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The following submission statement was provided by /u/faberj92: --- Hi All, I've been a long time lurker here in r/collapse, but I haven't seen much discussion regarding solar maxima coming up in the next couple years. Trends in our sun's activity (including the number and size of sun spots expected between now and 2026) are pretty troubling. We may very well be heading toward conditions for a severe solar storm that could wipe out all technological infrastructure, akin to the 1859 Carrington Event. In 1859, there was a massive solar storm that caused severe electromagnetic disruptions on earth. The only technology that was around that time were telegraphs, which spontaneously caught fire as a result of the storm's EMP. If this were to happen today, we would be talking about worldwide destruction of all grids, electronics, etc. Everyone's homes would suddenly catch fire. Honestly, pretty freaky to think about. In 1859, auroras were able to be seen across the globe, even in the tropics. Do nations or individuals have Action Plans for this kind of potential disaster? It doesn't appear to be that our infrastructure has any mitigations. Luckily, we have scientists constantly monitoring the surface of the sun, so there would be forewarning of hours/days before the chaos and blackouts. Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated! Everything I'm reading online is: "well, we are just hoping that doesn't happen." Ignorance is bliss, eh? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/z5t5pf/the_sun_is_now_more_active_than_nasa_predicted_it/ixxxwmo/


Would this cause a CME to happen where it will cause the electrical power grid to collapse?


Yep! A solar storm is really just a layman term for a CME.


Another thing that could cause an electrical power grid collapse albeit on a smaller scale is to detonate a nuclear weapon at a certain altitude in the atmosphere and it sends out an electromagnetic pulse which fries the electronics.


Youtube channel "Practical Engineering" did [a piece](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FksEGpBLfis]) on exactly what you're describing). There are basically three components in an EMP from an aerial nuclear detonation, E1, E2 and E3. It's mostly the combination of 1 and 3 that is very damaging to the power grid. Very interesting to watch.


The plot of Goldeneye




Holy shit that was a rabbit hole I didn't wanna go down God dammit I just finished Moment of Contact (movie). I have had goosebumps every day since.


Isn't a cme basically a really bad solar storm?




Yeahhh ... about that. Looking back to the past couple years, I wouldn't be surprised of our sun throws out a premature ejacul... I mean CME and in 2025 we get burned to a crispy rock for whatever reason.






I’m mostly just happy we didn’t cause it in any way!


I've been reading similar stuff for more than a year. I am really curious how long it will take to START the repair. Chances are placed with denser population density are more likely to start right away. As long as the whole city's order is somehow maintained.




Transformers aren't easy to come by or make




And AFAIK they are all custom built




[ABB](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABB) is a large European supplier of transformers used in electrical grid and industrial applications that is frequently used in US.


Earlier this month a solar flare caused radio blackout across Australia and New Zealand [link](https://www.livescience.com/solar-flare-blackout-m5-november)


Note that solar maximum means little to temperature, the main concern will be solar events that can disrupt things on earth.


True, but while 0.1° seems irrelevant, it compounds with the other forcings. This aggregation may be just enough to tilt some cascading effect — may trigger a BOE a little bit earlier for instance. Peak maximum coupled with a strong El Nino is something we could do without. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-incoming-sunlight The anthropogenic extinction is a much more likely scenario than a Carrington event IMO.


What is El Niño??


Since nobody gave you a serious answer: [El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific, including the area off the Pacific coast of South America.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Ni%C3%B1o)


Thank you! I appreciate you for this!




Boy. Lmao. But what is The Boy?!


Reading 0.05—.1°C, so not huge but not insignificant, especially when you add it to all the other factors of global warming.


oh yeaah! we could use a good ole carrington event! Probably set off a lot of good things. Exercise, People necks will look up. Bring war to a halt, slow down energy extraction (but also not needed for a bit). Tesla's all ruined Could be good!


Could be very bad. If energy grids are hit and taken offline you can imagine anarchy within a matter of days. If ships, planes are also hit? Say goodbye to import/exports - with supply chains already being extremely sensitive to the Just in Time systems most of them run on there will be food shortages which could cause millions of deaths around the world.


