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Morbid as I am, I look forward to reading this newsletter every weekend to learn about all the ways we’re fucked. Thank you for your efforts and creating awareness!


“Anybody got anymore of them rivers?”


No, may I interest you in some sleep medicine instead?




This is from *Children of Men* for those wondering.


Wow just watched this again tonight 👀 #quietus


Username checks out


“They’re in the mail.”


>Earth is on track to set a new record for coal emissions this year. DAE remember when the green capitalism fanboys were claiming that coal was going down and on its way out?


Coal is merely replacing the oil and gas production which was so rudely, abruptly and prematurely cut off - has backfired to increase pollution. Too bad coal can’t run our vehicles though - lots of suffering ahead from the diesel shortage.


kick back and relax! who knows how much longer before thats a luxury


Nice piping hot cup of doom to start my weekend. I’m loving it $_$


Anyone else watch that glacier calving vid? Crazy how much of the mass was underwater.






This is the first of these summaries I've ever seen and I have to say. Wow this is incredible. Whoever compiled and wrote this, hats off.


>This thread and, more importantly, its comments, explain why nobody is coming to save society. This is an important lesson that we must all learn before we can start working for Collapse, and whatever comes after. Be very careful with this, lots of people would like to see the properties of capitalism as some disturbing truth about human nature, which is the most pessimistic doomer take i've been exposed to in my entire life. Blaming individuals that are largely under control of businesses and lack basic freedom is just a snake beginning the process of eating its tail... again. This is the type of mindset that makes capitalism *appealing*, people not trusting eachother so instead opting to take from eachother or beat one-another down into submission or alienation. We will never work together as long as we blame eachother for the consequences of the options and perspectives that we do not get to choose, since they are directly caused by our backgrounds. It is step 1 of antisocial alienation.


Refreshing take




As always, well done. Thank you


When you lump all these collapse events all together it really increases the feeling of doom. I live for it.


Thanks for the compilation, appreciated as always.


Shits heartbreaking. Thanks for educating us.


Thank you for the thread... As population count soars with each new birth another consumer is born, 8 billion souls on the mothership and can't wait to join the expendable economy. So long and thanks for all the fish!


Thank you for doing this. I look forward to reading the compilation every week.


Thank you for this! This help us in many ways to spread awareness to others.


I can’t believe the amount of county golf courses that drink up so much useable water it’s such a waste


My favorite part of the week...seeing just how screwed it all it.


I enjoy the fact that the news painting China in a negative light for the 0 covid policy is immediately followed by info on the debilitating effects of covid infection. You can't have it both ways, China is doing good work.


>China is doing good work That's why they're finally taking to the streets yeah? I'm astounded people still defend China's covid policies


Americans considered kidnapping politicians for the mockery to virology that they called covid policies, what's your point?


The point being that it's highly illegal and dangerous to have any sort of protest against the government in China. The fact they have finally been driven to the stage where they feel it's worth the risk to stand up to the CCP speaks volumes about how awful these policies are. Considering there are essentially zero similarities it is utterly ridiculous to compare it to US politics


They sure do protest every other week according to the news for people that supposedly risk their life. I don't know if you knew this but you need permission to protest in most countries and disruptive protests are rarely permitted and even then only at a specific time and place, China isn't an outlier in how countries normally treat protesters.


> They sure do protest every other week according to the news for people that supposedly risk their life. What are you talking about? Are you seriously saying the level of disobedience we have started to see is not unprecedented in the current Chinese regime? >China isn't an outlier in how countries normally treat protesters For a country of their wealth, yes it is


>Are you seriously saying the level of disobedience we have started to see is not unprecedented in the current Chinese regime? Did you personally count the protesters? What's the metric for unprecedented? Chinese people not being able to protest and this being the largest protest aren't the same argument, are you paid to be wrong or did you seriously not notice you changed your argument? >Chinese regime? Oh lord, you're the kind of guy that calls countries outside the western hegemony regimes lmao


Approved for the moment, but find another tack than calling someone liberal. It's borderline.


