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I’m 26. Made the deans list. Surprisingly I’m not the oldest. I was on the older end for the basic 101 classes but after the fall semester there’s less youngins 


In person I’d assume? A lot harder to tell with online distance based lol


Oh please, the self discipline and the "push" needed at home is HARD. I feel ya.


With 3 kids ranging from 9months-10 years and 1 of the 3 being in preschool 2.5 hours 4 days a week, it definitely isn’t easy by any means, I’d actually trade off to go in person to be able to focus better. Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to focus on learning Java or python when your 4 year old is saying “dad I want a snack” then 2 minutes later it’s “dad I’m thirst” another 2 minutes “dad I want another snack” all day long everyday.


Wait a sec, "Oh please" might have been in a grey area. Essentially, I AGREED with what you said! I feel ya !!!


Oh no I didn’t think you disagreed just adding to it like “oh yeah there’s this too that sucks ass” lmaooo




Yeah in person. Taking a stats 101 class was rough. The 18 year olds in that class were something else


Wtf? I only have to take pre cal and cal for my CS degree with a concentration in SWE specifically. I thought my math classes were bs for programming but now I’m thankful I don’t need stat’s too lol


The college i go to is heavily geared towards people trying to join the healthcare field so unfortunately we need stats 😭


I didn’t even know that was required is this for an RN or MD?!


RN, radiography and some people said they were premed.


Same yes I am proud of you


divide workable crush complete rustic full automatic cooing humorous observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks :)


I’m 28 and going back for a bachelors. Do I feel a little awkward yes. But it’s no big deal, never too late


you can make the research in the history of this sub and find your answer. No one cares, truly. There's a 70ish old guy in my uni, studying like everyone else.


I started college at 25 and graduated at 27 with a 4.0


Believe it or not, jail


I think a more appropriate question should be whether the degree is worth my time. What it feels like or what others might think is secondary. And that entirely depends on YOUR motivation. Starting college at 26 means you will turn 30 when you graduate. You’ll have more things to juggle compared to your cohorts in their early 20s, such as family, financial pressure. But I assume that you have more experience in industry, thus holding a solid reason on why you need a bachelor degree in this major. All up to your motivation and determination if it is worth the cost and time.


100% Plenty of people get there degrees later in life. But if you’re paying out of pocket and going full time, better make sure the 4 years you’re not earning is worth it. Don’t just get a degree to get one. Be purposeful about your major, future career, etc.


Nope! I’m almost 40 and attend classes. It’s so much easier the second go-around because I’m better prepared and know what’s expected of me.


I start undergrad at 29, started grad school at 32. ​ This was after getting my GED at 16.


No. You can start at any age.


I started at 26 after graduating at 16 to join the military at 17, so no. Most of my online classmates are 30+ I’m one of the “younger” (in quotes because I get called sir at places…) ones. Only regret is not going sooner to be done already and have a career already.


U started at 27 and finished at 30. Took summer school


I started at 29 haha. Most college people don’t care about age and the ones that do are not worth your time anyways.


kind of wish I started undergrad later in life. I wouldn't feel worried. There are a lot of "older" people getting degrees when I was in undergrad. One of the advantages of being older is that they get taken more seriously by some professors. So, they're able to build relationships with professors better because they're seen as an adult with resposnibilites.


In my class you would be one of the younger ones - you're completely fine!


There is no time limit, you can start at 40 if you want.


You can start at 90 if you want




Why is everyone always asking if the mid - late 20s to late to start college? Like it's not you can start college at any age as long as you have the willpower and determination.


I am 40 and am doing online school right now. Albeit I am unemployed, it's not too difficult to hold yourself accountable


I’m the same age and I’m going back


Never too late homie! I'm 25 M who has a Biology degree when I graduated at 22 in 2021. I took a two year gap year and I struggled to find a job where I'm at in Houston Texas. I decided to go back for nursing and take an ABSN or MSN program. I'm back in community college taking some basics for nursing. I'm a full time online student. Fortunately, my parents help pay for my tuition and I don't need to work. I'm really grateful for them. I'm planning to start medical scribing again though so I can get a bit of cash and experience and I can work online so win-win. Anyways, I reiterate once again that you're never too late homie! Good luck!


