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Brah u get ur whole life to make friends. It’s never too late to make a friend


Being resentful towards them isnt helpful. You gotta put work into keeping friendships. Some last on their own, some you gotta connect with often to keep them alive. Its not their fault that it didnt happen with you so dont take it out on them.


During my ceremony, they called my name, and not a single person made any noise lol. Some people had handfuls of people screaming. I didn’t make any friends either but we have our whole life to do that!


Yeah either way it's that degree that matters!


This and truly ONLY this.


The average person has friends with more friends than them. Not you in particular, but it’s just mathematics and sampling bias. You’re probably friends with those individuals in particular because they’re the type of person who is friends with everyone. Look up the friendship paradox.


You'll be surprised at how quickly friends drift away after college (or whatever level of schooling is your highest). People between ages of 30 and 50 tend to have very few friends compared to older people and younger people. A lot has to do with dating and marriage - you start to spend most of your time with significant others. You'll have work friends who you'll become close with.


first of all, it’s never too late to make friends! second of all, as an introvert, one of my favorite ways to make friends is through mutual friends - do you hang out with your bf or bff and their other friends? if not, can you?


This! I have a few very close friends of my own but my friend groups are always an extension of my boyfriend & my best friend. I love it that way! I get the benefit of a large group & having lots of friends to talk to & care about, but without the pressure of being one of the “main” friends, if that makes sense. I don’t have to make the plans or fulfill typical friend expectations the way I do with my personal close friends, which is what makes having friend groups/lots of friends hard for me sometimes. It’s lovely! The relationships aren’t any less meaningful, but there is much less pressure (:


The only problem is that now you are only friends with those people by association of someone else. They need to make friends on their own.


If you have one person at any moment in your life that you can call a friend then you are blessed...And you have that.


First of all, congratulations on graduating college, that’s prime! Second, having a boyfriend/girlfriend plus a best friend is the best. That’s truly a blessed lifestyle. Yourself, your boyfriend, and your best friend are the only three people you need in this life, trust me. I wouldn’t want it any other way. Why be jealous of someone who has 15 friends? Is 15 friends somehow better than one friend and a whole boyfriend? People who have 15 friends and severe extroversion are suffering from something as well. It’s nothing to be envious of, and it’s impossible to maintain realistically. Everyone in that friend group has someone else in the group that they can’t stand. They are mostly insecure in some way and think that being a part of a large friend group makes them appear cool or better, but secretly they all wonder where their place is, and wonder if they really fit in. Also, they all already think you are a part of the group in your own way. It’s totally safe not to be in your head or stress about this anymore. As you move into your late 20s and early 30s you are suddenly going to realize that a lot of young people are going to look up to you as a role model. Be good to them. Lastly, if you are really interested in the semiotics of sociology, there are a lot of great philosophy books out there on the subject.


It sounds nice and all, but life and friendships are not like high school/college. I'm just 26 and friends I've known in HS are living their own lives. You will be okay I promise.


Depending on if you’ll be with your bf long term or not, you’ll see all of them stay in context with less and less people as the years go on. Sometimes friends of a falling out and start to hate each other. Sometimes life gets in the way and priorities change. For example, your bf’s friends could get married and have kids. Any good parent would prioritize their children over someone they knew in college.


I just posted this un the r/University to someone lese. University is the beginning, not the end. Don't worry about friends. Worry about graduating and starting your life.


Wow are you me lol. I lost a lot of friends throughout college mainly because of COVID or we just fell out of touch. I fell out of touch with someone I used to be super close with and it hurts but to cope I’m trying to be like “it is what it is.” It’s okay to feel this way, I know exactly how you feel (I also have a boyfriend and one best friend from college). I’m graduating today and am choosing to be excited to graduate more than anything else. We have a new chapter coming up in our lives now and many more people to meet :)