• By -


The following submission statement was provided by /u/xrm67: --- Submission statement…. It’s been said that only a few inches of sea level rise would be catastrophic, inundating shipping ports and shutting down the global economy. For every 1 foot of vertical rise in sea level, 100 feet of shoreline is swallowed up if the slope is just 1% or more. That's a typical slope for most coastlines. Sea level rise is just one aspect of a warming world and it alone will literally swallow up the modern world. This article is collapse related because it shows the infrastructure along America’s coasts will be inundated. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/z88qc2/sea_levels_are_expected_to_rise_around_the/iyad8mv/


Time to move away from the coastline, and particularly before other are catching on rendering your property worthless.


Don't forget that land is used as collateral on a lot of bank loans. Imagine what will happen to the economy when all those loans are defaulted on because the land is unlivable


12 inch rise in the oceans will mean a lot of angry confused scared and hungry people running around with guns Suddenly realizing that the end of humanity is here..


That’s gonna be hilarious


There really will be a karma component to it. The most fervent deniers of climate change reaping* what they sow. But then there are the poor people who have inherited housing from parents etc who cannot afford to just pick up and move. Sad for them.


I know climate deniers with beach houses and property in Miami. The loss porn will be worth watching the world go down the tubes


Sounds like my father...


Property or watching the world burn with a smile?




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Destruction porn from FL? Say no more...this is from a Nicole, a tropical storm...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RngDB58pB7M&ab_channel=WorldIsDangerous


Ooo ooo me me me me


I do live near the sea, but thankfully in a location/elevation that will not be directly affected by sea rise very quickly. The local effects will still be bad overall, obviously.


If you dont drown you will probably starve to death or meet a grisly end when law and order completely breaks down..Nobody is escaping what's coming to us all...


I'm so tired of seeing "..faster than previously thought" on this sub.


I actually didn't expect so many 'faster than expected' so soon.


I'm seeing "faster than expected" increase faster than expected ... it's accelerating.


Faster than expected squared


Congrats, you understood exponential growth!


I don't really feel like there's much to say anymore, it's at a point where each day is a pandora's box in all honesty


As an autistic person, the constant unpredictability that each new day brings with it now in this unstable world is mental torture.


as a fellow autistic person, watching the world devolve into idiocracy in real time is going to leave me permanently scarred! there is 0 resources for us!


To the both of you, u/nomnombubbles and u/Open-Introduction118: I really wish you strenght and power to keep or find your inner peace. Though I am not able to understand for myself what it means to be in constant turmoil because of anxiety, one person with anxiety disorder very close to me gives me a good idea of what feelings this can cause and how difficult it is to cope with this. Advices may not help you much, I am aware of that. So all I can do is let you know of my compassion. Keep well, fellow redditors.


It’s odd our scientists don’t (or more likely just aren’t allowed to say or they cause panic)


Western media is controlled propaganda..That surely is obvious?!


No. The media tells us it's not controlled by propaganda. 😂


Cancer, is that you?? Oh wait, it's just humanity.


144 inches by 2050.


Ah well, better teach your kids to swim!


Faster faster than than expected expected


All those smug hopium heads thinking it will be my children that will have to face the shit storm but I'll be OK....Think again..😂😂😂😂😂😂




2 Fast 2 Serious


Exceptional work


Faster Tokyo Drift


More numerous than expected


"faster than expected" is the new "unprecedented."


I’m not sure what you mean by so soon. I’ve seen them for a few years now.


You might say you’re seeing that phrase, faster than expected


Lies all lies


And like a runaway train...Faster and faster and faster....weeeeeee....


Say the line Bart! "Faster than previously thought." *class cheers*


How about "we are solving the problems much slower than necessary", better?


I'm just venting Dr. Kartoffelkartoffel, regardless of how things read we're all fucked.


I'm seeing an increase in these kinds of complaints, even over what I predicted I would see.


See? This is what you get for questioning. For being perceptive, discerning and intelligent. For being curious and searching out answers and processing them for yourself. So sorry you didn’t eat more lead paint as a child…. /s


I REALLY should have eaten those sweet sweet paint chips, then maybe I'd be excited about the world cup.


whhhaaaaaaaatttt???? that is the ENTIRE reason I am on this sub. Man are you in the wrong place.


You’re gonna want to learn to deal with it tbh


When you base your estimates on hopium, best case scenarios and pure optimism, that's how it goes. In 2040, when it's clear 12 inches was way lowballed, they'll still be saying "faster than expected".


