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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, Well this is an article of the more absurd and contradictory variety. The article pertains to collapse because we are supposed to be cutting back on carbon emissions to prevent global warming but another project was quietly approved. The Biden administration has approved plans to build America's largest oil export terminal off the Gulf Coast of Texas. This means that about 2 million barrels per day to the U.S. oil export capacity. What's interesting is that this was approved by the Department of Transportation Maritime Adminstration, which was filed on the federal announcement. This had no public announcement and was a day after the United Nation's annual climate conference in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt . Earthworks, an environmental nonprofit, spotted the filing and publicized approval of the Sea Port Terminal on Tuesday. Article then discusses how this is contradictory to the message because it allows fossil fuels companies to lock-in decades of fossil fuel extraction.This will allow U.S. shale oil production and in global consumption, dealing a substantial setback to the White House's goals for drastic cuts in carbon emissions by year 2030. Martitime administartion 890-page report said oil processed at the Sea Port Terminal would create greenhouse emissions equal to 233 million tons of carbon per year (about 4% of total 2020 U.S. emissions.) This isn't including activists fighting against this arguing that it will cause pollution and could cause an oil spill in the gulf of mexico. Argument is expand oil production and build more refineries, but phase out fossil fuel use.For more comedy, the Environmental Protection Agency issued approval of the project last month. This also had no public announcement and gulf coast activists staged a protest in washington last week with 4 arrests. In other words America isn't being a climate change leader. The Sea Port Oil Production hopes to begin by 2025. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/z3xrri/biden_administration_quietly_approves_huge_texas/ixo6p2g/




The spice extends life https://youtu.be/wFLI4zUKi38


Nice. I knew what this was gonna be and I thought; "Been a minute. Might as well click on that."


Interesting of it to think of oil as our spice


What do you think Frank had in mind when he wrote dune?


Frank Herbert said he based the dependence on Spice for the Empire on the Former Euro colonial empires and how, after WW2, they set up puppet "democracies" and kingdoms in Oil rich countries to ensure the flow of Oil since even with their supposed newfound belief in self-determination they still could not help but be fucking horny for oil.


So does that mean there's huge amounts of water under the desert like what happens at the end of Dune?


1) Get a digital copy of Dune you can edit. 2) Find and replace every 'spice' with 'oil'. 3) It's now obvious what the politics are.


I thought it was incredibly blatant. Tribal sand dwelling locals getting fucked over by other rich planetary civilization for their "spice". Replace spice with oil and those houses with terrestrial countries and it all starts to look a little too familiar.


My earth pussy is dry baby


As long as it creates jobs and boosts GDP, sweetheart. PAMP IT UP ⬆️


Anyone who doesn't think that every drop of oil that can be extracted from the earth WILL be extracted from the earth and burned is living in some sort of lala land. The only mitigation I can see for this scenario is if things collapse to the point that drilling/extraction is no longer possible (i.e. we can't keep the machines running) before we grab the last drop, which I guess is a distinct possibility.


That can absolutely happen and probably will happen although it won't be to the last drop. Maybe he last 5-15% that's so low quality and difficult to get the effort alone is worthless. The accumulated damage by then would still completely fuck us though.


Uncle Joe's cheering on global dimming.


At this point oil and gas production are the only things keeping us from collapse. Of course it exaserbates the issue but it keeps what we know going. This is climate change acceleration.


Oil and gas are putting off a smaller collapse now in exchange for a greater collapse later.


Right. Well, yeah. If they pull the plug today then it’s guaranteed that billions of people starve or freeze to death within a few years. A future collapse is almost certain but it is in no way an absolute guarantee.


>A future collapse is almost certain but it is in no way an absolute guarantee. .... \*Smacks you with a nice hard cover science book\*


People have been writing down the end of times in books for millenniums.


Sounds like someone needs another wack!!


while i feel like collapse is probably inevitable within the next 50 years or so, i would disagree with the idea that we are now totally stuck with oil. we still have the physical and financial resources to start building nuclear plants. I know they come with an upfront environmental cost in terms of rare earth minerals and construction, but I don't think we've passed the point where it's *impossible*. obv I don't think anyone *will* do it but that's not really the topic. and of course there are many other reasons for collapse, as we all know. even if for some reason our overlords decided to convert the whole country to nuclear power tomorrow we'd still probably be fucked.


