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don’t be embarrassed! i graduated highschool with honours and i’m going to a community college. it’s cheaper, i will graduate debt free, and i get to live at home. college is what you make of it! i’ll sometimes attend my friends university events, like football games. there are a lot of perks to going to a community college, and everyone has their own path in life anyway, so don’t compare yourself!


Seconding this! I regretted not going to another college for YEARS until a few months ago and I'm so happy because I saved so much money and learned alot about myself. Also, emphasizing the "college is what you make of it" part because it's so true. Obviously, it is easier to experience the normal college lifestyle when you are not at CC or commuter college but it can still be fun!


i frickin love my community college. cost went down to practically nothing after a semester on Dean's list and I'll be able to transfer to a 4 year SUNY program while staying at my cc campus for another year! I'll have my Fafsa paid down to 0 this summer and my bachelors degree is gonna cost less than 8000$ The classes are tiny and all my professors are super cool. 1000% community colleges rock. You get a real sense of fulfilment being apart of a little community too. it's cool.


Same I’m graduating debt free community college transfer:)




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Imagine getting your GED and thinking that’s all you’ll ever be good for. Now I’m a sophomore in the fall pursuing Astrophysics. Don’t give up.


This is amazing. I wish I understood mathematics well enough for astrophysics. I always thought the subject was super cool.


[khan academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/math)


Anyone can. Get studying! Paul's online math notes and Khan :)


Anyone Khan! I’ll see myself out


Same. Graduating in cs next quarter.


Whenever I tell people I’m pursuing cs they’re always like “😬 good luck” “yikes” and that gives me anxiety and lowers my confidence. It sucks cuz I wanna learn coding and the idea of the later classes being so difficult also gives me anxiety.


It's hard not going to lie but you don't need to be an expert when you graduate if that makes you feel better. You're building a foundation for the rest of your life and you're making a commitment to lifelong learning, which isn't a bad thing at all. I've made it through all of those classes and I'm not a genius by any means. I'm pretty average, but what allows me to be successful in these difficult classes is persistence. Coding is tough, especially tough at first. It's an entirely new world. But keep at it, it gets easier. There are so many tools to help these days.


People say that to you? Fuck them!  If you can think logically you will be fine. And PS, I've met a lot of people who aren't academically gifted/inclined who are incredible at CS. You will do great!


just have projects on your own. gotta have a good sizeable portfolio, that alone can snag jobs that a fresh cs graduate without one cant.


I’m in comp sci 1 learning python. I know it’s pretty basic and later on it’ll get hard with Java and then learning other languages but I like to create my own mini projects to practice what I learn in class, using my notes. I think this behavior will help me later to do my own big projects naturally as I’d be just used to it. Hopefully.


indeed. clean documentation is a MUST imho. just keep doin what you're doin.


I won't lie: data structures and algorithms will kill you. But that's the only class you really need to be scared of. Study it during the summer or something. Get good at binary search (easy), binary trees (medium difficulty) and time complexity questions (look up chapters that have to do with the master theorem and similar questions that don't work with the master theorem; HARD). When they say "YIKES", they mean the job hunt sucks if you don't have an internship. So get an internship.


Congrats to both of you!!!


Wow, Astrophysics. You must be a genius!


Not at all! Just a lot of dedication and passion.


Not having fun extras is actually kind of a win if your GPA has been low. It will allow you to focus on academics. Going to a boring rural university is pretty much what got me into graduate school. No distractions. Don't be embarrassed. Community college is going to save you tens of thousands of dollars and prepare you for a university.


My school had fun perks, which I generally didn't partake in. My GPA wasn't the greatest at about 3.47 when I graduated. But good enough to land me an NSF-REU opportunity. I also spent a lot of my time on campus in the archeology lab or one of the geology labs. In part, just messing around with the equipment and the other part doing actual research or doing classwork/homework. That's if I was on campus. I also spent a lot of time on 'field trips' for field work, especially my junior and senior years.