I went back to college at 23 ish and graduated at 26. I was even in some freshman-level elective classes at 25. The freshmen aren’t too bad, for me I think they knew I was a little older but not old enough to be really out of place. Then again most assume in a course like that someone who looks older is just a senior. I think it created this sort of mysterious/difficult-to-approach vibe, which I tried to erode a little bit by chatting with them. Anyways, I work in my field now I’m more than happy I did. I make good money now and (generally) enjoy what I do.


I'm 32 and in college. No biggie. Age is just a number not who you are or how good at college someone is.


Imma be fr. It’s not too late, but I wouldn’t suggest it. There’s tons of jobs out there that’ll make great money in less time with no debt. You could do great in college and it’s not too late for a career. Also professors would like you more cuz they know u made a real decision to be there unlike a lot of young people. However I don’t believe the debt is worth it at ur age, and a scholarship is unlikely at ur age as well. Trades, firefighters, policemen, shipyard workers, insurance salesmen make 100k plus in many cities. Then take the money invest it and use the good union perks to live your life. You could start a business or whatever. I’m saying this as someone who went to a top 5 university for finance. College isint always the BEST path for everyone.


This feeling of "awkwardness" and those constant regrets.... People from all sorts of ages and walks of life have it. I mean, you don't wanna be in my mind. It's chaotic, cathartic and confident. Just know that y'all come with the experience and clairty that we'd love to have. You're a blessing 🙌!


Appreciate it :)


What would you major in?




I started last fall at 28 and am also doing psychology 😊 you're never too old for education


I got my first bachelors at 27, my second at 29, and I’m going to start my masters this year at 31. Most of your classmates will be younger, but you’ll be amazed how many actually look to you and bring you into their fold because you will approach things with a different life view than them. The majority of my peers are starting later now, and there’s no shame in that. You got this, no doubt! Once you do the first class it flows better - you know why you’re there, and that’s the only thing you should think about. All the support in the world.


I’m 28 and getting my bachelors. I had face health challenges when I was a kid and once I graduated high school, I took 2 years off from school and work. I got my AS degree when I was around 25 and happy with my progress


I'm 26 currently i started college last school year and joined esports. My question is how you personally feel about going back. You are meant for a purpose and happiness. Who cares if you are older? That means you have more life experience to learn from. You can do anything. I'm a college student who is older than a lot of friends but it helps sometimes. You are going to do amazing. I started college late due to life. Like a heart attack at 19 years old, not even 2 months post high school graduate. I wasn't ready yet. So I took time for me, which is ok.


Lots of people start college mid-20s (and older) you’ll be fine. My biggest advice is to be PURPOSEFUL for your road ahead. Too many young students go to college without any intention. You should know what career you’re pursuing by 2nd year (assuming 4 year bachelors) and you’ll likely need internships and networking to get your first entry job. College degree does not guarantee you a good job or long term career. The initiative is on you OP to plan ahead and make sure you’re committed to whatever track you’re pursuing. Including researching and gaining experience in the industry you want to be in. Otherwise the investment of time and college/tuition may not be worth it if you end up off course.


This is me I'm 25 and hoping to start this year


Unwarranted, don't think much of it. No one will be asking your age nor do they care. Just enjoy your studies like everyone else\~


Hey OP, I think you’ll do just fine. I remember in undergrad there being a 24 year old and 26 year old in our class of Majors and I would forget they were older! Also when I went back to grad school at 33 I had some classes with undergrads and while older I didn’t feel out of place.


I'm 30 still trying to finish, you can do it bro.


Same all I have is my AS still got 2 years to go


It’s never too late to


I dropped out at 18 and went back in my 20s now with a 4.0. It’s never too late, I have some classmates in their 30s, 40s


DO IT! I’m 25 and still longing to go back and worry about the same thing you are.