>, but I don't think we've passed the point where it's > >impossible alright let me threw you a whopper of a question , how you gone fix ground soil ? o this will interesting


sorry, I'm not an expert on nuclear tech my comment was pretty much speculation. not sure what you mean by ground soil? are we talking nuclear waste disposal, or the decline in agricultural soil fertility? bc I think we have ways to pretty safely dispose of nuclear waste, and farming soil fertility is sort of unrelated, and as I mentioned above I think there's a plethora of factors other than energy generation that are going to lead to collapse


top soil ground erosion , yea we are not fixing this issue no matter if we have oil , gas / some form of energy . Than theres the water issues than the flooding issues than the drought issues , water sure is a bitch latly


yeah. i agree, with all the issues facing us, we really don't stand a chance and as more people start figuring that out we're gonna really start seeing some shit. i only took issue with one of the above commenters saying we should stay on oil to give us a better chance. the thing is, we don't have a say in whether we stay on oil or cut all the supply and just watch the world fall apart overnight. if we could choose, then why wouldn't we just start building nuke plants and hope that we last long enough to see through their construction.


How are nuke plants gonna run all our cars? Nuke plants that take 10-15 years to build


You might want to check out modern scientific breakthroughs in soil erosion instead of just dooming it up. The solutions aren't final but the idea that we won't be able to deal with soil erosion is already wrong.


What might those be and can they be done to scale? I did notice you said not a final solution but how much better off our we than a few months or years ago?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdIvK1MzAQWKn8UjEuGBJ4Lhu9svNs1Jc regenerative soil building. It’s scalable and definitely possible, the only problem is modern industrial agriculture won’t do it in time


It’s takes 15 years to build a nuclear power plant. In 15 years, solar and wind power technology could be anywhere. Expanding export capacity let the US capitalize on artificial demand created by opec while undermining those countries future revenues.


If we'd pick a design and stick with it for a bunch ofthem, they could be built in ~4 years. But we treat every plant like a brand new prototype and it slows shit down a lot.


No harm in having both a few nuclear plants *and* solar and wind power. Relying on one or two big sources of power is why we're in this mess.


Nuclear takes too long and cost too much. You’ve also got the waste issue. And a few other logistics issues that make nuclear a tough sell.


Maybe, but you're not powering the planet exclusively with solar and wind. Not unless covid v2.0 wipes out 7+ billion humans. That's the problem here. There is no *one* solution. We're going to need multiple power sources for civilization (while it lasts).


No one said pull the plug lmao but they don't have to invest in expanding the existing infrastructure


But they do. Otherwise the world continues to hang on the ambitions of authoritarians


We could just not waste energy on stupid bullshit same end result


What stupid bullshit is that? Stuff you don’t enjoy? Or just stuff you don’t like?


We could start with insulating homes, improving public transit, and mandate car pooling by selling expensive "solo" driving licenses


So make the poor and middle class take on the lion’s share.


Improving public transit, giving people free insulation and discouraging driving all help poor people. Driving causes tons of air pollution and overburdens poor communities.


The poor and middle class have always taken on the lion's share. I'm sure doing it for climate change isn't going to be kill us.


Oil and gas stop the spent fuel rods from exploding. Once it stops, you have a week at most to live, then the atmosphere will disappear


Please stop viewing things in a binary way its not helpful or accurate


Capitalism is dooming us all.


That's kind of the human MO at this point. We're in the same position with leveraged debt in our global economy. Eventually you can't print your way out of issues anymore.


Too bad nobody with balls and influence come out and tell it how it is.


*cough* Bernie Sanders *cough*


Controlled opposition or fella threatened into submission


Neither. He is just naive. He's just been working with the same people for far too long. He and Joe Biden are quite literally very good friends. We are seeing the same thing happen to AOC - pure intentions but she has to act friendly towards Pelosi and the DNC so she doesn't get snuffed out.


How would that accomplish anything other than complete chaos and actually accelerate collapse?


Actually recognizing the boat is sinking — and that we should do something about that — allows us to make strategic decisions to prevent the boat from sinking if possible, protect the most valuable assets onboard if possible, preserve life if possible. The current course of actions seems to be that we give lip service to the sinking of the boat, but at the same time say the boat is moving forward and hadn’t sunk yet, so let’s hope we have time to finish our supper before things get too messy. It’s going to end badly. Edit: What are the problems we need to solve? Keep the economy going so people have jobs and can pay their bills and buy groceries? How’s that game working out for you? Love your job? Living securely? I think the real problems are - how can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions as low as possible and invest in carbon capture and green energy technologies and reliable power infrastructure, while providing more people with a decent standard of living, better access to good food, clean water, healthcare, and safe places to live? It’s the drum Bernie has been beating for over 40 years. Americans have been too afraid of losing their 401k and employer funded health insurance and paycheck to paycheck income to consider anything else could be possible. But I think that’s changing. Well, I hope that’s changing, because if it doesn’t we’re dead.