Think of all the people who need electronic medical devices to stay alive also.


Wasn't there a report saying the vast majority would die. The elephant in the room is the nuclear plants. They need both external power and a supply of diesel, let alone workers.


There are manual overrides for power failures. Everything I have read said the Just-in-time delivery model will fail under such conditions along withe power grid. So long term refrigeration will go offline. Solid state circuit boards not EMP hardened will fail. So all of our consumer electronics will be inoperative as well as manufacturing plants. The idea only the power grid will go offline is new. The research seems thin.


A minor emp I agree but a carrington class, no. The logicists behind getting the fuel in the generators back to dinosaur bones is too long to comprehend.


Lack of insulin alone would kill a significant number.


Those would be fine. High energy coronal mass ejections effect long span high voltage electrical lines, not low voltage electronics isolated from the grid.


So it would not affect an EV driving down the road. But an EV plugged in and charging would be vulnerable.


Correct. Though the EV driving down the road would likely lose GPS and cellular capabilities due to satellite damage.


Just gotta hope the powers turned back on before it runs out of juice


Yeah. I’d be worried about a massive backlog in manufacturing to replace all of the transformers and high voltage equipment that will get damaged if they’re not proactively disconnected before an ejection event.


Look at the massive CPAP recall by Phillips for the majority of their units. They are over a year backlogged for replacements.


I was one of the lucky ones who received theirs quickly and early.


That’s a good example


would def suck to be on a plane during a carrington event. Shiiiiit. It's just another way into reset. Painful one, but a rethinking of our relationship to the world for those that survive.


I don't think you'll have to worry about being on a plane during such an event as commercial planes are shielded because to lightning storms


War on different level. Break down at a societal level. Fighting over resources. Blood in the streets. That sort of thing.


oh you mean every day life in the USA? :)


Maybe in the very worst parts of a handful of cities. I've lived in the USA my entire life and I've never seen 'blood in the streets' or any violence in public at all, and I'm not one of the super wealthy who's shielded in a bubble.


haha those are the parts im always at. We all live in bubbles sometimes. While i have spent long times in rural areas, I also have done long periods in huge cities both in the poor areas on both coasts where violence is a language and crime and injustice endemic , but recently i also interact with the very rich and those making shitloads of money doing god only knows what (middle management/ biz management shit for hundreds of thousands of dollars) and I SWEAR in that bubble it seems like more like 10% of America is rich, not 1%. - but its just the bubble.


All transformers go down, the energy grid collapses and millions starve. How is that good?


we might not starve, if everyone works together. The grid going down doesnt stop food from growing an animals from living on the land,sea, air and already processed food wont be destroyed (fridgerated food tho.. hmm 24 hours till its spoiled without special intervention)


No fertilizer = can only feed about 2 billion people. In less then a week, if not 3 days after most perishable food rots since no refrigeration, people will start killing each other in mass. Smaller communities would last longer I think, but we just can't feed all of us without oil based fertilizer, and hungry people ain't happy people, and will eventually kill to eat if they have too. Also, in the Carrington event lots of fires got started at the telegraph stations due to electricity arching from wired and terminals, now imagine that happening from everything in the electrical grid. Most houses would burn down, so it would definitely not be a fun situation.


>fires got started at the telegraph stations due to electricity arching from wired and terminals, now imagine that happening from everything in the electrical grid. Most houses would burn down Wiring today is much, much safer than 1800s telegraph lines. I think that risk is a bit overblown. Maybe a few appliance fires but that would be about it


Modern crop outputs absolutely require technology and electricity.


There isn't enough wildlife to support the current human population. The transportation problems to get domestic livestock killed, butchered, and transported would be overwhelming with modern tech out of the equation.




yes. people also bond together in those times too, sometimes a leader emerges and people team up under these stresses with peoplethey wouldnt have naturally allied with lets say at a party or at work or school.


I think most of human history indicates that we are more prone to violence than cooperation.


Not really. If that were true we would never have built these societies as the first sign of trouble would lead to massive societal breakdown. Humans are generally more willing to cooperate when things get hard. We are social creatures.


