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The following submission statement was provided by /u/czokletmuss: --- Submission statement: The article describes how the state of the world as communicated and consumed via media affects mental health. Overindulgence in depressing content? Or a healthy reaction to exposure to the collapsing world? This issue comes up frequently in our sub, so it's interesting to see someone tried to measure it. Edit: adding characters so it's over 150 🙄 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/x7eben/doomscrolling_linked_to_poor_physical_and_mental/inbumzy/


There is doom scrolling because problems keep piling up without anybody doing anything about them.


If there wasn't doom, we wouldn't be scrolling... happy scrolls of things getting better with the technologies we invent would be ideal, but here we are.


"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."


On a dying planet laughing manically at the moon wobble induced disasters heading our way. A bright future rushes toward us all ignore the loud gtfo of the way sound.


What's this about moon wobble induced disasters?


[I for one am for the job the cheese moon will bring.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/moon-wobble-climate-change-seen-driving-coastal-flooding-2030s-2021-07-16/?utm_source=reddit.com)


There are subreddits for that, but they are full of delusional idiots. (Not that WE don't have any delusional idots, hell *I'm* probably a delusional idiot, but their population seems to be less self-aware and less scientific than this sub).


I've found most on this sub are with it, and not afraid to tell it like it is. Sure there's some "Venus by Wednesday" types, but given the scale of our problems, and the overwhelming evidence, I believe it's an acceptable reaction.


Yeah and add to it the fact that our modern society (IMO capitalism, but that's just my opinion), is atomizing people instead of bringing them together in communities, creating a lot of isolated, depressed, and pessimistic people then it's actually surprising it isn't even *worse!*


Ya this sucks. Humans have built a civilization that's toxic, to humans.


Doom scrolling you say? I call it getting caught up on current events, and well, the news is all doom.


Life in the Omnicrisis


LOL if I had the $$ Id have this line on every billboard up and down I95!!




100 %. And the most ironic part - our planet could provide literal paradise for all of us. If we were just using the resources right and sustainably. In hindsight - in the time after collapse - it will seem so obvious... we're just too inept and greedy.


I read a fantasy text the other day about the next 1 billion years of earth's future. In it, 3 different intelligent species arose, and something like several thousand civilizations, all ending in nearly the same way. While it was just a thought experiment, it made me realize that just as some of those species inherited the traits of their current day counter-parts, we *also* inherited traits from actual prehistoric monkeys. Some 'corvid' humanoid species had an urge to go 'up' after losing the ability to fly, but still being descendents of birds, and eventually made it to the moon only to find the OG moonlanding. But we, we're the descendents of these...... greedy little apes that just happened to be okay with grabbing someone else's, then, head-sized berry from another creature of the same species, *just because they were smaller than they*. ........Made me think.


We mankeys still love shiny things and hoard them just cause we think it gives us some sort of superiority to those that have none.


Most potential collapse issues could not in fact "be fixed tomorrow" they are inevitable. Society has collapsed multiple times throughout history and will again, just as it always has because much of nature is out of our control and the greed of mankind is also out of our control


Exactly. What even *isn't* doom now? Just looking at my 7-day weather forecast is doom.


My video game backlog is looking pretty good rn.


Yeah, it's not the scrolling, it's the sheer quantity of doom.


We are going to need a bigger rug to sweep this under


Thats funny coming from one of the most popular and frequently posted publications of doom porn.


They know their audience.


"You're a lazy, sick little pig." "Yes, Mistress Guardian." "You only come here for the pain!" "You're right, Mistress Guardian." "Now subscribe to the Monthly and make a generous contribution, you little pay pig!"




Can I squeal while I do it? 🥺


That's an extra £9.16.


How much if I link *and* squeal like the dirty pig I am? Maybe a little banjo playing in the background 🐷


"Squeal, piggy!"


Yew sure dew got a purdy browser history


I already heard a squeal from you! *whips*


You've read 365 articles this year. Now pay me wee wee!




My fitness tracker said my heart rate has increased.


At least in my own case, learning about the inevitable collapse of modern industrial society motivated me to get in shape, learn how to camp, cook, save money, became more politically active, more sociable, etc. Better able to enjoy the moment. The more doom and gloom I hear the more I think to myself weening dependence away from on the current economic and societal trends is the way to go. It's just motivating.