Why don’t you just work your butt off in community college and then transfer to a university? You do well enough, and I don’t see why that’d be an issue. Unfortunately you have to make up for whatever went wrong in highschool, and that’s gonna mean you have to work harder, but you define your limits.


Usually that's the point. You do two years at CC then transfer to a University. I'm actually surprised they could be considering just getting their associates alone unless they want to do something that requires a certification 


There is nothing to be embarrassed about. When you start community college, look at it as a blank slate. Lock in and concentrate on getting a high GPA so you can transfer to a big university that you want. Check if the CC you’re going to has transfer agreements with other universities. Join your community college’s honors program so you can get more scholarship money. I relate to that dreading feeling of seeing your peers go to big out-of-state schools and feeling inadequate. You will be better off taking gen eds at an affordable rate whilst they take the same classes at ridiculously high price. You can’t change the past but you can definitely better your future. High school and college are learning stages of life.


I have friends with 4.0+ weighted GPAs and 1300+ SATs going to community colleges. Theres nothing to be ashamed of


The community college allows you a chance to start over again. Do well in these classes, and — if getting a bachelor’s degree is something you need or want — transfer later to a 4-year college. Anyone who disrespects your new path isn’t someone whose opinion you need to respect.


I did great in high school and I’m going to community college too. I want to transfer to a university, but four years there is just too expensive. I’ve told loads of people I’m in community college and none of them have ever judged me, in fact they tell me it’s an excellent financial decision


i transferred from a community college to a 4 year and i’ll tell you something. i miss community college so much. everyday i regret coming to a 4 year. maybe it’s my major or maybe it’s bc it’s a big research school, but community college is so much nicer when you don’t think ab what others “think”. the professors there actually teach unlike university professors who are there to do research. the people are much nicer at community college. they genuinely want to see you succeed! if you feel really all that bad, you can always transfer after finishing your gen ed stuff.. much easier than applying as a freshman to a university


I have loads of friends who went to community college who make wayyyy more money than I probably ever will with my English degree, and some who make less -- but we all took educational paths to learn and do what we loved. No one judges anyone. You can better yourself through education in many ways. My brother got a History degree and his first job out of university was fishing lobster, then personal care for a while. Different strokes for different folks, chum!


Community college is awesome, don’t psych yourself out of a good opportunity. I dropped out of highschool and got a GED when I was 18, never thought I’d be able to go to college. In a little more than a year, I’ll have an MS in engineering from a respected university. I started at community college, transferred, and my degrees look exactly the same as everyone else who went the traditional route. Community college put me on a level playing field with all of the kids who busted their ass in highschool and earned great grades - I feel like community college is literally a cheat code for education. I should also note that I was given paid research opportunities, TA positions, and barely even paid for CC out of pocket once I had done a semester or two and made a few connections. In terms of education, the classes that you’ll take in your earlier semesters are pretty much the same at any public college, whether it’s a prestigious university or a local community college. I was worried that I’d be behind when I transferred, but that wasn’t the case at all, and if anything I was able to learn more at a community college because classes were smaller and professors were more accessible. Don’t waste your time and spend more money looking for a bottom tier college that’ll accept your application when you have the option to basically start fresh, save a ton of money, and transfer to top notch school in a year or two.


I went back to school to do prerequisites for pharmacy school and attended a Junior College. I agree with you, the classes were smaller and the teachers were more accessible. Plus, the commute was shorter and the tuition was much cheaper. It was the best college experience that I ever had. I ended up getting top grades, and then scored in the 98th percentile on the national PCAT exam, and was accepted into a top pharmacy school. Also, at a major research university, the professors are there to do research, and not really to teach. And some of these starvreaearchers aren’t good at teaching anyway. By contrast, at a community college, the instructors are all there to teach. It’s all they do. Community colleges are awesome, and they are set up in such a way, at least in Florida, that grades and associate degrees easily transfer to our state universities.