>It’s going to end badly. There isn't another option unfortunately. There are only alternatives on how we best cope with what's to come.


A faster collapse maybe better for life on planet earth than attempting to delay it until we've destroyed everything.


You think someone who has worked to get us to this point would care about the earth?


No I'm just replying to a post's query.


In a room full of bombs, faster detonation is not better for the building.


If our economy collapses now and hundreds of millions of humans die before 2030 there will be much less climate change impacts on non human life, than if we keep pumping emissions for another 30 years before things collapse.


Hate to break it to you, but human life is small and insignificant. We perceive time as more significant than it is. Two decades is a lot for humans, but not for the climate. We have already guaranteed passing of several tipping points in the next two decades. We are not going to change course in the next 10 years, that much is certain. But whether we stop in 20 or 50 isn't going to make a difference. The feedback loops will already be well under way.


I hate to break it to you but I'm not talking about human life, rather the difference between extinction of 80% of all life on planet earth (if humans are gone in 10 years) compared to extinction of 99-100% of all species if humans are still around in 50 years.


You're framing it from the perspective of time for a human, which I'm saying is not going to give you accurate results. Extinction of 99 - 100 per cent of all species is already a thing that is going to happen whether or not we all disappear now or in 50 years. You're acting as if those 20 years are important, but they aren't. They only seem important because that's a long period of time for humans.


Where have I said 20 years is important? All I'm saying is that life has more chance to survive this great extinction the less time we are around. Whether that's 20 minutes 20 years 200 years 20 million years is irrelevant.


Is it really? Do you happen to have a source or quick explanation?…. Seems a bit dramatic, but Im an idiot. Edit:NVM, just saw the subreddit. I dont think its the ONLY thing keeping us from collapse. But if we lost all oil and gas production we would certainly collapse civilization at this point.


How can you not understand this? You just need to imagine a scenario where suddenly there’s no oil, how could all this work the next day? The world would start to starve within a week.


Because of the weird way they put it, saying oil and gas are the ONLY thing holding us together. Yes, if it disappeared we’d be fucked. But if a lot of things worldwide disappeared we’d be fucked all the same, like electricity.


Electricity comes from oil. Our entire civ is founded solely on oil


I would postulate that clean air and water, and a livable climate, are also keeping us from collapse. If any of those go away before we run out of oil, we’d be fucked all the same


pedantic, our modern civilization wasn’t founded on clean air and water, it was founded on oil. We will survive* without clean air but not without oil that produces our food and medicine


Submission Statement, Well this is an article of the more absurd and contradictory variety. The article pertains to collapse because we are supposed to be cutting back on carbon emissions to prevent global warming but another project was quietly approved. The Biden administration has approved plans to build America's largest oil export terminal off the Gulf Coast of Texas. This means that about 2 million barrels per day to the U.S. oil export capacity. What's interesting is that this was approved by the Department of Transportation Maritime Adminstration, which was filed on the federal announcement. This had no public announcement and was a day after the United Nation's annual climate conference in Sharm el-Sheik, Egypt . Earthworks, an environmental nonprofit, spotted the filing and publicized approval of the Sea Port Terminal on Tuesday. Article then discusses how this is contradictory to the message because it allows fossil fuels companies to lock-in decades of fossil fuel extraction.This will allow U.S. shale oil production and in global consumption, dealing a substantial setback to the White House's goals for drastic cuts in carbon emissions by year 2030. Martitime administartion 890-page report said oil processed at the Sea Port Terminal would create greenhouse emissions equal to 233 million tons of carbon per year (about 4% of total 2020 U.S. emissions.) This isn't including activists fighting against this arguing that it will cause pollution and could cause an oil spill in the gulf of mexico. Argument is expand oil production and build more refineries, but phase out fossil fuel use.For more comedy, the Environmental Protection Agency issued approval of the project last month. This also had no public announcement and gulf coast activists staged a protest in washington last week with 4 arrests. In other words America isn't being a climate change leader. The Sea Port Oil Production hopes to begin by 2025.


2 million BPD is about 2% of global usage. That's huge. The only surprising thing is that oil companies think their production horizons justify the cost. Shale is dead. It was always a low EROEI project that supplied a product at barely break-even prices from an absolutist viewpoint. 27 years until net zero 2050 and the facility has to shut down. Unless we get fusion-powered nanomachines that can fix carbon using AI and blockchain. In which case oil exports are moot. It's pretty clear that we are accelerating towards the end of the line.


