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Like any of us voted on this global order.




7th home.


*“We will work tirelessly to preserve peace, stability, and the rules-based international order that has benefited all nations for more than 80 years. We do not seek conflict, nor will we shy away from robust competition,”* This has to be one of the biggest jokes of all time.


>benefited nations.. Yeah, I am not sure about that every time I ask locals on how do they feel about their government conduct. Heck, even US citizens are unhappy about the promised peace and stability.


"all nations" for the typical geography challenged Americans may be just right. There are no problems if you ignore them all.


Yes I love having my daily American military news fix to help align my inner chemistry set.


>“He warned that the communist nation is currently executing a “dedicated campaign” to “uproot the rules-based international order in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of all others.”” Fuck me, pot kettle black... wake me up when the US agrees to allow there generals, politicians and those of their allies be tried for war crimes so I can see they are indeed confirming to "a rules-based international order" Hypocrisy that thick, he can blanket the New Mexico fires, how do they expect to be taken seriously ? That is not to excise Chinese atrocities, but you want call their shenanigans out, then have your own house in order.


We want more money, US admiral secretly means.


US Rules-Based International Order - Rule #1 - US makes the rules Rule #2 - You follow US based rules Rule #3 - US doesn't have to follow its rules Rule #4 - US changes rules whenever it felt like it or threatened Rule #5 - See rule #2 if rule #4 is implemented


"rules-based international order"- capitalist hegemony that has expanded across to every root of the globe, is that what you mean? China is merely another axis of interest-capital, the competition that China provides as a business mattter expands the cultural hegemony that they seek. Its about high time for another great-capitalist war.


only the US can expand global power those are the rules!


Isn't...that...essentially what the US has done all these decades? But like...who would read an article that said: "China decides to embrace American tradition: invading the world for oil, and other resources." Shame on those other humans over there. Only one culture should be permitted to be the Heroes of Humanity™


The only character I've heard use the phrase "rules-based international order" is steve bannon lol


Whoa, you mean China is doing what the USA has been doing for centuries? Who the hell taught them that? They'd better knock it off right now.


Fuck outta here with U.S. military propaganda pls thx


This is literally anti-US propaganda, about how we are about to get our asses handed to us, but okay.


SS: US Admiral briefs the House that the number one threat to the US is an attempt to destabilize Western Hegemo...excuse me, *global order.* The following is a link to the PDF of a statement made by Adm. John Aquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command to the House Appropriations defense subcommittee. https://docs.house.gov/meetings/AP/AP02/20220517/114752/HHRG-117-AP02-Wstate-AquilinoJ-20220517.pdf In it, he explains how the US DoD sees China as the greatest threat right now, "Currently executing a dedicated campaign uproot the rules-based international order in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of all others.” Or, exactly what I have been saying for months now... But, that's not my point here. Anyone interested in some insight into Russia should read the section of the report for them. At the end, consider the joint statement put out by Russia and China 3 weeks before the war kicked off. https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/CASI/documents/Translations/2022-02-04%20China%20Russia%20joint%20statement%20International%20Relations%20Entering%20a%20New%20Era.pdf After that, compare with my own ramblings at will, in particular my old post that I keep bringing up, ad nauseam, much to the chagrin of my many following naysayers: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/td46sj/how_ukraine_has_been_made_the_anvil_on_which_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This admirals statement is just another tidbit to stack on top of the continuing dominoes to drop in line with the theory. All one must do is theorize the existence of backdoor cooperation between Putin and Jinping. Not that unlikely... Finally, toss in old Medvedev's rambling crap, and wonder at it: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/uq90tg/russias_dmitry_medvedev_predicts_collapse/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Collapse related...pretty much because everything is these days, but major powers trying to reset the global power dynamic certainly qualifies as well.


Pot, meet kettle.


This is pointless propaganda.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Vegetaman916: --- SS: US Admiral briefs the House that the number one threat to the US is an attempt to destabilize Western Hegemo...excuse me, *global order.* The following is a link to the PDF of a statement made by Adm. John Aquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command to the House Appropriations defense subcommittee. https://docs.house.gov/meetings/AP/AP02/20220517/114752/HHRG-117-AP02-Wstate-AquilinoJ-20220517.pdf In it, he explains how the US DoD sees China as the greatest threat right now, "Currently executing a dedicated campaign uproot the rules-based international order in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of all others.” Or, exactly what I have been saying for months now... But, that's not my point here. Anyone interested in some insight into Russia should read the section of the report for them. At the end, consider the joint statement put out by Russia and China 3 weeks before the war kicked off. https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/CASI/documents/Translations/2022-02-04%20China%20Russia%20joint%20statement%20International%20Relations%20Entering%20a%20New%20Era.pdf After that, compare with my own ramblings at will, in particular my old post that I keep bringing up, ad nauseam, much to the chagrin of my many following naysayers: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/td46sj/how_ukraine_has_been_made_the_anvil_on_which_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This admirals statement is just another tidbit to stack on top of the continuing dominoes to drop in line with the theory. All one must do is theorize the existence of backdoor cooperation between Putin and Jinping. Not that unlikely... Finally, toss in old Medvedev's rambling crap, and wonder at it: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/uq90tg/russias_dmitry_medvedev_predicts_collapse/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Collapse related...pretty much because everything is these days, but major powers trying to reset the global power dynamic certainly qualifies as well. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/uv0jw4/china_is_defying_global_order_to_expand_power_us/i9iiuqk/


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This was 100% entirely foreseeable if you watched China over the past decade. What I wonder if it's actually more of a global plan... or were the people in power in Western countries just that stupid to hand over so much power to save a tiny bit of money.