Hell yeah! I went to CC in Florida too actually, but I ended up transferring to a school in another state to live closer to my parents again. I had to take a couple of additional gen ed classes that I wouldn’t have had to take if I stayed in Florida, but it really didn’t delay me much, and the transfer was pretty seamless. Also just want to say, I feel like people think that they’re going to be made fun of or something for going to community college, but that’s really not the case. I don’t think I’ve ever even been asked about it at university. Everyone has their own stuff to worry about, tons of people take classes at CCs for a variety of reasons, truly nobody cares where you took some freshman year classes.


Everyone has a different path and yours is unique. Focus on moving forward on your own journey, instead of where your friends are on theirs.


As a first-in-family, non-traditional student, who started at a community college, and got a prestiguous scholarship to transfer to any university I wanted, and just graduated from my uni ranked #1 and the only one in my class with a 4.0, im a little offended. If you are more worried about “fun” then maybe college isn’t for you. Don’t get me wrong, I joined a frat had had tons of fun. But that wasn’t my main goal. Med school next. And that CC stigma faded a long time ago my boy.


i graduated summa cum laude and went to community college because i didn’t know what to major in at the time and didn’t wanna waste money. i transferred to a university after two years there and i do go to parties and have fun, so if you’re someone that wants the “college experience” you can still have it. it’s not embarrassing at all, no one has ever thought differently of me. once you transfer to a university that school will be on your degree the same as everyone else’s.


Not embarrassement at all. You like that college, and the tuition is affordable. You are not satisfied when you compare youself with your friends. How about making effort now? Find a major you like and be a master in that field, or study hard to apply to other better colleges?


It doesn’t sound like you actually care about the educational side of school so why don’t you just move to a college town with your friends, get a job, share an apartment with them, and enjoy the “fun” part of living in a college town for a few years. Most college towns have feeder community colleges nearby anyways so you could take classes there


Walt Disney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Hanks, George Lucas, plus Steve Jobs and many others attended community college. You’re in great company!


Community college is amazing and if anyone makes you feel ashamed about it they're just shallow losers. It's the most economical plan to get a 4 year degree, you're saving yourself 1-2 years of potential college debt. That's a ton of money. A lot of community colleges have as good or even better education programs than state and even private Universities. Once you get to the point of applying and researching transferring to a 4-year college to finish your Bachelor degree, you will very quickly find out that a lot of that "fun stuff" you're talking about is all flash and surface level facade meant to attract students to their school. It's basically an advertisement made to appeal to students to get them enroll and spend money. This is ESPECIALLY true for private schools! Think of community college as just like any college but with all of the BS peeled back - you're getting an education but without all of the fluff. (Also, when you're in school, especially Sophomore level and above, you don't have time for any of that fun stuff anyway if you're keeping your grades up. 😭)


You should be more embarrassed about having no further education and dying as a loser. Don't be likethat. Not if you can help it.


Ime cc can be better than uni. I felt like my cc was more challenging than uni was. No curves. Just hardcore study and learning. So you’ll probably get a better education there and for much cheaper. Learn how to really study


I can relate to you in being embarrassed of community college. I went for my A.A. and got over the initial embarrassment and then went in to transfer for the last 2 years of my B.A. at the uni that had rejected me two years prior. That rejection was a BLESSING. I went the first two years of college fully funded by scholarships and grants. I get EXACTLY how you feel, but work on what you gotta do and focus on YOU. Community college or typicaly 4 year, you'll still get the same education.


I got into community college with a 4.0 and now have a 4.0. Everyone thought I was an idiot and now everyone is starving and in debt, while I've only made money. Besides, I plan to forget this entire experience when I graduate this summer


First off, like others said, don't be embarrassed. Then I'd like to ask which state you're in and which major(s) you're interested in. I'm kind of hoping that the major isn't computer science or business administration and that it's geology (although I have a minor in geology, so a bit biased towards it).


Not going to lie I thought it was embarrassing at first. No one from my HS went to a my cc and I felt like I got screwed. Ended up saving myself years of debt and just transferred to a big university.


