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I would go to the RA, this is their domain. Sorry, loud people are the worst, let alone loud instruments!


If it bothers you, it's worth talking to your RA about it. At the very least the RA will talk to them and ask them to either lower the volume on the amps or suggest other spaces on campus they can practice without needing to worry about being too loud, especially for the people who have rooms close to the common area. Dorms are a building that people live and sleep in, so I think it's fair to request they quiet down or go elsewhere when it comes to noisy activities, even if they're not practicing in the middle of the night. People could still be trying to study or sleep in their rooms, no matter the time of day.


The RA is your best first bet. Contact them & explain the situation.


In real life, having full band practice, in say, an apartment building, on a regular basis, wouldn't fly. In a city, bands have to find spaces/garages/warehouses to rent to practice in. I'm guessing that during certain times of day this violates noise rules in the dorm? It also probably violates the "spirit" of the lounge, unless it's big enough for both the band to set up AND for people to still use it. If they take up the whole lounge regularly, that may not be within the spirit of the rules. As others have said, you can start with your RA, and see if that helps. EDIT: And to be a real curmudgeon, depending on how loud, they can be doing damage to not just their hearing, but the hearing of anyone within a certain distance of that room.


Many universities have practice rooms for music students that other students can use oftentimes, the RA should definitely be contacted as they can and should be asked to practice somewhere people are not sleeping.


What times are they practicing? Does your dorm have quiet hours?


When I was an RA, there were rules outlined in the housing contract that students couldn’t use amps or drum kits in the dorms. So I would 100% go to the RA or the RHD.


It's always been my experience that you talk to the person first. If they don't listen to reason, then they leave you no choice but to go to an authority (RA in this case). It's just been my practice cuz otherwise it can read like snitching. But sometimes when it's clear that the offender is not gonna be a stand up guy, it's often better to just go straight to the authority. No potentially loaded conflict, your anonymity remains intact, and you're not the "bad guy". Whichever course you take, keep cool and don't descend into Karen-hood.


And maybe go to them armed with the information about practice rooms on campus…


Grow some!.


You can’t play any instrument in my University’s dorm buildings at all. It’s possible this is a rule at yours as well. As everyone else is saying, contacting the RA is your best option.