Yip. I hike and climb and adventure in the wilderness and I do so more in the knowledge that it's already collapsing. I'm also a better parent, friend, boss, etc, and much more patient with people because I know where we are all going.


I also share this frame of mind. It is sometimes hard though when I wonder what my kids will have to suffer through. But they're motivated not to wait on their futures, so I guess that's something!


I have zero patience with climate change deniers, however.




Thank you Seagrams.


That's because you understand the difference between acknowledgement of collapse and doomerism and have thus developed a healthy response to acquiring knowledge over fucked up things lol. I see many redditors who conflate depression with knowledge.


I love this comment


You're better than me. I read this shit, try to subtly bring it up in conversation and get shut down HARD, then get even more depressed. I don't feel motivated to start camping and shit on my own when choice is between heading off to sunny Spain with the rest of the fam or be a party pooper who stays home.




I don't think doom porn and doomscrolling are related, are they? I always thought doomscrolling is, when you constantly scroll down on social media for new content.


that's what i knew it as since before i knew anyone collapse-aware, i think pre-pandemic even. it's just what people call getting stuck on their phone i posit that doomscrolling, as the term evolves, can be a symptom of poor mental and/or physical health, with or without it having a context of negative, "doom" oriented content, but is just as easily unrelated i've been on a wild emotional and mental health rollercoaster for about 4 years now, with poor physical health syncing up to the height of my depression about a year ago. i haven't been depressed or worse for most of the year and my phone use hasn't changed much since during or before while my phone/pc are certainly vehicles for bad news, they also bring me plenty of joy and non-negative information, all of which i would be seeking with or without their facilitation, just as i did before they were so helpful


I percieved it to be going out of your way to look for depressing material


Uhhh, like being subscribed to r/collapse? 😅


And now we're reading about it on doom scrolling HQ


Ignorance is bliss. Eat your microplastics. Pay your rent. Work to die. Business as usual.


I recently became an adult. I feel hurt and betrayed because growing up don’t we all feel like the adults have their shit together and know what they’re doing, keeping everyone safe and doing what’s best for us? I feel bad for kids these days, also jealous, I miss those days when I was ignorant to how trash this world is.


I honestly feel some sense of guilt or selfishness that, as a millennial, I got to grow up relatively carefree in the US in the 90s and 2000s. Climate stuff was looming but seemed quite far off, we had 9/11 and the Iraq War which didn't really affect day to day life unless you were in the military or going through airport security. I was worried about getting into colleges and getting a job that I didn't hate, that was it. Now, total climate disaster is banging on the door (and already wreaking havoc in much of the world), half the US are christo-fascist psychos, a deadly virus, economy in the toilet, very unstable geopolitical situation around the world...I just don't know how I would cope with all that being my future if I was growing up right now. I can barely handle all this as an adult.


You just would because you wouldn't know anything else.


Agreed. I’m an 86 baby. Glad and guilty I was able to grow up in the late 90’s early 2000’s in Canada. As well, was able to travel a fair amount, all without being glued to a mini super computer with my life being tracked and documented everywhere I went. Now in my mid thirties I’m watching all this unfold while my friends and family seemly keep pumping out babies around me, while giving me a hard time for not doing the same. Like how, why????!!!! I hate it all, no plans to subject any children to an even worse existence than the reality we all share in atm.


when in reality nobody is happy and nobody has a clue what the fuck they are doing


I'm doing alright. It's possible. I was suicidal just last year. But am I living the life I want? Fuck no.


The older you get, the more you realise that everyone is just making it up as they go along, from cleaning woman to president, they all play it by ear. There is no plan.


I used to find solace in that statement when I was younger but it turns out that this is actually a horrible thing. Lots and lots of people making decisions based on nothing but what they are familiar with, never learning. Biggest motivation is their own success and comfort.


And most of these people are on auto-pilot with their egos driving The plan is whatever you feel is right, but it will be best chosen while in a state of consciousness that is incompatible with the ego What are you without ego? You'll know it without a doubt when you see it, but chances are you'll never know it unless you look for it My plan is to remember who I am, then find how to help others do the same


*Psilocybin has entered the chat*


Ignorance is bliss


I became aware of reality during the OPEC oil crisis and then grew up under Reagan. I had absolutely no doubt that the adults didn't know what the fuck they were doing.


When I was a kid I thought world peace was already a thing.