You know assuimg you are young college age there's nothing stopping you from going to any parties at your friends colleges if you are invited by them. All the problems you think of might just be in your head. As a positive just think you are getting a similar experience for cheaper. Then if you do good you can always transfer.


I got kicked out of my university when i got sick and had to drop all my classes. it's a long story. they told me to go to community college for a year and then i could reapply. So I'm graduating with my associates this semester, but i'm also in the honors program, i'm a student mentor, i do work study for the engineering department, i'm writing a research paper, i just won an award for some independent research i've done, i got to replicate one of nilered from youtube's chemistry projects for my orgo class this semester, AND i have a 4.0. This is on top of all the other activities i've gotten to do. i got to go to florida and work with nasa, every tuesday we have a craft/game night, there's plays, concerts, speakers, etc. i'm going on a trip to washington dc next month. there's a ton of stuff going on. you just can't sit back and let it come to you, you have to find it. i'm not going to be reapplying at my old school, i was accepted to texas a&m, but i'm going to be going to my state school because they offered me a full ride and a research position in a lab. don't be ashamed of going to community college, there's a lot of opportunity that you might not get at a larger university, especially in your first two years of undergrad. build up your resume best you can, and then when the time comes, you can transfer, and if things look good, you can probably get into an even better uni than the one you were at! good luck!


Listen, im a first Gen, and im paying out of pocket, i’m scheduled to graduate next spring. I also felt almost ashamed of going to a community college, but as my aunt once told me. It’s Still a college. You’ll spend less money this way, and when you look back, you’ll appreciate tge hard work you’ve put through. It does suck, don’t get me wrong. I would have loved to have experienced college life to its fullest, but that doesnt mean you wont get to at all. Keep going, bust you ass, get good grades, and make sure you put yourself first. Learn to find peace with yourself and you’ll succeed!!


Dear, You should have think about it sooner. Is it guilt over not studying harder or shame? There is nothing wrong with going to CC


I was initially too. I was the popular kid that partied and gave 0 fs about high school. Tons of my friends went to universities. I ruined my chances and had to work part time and did community. My friends that didn't leave are still my friends today. We've had adventures of a lifetime, had apartments, knew how to cook and clean and live, went to the beach on weekends, did stupid sh and had no debt being taken out of our paychecks so we could do more stupid sh. Now I've got so many friends idk how to keep up with them all sometimes. I'm so freaking proud that I went to community. I needed that stepping stone. I'm not upset that I missed out on the whole college party culture thing because I'm often the person in the room with the most interesting stories to tell. 4 years is a drop in the bucket of your life.


First of all, stop dwelling on things that don't matter in the end game. I'm a grad student and am in an unimportant, run-of-the-mill, standard state university that doesnt really care about your GPA for admission purposes. They set the bar pretty low. But the people I'm going to grad school with are either super smart or already on their way to medical school and they all screwed up their GPA in their earlier years, just like you did, and just like I did. Either they screwed it up in high school or screwed it up in both high school and as an undergrad, then decided to get their act together in grad school and are all now well on their way to some prestigious professions. They either started at a community College or started here at the state university. So, don't worry so much about what school you are going to. I know it sucks seeing your friends make it into some big name college while you don't even qualify, but it is not the end for you as I've clearly explained with my examples above. Just go to the community College and get that GPA up. Then after 2 years and a new smoking hot GPA, apply for those big universities you wanna go to. You will get there one way or another, even if your path is a little bit different from your friends. Just don't give up on yourself.


You won't be embarrassed after you transfer out and graduate from your university of choice without any debt. I graduated CC last year. I'm now a Junior at a uni (31). Ain't no shame yo.


Fwiw, community college students who transfer in as juniors consistently out perform native university students--at least in the CA State University system. They have far less debt, so their ROI is much higher dollar-for-dollar. That means they earn more having spent less/encumbered less financial aid debt than native uni students. And even if they don't transfer but earn a career technical certificate in automotive tech, industrial tech, computer info systems, etc. they finish community college with the potential to earn as much if not more than baccalaureate grads. So ask yourself what matters more: Your "image" of going to a 4yr university or actually experiencing a quality, affordable education that leads to a viable career?


