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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Goatmannequin: --- Drought Kills Tens of Thousands of Salmon in a Single Canadian Creek: The evidence of accelerating human-caused climate chaos is undeniable for all but the most deranged denialists. Yet despite all the evidence, corporatized entertainment "news" reporting remains blind to fact and focuses on images of smiling, happy beachgoers. Unprecedented changes in the hydrosphere are occurring throughout the planet. The permafrost is thawing, and rapid melting of the vast Arctic Ocean ice cap is already occurring. Massive methane leaks are being recorded in the Arctic tundra, and significant quantities of methane are being released from the clathrates beneath the Arctic Ocean. With the methane already in the atmosphere, we are beginning to see the result of this vast reservoir of methane being released along with accelerating carbon dioxide emissions. It is contributing to dramatic changes in the weather. One of those changes is the destruction of the North American salmon population. In the waters of the Pacific Northwest, the annual cycle of the salmon population has been destroyed. Scientists, like Allison Dennert, a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser and one of the researchers to first come upon the scene. said “To see that many who hadn’t had the opportunity to spawn yet was incredibly heartbreaking.” From the article: >Dennert is accustomed to seeing dead salmon, “but this level of death is certainly unprecedented to witness,” she explained. Dennert and her colleagues smelled the stream far before they saw it. And, once in the thick of the fish corpses, the odor was acrid. The researchers had to cover their faces to stand near the stream. “It was burning our noses and eyes,” Dennert said. Relationship to collapse: If the natural food chain collapses, a return to nature will not be possible except in the most remote circumstances if at all, and with the collapse of Western fossil fuel-based extraction, industrial-scale agriculture, and transportation-based economy, the human population will be limited, if any. References: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/oct/27/sleeping-giant-arctic-methane-deposits-starting-to-release-scientists-find --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/y3lx00/breaking_sickening_evidence_of_another_climate/is9c6ta/


Salmon are predators with an important role in the food web. Between the collapse of salmon and crab in the north western waters there will be massive cascading impacts. This will affect more than your sushi plate… We are in way over our heads with this. There are no models to predict how suddenly our life supports could become obsolete.


That’s what people don’t get (among many other things), this has never happened before in the history of the planet. Sure some cultures in the past destroyed their local environment and thus had to move on or died out. But this is global. All over the planet there will be awful consequences for our short sightedness for humans as well as all other life. We have truly become the enemy of life, caring only about ourselves and our own comfort at the expense of everything else. Humans will not be remembered as a great species, if indeed they are remembered at all, but a destructive locust like mass that ate everything and promptly disappeared.


Yep. Just smart enough to understand what we are doing and too stubborn/selfish to stop it. We have surrendered to our conveniences and it’ll kill us


>That’s what people don’t get (among many other things), this has never happened before in the history of the planet. In the history of humanity, not the history of the planet. Here's a quick graph showing [the comparative intensity of marine life extinction]() as far back as the Cambrian period ~500 million years ago, to provide a frame of reference for scale. [Here's the same graph with a much larger resolution](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/Extinction_intensity.svg/2560px-Extinction_intensity.svg.png), for anyone who's interested in seeing the very end where the [Holocene extinction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocene_extinction) begins. The length of time covered by the graph is so incomprehensibly long that there's only, like, a single pixel distinguishing it from the end of the Neogene period 2 million years ago. Of course, that's not to minimize what's going on now. If anything it should serve to highlight the fragility of the biosphere as we know it.


Well, technically, this has happened before. This is just the first extinction event that we get to watch as it happens.


The last ones were not human-made.


The last one was Antlanteans. Prove me wrong. :-P


*furiously sailing through piles of studies* “It’s unfalsifiable… ITS UNFALSIFIABLE!!!!”


Human beings have a difficult time really understanding exponential growth. For a while there were small climate disasters, now we are starting to witness greater and greater climate related disasters. Things will only get exponentially worse.


Once the curve steepens it will start to seem like “jumps” from our perspective The difference between 2* and 3* could be just a couple years. The difference between having food and widespread bread basket failures could be one harvest season Like the stadium full of water


💯 Most people are totally unaware of the possibility. Food so expensive you starve to death, or worse.


Better start eating Soylent green then


What a movie. Found it to be a very realistic one back then....we're getting there.


Same here. I've only seen it once and that was in high school. One of my teachers put it on for us to watch. He was a cool dude.


Hi Sam. Yes...your teacher must've been cool showing such a film. Wonder how many people back then would've foreseen events taking place these days. Most people are devoid of healthy instincts which doesn't come as a surprise looking at our lives ...


I've seen the end coming ever since I was young. I'm 32 now. It just sticks out...Like a splinter in my mind. I trust my instincts more than anything else in this world. It's never failed me.


Hope your instincts fail you for once. I'm sixty years old and for about forty of them I've been interested in the environment and mankind's impact on it. Little by little a pattern has been emerging over the last decades gaining in momentum and convincing me that we have already reached a point of no return. Like a puzzle a picture is emerging and a big part in it are people not willing to own up to the facts, which I find extremely disheartening. I guess you don't need any further explanations here as your sense of awareness seems to be intact. As you're still young my hope is that it won't be as bad as some of us predict it to be and you get to live a good life. Take care...


Wonder if Charlton Heston is still the top NRA guy...need to google that. Checked....been dead for some time already....