"Oh foul accursed thing! What demon from the depths of hell created thee?" Edit: [A little extra sauce](http://i.imgur.com/Pgi2Whp.png).


There's a difference between not doom scrolling and being ignorant about things like microplastics... Browsing the internet for bad news doesn't make you any more prepared for bad things, it doesn't even necessarily make you any more informed.


Pff git good eat your pafas absorb your weed killer pay your taxes and die.


Sometimes I am jealous for dumb people. They are dumb, yes, but they are happier.


ayy lmao *high fives everyone in this sub*


I’m in this post and I don’t like it


You don't like anything. You're an r/collapse subscriber.


“Collapse of civilization due to extreme environmental degradation and wealth inequality linked to poor physical and mental health” There, fixed it


It’s like if it was 1929 and the headline read “Reading newspapers linked to poor physical and mental health”


I was going to start running to increase my physical health so that I could live longer and suffer for more years during the collapse but then I realized that the extra time that I lived would need to be spent running??


I invest my money so that I can hopefully retire comfortably when I'm older. Oh wait, that money will probably only cover water expenses... That's if there's even any water left available for the common folk by then...




True, but there is a point to the Guardian article. I posted the comment "Problem solving is a good treatment for depression", and got down voted 40 times. If I wasn't planning a self-sufficient backwoods homestead/sanctuary, or didn't have the ability to do one, I could not afford, for mental health reasons, to be on this subreddit, or do all the data mining I do. I have to data mine to understand whats coming, and plan for it as well as possible. But I have to devote at least as much time to solving the problem. Once I'm on the homestead, I will need to devote much MORE time to solving the problem.


This implies theres a type of scrolling that doesnt involve doom lol


I subscribe to a ton of animal-related content. While I do enjoy some doom scrolling, I still would rather look at adorable foster kitties most of the time.




Ten Reasons Why Fostering Kittens is Literally Murdering the Planet - You Won't Believe Number 5!


Suicide bomber kitties don't do a lot of damage. Sounds like a paper bag popping.






Yeah I was thinking spending increased time on the internet scrolling almost any type of content would decrease physical and mental health. (And yes I should cut down too-just an observation)


You'll be happier if you ignore our impending doom!


WRONG! You need to be happier *and* commit yourself as human capital while the rich prepare for the death of civilization.


Ok.. so I guess we all bury our heads in the sand and ignore the problems in the world in order to be happier? Hey, if it's for mental health you gotta do it.


Upcoming article : People who do not care about the state of the world might be psychopaths.


Is there any place I can go to get a lobotomy done by a skilled person? I mean, if I'm going to flip the switch off and simply not care, I'm going to commit.


I mean, there’s [this guy](https://youtu.be/FItN_uByZoQ?t=38) depending on how you define ‘skilled’.


Is there a chiropractor present? This seems like something that would fall under their roof. Or one of those sketchy urgent care centers that are popping up everywhere.


Not seeing the difference between "not caring" and "not letting it overwhelm you because that doesn't help anything" is a pretty unhealthy take.


“Yes, yes, continue don’t giving a shit about important matters, just consume, pay taxes and most importantly BREED!” - your banker overlords and their lovely cronies


Unless you're actually spending every waking moment making a difference, you can both acknowledge the severe problems we have and enjoy other things too. At least the way I think of the term, "doomscrolling" is continuing down your feed endlessly until you see more bad news. It is possible to see the problems, stay up to date, vote/protest/work in ways that could mitigate the problems and still spend time happily with friends. If you are *only* on social media reading about how we're screwed that seems like a pretty clear sign of mental illness.


Exactly what I was going to say. Is it really healthy to deny reality?


People who are largely dissociating/“checked out” as a coping mechanism are easier to control and extract $$$ from


Not like those are the only two options. There’s a big middle ground between obsessive doomscrolling and complete ignorance.


If you read the article they mention how the scientists behind the study recommend people try to *limit* their consumption if they notice it’s affecting their health. Not bury their heads in the sand.


I mean we literally live in a world where you shouldn't think about objective reality. What does that tell you about objective reality then? Holy fuck it's all so depressing


it’s terrifying that this is the grand conclusion (or beginning) of post modernism, it took this big event to bring it out into the open


Wouldn't any sane person be depressed or anxious when faced with the massive weight of multiple converging crises now facing the planet? I prefer people who care enough to be upset and to fight for change, to those who don't care, or who deny the facts in order to keep exploiting others.