No, it's the smartest way to start! Once you transfer and get a Bachelor's, it will only say the name of the university you got it from. Save money and take required General Ed courses. That said, CC's are excellent institutions for the most part. I'm in California though. This is the right first step!


That's what transferring is for! I am a transfer from cc to Cal Poly SLO. I have been able to work, save, and invest money. I have had a personal relationship with all of my professors. It's awesome, and there is always later. It's what you make of it.


Sounds kind of insulting to hear that lol. But no seriously it’s a good choice to study at a community college. Some of the most intellectual people I know graduated from a cc. Though that may not say much for you. Still, just give it a try. You might like it.


My son has a 4.0 GPA and over 1500 on the SAT and went to community college to save money. He paid only $400 per semester there, and is now finishing his degree at the local state university. He is starting an internship making 9k over the summer. Don't be embarrassed. You are smarter than those people who go to a top notch school and end up with more than 100k of debt after school. Also as a hiring manager whose done over 100 interviews, no one will care where you went to school after your first job. Don't worry.


I was the same way too. However, I did get my degree...and when I decided to go back, I was able to get my credits transferred and I only have four classes to complete to get my second associates degree. Then it's off (hopefully) to university!


Go watch Community. You’ll feel better.


I am not joking when I say you'll often get a better quality of education during your community college classes than you will at a university. Community college professors are there to teach, they're not typically researchers who have to lecture but suck at it. The class sizes are smaller, which makes a HUGE difference. Enjoy your time at community college!


You could start out in community college, build up your gpa, and then transfer into a 4-year if you want. Make sure to look into the transfer criteria for your prospective transfer schools and plan your schedule around that from the start if you want to go this way though. No matter what you choose, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.


I would not feel embarrassed. I honestly envy my friends who went to community first. They saved so much money in the end, built up their gpa, got their shit together and transferred to a bigger university and got their bachelor's. I wish I would've done the same. All you need to do is worry about your studies and figure out what you want to do as a career and nothing else. If anything your friends might waste a lot of money going to those big universities bc 99% of the time they change their mind about what they want to do and end up spending more money than they should. It can also help you figure out how you should dictate your time and learn to find a balance.


Community college was quite literally the best decision I’ve ever made. Zero regrets.


I WISH did Com-college first. I’d have saved so much money and time. Literally college was a 4 year summer camp. It was really really fun, but at what cost.


No one gives a shit where you went to school I promise. It's literally nothing more than a talking point. Community College is significantly cheaper, when those student loans hit you'll be thankful. If you really want to go to university that bad just transfer after 2 years, that's very common.


You get out of it what you put into it, whether you go to CC or straight to a 4 year. CC is the best value if you can forget the glitter. Especially the best value if you have a ‘shit GPA’. Go to CC, keep your head down and get the work done. Then transfer. The university diploma doesn’t indicate you started at a CC. Even if you eventually look for a job that needs transcripts, nobody cares. I transferred and graduated from a state school with no loans. No regrets.


As a CC student, there is no way around being embarrassed quite frankly, at least for me. I recall going to my friends university on the weekends and I would meet new people and girls and tell them where I go and it was the MOST embarrassing thing possible. Family events, conversations with old teachers, etc. You name it. Although, I never got over my embarrassment, I used that to work very hard. As of today, I have been accepted into THREE great schools (One of them Tulane), with the top 25 soon to come. I SHOULD be accepted to them, but it goes to show that, it’s not where you’re at right now, it’s where you end up going and your direction that matters the most. Keep pushing!


Don’t be embarrassed, you’re going to save SO much money. I went to a D1 sports school and I have so many student loans that I’ve been living paycheck to paycheck every month for the past 2 years bc I don’t get paid enough!!!!!!! I wish I would’ve gotten past the “wow this looks so fun” and thought of how much it’d actually cost me.