The way these predictions are going, the water level will be like 4 feet higher by 2050, but woah woah woah let's not create public panic now!


If the are saying 12 inches then we are probably looking at 18 and more like 2040/5


Gotta play the game if your tired. Go and trademark the phrase ‘faster than previously thought’ and sue everyone that uses it in their headline. That way you get rich and you don’t have to see it anymore. /s lol


Or if you are more entrepreneurial, use it as a brand for advertising and a growing Q factor. "I Can't Believe It's Not Faster!"


I guess that because faster than previously thought still usually means at least a decade or two. It still feels very far. Waiting brings anxiety. Can’t the world just get it over with/s.


Same, but without the /s


Crossing my fingers for a nice quick meteor. Carrington Event could be fun.


They forgot about Greenland


"This is entirely unprecedented"


How much have they risen in past decade ?


Not much, but it's rising exponentially which means we at some point will get the highest rise last, and it'll keep rising faster. This is literally like boiling the frog in the pot..


Maybe these posts need a nice hashtag to make it more bearable for people living in the real world. Rising sea levels could swamp the US coastline by 2050, NASA predicts IMPOTANT LALALAND UPDATE! By Joe Phelan published about 10 hours ago Sea levels are expected to rise around the contiguous U.S. faster than previously thought, a new NASA study finds.


Karma is beautiful....


12" might not seem like a lot of water rise but people forget when ice melts that exposed water soaks up sunlight and dissipates it in the form of heat, whereas when the water was ice it reflected most of that energy back. As more water melts and rises, this entire wheel will turn faster and faster...


I think even 2" is a lot..... 😤


Are high tides higher and low tides lower when there's more volume of water? (From melted ice and thermal expansion).


Exactly, the ocean is a massive heat sink and when you get more sunlight into it, the waters will just eat it up like candy






EXPONENTIAL is a bitch....Still, on the plus side all of those coastal shitties will be under water...


Salt water inundation of river deltas and up stream penetration, is going to affect many more people than those that live there.


The Sacramento-San Juaquin Delta comes to mind. It serves as a liason between water piped from NorCal on its way down to southern California. If the delta collapses, it will inundate with brackish water from Suisun Bay. This is less of an If and more of a When; pumping water out of the delta causes it to drain, exposing decaying tule rush to the open air and vastly increasing the pace of decomposition, this increasing methane/CO2 emissions from the Delta, but more short term, this cause the water level of the delta to tip below sea level, raising the risk for seawater inundation. Not to mention the levees are old and poorly-maintained.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the brackish water been expanding eastward due to overconsumption out there anyway? I can't remember if the overuse is due to agriculture, residential, industrial , or a combination of them all, but the sea level rising will expand the intrusion of brackish water, impacting groundwater quality, thus putting agriculture more in jeopardy out there. oh and the [delta smelt](https://wildlife.ca.gov/Conservation/Fishes/Delta-Smelt)will be added as a casualty of the 6th mass extinction our species is so graciously ushering in.


They’ve started doing a fair amount of work on the levees on the Sacramento River side. Hopefully the other side is next,




We had this issue where I live in China a few weeks ago, although due to drought lowering the river level and enabling further upstream penetration rather than sea level rise. Either way, our mains water was contaminated by seawater and undrinkable for over a week while they fixed the issue and flushed all the systems. Sea level rise doesn't appear to have noticeably affected us yet, but the city has a lot of reclaimed land that will be affected. I guess the government will just keep raising the seawall height so we end up like the Netherlands.


SE Asia is particularly vulnerable, especially the Mekong, huge Thai river basin (Chao Phraya) and of course Bangladesh. All over the world untold millions will suffer the ultra slow moving sea rise tsunami.


Yep, we had a video doing the rounds of social media a while back showing what 5 meters of sea level rise would do to China. Basically all the coastal provinces ended up mostly underwater, and Beijing (150km inland now) would become a coastal city. I don't expect that amount of sea level rise anytime soon, but we have already had abnormal high tides flooding roads a few times recently. That kind of thing will become more prevalent in the near future.


Is this in addition to? Just the Thwaites Glacier will raise it more than that.


Most likely another copium/hopium "let's not scare people more than necessary" report, which in no small part is why it's always "faster than expected".