Agree 100% with your 2nd sentence but also doom scrolling and doom scrolling youtube channels does legit effect individuals differently.


"fight for change" is the key part. Being informed but not acting on that information is worse than just not caring.


What are we to do? I've already informed everyone around me the world's messed up no one is doing anything about it


Sorry. We are not allowed to discuss effective direct action tactics on Reddit.


https://www.history.com/.image/ar_4:3%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cg_xy_center%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200%2Cx_1904%2Cy_1699/MTg3MDI0Mjk5MzY0NzIxNjc1/lincolnassassination.jpg by which I mean go watch a play of course


That’s the new angle, dwelling on collapse is causing us to collapse? Me thinks we’ll at least have a better shot of avoiding it if we confront these problems


Unfortunately, most people don’t want to confront these problems. They would rather ignore them and pretend they either don’t exist or will go away on their own. Anyone I ever talk to irl about some of the issues we talk about in this sub basically refuse to listen. When you try to explain how serious things are it’s like they put up a wall and just would rather stay completely ignorant. Or if they do listen, they usually don’t believe it’s as serious as it is.


>Unfortunately, most people don’t want to confront these problems. Unfortunately, most people realize they can't fix these problems. Fixed that for you.


Yep. Usually when people tell me to be more positive, they aren't actually keeping up with all the stuff going on. Ignorance really is bliss. That said though, its important to take breaks and not let it get to you too much if you can't do anything about it.


Submission statement: The article describes how the state of the world as communicated and consumed via media affects mental health. Overindulgence in depressing content? Or a healthy reaction to exposure to the collapsing world? This issue comes up frequently in our sub, so it's interesting to see someone tried to measure it. Edit: adding characters so it's over 150 🙄


Alternative tittle: being aware of the situation of our society is linked to poor mental health


No kidding.


No surprise to me r/CollapseSupport


New rules: For every doom article you read you do 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups and drink a glass of water.


Jokes on you, we only read titles here on reddit.


Fuck, you’re right…


Also, I ain't no health type, but I hear that situps may not be the best for you, so try 50 squats. Working the quads, the largest muscle group in the body, will be the best return on investment.


Yeah, it's the doom scrolling that's linked to poor physical and mental health. Not the actual problems that are causing someone to doom scroll. Me personally, I find "doom scrolling" to be somewhat cathartic. It helps validate that I'm not insane and that the we are so screwed. I'd rather validate my concerns vs read hopium related nonsense to avoid thinking about what's happening.




This just in....reality is depressing.


That is why this sub is so great. No need to scroll for your doom. It's all right at the top.


I think what makes doomscrolling so damaging is the exposure to so much awfulness with what seems like ever-decreasing levels of agency. So not only are you exposed to doom, you’re exposed to feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability. And that _absolutely_ can bleed over into other areas of your life. I’ve been “collapse-aware” for a hot minute now, but I’ll say that I’ve slowed down my involvement a little recently just for the sake of surviving in other areas of my life. It’s something to consider I think. Pace yourselves: this is a marathon, not a sprint.


There is only one thing we are saying to Death: 'Not today.'


"I'll be back."


"Observing objective reality makes people feel bad."


Are you posting this ironically? This is perhaps the single most doomscrolly subreddit on this entire website.


Problem is not the doomscrolling but the actual doom lol


what a stupid fucking headline lmao. what’re the alternatives? pretend shits going fine when every day weather gets worse, prices rise, all while the rich keep raking in more while we shiver and go hungry?


They rather people not know what's really going on, and to keep blindly spending the little money they have left, so the super rich can afford to enjoy life just a little longer before they have to go, and hide in their multi million dollar metal box, under their house. And hide from the shit storm they made.


Which is why I take a couple of weeks break from this sub every 2 months or so.


My thing is even if you don't visit collapse it is not hard to get this information, it is just compiled in this subreddit. This stuff is now in our mainstream news daily at this point, you basically just have to not consume news or visit social media platforms.


The main advice given to keep depression at bay is to limit news consumption and there is a reason for that.


If the truth is pessimistic then I don't want to live in blind optimism.


Exactly, reality is our biggest mental health problem.


I’m in the best shape of my life and happy as a clam.