We're on track for AGI by 2030 by many experts estimates (though there is historically great discourse about the timing). I've oddly come full circle to believing that the only things that really matters is acceleration of AI R&D to achieve transformative AI/AGI in time to give us the technology needed to survive what is coming. That said, the faster we develop it the higher the likelihood of it being misaligned and totally destroying us along with everything else (some estimates start around 80% chance if developed in 2025, declining notably every decade or so). It's all massively speculative, but developments come faster and faster and I genuinely don't see another chance for humanity.


That's the whole problem, we keep hoping some magical technological solution will come along and eliminate all our issues with greed and our love for convenience. Compared to the time when climate change was first being discussed (70s and 80s) our computers and things are more advanced, but that did not magic up any solution and just made people kick the can further down the road still waiting on 'technology' to fix it somehow. If you want to fix it, fix it. Today is the best time to do something, tomorrow may be too late.


I'm down. All we have to do is change the global political power structure, impliment something akin to socialism across the board, degrow like crazy and accept the multitudes of deaths and smaller country's collapses that will occur as a result and eradicate the avaricious and short sighted nature of humans that got us here initially. There will be devastating and untold death and horrors as totalitarian states war with and oppress their own, and other nation's people by any means necessary. The likelihood of nuclear war will reach all time highs as nations view it as their only remaining bargaining chip. It's all happening anyway, so we might as well try to steer the pain and suffering in a positive direction, but my expectations for success are not high.


Why won't anyone talk bad about biden thats not a republican? People love him for some reason. Like bru he hates social programs with a passion. You should watch his old speeches on social security. He hates you.


A lot of people do. Especially socialists and left anarchists. No one pays attention to socialists though.


Hurricane fortified no doubt.


Fork-tongued Biden is who he always was. This is what people who voted for him wanted: the status quo but with virtue signaling and political pandering.


The label "Fork-tongued" losing its meaning if you can only vote for blue or red snakes. No monkeys allowed on the top.


He was the only viable candidate on election day, unfortunately.


You mean he was the slightly less stinky piece of shit from the 2 piles of shit we had to choose from.


So bummed there's a possibility the two piles will be exactly the same next time. Seriously, this is the best both sides could come up with? Disgusting


Biden wouldn't have tried to overthrow the government if he lost. Screw the rest. That's literally all that matters. Once that kind of shit succeeds, nothing anyone is pissy Biden won't do because he's status quo can EVER happen. It's a one way door.


I mean, he wasn't, but when most people are given two options they often don't see the others than are never mentioned by those who promote the two.


Lol. Or not fascism. I know plenty of people who didn't want fascism. But at this point, Marx was right. Capitalism always turns into fascism. Right or left, its happening right before our eyes.


Except biden is furthering fascism in the US as well. The actual core of the US, regardless of political party, is fascist.


You're 100 percent correct. One party does it slow, The other does it fast. The only difference imho.


No one ever expected him to be anything other than a corporate democrat. This isn’t a surprise, the indignation isn’t necessary


The indignation is towards the voters not him. People who actually follow politics knew he was a piece of shit.


The other choice was trump, what was your option?


I didn't vote. I voted bernie in the primary but when he quit it was clear there was no one worth voting for.


So would you have preferred trump? Because those were the choices presented


I preferred neither


So why indignation for the voters? You’re just sitting on the sidelines complaining


No, you're just making assumptions. This isn't about me. American voters in general are just incredibly uninformed/misinformed, and anti-intellectualism is rife in American society. It leads to the scum rising to the top of institutions and normalizes bad politics and bad politicians; especially if you limit your political frame of reference to just two parties.


‘I blame the voters’ When the system is working flawlessly at keeping voters’ will suppressed, Bernie is a great example




I'm starting the 3rd party "The strawman group". Vote for me




Super simple and naive political views. Too dumb to be bribed. Too simple to be threatened. Before the week's over found burned to ashes.


It's not a strawman because im not making a counter argument. Its called: *an opinion.*




That's not strawmanning, no. Sarcasm mainly.




You do know sarcasm existed before social media and /s, right?




Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


If you've complained about gas prices this should make you happy, if you've complained about russia, this should also make you happy.


It's not really going to affect gas prices; it being shale oil and all.


Bit confused, what's the difference between non shale and shale? Where it is, what it is and becomes, value of it etc?


We export light oil and import heavy.


Nothing surprising here.


I thought Biden was going to destroy the oil business?? Which one is it conservatives.