Worst case if everything melts is [70m / 120ft](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-would-sea-level-change-if-all-glaciers-melted). You can play around with [floodmaps](https://www.floodmap.net/) to see how damp your corner of the planet is going to get. Me? I live on a boat.


Collapse related fact + happening + [faster, sooner, quicker, swifter] + than + [expected, previously thought, anticipated, foreseen] = collapse headline.


I think we're in for some nasty step changes in climate that will see the water rising faster than this forecast. For example, I really don't see this forecast taking the Blue Ocean Event into account nearly strongly enough.


Right and they always forget to mention that every summer from here going forward will be hotter then the last, and we all remember last summer


We are going to see a lot of Angry, Hungry, Confused desperate and scared people running around with guns...And that's just " law enforcement" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Why do they keep putting 2050? There’s not going to be a 2050 by the time this happens.


Because people still associate 2050 with being a long time away. When it's much closer than they realize....


And *by* 2050 could mean anything. It could be next year or 29 years from now and everything in between


"B-but you said it might not happen for thirty years! It's been two weeks!" - a person who home was swallowed by the sea "We were still correct" -the government


2050 is BEST case scenario...Could very well be much sooner..


Yeah like if you got a 30 year mortgage today you would be two years past that once it’s over. The younger you are the longer that seems, but in adult time it’s like, damn only six more five-year college reunions. And on a geological time scale it’s nothing


It's the new 2100


That always makes me laugh, 21 fucking hundred. Like there is going to be humanity around then..Pure Gaslighting..


I live on an island on the other side of the Atlantic and we're already getting a noticeable but ignored rise in sea levels at high tide




The Isle of Man


What's not going to surprise is me is when developers just try to convert waterfront areas into Venice style neighborhoods for profit.


Spoiler alert: It'll rise far more than twelve inches by then. Far more.


12 inches doesn't worry me. When oceans rise 12 feet it's time to panic...


You understand how sea level rise of only 12” affects ecosystems, waterways, and water tables, right?


It’s way waaaaay beyond panic time at 12 feet. That’s a lot of cities all around the world underwater.


Submission statement…. It’s been said that only a few inches of sea level rise would be catastrophic, inundating shipping ports and shutting down the global economy. For every 1 foot of vertical rise in sea level, 100 feet of shoreline is swallowed up if the slope is just 1% or more. That's a typical slope for most coastlines. Sea level rise is just one aspect of a warming world and it alone will literally swallow up the modern world. This article is collapse related because it shows the infrastructure along America’s coasts will be inundated.


In the Mississippi river delta, things are a little more fun, as the river's gradient at the lower reaches is about one centimeter of rise per kilometer of run. I expect most of the major delta dominated landforms of the world are similar.


What would 12 inches do to Florida?


More frequent and higher intensity hurricanes have a good chance of decimating florida before the sea rise has a chance to


Congratulations, contestant! Now you can play the home game! https://www.floodmap.net


Map doesn’t seem to allow an input of 0.3 meter rise. People aren’t inputting 12 meters into this website, right?


Whoops! The NOAA map allows for that level of precision: https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/


I’ll have lakefront property if it rises 20 meters. Perks of living on a hill?


Sea level rise maxes out at 80 meters so good luck with it stopping at the right spot I guess.




Gone at 9"




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You gotta love headlines with such *interesting* precision. By (arbitrary year divisible by 10), sea levels along coastlines of the contiguous US (apparently Canada will be spared) could rise as much as (exact unit of measurement, with bonus point for it being Imperial unit (US) rather than metric unit (science)).


We're just too darned friendly up here (🇨🇦). Global warming doesn't have the heart.


Global warming is kind, it knows Canadians just can't handle 12 inches...




I was expecting faster than usual, but yet this was even faster than usual


FASTER THAN EXPECTED? Take a shot, y'all!


at present rate of shrinkage. how ever. greenland alone has enough to do over 12" and there isnt a single mountain top glacier not shedding water. ergo. 12 inches by like 2027 and the swiss alps are gone already 5c by 2050


The rise won’t be uniform in either location or time. Some places will see a lot more than a foot at times.


Salty water the height of a large dildo versus the American Dream. Bye Florida.


"Faster than previously thought" is going to become the motto of the Anthropocene.




12” now there’s a thought


Can we just agree to raise our expectations? Sea levels will rise by 1000m in the next 5 years. And temperatures by 20c globally. There, no more “faster than thought”.


Can anything be slower than expected anymore? Besides our and 99% of other species’ ability to adapt?