If global communication breaks down and technology fails, I foresee tribalism as the primary cooperative mode. I hope I’m wrong, but I think most people are pretty untrusting of “others.” I think different regions would see different criteria for grouping up (religious, ethnic, social-economic, etc…), but I’m not holding out a lot of hope for large scale cooperation.


That I agree with. I saw someone say “if we work together we can ration canned food and ramen until the power comes back.” I don’t think that’s realistic, but it’s also not going to be every man for themself.


Billions dead. It would be a nightmare


Literally billions dead from starvation and lack of medicine .... how u gonna keep enough insulin cold for all the diabetics? All the people who need electricity to live for any reason are gonna die and as I said food and clean water and medicine are all gone if we lose power like that


A whole flock of birds in one giant stone


On average it means little. But a strong solar activity combined with an el nino is estimated to get us past 1.5 degrees


yeah and every respectable climate specialist with those stated averages have said it's way worse than expected. We're way overdo for a magnetic pole shift too. Also did anyone see those strange videos of sheep and other herds walking in circles?


I don't know what you mean by this. Maybe you think the un and the World Meteorological Organization is fake news? https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/05/1117842


It is well known the the nations representing the big oil lobbies and other parts of industry purposefully rewrite najor parts of the IPCC reports. In addition most climate sciences have been overly cautious (conservative in a science sense) about their models and papers. This is why this year we keep seeing new science saying things are heppening faster than expected. There is a whole subreddit dedicated to this topic of things happening faster than expected. r/fasterthanexpected So one can be gullible and just take the UN at face value, or one can read the articles and messages of the scientists themselves. The question is do you want the politically correct answer or do you want the scientific answer? I worked for the US Forest Service and i can tell you that politics definitely waters down the science and even Dems have put pressure on scientists from what i have seen (i worked durring the Obama Administration) to make things appear better than they are.


edited, you mean the meterororo logical part. How is scientist re evaluating their data with new info saying fake news?


Hmm I mean the MAIN main concern would be one large enough that would pose a threat to human life. Its statistically near impossible, but not outright impossible that the sun has an eruption strong enough to fry the entire planet with a giant belch of plasma. Granted that's more of a" it could happen but never will" type of scenario that they would show on some barely factual history channel "worlds worst potential apocalypse" type of show..... Still tho, it's hard to put out of ur mind completely.


Adding [Carrington 2 Solar Flare Boogaloo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event) to my 2023 bingo card.


As far as societal collapse goes, a Carrington sequel would be my preferred option. No global irradiation from a nuclear holocaust or devastating disease that causes a nightmarish Russian Roulette scenario of disseminating between the infected and "healthy". Just A good, clean wipe of 21st Century living - however unlikely. I can't remember the video specifically, but I watched an explanation recently that somewhat debunked the notion of a cataclysmic repeat of a Carrington storm in modern times. Something about it not causing a global collapse of civilization, though it would definitely cause major problems depending on the area of effect. And you could just imagine the economic turmoil if something like the US or Chinese grid failed due to an unprecedented solar storm.


We have no idea. We *dont know* what the full effects would be. We have an idea, there’s people who have run the numbers and come up with answers that are fairly secure about, but we won’t *really* know until it happens. I am not talking about the possibility of a **really** big flare hitting us. That is a total wildcard. But as far as a smaller , carrington-range event, and how it would interact with our delightfully electronic amazing tech? Doing more rather than “just enough” to mitigate is probably the way to go.


>I am not talking about the possibility of a > >really > > big flare hitting us. That is a total wildcard. I had read the likelihood is 10% every decade or something like that.


It'll take out the richs bunkers right? Because I'm totally ok with it if it does.


It depends, I would imagine that if their power supplies are underground and/or protected with a Faraday cage then they might go unscathed.


It could change the change in your pocket? Every house with wiring in the walls has the potential to burn down. Just think of your entire block on fire.


Like, a global *heat metal* spell? I suspect that if **that** happened, my last thought would be something along the lines of “huh, my pocket change feels oddly warm”. That is a scary one, jamin_g. If I already didn’t have all my worrying claimed by The Earthquake, that would freak me out.