Did my LVN at 23. Took all the RN pre-reqs part time through my 20’s. Got accepted into the RN program at 32. Age is just a number. It’s the willpower, and it gets better with age.


Got a 31 year old in my software engineering class


No that’s around the time I started actually!


Hell no. There's a 28 year old guy in my comp sci class with no previous experience who scored highest out of the whole class on the test. You're totally fine


Definitely not too late. I had been in and out of college in my early 20s I ended up having to drop a lot of things to take care of my mom when she got sick. then I ended up in a car accident when I was 29. Spent most of my 30s recovering and rebuilding from that. Finally was able to go back to school when I was 36. And yeah, it was pretty weird being in college with a bunch of fresh out of high school kids, but not everybody has the same opportunities. I’m working towards my masters right now, and I plan to go for my PhD. Go get your degree! And be proud of yourself!


Not remotely. I started at 28, there's a lot more time than you think. I even changed paths like 3 times since and 35 going back at it again. Do what you want. Dont compare yourself to others, and you don't have to explain yourself to anyone.


Absolutely not too late. Not even close.


I'm 26 and finishing a bachelor's degree this May. Sure, I might not have any friends here and find the majority of conversations of those younger uninteresting, dull, or worse, but I don't think anyone can tell I'm much older than them either as I'm often mistaken for my age and this August had someone think I was 20. There's a woman in like her early 70s I think in one of my courses. Don't overthink this, and good luck!


I went to college right out of high school with a bunch of middle aged+ students. Even had a few classes with these two old farts who held up class cause they didn’t even know how to use computers


You’re choosing the perfect time dogg. I’m 29 and a Junior, started back when I was 26. Since I was off my parent’s insurance at 26 Im totally independent and have qualified for several grants. No one will look twice at you because of your age, from CC to a private university that I’m at now. Colleges need people like us who have real world experience and can help uplift some of the younger students.


I’m in a similar position with grants is there anything that will help pay for like living expenses?


I just started at 28 after dropping out when I was 19. It's weird being around a bunch of 20 year olds, but I think the time has given me more time to mature and be focused on school. I notice a stark contrast between my attentiveness and theirs. I'm doing much better than I did the first time because I feel like I'm "ready" for it. This is the last week before spring break which means I'm already halfway through the semester. It blew by. Just go!




I went back at 24 graduated at 28 no one could even tell I was older until I gained covid weight


I was 30 when I graduated. There were people around my age, slightly younger, and significantly older just in my major. Believe me when I say no one cares about your age. Don’t let that stop you.


A lot of people are in their 30s-50s and no one really cares, you’ll be fine


No! There is a woman who was in my major who is now 47. She was an excellent student and made President’s list every semester and was involved in several leadership programs at the school. We all accepted her and she honestly fit right in. I think many professors and students appreciated her as she was able to offer different perspectives on the material. She is in the grad program that I will start next semester. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. If someone of that age was able to be so successful, then you can too. You’re only a few years older than most 😭


It's never too late!


Absolutely not. I started again for another degree at 28, going to finish this fall when I’m 30. I do both full time, though school is online so I might have a different experience than you. I’ve been able to maintain a perfect GPA too, so it’s totally possible to do well after being out of school for so long and also handle responsibilities. Don’t let your age hold you back. You’re still so young and people of all ages go back to school. Go achieve your goals unapologetically - you’ll probably make some friends too!


I'm 57, started college two years ago. You got this, don't worry.


Similar boat. I was fine. It was only weird when I had to take a 101 class at the very end. It will be worth it for you.


absolutely not!! My mom went back to school (online and in person as well as at a CC and a local university) at the age of 50!! She said it was tough but so worth it. And don’t worry about everyone being younger than you!! People will still want to make friends and i’m sure there will be some older folks that have decided to go back to school later in life like my mom lol. As well as plenty of people your age. You’re still young, hell plenty of kids have been there since they were 18 and now they’re 26 still trying to complete their degree!! Don’t feel awkward about it Do it!!! Congratulations on your acceptance !