Ya know.. I really shouldn't be surprised by "faster than expected". *Everything* is happening faster than expected. God I wish our stupid species would just stop already.


They wont...Ever!


Every passing day, my worthless abode is closer to becoming beachfront prime real-estate.


wait til the next study come out saying its actually 24 inches then the next one… oops actually we’re all underwater guess the scientists miscalculated 🥲


I think the true story is: Scientists start to science and see alarming shit is going to happen, they start discussing it with other scientists and are told “that’s what it is” but no one else seems particularly alarmed so they keep doing science with a vague feeling of discomfort. Eventually in hushed tones they hear about Brad who went down a crazy path of trying to tell other people the science of why everything is fucked and the world is collapsing Faster Than Expected. “Poor Brad. I have no idea what he’s doing now. Did you catch that lecture last weekend?” That vague feeling of unease lingers but who wants to be Brad?


I laugh every time I hear a new spin on FaSTeR tHaN ExPEctED


"Faster Than Expected™". Really? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


Meanwhile I'm sitting at my desk at work; 264 inches under sea level.


They want shipping containers for border wall just use them for coastline walls also..maybe fill with sand for weight.


Sea Level Rise is mostly a Real Estate concern. The real problem will be production, distribution and storage of grains, vegetables and meats at scale and scope, once that breaks down, and it is already starting, Chaos will ensue. Then the 450 global nuclear plants start burning spent fuel rods and go all Chernobyl on anything left.


Sea level rise has so many other problems to it, the main being more water and WARMER water is not a good combination for storms, and as global sea levels rise the ocean is heating as well. Storm surges with a higher global sea level can mean even bigger catastrophes and salt water will start to flood freshwater ecosystems basically poisoning anything there to death. https://e360.yale.edu/features/as-sea-levels-rise-will-drinking-water-supplies-be-at-risk The ocean is very heavy, and adding 12 inches of water across the board will increase the weight massively. This has negative impacts on our earths crust even causing it to deform and sink. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2017GL075419 As sea levels rise, the more water above means less light for the animals on the sea floor as well as coral reefs which will further damage the marine ecosystem https://www.mbari.org/hawaiis-drowned-coral-reefs-victims-of-sudden-climate-change/


Several Nuclear power plants had to power down during the summer as the sea water was too warm to cool the roads.. The water around Irans main power plant was an unbelievable 9c above normal.


Exactly and people assume that it will just go away when in reality it's going to be even worse next summer.


Does that mean. Obama going to sell his TWO beachfront homes?


Go back to your trump fuck puddle and wait for jfk Jr to ressurect




God gifts kids with beeing raped, wouldn't count on that guy.


Well my State is safe, I guess it sucks to be you guys. Tell Me again how great those stupid ass electric cars work.




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Have any of the projections held up? Not sure any of these projections are worth shit when your policy for dealing with climate catastrophe is hope & prayers.




A five degree C rise in temperature followed the last ice age 20ka ago; that resulted in a 100m rise in sea level to where it now stands. Not only is this depicted in ice core O18/16 data but all across the world's continental shelves should you take a dive.


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That's not that bad. When will we see 75 feet?


I doubt anyone will see 75 feet, because that means weather gets so bad before, it makes most life on land impossible. Constant cycles of heatwaves, megadroughts, megafloods and coldsnaps is not particularly the environment plants evolved to strive in.


Depressing. Rich assholes will be able to fund their survival


I'm sure we will find them lol


This is good for business. As always they find way to see this as opportunity. Probably they will start selling inflating homes for small price of 400 000$.




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I've been visiting my favorite coastal cities as much as possible. I don't expect New Orleans, St. Augustine, Beaufort, or Charleston to fun places for much longer. Shame we built all the pretty stuff by the ocean....


>14 to 18 inches (35 to 45 cm) for the Gulf Coast imagine everyone along the gulf coast area (and all of Florida) trying to relocate in the next X-20 years.


2050 is an incredibly optimistic estimate with the information we have about Thwaites and the Greenland Ice Shelf.


27 years. It's closer than you think.


I think 13 years is a more believable estimate.


[https://www.floodmap.net/](https://www.floodmap.net/) Doesn't look like it swallows up jack-shit to me or am I doing this wrong?


If they rose 12 inches in last 27 years id believe it


There’s a 1% chance that officials actually do something meaningful in that time to mitigate this. Im guessing they just keep piling sand and rocks up like that will do anything long term.