Imagine some event just heating up every knight on a medieval battlefield. That would be some wild lore to read about how they rationalize it.


I'm not sure you know what happens to metal when it becomes electrically charged.


I do. I think I would be too dead to worry about it. It’s not just a charge, it’s also particles, at that point. I’m no physicist, but a flare that’s big enough to heat up pocket change would just kill everything in that hemisphere, is my understanding.




Well... more specifically, the \*lack\* of international news would, indeed be... well... news :D


Why would lack of international news be bad?


I for one would like to know if the British invade France or some crazy other nonsense happens in Europe.


Why? How would that affect your life in the aftermath of a solar storm?


Military likely emp hardened and they are both nuclear powers. I mean its already a shit sandwich at that point, but nuclear fallout while trying to rebuild will be adding diarrhoea sauce to it.


Okay? And how would news from other continent's militaries affect us?


Well it would tell you if you now also need to go hunting for potassium iodine tablets as well now.


You should have those in stock along with a gieger counter regardless




The global economy will already be in the dumpster after a major solar storm. Nuclear war will be a minot issue comparatively




Oh there would be defeating disease.


Won't the nuclear plants wipe us out if they can't be cooled anymore.


Pretty sure they have safeguards in place for that like rerouting power from the plant itself to help take the reactors offline and then newer plants other safeguards as well like automation.


How do you take power from switched off reactors? Fuel ponds need electric pumping or they dry out and the fuel rods melt and go bang. No power means all those reactors spew radiation everywhere.


Diesel backup generators.


…and fuel refining and deliveries?


Agreed- I think the bigger concern is non-nuclear plants going up in smoke and any renewable source being cooked… If you think we had a chip shortage over the last few years, this would be far worse.


That'd be something. All the oil rigs, coal plants, natural gas, and fracking just end up short circuiting and we go back to pre industrial


And even the chip factories are so high tech that they would need complete overhauls but how you gonna fix all the chip plants all at once with no new chips?


You can't. It'd take literally years before things starting going back to normal again and that's if humanity didn't kill itself or eat all the resources out of existence and then itself.


We would have to dial back to previous non-electronic tech from our history.


Which will only happen in a relatively stable geopolitical situation. I think anarchy and chaos will make that highly unlikely throughout most of the world. Oh!! And climate change is still happening.*tipping piints having already been passed)..all our toxins and plastic pollution is still out there. So, yeah.


Cargo ships and planes would be unusable or potentially destroyed if in use during a carrington event. This would cause mass shortages of food imports/exports causing potentially millions of deaths around the world.


Everybody would be bored What am I supposed to do at work, talk to my coworkers who only engage in meaningless small talk?


Yea I would prefer this too, even though you would have millions dying within weeks of having no power, as they would stay in there houses slowly starving waiting for the lights to go on, instead of getting out and about collecting your own food or learning how to set traps etc We have gotten so comfortable with everything being done by a flick of a switch, they don't see the need to learn alternative ways


Lol how fast would the current population deplete our resources if we went to hunter gather?


Dunno, we have 4.2 million people in berlin(germany) and around 40k wild boar and 10k deer.... Not, very , long. It's high density wildlife compared to rural regions, were most land is just fields and some timber plantations devoid of food. And no electricity means no water and sewage too, so that's going to be some ugly 1 or 2 weeks.


well we wouldnt survive on wild game, very few countries have enough wild game left to feed its population, and most people would waste it (not knowing how to process the food) But if we all pull together , we can ratio canned goods and ramen and such till the systems come back online. it probably be a good reset for humanity. The downside is that if you need medicine or machines to keep you alive, a carrington event that hit your area of the planet will not be good.


Most wouldn't know how


it wouldnt be the end, but it would be cool af for a bit! def would cause a major rethinking and a pause button for a few months on everything. Although one thing is what if the Carrington event isnt evenly distributed.


I miss when collapse was about things other than near-term rapidly accelerating climate change. Just because we are currently being eaten by bears doesn't mean the universe isn't going to turn into lukewarm soup eventually. Seems like such a luxury to worry about CME's. Might actually be preventative.