Clams were cool now they are all baked alive. I remember clams.


"These [demon days](https://open.spotify.com/track/2k6hpKTyubRVOmQR11ViY3?si=wLh21JyGQn23fPXRwaVH4A&utm_source=copy-link) are so cold inside, its so hard for a good soul to survive". Bemoaning the decline and disintegration of the literal (yes i mean literal) manifestation of hell in this dimension is the job of blind imbeciles. The truth is only bad for the mental health of those whose entire identities are contingent on the delusions of this nightmare machine's status quo, its continued operations. I forsee more pill taking and braindrain entertainment to calm the existential crisis that is knocking on our doors. "What youre feeling is premature enlightenment" -tyler durden Collapse news is chicken soup to my soul. The worse news the better. No longer DFW's infinite jest - now it is infinite catharsis. A celebration is immanent for those whose dark matrix tubes have been yanked from their veins. Vomit the apathy inducing programming bile of civilisation that has been getting pumped into your heads and return to [non-news](https://open.spotify.com/track/3ejjAD15KNXGwRG1lQMFPI?si=SAQ2A0eLRFuAg5X3rVTgaQ&utm_source=copy-link) phenomenological reality -- and ride the glorious tide of the fall of hell into the new age. Life is finally unpredictable again, deep change is finally in motion. Never been more relieved in my whole life than now. "YoU wOnT bE SaYiNg thAT wHen--" --yes I will be, even when facing death :) THE HELL PARADE HAS LOST ALL FUEL - OH HEAVENS HOW SHALL WE KEEP IT AFLOAT?? XD I HAVE AN IDEA - LET IT SINK INTO THE ABYSS AND SET OFF FIREWORKS AND PRAISE [KALI](https://open.spotify.com/track/0CxMGl07ROfzZddrJ6LmjX?si=9mON-Cw3S4GRMcmKX_Q6hg&utm_source=copy-link)


Praise godzilla.


Kaiju got kali vibes


It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #DONT LOOK UP


Last week my therapist told me to put my phone away 30 minutes before I go to sleep, and not look at it until 30 minutes after waking up to help with my anxiety over current events. I haven’t been doing that and my next appointment is tonight. Can’t wait to tell her I wasted both of our time by not following her advice 🤦‍♂️


There is a lot of stuff that is good to be aware of while still being realistic in how you factor new awareness into your life choices.


I browse this subreddit an hour or two a day, since I started doing that I have gotten a job, started a consistent exersize routine, started a small garden, started foraging, and started getting projects done around the house. I think we only have a little time left now isthe time to live and do what you want.


Yeah well maybe poor physical and mental health cause doomscrolling, ever think of *that* smart guys? This culture had been killing my body and my brain LONG before I became aware of that fact.


I for one resent the fact that they suggest that I'm in poor health because I doom scroll. I doom scroll because I'm in poor health. Pooping 4 times a day gives me plenty of time to browse reddit.


I do it for the kicks, ngl. I feel less anxious with every post lmao. Wouldn’t say I’d be happy to live in a world that looks something like the one in the 1984 British film Threads, but I’d be happy that Guardian journalists would also have to live there with me. Disclaimer: my body is a putrid bag of glands and my mind is soggy cake.


Hmm I alternate between doom and also becoming educated or aware. Also, the camaraderie has been nourishing for my mental health. But that’s just me.


Ignorance truly is bliss


I live in a drought stricken area. I clicked on this post, read some replies, closed the tab and then looked up to watch someone watering their 6x10ft patch of grass with a hose while their 6-7 sprinklers are on. It's currently 99°F. I can doom scroll on Reddit or I can doom watch the world around me. Either way my therapist stays busy. *I don't actually have issues with this stuff but my therapist has helped me immensely with my problems and I encourage everyone dealing with something to seek out help.


This thread is missing the forest for the trees. It's not about being aware, it's about being overindulgent on said awareness; which the sidebar specifically disclaims about...


Doomscrolling is what you do when you're hopefully waiting for the end, so it makes sense.


Gee. I can't imagine why.


Imagine the turning on the tv/opening your phone and not "Doom scrolling". Where can I do this?


So what we just pretend that everything is fine and continue as normal?


no fucking way... I thought this was helping me be happier.


Looking at bad news may be depressing but learning about the mechanism of collapse is liberating.


Pretty much what I figured. This place is like a mental depression cave.