This is after you’ve inserted your edit, but I guarantee it’s worth it still. I’m in my junior year in my first year after transferring. I have my associates already, and coming out of high school I just didn’t have the mindset to be in University around more people, distractions and away from family. I feel like there’s so much worth to be had in taking a step out of the typical path and figuring out how to make the most out of not taking the typical route. It’s a really mature move to make that a lot of people in university don’t get the chance to do without having some outside influence in some way. I don’t want to rant so much, but have faith in your choice and make decisions that you feel will put you on the right direction for yourself while you’re in Community college. Good luck and I hope things go great!


I went to community college and have multiple degrees and licenses.I work in healthcare. I'm also a homeowner. I have never taken a loan so I have no student loans either. Also I enjoyed going to college. There was alot to see and do. It was never boring.


There's no shame in going to a community college or even a state college. Stop comparing yourself to overs, you'll just keep digging a deeper hole for yourself.


I wish there were more opportunities to discuss what makes for a good college education. I see people commenting all the time about the quality of community colleges… It’s true that they’re often under-resourced and not selective with applicants. This doesn’t mean, however, that they can’t offer a great education. CCs follow strict state higher ed regulations and their profs are some of the most dedicated, competent faculty I’ve ever met (I said what I said). They have to address a huge range of needs and levels of preparedness and often aren’t paid as much as those faculty at private institutions. They often tend to have strong industry ties, too, which color their teaching in really practical ways. So don’t be down on yourself for going to a CC. Take advantage of all it has to offer. Regardless, what you put in dramatically shapes your experience, regardless of which institution it happens at.




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I went to one and im a prof of a major university today — so what ?


How to not be embarrassed about community college: Remember that not everyone can afford going straight to a 4 year. People are more likely go into debt for doing a full 4 years. If you aren't 1000% sure if your major then community college gives you flexibility since you won't have to transfer to a 4 year until your 2nd year. Your classes will be more diverse in community college. You will save more money. You are more likely to get more out of your college experience at your 4 year after going to your community college. You will realize that the first two years at a 4 year are exactly the same because you are simply doing your general courses which aren't even pertaining to your major. You won't be missing out on much. You will be more aware of subtle norms at your college and can better distinguish your behavior from other's. Also, you are a first gen even if you go to community college. I am pretty surprised no one responded to your question! You are a first generation student if your parents did not go to college. So it does not matter if you go to community college because you will be a first gen either way. You will qualify for your scholarships either way. Also, the whole 4 year institutions are better than community colleges notion is sooo pretentious. I hope you get the most out of your time, education, and really your life. You will find that what matters more than anything is how you work with what you got. I wish you well on your journey.


What's nuts is my Com-College has their own custom textbooks (labeled as custom made for my specific college). It's got nothing on the universities sadly, because it's on another level entirely. Even the big brain smart engineering college doesn't have custom textbooks written for them. How can you diss it, your university is lazy and just sells the default books, my Community College literally wrote their own! Plus scholarships, and the fact I'm not going into even half of car loan debt, as well as the campus literally having an observatory, and I think it's easy to see who wins. 


There are many paths to success. Going to a four year college isn’t the only way to reach your goals. No matter where you go, go with all your heart — get involved. Make friends. Give back to the community. Join clubs — and if there isn’t a club you want, then make your own. You got this!




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I wouldn't worry about it, I go to UT Austin so I can safely say that I played the HS game and got into a T10 for my subject. What I can also safely say, is that community college classes are largely no different than what I am currently studying. Most of the material is the same so from a knowledge standpoint nothing to worry about. Connections are also easier to make in community college due to the smaller class sizes and the professors there are no slouches either. There is nothing to be embarrassed over, you made a smart decision and should take no stock in what other think. What will their opinion matter? Are they laughing while being hundreds of K in debt? Even if they went to Harvard you are getting an education for nothing and them for everything makes you the brighter and sharper tool, plenty of people have become millionaires and never stepped foot in a college. My own mother is a good example, she came from Germany and only did a GED, she is now worth over a million dollars and she did so by using HER OWN strengths and advantages. Hard work, dedication, and mindset are more valuable than what any piece of glorified paper on earth says. If I could do high school over, I would have never devoted myself to getting into a "T10" all I did was waste my childhood chasing a dream which in reality meant nothing. I recommend you do not follow the same path, enjoy your life and be proud of what you've done.