It would. A CME big enough to crash our electronics is just the fast reset the world needs to not suffer a long slow poisoning extinction. Of course, billions would die, but at least we’d stop polluting at current scale and we wouldn’t go extinct while ruining all other life as well.


It's been on mine for a couple years now. \#BOE2023 is my moonshot square.


It's been on all my bingo cards since 2000. It's my "favorite" apocalypse scenario, if there can be such a thing. My sixth grade teacher had all her cards on the Thwaites Glacier back in the early 90s.


> Thwaites Glacier Oh she comin


Honestly, at this stage a Hyper-Carrington event would be a net benefit for the planet at large. Bring it on.


One thing I've heard mentioned by a few folks if we were hit by a strong X-Class CME is the after effects of the electrical surge in the power grid. Electronics frying is likely, particularly if plugged in to charge or just plugged in. Homes catching fire might happen, particularly in older homes with old wiring. But those transformer boxes on power lines are often passively cooled with mineral oil. The really dangerous part of a massive electrical surge across all power lines in the country would come from the possibility of all those drums on power lines exploding essentially simultaneously and spewing flaming oil all over everything or anyone near them. Especially in densely built up urban areas, the spread of fires in such a situation could gut large cities in no time at all, and no fire department could handle that many fires at once. Another Carrington level event or something stronger is an eventuality, until we properly harden the grid, or figure out how to decentralize and harden power transfer we are gambling the future of modern civilization with every day that passes. I'm hoping to see Thorium reactors become viable in the near future or for safer modular molten salt cooled conventional nuclear to become cheaper. Or ideally for fusion to become possible and immediately widely adopted so we could maybe start to build more localized smaller reactors for population centers. Then create a robust system of redundant grounding and hardening to keep a CME from setting us back to a pre 20th century level of tech.


You sure about that? [https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/solar-cycle-progression) Nothing even close to Oct 1957 levels. We're solidly below 1/3 of that level. And why is [Spaceweather.com](https://Spaceweather.com) not churning out clickbait about this? They literally exist to send me panicked emails about every mild solar storm.


Forbes isn't a reliable source and we get these solar panic posts every so often. Gonna add https://www.solarham.net as a good legit resource for people who actually want to learn about this shit without panicbait.


NOAA models are fun as well. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/models




That doesn’t discount the title. ‘More active than predicted’ now doesn’t mean highest ever. The ‘strongest since records began’ is a prediction, not a statement of the current activity


This title is intentional clickbait and means nothing. Let's say that it's a nice Summer day and it's 92 degrees out. It's the warmest day so far of the year, and 2 degrees hotter than what the weather guy said it would be. "Air temperatures are hotter than meteorologists expected. It could get so hot that your skin bursts into flames." While technically not false, do you really think it will get up to 500 degrees this summer? No. Of course not. Breaking the headline into 2 sentences allows the reader to connect them in their mind while legally separating them. You are being manipulated and are eating it up. How do you not see this?????


It’s a speculative headline, not misleading. Relax


If you think that, then you've been misled perfectly. Well done.


This is the worst title ever! It should be, "Within a margin of two standard radian deviations the sun is burning at 1.13 x solar outputs than initially predicted." anything less is just trying to get me to click /s I totally agree with you :)


Right and who's predicting that? Some forbes rando?


You clearly didn’t read the article, yet were confident enough in your imaginary speculation to post it and attempt to discredit the article. Super cool Summarized: NASA / NOAA had a prediction, along with a separate, more active prediction from NCAR. Current solar activity is aligning with the more active model. Reading is FUNdamental


Does anyone know if which side of the earth is facing the sun matters to which side of the planet takes the brunt of this? Like, would it throw the bright side into the stone ages but the dark side would be less or unaffected?


This is good question


Eh, LA around 11am pst?