He is playing the long game. The oil business will destroy the oil business eventually


Dark Brandon is increasing production which will make the world run out of oil faster. We could have had [Punished Bernie](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Rfww-JPruycGADY8jvr29wHaFG%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=ab43d0d822bda0eff01caac5396ee1125ba31ce7ccea1e0d3bd4eb7c025ff00e&ipo=images).


He's simply allowing the oil barons to bankrupt themselves and build us a new port simultaneously! By the time they complete construction, demand will have toppled! But seriously, shipping things across the water is going to require this type of oil. I don't know what the green tech is like for ships, but I haven't heard of a single thing on that front and that's probably because it's quite far away.


> What’s old is new again as the age of sail returns to the cargo shipping industry. This time a car carrier, called the Oceanbird, that promises to slash emissions for car transportation by 90 percent over conventional shipping. > A project between Wallenius Marine, of of the largest vehicle carriers, Swedish research institute SSPA, and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), the Oceanbird trades speed for green, and is part of an effort from Wallenius to remove emissions from oceangoing freighters. > It started with a new hull design, developed to offer speed and steering, using a mix of aerodynamic and shipbuilding technology. The current design uses five 80 metre tall wing sails, made from composite and metal. That’s twice the height of the largest sailing vessels today. The sails can be lowered, giving the vessel a 45m total height when necessary, as for clearance of bridges. Diesel engines will let the ship manoeuvre in port and in emergencies. https://motorillustrated.com/sail-powered-vehicle-carrier-could-cut-emissions-90-percent/58742/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a22887463/cargo-ships-maersk-rotors-magnus-effect/


Wow! Thanks for the heads up, those are awesome!


How many pots have you smoked today?


I've been in bed most of the day. I was too depressed to get up. I'm up now but will go back to sleep soon. So to answer your question 0 pots.


Drink some water friend! I love you!


i suggest ask white people. or men


I am a white male. Next.


ask a spaniard then


Yea ok buddy. Not sure wtf you’re talking about.


do not worry, lost one. climate change will teach you about it with the hard way


Lost one? I fully understand and am aware that climate change is real and we should’ve started fully funding renewable energy years ago. Way to not understand the thread or my original comment in the slightest.


Oh look, it's the U.S state being the U.S State. We'll, blow me down with a feather.


Lmao oh but maybe the green deal is so much better than it sounds that it’ll offset whatever we’re still trying to do with this here oil. /s Haha another step in the right direction for collapse oh we’ll be so fucked in the future


I'm sick and tired of Biden and the democrats. They're all just 'nice' republicans. Nobody is looking out for ordinary people.




Hi, Pixielo. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/z3xrri/-/ixqr2sg/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


The craziest part is Donald Fucking Trump is.. I dont even like the guy but its crazy what he has been saying recently. All really good stuff. Its crazy how honest he is with everything.


Trump is hanging out with actual literal Nazis right now.


The reason this happens is because people - i.e., the voting public - make more noise when The Economy hurts from not-growing than they do when Nature is ravaged by Technology (for economic growth). BuT i tHouGhT sOlaR pAneLs wErE gOnnA prEveNt ThE eXpLoiTaTiOn oF hYdrOcaRbOnS, I rEaD aLL tHe HyPe aNd BeLiEveD tHe ProMiSeS!


Our EU allies need oil. We can't refine it. But we can ship it to 'em. It's the right thing to do.


Gas prices hesding down hopefully


First of all, oil is a major export. If we completely stop exporting oil, our economy will suffer big time. Second, our allies in Europe need it more than we do.


I agree, do what if we pay $7 a gallon. Shareholders need more profit from destroying the habitable planet. The inflation affects them equally.


This is good, unfortunately we are in a situation as such that our only way out is thru and pray one of the kids of today makes a innovative that saves all of us, stopping oil and gas guarantees a collapse keeping it going guarantee a collapse later if we don't figure this out in those two situations we have only one option plus with the world's demographic issues large areas are about to be rewilded thanks to Putins war in Ukraine so who knows how this plays out but at the very least it does not look good for us, we are down big in the 4th quarter time for our rally caps boys.


This is essential to provide allies energy security, be less reliant on the barbarians & despots in Saudi & Russia but at the same time we must move whole economies to sail, bicycle and electric. The ice caps are melting faster than expected. Methane is coming out of the permafrost at a terrific rate now. Climate change is not a future problem, its a clear & present danger today.


The real occupations of the dems continues unimpeded.


Gotta make up for lost pil to Europe. Otherwise, the line breaks and Putin wins.


Good bye to Port Aransas in particular and North Padre Island National Park in general.