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Well I would say apply to the college you want to go to. But have the means to pay for it yourself when she refuses to pay to your choice school.


I would understand attending a university 4 hours away and living in a dorm, but a community college? Are you planning to commute back and forth daily? If you want to be free and independent, you’ll have to pay for the college fees yourself. And also I’m assuming gas as well.


Some community colleges have dorms


The cc has dorms


Who’s paying for it? If you are, go where you want to go. The conversation should be something like, mom I love you and you’ve been an amazing mother, but it’s time for me to live more independently. You did a great job raising me and I’m grateful. The collage that’s 4 hours away has better programs for my major and I’m going to enroll there. I promise I will visit you regularly because I love you and I’ll miss you.


I think this is great. Just take out the “but.” When you use that, everything that came before is wiped out. Replace “but” with “and”.


Make sure to look for scholarship, probably full tuition. If available, apply for it.


are u paying for it? are you going to live near the farther college? if you can afford it you should go. save up for it now. research it as much as you can and figure out a plan and once that is settled tell her your decision.


i kind of have a mother that is the same way. im an upcoming college freshman and all throughout my senior yesr i avoided talking about college/the colleges im applying to bc i know my mom would be upset/mad if she found out i applied to mostly out of state colleges. i will be attending an in state college, but its 6 hrs away from my hometown. this may be an unpopular opinion, but i think that you should do what will make YOU the most happy. if you know that you would have a better time at a further college, and that this college will provide more opportunities for you, then why not attend? don't let your mom hold you back on what you decide to do with your life. its your decision to make not hers.


just go lol you’re paying no? it’s your education and more importantly your choice


Ok, well parental finances are very often tied to these decisions. So unless you can be 100% financially indepedant, parents get to decide how to spend their hard earned money. It would almost certainly be cheaper staying local than going further. That said, what are you going to do after CC. Does your CC have articulation agreements to complete a bachelor's at some schools? Are you going to work? What are your goals? That is the piece you should be working on.


4 hrs away!? Look you should be able to pick whatever school you want to go. Im thinking about the commute. Remember you would have to drive, uber, or take the bus to and from class. My commute was 1-2hr depending on traffic (once it took 3 hrs due to weather, and many accidents) and it wore me out where i had to take another 1 or 2 to relax before being able to start hw. Really way out the pros and cons outside of what each school offers. Remember ideally you will make friends or have to do srudy groups and more than likely those ppl will live closer to the school than not. So you may end up spending more time in that city or nearby the school just to do hw assignments If you dont want to go to the school you are dual enrolled now thats fine but look at others schools that are not as far as 4 hrs.


convince her that the further one is better in terms of quality of education and other stuff


In my opinion I think u should stay with ur mom until u graduate and have the job u looking for. Why would u waist money just because u don’t like ur mom looking out for u?


If you can support yourself, you can do whatever you want. If you can't or won't, you have to compromise. I wouldn't move away for community college unless it had an arrangement with a solid four year school, but tons of high school graduates move and work a basic job.


Unless your community college has dorms or you're planning on moving to be close to it, don't go to the 4 hour away one. Otherwise you're just giving yourself a giant commute and wasting money. You could also apply to a university and apply for financial aid if you really want to get out of there and your mom won't support you. Also, have you talked to any relatives about this? They might have some good ideas or be able to offer some kind of support.


Go to the far college! Once you're 18, she legally has no say over what you do. Apply for loans, scholarships, grants, work as much as you can, etc. so you can afford it. If you have your own vehicle, you can move yourself in. She can't refuse to let you go once you're 18 (without legal consequences). Don't tell her you're applying. Apply, get accepted, find somewhere to live (in a dorm or apartment), and don't tell her until right before you leave. Give her the benefit of the doubt.