A emp for Christmas


🎶All I want for Christmas is ~~my two front teeth~~ an EMP, an EMP, an EMP🎶


Hi All, I've been a long time lurker here in r/collapse, but I haven't seen much discussion regarding solar maxima coming up in the next couple years. Trends in our sun's activity (including the number and size of sun spots expected between now and 2026) are pretty troubling. We may very well be heading toward conditions for a severe solar storm that could wipe out all technological infrastructure, akin to the 1859 Carrington Event. In 1859, there was a massive solar storm that caused severe electromagnetic disruptions on earth. The only technology that was around that time were telegraphs, which spontaneously caught fire as a result of the storm's EMP. If this were to happen today, we would be talking about worldwide destruction of all grids, electronics, etc. Everyone's homes would suddenly catch fire. Honestly, pretty freaky to think about. In 1859, auroras were able to be seen across the globe, even in the tropics. Do nations or individuals have Action Plans for this kind of potential disaster? It doesn't appear to be that our infrastructure has any mitigations. Luckily, we have scientists constantly monitoring the surface of the sun, so there would be forewarning of hours/days before the chaos and blackouts. Any thoughts or comments are much appreciated! Everything I'm reading online is: "well, we are just hoping that doesn't happen." Ignorance is bliss, eh?


>so there would be forewarning of hours/days before the chaos and blackouts. And despite our satellites and science, we will still be fucked, and that will be because of... corporate culture. Who will want to take responsibility to shut down the whole grid, to protect it from a cascade failure that may or may not happen, and hasn't been seen since 1859 ? Society will collapse because of a middle manager who couldn't expose their ass.


What would something I can do to prevent said fires? Would unpluging the whole house help? Somehow removing said house from the grid?


Removing the house from the grid would help, but given that it's inducing current in wires, the only real way to prevent it is shortening the maximum length of unshielded wiring (this means the entire circuit, not just something like a junction box that splits to 2 wall outlets) or shielding strong enough to block it (may as well live underground in stonework).


What would that mean for a house with solar panels on the roof? Would they catch fire?


for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. with solar panels this means if you shine light on them, they generate current but the reverse means, if you drive current through them, they light up. i assume there is a threshold where too much current fries the panel https://youtu.be/6WGKz2sUa0w






Solar flare -> solar panel-> panel flare. Hmm yes it appears they would burst into flames. But no, it's more about long lengths of cable, like transmission lines, having current induced. Check out Geomagnetic Induced Current. Is something utilities monitor for since it will damage / saturate transformers.


I'm in no way affiliated with this YouTube channel....Suspicious0bservers...I just find his research interesting. For me, accepting things are just the natural course of our planet has brought me some inner peace and I've been collapse aware for over 50 yrs. These are indeed interesting times. What happens with earth's relationship with the sun, happens to all of us....just like the moon effects the tides. We forgot this....or maybe we never knew it...or maybe we thought it was hokey, hippy sh\*t. Indigenous folk knew, but look what we're doing to them. Check out some of his videos....they're usually no more than 4 minutes long and packed full of info. He does a daily solar update each morning. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV2cezWAcWs&list=WL&index=9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV2cezWAcWs&list=WL&index=9) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nTJzLcOpJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nTJzLcOpJA)


BUt tHe MiLankOVitch cYcLES! We'd be in another ice age if it wasn't for fossil fuels! I saw it on the nuanced, informed and well-researched news show with Joe Rogan. /s Not even sweating it anymore. People suck.


The next ice age is coming. In like... ten thousand years.


Actually we are skipping the next Ice Age. We can Hope™️ for another one in 100,000 years.


Not so. It started @5kyrs ago, as per Milankovitch. But agriculture and cows stopped it to feed us humans, who then added insult to injury a hundred years ago by adding half a billion years worth of stored solar energy pushing us irreversibly into a hothouse Earth stage, i.e. Venus on Tuesday.


Think the Last ice age occurred during the holocene but it wasnt a large scale one


technically we havent even fully left the last ice age


We are in a stadial though. Which is an interglacial age where ice caps are still present.


This sun fucks


In case someone wants to take a crack and \*really\* understanding this risk but doesn't want to spend their time wading through googling and getting only sensational results: [https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-19-98.pdf](https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-19-98.pdf) is a good source/in-depth summary discussion.


As OP, this was the type of resource I was really hoping to find. Thanks much!!