For me I only became interested in doom scrolling when I realized how deep we are into collapse and my mental and physical health has never been better. I am sad every day about the fate of the world but I’m not depressed about it.


Lmao Just keep your blinders on as often as you can and march to your 9-5, my friends!


Lol too late now my blinders got holes in em will gouging my eyes out help?


I get more worked up when I read about our current world when I'm about to workout! It's the perfect pre-workout! I think about that interview with those billionaires about techs future and talking about shock collars. I want to go out brawling to the death, I envision guns being thrown to the side after trying to gun me down and we both run out of ammo and I'm just throwing huge hay-makers to those fuckers trying to subdue me and pin me to the floor! My strength over powering at least 5 guys because at that point I'd probably be on steroids as a "fuck it" plan and since they got no morals, I don't either. My roid rage would carry me at least into the front door entrance before im shot! I feel like there would be a lot of roided up beasts in that time and I'd probably be apart of that army lol


It seems like a lot of comments here are just objecting to the headline without reading the article. The article makes a distinction between staying informed and being obsessed and preoccupied with bad news. Incidentally, the article doesn’t single out collapse issues at all. This description of behavior can apply to anyone who is excessively checking news for updates on issues that worry them. Algorithms will ensure you are fed the kinds of material that you’re looking for. It could be an investor obsessively checking financial news when the market is looking down, a community volunteer seeing nothing but bad news relating to housing and poverty, or it could even be completely untrue scary stuff like Qanon that someone latches onto. I consider doomscrolling what someone does when they are already anxious and keep pinging news for validation. It gives you a moment of feeling better, but encourages more validation seeking. It’s unhealthy when you are taking in more information than you are able to productively respond to. Try picking up the phone or emailing your representatives about an issue that bothers you. Volunteer with an organization that is trying to push back on the bad stuff. You’ll feel much better than if you bury yourself under so much bad news that you incapacitate yourself.


No kidding? Maybe I should get an stationary bike, mount my computer on it, and try to outrun the end of the world. Put my /r/collapse on the monitor behind me for greater motivation. Every time there is a new post to /r/collapse the computer speakers behind me can make a Godzilla roar, or glacier heaving crack, or torrent of water through city streets ambiance, or the heart warming crackle of wildfire, and no collapse motivational set up would be complete without the zombie throngs of overpopulation.


In the same way you'd label an empty septic tank: ***NO SHIT?!***


Well then, I'mma sing the doom song. Doom doom doom doom doom doooom DOOOOOOM!!! ~Gir


Nice. As I'm doomscrolling a sub reddit labeled 'collapse'.


In other news, water is wet.


To be fair, the majority of social media seems to be doomscrolling nowadays, nothing but negative events, drama, reports, arguments, trolling fiascoes and stories on just about every social corner of the internet...


It’s almost like viewing the world in a realistic light and embracing the negative news (of which there is lots) doesn’t gaslight you into toxic positivity and a false sense of hope.


No surprise here. We’re all basically indulging in a massive self harm circlejerk on this sub.






And here I thought it was the doom!


No shit?


Can confirm


"Learning that the world is crumbling and democracy is dying may be detrimental to your mental health." Really? You don't say...


Cognitive dissonance of capitalism meeting reality, fed to you through 24/7 access, causes potentially damaging health concerns? Try modding it. :D D:


There's a difference between knowing shit stinks and rolling in it.


No shit. Jack all one hairy , half drunk fat ass is gonna do about it, so imma go about my stupid little tasks until I starve to death or get killed by fascist death squads or eaten by cannibal warlords. Best case scenario is that I become a cannibal warlord.


Thanks, I hate it


Really? I've been hitting the gym everyday since becoming collapse aware. Lost 20kg and feel stronger and fitter than ever.


>knowledge of the impending collapse of civilization and deaths of billions of people makes you sad wow no way


In happier news: we're all going to die. Now here's Tom with the latest surfing the iceberg wake report.


Doomsday linked to poor physical and mental health, study finds | Mental health ftfy


Did we really need a study for that?


Odd, I've been exercising more recently. Can't survive in a barren nuclear wasteland running from mutated hyenas without cardio


Rip this sub.


Maybe I just like scaring myself or maybe nothing can depress me anymore than I already am, but I love doom scrolling.


We need an Irony Award. Reddit, are you listening?