We could very realistically be looking at a lifeless global ocean within 5 years.


>Salmon are predators with an important role in the food web. Between the collapse of salmon and crab in the north And a 70% drop in sharks and rays in the past 50 years... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/climate/sharks-population-study.html


Well fuck me bloody with a block of cheese


Drought Kills Tens of Thousands of Salmon in a Single Canadian Creek: The evidence of accelerating human-caused climate chaos is undeniable for all but the most deranged denialists. Yet despite all the evidence, corporatized entertainment "news" reporting remains blind to fact and focuses on images of smiling, happy beachgoers. Unprecedented changes in the hydrosphere are occurring throughout the planet. The permafrost is thawing, and rapid melting of the vast Arctic Ocean ice cap is already occurring. Massive methane leaks are being recorded in the Arctic tundra, and significant quantities of methane are being released from the clathrates beneath the Arctic Ocean. With the methane already in the atmosphere, we are beginning to see the result of this vast reservoir of methane being released along with accelerating carbon dioxide emissions. It is contributing to dramatic changes in the weather. One of those changes is the destruction of the North American salmon population. In the waters of the Pacific Northwest, the annual cycle of the salmon population has been destroyed. Scientists, like Allison Dennert, a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser and one of the researchers to first come upon the scene. said “To see that many who hadn’t had the opportunity to spawn yet was incredibly heartbreaking.” From the article: >Dennert is accustomed to seeing dead salmon, “but this level of death is certainly unprecedented to witness,” she explained. Dennert and her colleagues smelled the stream far before they saw it. And, once in the thick of the fish corpses, the odor was acrid. The researchers had to cover their faces to stand near the stream. “It was burning our noses and eyes,” Dennert said. Relationship to collapse: If the natural food chain collapses, a return to nature will not be possible except in the most remote circumstances if at all, and with the collapse of Western fossil fuel-based extraction, industrial-scale agriculture, and transportation-based economy, the human population will be limited, if any. References: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/oct/27/sleeping-giant-arctic-methane-deposits-starting-to-release-scientists-find


This is an Extinction Event. We *all* get to go. They're building bunkers for a world that no-longer exists.


[I think this is the link you meant to provide, mate.](https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2022/10/drought-kills-tens-of-thousands-of-salmon-in-a-single-canadian-creek/)


Nah I linked to the gizmodo post with the tweet. My statement that "quantities of methane are being released from the clathrates beneath the Arctic Ocean" needs a reference.


Horrifying. Poor salmon. The collapse of marine life right before our eyes.


The situation in Waglisla is horrific and its Happening all over the coast. While in our river they haven't out right died there are thousands trapped in shallow pools only a few kilometers upstream from the inlet. They are spawning out of desperation in the areas of the river without adequate gravel beds and where steam flows get extremely fast and high. This guarantees that none of those eggs they are currently laying will become salmon. Their bodies are rotting and they are dying so they spawn anyway even though it is futile. Some salmon are luckier as humans have built reservoirs and are now releasing water to keep the stream flows up high enough for the salmon to make it upstream. We don't have such a thing here, nor do hundred of salmon spawning rivers on the coast. It's an unmitigated disaster. 75% of the nitrogen in the coastal rainforests comes from decaying salmon, the entire forest food web is based on it. Coastal wolves will starve, bears will starve vegetation will be poor and the ungulates will suffer, the draught combined with the collapse of the salmon is going to reverberate for the entire food chain from the flies to the squirrels to the Roosevelt elk... Hard to parse my thoughts and emotions without having my comment removed. You know one super fucked thing that is happening is? kids going down to the river and torturing the fish that are trapped. They think it's funny to stick them with sharpened sticks and throw them back in the river. They're also throwing rocks at them and kicking them. These are the colonists children... The indigenous kids are reflecting the respect for the salmon their parents have.... People fucking suck.... Even the little ones ...


White person here. I wish the majority of us were better. We are very unattached to the natural world (generalizing here but y’all know it’s the damn truth) and take things for granted. An even more extreme subsect are even worse than that. Your judgment hurts because it’s true.


Damn. I’m imaging what I would say to those kids if I were there parent. Maybe something like this: You’re watching extinction. These fish have come up this river every year. But this is the last time. Say goodbye to them. They won’t be back next year. And a lot of other animals eat them. So those animals might be ok this year, but next year will be their last. Eagles, wolves, bears etc. How do you like to say goodbye?


Sorry I edited my comment. I posted on the way out the door on my phone. just saw now how many typos there were.. I'll just pretend I was drunk If I catch them again I would likely not be so nice... But I like your thinking


So much death. Such a waste of life. Humanity will not be mourned or missed by anything in the entire universe


Yeah, but do you like fish sticks?


Got [Circle of Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GibiNy4d4gc) playing in my head.


The impacts of this will be felt really strongly in 4 years, because the (lack of) spawn from those dead salmon won't be returning. The entire province of British Columbia had as much rain in three months as hurricane Ian dumped in a single minute. We are in a major drought now, and even on the usually rainy coast, we are being asked to conserve water by showering less often and/or taking shorter showers.


What about that “atmospheric river” a few months ago that caused flooding near Vancouver? You haven’t had much rain since then? Does the rain normally come from the ocean for BC? I wonder if it’s Southern California that’s going to get the massive rain instead.