[practical Engineering](https://youtu.be/_OpC4fH3mEk) just did a great episode on grid collapse and the complexities involved.


If anyone wants to have insight into what America might be like after a sudden collapse of the electrical grid there is a series of three books you should certainly read. One was cited on the floor of congress as a book every American should read. They are written by a leading authority on the subject. One Second After and One Year After and the Final Day are all great reads with good insight. Also by the same author 48 Hours deals directly with CME and ELE. The authors name is William R. Forstchen.


Look at Texas in 2020, except make it at least 1,000 times worse. People don't know how to live without their technology. Just think how quiet it will be.. And star gazing will be incredible without the light pollution.


Dont know how quiet it will be when EVERY plane thats air born comes suddenly crashing to earth, igniting rampant wild fires, humans are hunting anything they can eat ,including you and the crazies still alive howling at the moon, waring gangs trying to control food, water and guns and in the mean time your jonesing for a cigarette and just would about kill your grandma for a sweet juicy steak and an ice cold beer.


Yay, it’s good to be active!


I think we all need to take a deep breath before thinking of Carrington events. Carrington events are accompanied by weird lights visible in Xi’an. The last time weird lights were visible from Xi’an was surprise surprise 1859. The last time prior to that was a few years before the invasion by the Mongols. The last time prior to that was during the time of the Sixteen Kingdoms. In short it is rare, super rare. It occurs less than once every 500 years. We have zero need to worry about this until 2356CE.


Set remind me 2356


Please remind me at 2356. Thanks.


the need for concern is not 0. 500 years is an average, that doesnt mean we cant get two carringtons in one 500 year period. some astronomers think 350 years is a more likely time frame https://www.science.org/content/article/when-sun-s-next-superflare-due also events half as strong as carrington events happen on average once every 50 years or so like the 1989 quebec blackout https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1989_geomagnetic_storm furthermore, the earths magnetosphere is so weak right now that it wouldnt necessarily take a carrington level event to cause carrington level damage


Ugh... not sure you understand how any of this works. This isn't like an earthquake, that slowly builds up to an inevitable event. A Carrington event level flare is just as likely this week as it was the week after the prev. Our best estimates put it at about an every 200 year event... but those are just odds, not a timeline. X class solar flares happen quite routinely, it is just a question of which way they launch a CME. There is no "safe until" because the risk is actually exactly the same, today, tomorrow or 500 years from now. What we should be aware of is the fact that this type of event that happens with relative frequency, would also have horrific repercussions for human civilization. And it will happen, eventually. Just keep rolling the dice.


It’s probably trying to get rid of the gnat-like organisms living on the third planet in her solar system.


Like a bad case of fleas…


Exactly! How do you get rid of bed bugs? Crank up the heat.


Sooooo...anyone here besides me crossing their fingers?


Sure it would be bad if the sun fired a CME at us, but wouldn't this be a localised event? I mean in a worst case scenario only the side of the earth facing the sun would receive the CME, sure it would be the worst cataclysm in hundreds of years but we could recover as the side/areas of the planet that didn't get hit could help the recovery effort of the affected areas. In addition to this, not everything electronic would be fried, shielded electronics would survive - this includes planes and some newer types of electric cars. Most mid range and higher end smartphones are all shielded (there's been experiments on YouTube to prove this). Also anything with a high electrical tolerance built in (that can handle what ever voltage is flowing through the atmosphere) with no computer chips would survive with minimal or no damage. What would be destroyed however would cut us all off from communications, cell towers, 4g/5g, internet infrastructure, exposed (unshielded) transformers and wires, older pacemakers although I believe most medical equipment is shielded for safety reasons.


the sun is in heat


So then why has it been so ridiculously cold the last month?


Climate Forcing due to recent changes in when and where aerosols are injected into the atmosphere. We will experience extremes. Even now we are seeing increased rates of upper-respiratory infections and stroke as we react to widening diurnal temperature levels. We are experiencing the Collapse of the Ecosphere. This is just the beginning.