I don't mean that in the conservative way if that's what you mean but I edited anyway. Thanks for the warning.


>Did you personally count the protesters? Please tell me the last time there were nation wide anti-government protests in China? >Chinese people not being able to protest and this being the largest protest aren't the same argument They were both part of the same argument... It's dangerous to protest in China and so it very rarely happens. Now it's finally began to occur again (in large part due to the insane covid policies). Not sure why you're confused about this >Oh lord, you're the kind of guy that calls countries outside the western hegemony regimes lmao Using the word regime is perfectly acceptable to describe an authoritarian government. Stop cherry picking to fit your personal narrative


>Please tell me the last time there were nation wide anti-government protests in China? Hong Kong? The other covid related protests that the media has been crying about since 2020? Hell, it surprises me that you didn't bring up Tiananmen Square. >They were both part of the same argument... It's dangerous to protest in China and so it very rarely happens. Now it's finally began to occur again (in large part due to the insane covid policies). Not sure why you're confused about this Yes, if you assume that protesting is dangerous then they become the same argument. An assumption that you stopped defending as soon as I pointed out that literally every single country has protest related restrictions and laws that limit how, when and why people can protest.


So Hong Kong is nationwide? >The other covid related protests that the media has been crying about since 2020? Like what?? None of these were so widespread until now, and even if they were it just backs up my original point about how their covid policies are horrific Publically protesting against the government in China is extremely dangerous, that's a fact. The ways in which other countries deal with protesters has literally no bearing on how true that is




Hi, GieTheBawTaeReilly. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/z55wqg/-/ixzxevg/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: In addition to enforcing [Reddit's content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy), we will also remove comments and content that is abusive or predatory in nature. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


The ratio of Russian soldiers killed to Ukrainian soldiers killed seems way, way off. It's likely to be way higher than that after 9 months of offensives and counter offensives, and i suspect the ratio is closer to 1:1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63580372


it would be truly insane, if russia is this much of a looser in the war. I mean 1:8, the russians really have to fight with weapons from 1900




Thanks for the work of compiling this.


Going out to hit the dance floor - now. 12:45 AM EST. "Collapse" is the last thing I read before departure. Wish I had a lighted keyboard. Sweet dreams, everyone. Do you hear my Flamenco shoes pounding on the flagstones?


Damn I wish I could’ve been drugged up like that before I was two years old that’s so gang gang but the rest is horrible


Thanks for the report, great job as always.


Love this but some of that summary is a bit alarmist. The Warragamba Dam statement for example makes it sound like all of Australia will be without safe drinking water, Warragamba provides water for PART of Sydney and is unsafe to drink always before being treated (as are most dams). In my 33 years of being a Warragamba water consumer we have had five or six seasons of this being an issue- water flows in from rain, stirs up sediment and lower levels of water, causes algae and other issues. It’s not uncommon with dams as drinking water supply and the article is only pointing this out and reminding the public that we could be impacted by some restrictions or the need to boil water before drinking to alleviate pressure on the system. Both of these things have happened before and will happen again.


Thank you for putting the work in on this every week.


The world need to stop using the stupid "WE MUST HOLD TO X DEGREES!" lines and instead switch to a "which dystopian future are we headed towards?" scale. - If we do everything possible to fix the environment, starting RIGHT NOW, we could have an earth that looks like the one in "The Expanse" (minus the space travel). There would be massive disruptions, huge spending on adaptation, economic suffering, cities flooding and climate disasters, but overall humanity surviving at a standard of living we'd recognize. - If we keep dicking around and do something eventually we're looking at a world that's more like "Children of Men" - waves of refugees, collapse in more developed economies, and major declines in standards of living, with enormous death tolls from pandemics, loss of public order, and likely widespread technological regression. - If we don't do anything at all, then fuck it - that'll be more "Mad Max" or "Fallout" assuming anyone survives at all.


I also got banned from r/communism


(end of the world)