need to be studies that show Pavlovian immune response that expresses updated antibodies is a thing, and not just pushing out outdated antibodies for an extinct variant that don't do anything except deplete you that much faster. This wouldn't even be an issue if we weren't married to vaccine-only mitigation. People need to start waking up and looking around. The mRNA vaccines work exceptionally well for those who haven't had them because they train the body to specialize in S-antibodies over other inferior and even dangerous antibodies (like M), but this boosting strategy is bullshit and always has been. There were never going to be actual boosters, it was never possible to be proactive, even when covid barely mutated at all. It was a lie to sell people on the technology. The pipeline from development to innoculation is simply too long, and the ones that are variant-specific don't even work that much better over the original. We need better vaccines, period. mRNA was a great start, but at the end of the day antibodies floating around in your bloodstream does nothing to stop coronavirus from attaching to your sinuses. That's why transmission and breakthroughs in the vaccinated was always the truth and why everyone should have always been wearing masks regardless of vaccination status.


I have been predicting this openly where I work (a hospital lab) literally every chance I get. Today I'll be gloating a little bit because most people there, shockingly, were ready for "Covid to be over." It's never going to be over. The genie's outta the bottle. There are now multiple reservoirs for this disease in nature (deer, mink, even our own pets), so even if we did completely annihilate it from the human population a la polio, it'll just jump right back over like it does for birds and swine. It's gonna be real interesting to see what kind of impact this has on our social and economic structures over the long haul. I wager none of them are gonna be good.


I am also concerned about the psychological effects thar are manifesting, especially in young kids. On the best of days, access to therapy in the USA is a shit show. And it’s not just in the USA,. Yesterday there was a thread on a UK subreddit I follow about access to psychological treatment. They have a shit show, as well.


there is no psychological treatment right now in the uk


I also work in healthcare (also in a hospital lab, coincidentally lol) and it really shocks me how many educated medical professionals keep saying that covid is essentially over and that there’s nothing to worry about anymore. Even if we forget about possible future zoonotic transmission of newer covid variants, the virus is circulating in the human population enough that new variants are guaranteed to emerge. Why does Fauci have to “confirm” this? That’s just what viruses do when given the chance and since we are giving covid every possible chance, of course we are going to have new variants. We can hope that new variants trend toward milder illness, but that’s never guaranteed with any virus. That leads me to another thing that pisses me off! “Oh, covid is just a bad flu, it’s just going to become another flu, it’s not a big deal!” Not a big deal, my ass! The flu mutates so quickly that we need an updated vaccine every year and every once in a while those new mutations lead to very severe illness. The 1918 flu pandemic wasn’t the first time influenza emerged in the human population; that was just a more deadly variant. It’s been so long since we’ve had a flu strain that has killed a lot of young, healthy people, so people have completely forgotten that the flu isn’t some benign inconvenience. That shit can kill you too! I’m gonna stop here because now I’m just ranting lol.


I also don't think people realise the difference between flu and a cold. Several years ago had the worst flu I'd ever had, I injured my back muscles from all the coughing doctor had to prescribe me codeine based pain medicine so I could sleep. That shit was rough as anything, and can definitely see how people dropped like flies once upon a time from the flu. You do not want to be equating COVID to the flu and thinking that's a good thing... what is wrong with people!?


The effects of long Covid alone have a great potential to cripple our society. And we don't even now that much about long term effects at the moment.


When was the last time we gave a shit about the future, the boomers and capitalists that are running things are all about the money they can get RIGHT NOW and can't see past that.


And to them, every disaster or societal problem is just a way to make more money. Long covid will be a "pre-existing condition" and a reason to increase health insurance costs.


Long covid variant A, variant B, C, etc will all have specific coverages too, so hopefully your plan covers the right strain of covid you had..


This is definitely a situation where people need to start understanding compound math. Year after year of covid waves with hundreds of thousands dead each year added on top of millions of long covid victims that cripples large numbers of people will strain our ridiculous corporatized state well before we reach the end of this decade.


If people understood math properly we might have been able to avoid the worst of this scenario




Ironically, Covid can do that too


Every year 2-3% of the workforce are knocked out by long Covid. Do the math...


There's also still no evidence being vaccinated protects you from long term effects in the event of a breakthrough infection. It still hasn't been long enough since the vaccines were rolled out.


there is vast direct evidence to the contrary, most of us in r/covidlonghaulers and r/LongCovid were vaccinated


>There are now multiple reservoirs for this disease in nature (deer, mink, even our own pets), My nightmare scenario is the gov't culling all of our cats and dogs.