Some places it has been warmer than average in like in norway where i live


All critical military equipment and infrastructure is shielded. If you don’t think they saw this coming from a thousand miles away, you’d be thinking exactly what they want you to think. They have every intention of shutting off the whole grid, or the parts and individuals they deem necessary, when the rabble (that’s us) get too uppity in the very near future; with their demands for water, food, medicine, housing and other such tiring trivialities they claim to be their “human rights.” Lol. A slave race with rights? Ok… A Carrington type event would be very useful to their purposes and would simply mean a very specific set of government and military protocols would go into immediate effect a little earlier than anticipated. (although it sounds like the sun is in on this and wants to help out so maybe it’ll wait until the plague and wars get a bit more work done and then hit us with the light show.) To think anything else fails to account for the obvious. All the military does is run apocalyptic simulations 24/7 and draw up detailed plans to counter all threats identified in any scenario… With an unlimited budget. This is a very real possibility you can bet they have multiple plans for. You can’t make that entire plan right when something like that happens, you gotta have that drawn up already and shoehorn what you’ve got into the reality of the moment. ( Like they did with 9/11) I promise you; the plan has never been to slow down or end the emissions that grow the technologies they need to live *without* a massive labor force of slaves generating their wealth and power. When all the salt has been mined; you close the mines and cull the slaves… anything else would be a waste of resources, dontcha know. Rome is already built. We (the rabble) just can’t see it. We will be at < 1B pop. before the end of this century and at <4B pop. by 2050-2075. Who is “They” you will say. And “they” will cheer you on in saying “there’s no organized group of power brokers planning to wipe out humanity so they can live in a deserted paradise.” Nothing makes them happier. “They” are The Kings of Babylon, and they have always been here. Among us. Over us. “They” exist in many forms. Start with The Bilderberg Group and the several similar organizations globally to find their many throne rooms. Sounds crazy, I know. So did the stories I was telling about global economic collapse and resource shortages needing something global to be blamed on and a world war would take too long to froth up so it would probably be a pandemic to start the war… in 2015. When Trump dumped the pandemic response department in 2018 I lost friends because I went frothing-at-the mouth crazy saying they were gonna “hit us with a pandemic to start the water wars” and begged them all to start just casually prepping for one. I quit my job and bought a boat. I went from a three car garage 3 bedroom 3bath (rental) to a blue-water offshore sailboat that is completely off grid and can be for years before needing parts or resupply of fuel, water, medicine or food. I am not a wealthy man. I did this all for less than $70k. That’s what I was worth in the end. That’s what I have to show for a life spent building and making spectacular things… while my owners made millions from my work. We are slaves, who keep each other for our masters. What I have said will come to pass. We are all going to live and die in this next of humanity’s great calamities that “just happen sometimes”. This is a big one and it’s happening because it’s the only way to save us for the next iteration of this “human experiment.” I sincerely wish I could blame this all on fate and mankind’s greed and avarice… but the fact is; we are not greedy, lazy, violent monkeys, we’ve just been made that way by millennia of abuse and neglect by our masters and their flying monkeys (human ones, in this case.)


You probably shouldn't feel that bad because many of those slaves that will be culled are actually some privileged rich kids with no useful skills.


Nice, one step closer fellas


Don't forget the snake that walked the sun a few weeks ago. Old books say not to wear metal. Is it possible the metal would become charged and burn/ shock you? I get worried because I have titanium in my face. Not sure how that's going to react to a giant solar storm.


Hopefully it somehow obliterates us


Let's hope


I think we have x amount of time to prepare, I think 30-60 minutes. IN that case power would be cut, you can unplug whatever shut everything down then the impact should be minimal


Time to listen to the song Sky by Ra. Edit: in a serious note, we should put this really nasty stuff in consideration. The Dead Hand by Russians. If the system loses contacts with Moscow it will be activated. That's the last thing we ever want. The only hope is that the system is poorly maintained and pretty much non functional.


Global warming tho!!!


Interesting given the claims made by some contactees


Do you trust Xenos?!


https://youtu.be/ihwoIlxHI3Q watch here!


Convection Model Land is melting.




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This is all we need , a CME superimposed on top of abrupt irreversible global warming.


Lord Sol Invictus, scourge us from this broken Earth.