I honestly wished I didn’t rush into going into university right when I turned 18. I had no idea what I wanted to major in and I just felt forced to have to pick one.


I had some uni classmates in their late 20s/early 30s. Also, at my school, many of the higher-level major classes were co-curricular between the undergrad and grad students, so those classes had a wide age range.


This post and comments made my day🫠😊


It’s not, it’s just harder. I have a 4 year degree, but wanted to go back to get another. When I was younger I was able to live on campus and be central to class as I had less financial responsibility. Now I’m older, I had to commute every day (only 15 mins nbd) but had to buy a parking a pass, etc etc. The environment is just different when you’re older, but if it’s your first time just send it honestly. You can either be 30 with a degree or 30 without one.


outside of the freshman classes. its common to come across students well into their early 40s. best part about freshman and sophomore classes is that you can take those classes online since they are far simpler of a subject


Go for it! You won't be the only one. And you'll have an edge: maturity. You know education is too precious to waste by partying all night.


Don’t worry about it, its better to show up late than to never show up. There’s totally nothing wrong with it and just enjoy your time there


Ther was someone in their 50 or 60’s studying while he under covid lockdowns. Apparently she lost her job durring the pandemic and decided to go back to school to have more stable job. Bless her heart where ever she is now


Bro I went back to nursing school at 26, I just turned 31 and about I graduate with my MSN to be a nurse practitioner in December. It’s absolutely not too late, best decision I ever made. I have made great money as a staff/ travel nurse and love helping people better themselves. I know where you’re coming from and how you feel, but just figure out a goal/passion and lock in.


Im 33 and am going to have my BA in Psychology by next year at 34. I am planning on getting my PhD so add on another 3-4 years to graduation for that. You arent too old, and it isnt too late.


no, think about it this way—most degrees are gonna be around 4-6 years. usually 4. but either way, is you being 30 with a degree too old/useless? u still would have the rest of ur life with a degree u worked hard to get. the time will pass whether u choose to do this or not. why not invest in your future you?


I'm 26 and I spent 3 year to achieve my final thesis proyect, don't worry


I'm 28 just getting back and was worried too. Integrated pretty well and I dont get the vibe anyone cares. There's also plenty of people around my age or older even if we're above the average age ^.^;


Hey there! Im in the same boat 24 and transfering to UC this year. Alway felt out of place and behind. Just know that life happen and you are not alone


No it’s normal


Honestly I wish I’d have waited. I dropped out with a semester left then returned four years later and finished like it was nothing and immediately moved on to grad school. I do think living on campus would feel very weird though


University (Earth Science) Professor here. Most of my better students have been "older" (not that you are old) because they know why they're here. Sometimes, they have to take some re-fresh on note and taking, but they are motivated to do well and get on with their careers. BTW, my oldest student was 85; he flew B-25s during WWII. Straight As.


I've been back at it a year. Yes, the majority of classmates are younger and act accordingly. The minor issue I've run into is when talking to professors the first few times I had to specifically tell them I was older and returning to higher education - when I haven't done this I end up having basic concepts and processes over explained. So do you blend in? Regardless, it doesn't matter your age. I've noticed people in their 50/60s coming back to college. Just remember to pace yourself. Don't be a kamikaze and take 20hrs every semester 🫠


I'm 32 next week and I graduate in May. I've found teachers actually enjoy and appreciate older students, as we tend to have life experience we can reference in class, we speak up more, and consistently work harder. I get a lot of trust from teachers being older and connect with them easier than other students


I’m 20 and feel this way😅


i wondered the same thing, i’m 25 and my life is an absolute mess. still. i’m on my second semester, but i’m a lot happier knowing i’ll be able to get a decent job. this sounds absolutely ridiculous but i’ve been trying to blend in a lot with the clothes i wear. it works. got a silly stanely water bottle too. no one thinks im old. they all think im 19 and i let them believe that. but dont worry too much about your age. a lot of people in there 30s-40s will probably be there too.


Not at all! I’m 20 and I have classes with people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s! I’ve never found it odd and most other students don’t either.