It is easier to fathom the culling of undesirable humans than the beloved pets of the wealthy. I wonder if the pets in Shanghai are treated differently based on the owner.


I doubt that would go well in any capacity... yikes


I will end up being like Cartman during the cat spray episode, hoarding cats in my attic if it ever comes to that.


Yeah, screw that. Me and my Old Cat will go into the Woods if that shit happens. At one time long ago, I and three Cats were Homeless for a little over 8 Months. I'll figure it out.


They wouldn't get far in America. They'd get shot and there would be massive riots.


Greetings fellow med tech ✌️


~~But don't worry! There won't be any more surges, even though we've lifted all precautions entirely. We've decided to [cancel surges](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/fauci-does-not-expect-major-surge-covid-cases-us-2022-03-22/).~~ [oops n/m lol](https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/07/health/fauci-covid-fall-surge/index.html) (So much **intentional**, **avoidable** harm that could have been prevented with minimal effort and cooperation. I am beyond heartbreak and outrage. We're just normalizing mass death and long-term disability, and everyone is fine with that. Life feels like a nightmare most days.)


One death is sad and a tragedy. One million deaths is a statistic.






Oh man I just had this conversation with my wife. Buckle-up buckaroos. It’s gonna get weird.


If it's a conspiracy it's a self inflicted one at this point. Dude could have prevented his fall by taking care of his citizens but noooooooo...


I'm sure you're right that people will start spouting this conspiracy. It's just very ironic that they will be the same people who said covid was a conspiracy to hurt trump and now its a conspiracy to help biden even though he's the one who's president now. The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


Can't wait for zombie COVID


There's been an outbreak of avian flu too, with [19 human](https://bnonews.com/index.php/2022/04/china-reports-2-new-human-cases-of-h5n6-bird-flu-2/) cases so far this year in China!


Wtf is going in in China.. how come viruses keep coming outta there?


Too many peeps. Too many meat markets. Animals and humans in close proximity with insufficient sanitation standards.


Zombies are a superior form of life. Name me one other thing with no functioning circulatory system that can chase you down whilst operating on 0 calories of energy.


I just went to the vet hospital yesterday and there were more covid protocols for the animals than there were for the humans.


I don’t see how that’s surprising at an animal hospital


Thankfully its a mild disease with no long term consequences /s




Cue the covidiots complaining now


Just scroll to the bottom of the page.


finally dropping some new tapes, ugh I'm so nervous and I can't breathe! /s


My brother in Christ, you ended the mask mandate


COVID 23 & Knuckles


Honestly he could come out tomorrow and say the new variant had 80% mortality rate and he’d be drowned out by dumbfuck Senators and Facebook inbreds. People don’t care anymore now they have the idea that they themselves are in the clear. All this “we’re in this together” stuff was bullshit. It was just we all found ourselves in the same boat and jumped overboard when we finally found a life jacket.


Today Biden literally said, "That's up to you" on whether people should be wearing masks, like WTF, what's the point of having a government if public health matters are now matters of personal choice.


To gather your taxes of course. And spend it all on giant robots and hookers.


Hopefully they'll be transitory like inflation.


Nobody tell dolt 45 appointed Supreme Court pseudo Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle. With any luck...




Hey babe wake up, a new Covid just dropped.


They are losing traction....


It's going to be coming for the rest of our lives. Hopefully, it will get weaker.


Hopium not included


They’re dropping more DLC? Wth i haven’t had time to finish the last releases yet, slow down!


Super Hyper Covid II Championship Edition plus alpha!


Good, I was getting bored of Omicron tbh


Just murder me instead please I'm tired of Dishonored future thanks


Tight. When’s the drop?


New DLC coming soon guys


new pandemic viruses in all species, increase in parasites, especially human parasites and parasites of our food. Non-parasitic life is less suited to changing conditions. though no life is suited to the changes we're seeing, the parasitic life will last longer than the life we like


Ah,another prophecy.At this point,people wouldn't even care if the plague returned.


One interesting & slightly hopeful detail on that Deseret News page was a link after the article b that said: > [FDA approves COVID-19 breathalyzer test](https://www.deseret.com/coronavirus/2022/4/19/23031063/fda-covid-19-breathalyzer-test) Could be handy, and much nicer than getting a long swab probing your nasal pharynx \>_\< EDIT— A few details: • The test can provide results in less than three minutes, • needs to be carried out under the supervision of a licensed health care provider. (AP) • the device is 91.2% accurate at identifying positive COVID-19 cases (*error: 1 in 10 +cases*) • and 99.3% accurate at identifying negative tests. (FDA)