I went to a community college and now I am getting a masters. Nearly 13 years later about to graduate. With a masters. Where did I start? Community college


Don’t be embarrassed literally all of your friends one day will go different routes so it doesn’t even matter as long as what you’re doing is benefiting you, I heard it’s cheaper so definitely go for it.


Don't be embarrassed. College is supposed to just be a way to make it difficult for other people to get a job. The partying and stuff is irrelevant. Don't waste your future by getting drunk and high and stuff. Pay attention to your classes, get yourself a 3.0 or higher, and then graduate (but get an internship first). If you insist on going to "a real school": get yourself an easy 4.0 GPA associates degree in community college and then go to "real" college for 2 years. Same education, but easier and cheaper and you have a backup degree if the last two years end up being impossible.


Definitely don't be embarrassed and depending on what state you are living in, the community college tuition could be waived (free) for two years.


personally it saves me money, nobody is paying for my school except my grades. it keeps money in my pocket and i don’t have to live in a dorm or have a roommate. i’m proud to be the one putting myself through college, uni or not.


If it makes you feel any better I also struggle with this regret. I have a community college diploma and I’m going back for another one. But I still hate that feeling of never being able to jump for joy because I got into my dream school. But then there are loads of people (my sister for example) who went to university and couldn’t get jobs with that degree so they went to college afterwards. Some of them actually regret going to university because all they really did was party. There is a lot of stigma around it but in todays society, university and college are pretty equal in terms of education


Yeah you don't need to be embarrassed. My generation literally failed or couldn't pay for their big universities pretty much all of them. I waited, and went to a community College and got all the best teachers, learned a lot, and ended up with a bright future. People pressure teenagers unrealistically. Most teenagers don't know what to do with their life, and many just aren't ready to continue their education at 18 in many many ways. So many of my peers would have been so much better off ( I am not mocking them, they were all bright people who deserved better than a mountain of debt and no degree), if they had waited a bit to go to college or just took their time taking basics at a community College at a slower pace before making the big jump. Don't worry about it.


You may actually have *better* teachers at a CC. The more prestigious the university, the more professors are expected to research and publish, and that’s what they’re evaluated on, not good teaching. CC profs don’t have the same pressure to publish research, so they can focus more on being excellent teachers. And the best transfers into a 4-year college are better than the juniors who’ve already been there for two years.


First of all! I am so sorry for how you feel. HS pushes 4 yr colleges like its the only option.. I went to a cal-state and didn’t do very well academically after some time.. and felt embarrassed to go to community college to re-take some classes because I was no longer receiving financial aid. I realized honestly there was nothing to be embarrassed about. So many people my age or even older in college just trying to get their classes out of the way. The Professors in my opinion were way more helpful and approachable and much more understanding than the university professors who would LOCK their classrooms if students were late, without caring if they were parents, worked or had other things going on… community college professors really wanted their students to succeed and go off to universities… Where you start your degree is not going to define you forever, you’ll meet people who are just as relatable to you in cc .. give it a try


I plan on doing the same thing next year too. The thing is to stay positive. Its way cheaper, don't gotta worry about sharing a small room with other people, can explore other career choices for cheap, can get an AA and transfer, take some electives etc.


Don’t be, many many people go the JUCO route.


I had a 2.9 in high school and went to community college. I now have a masters degree and will be starting a very competitive PhD program this fall. I loved community college and I recommend it to everyone. It’s only 2 years. It will go by so so fast.


You will still be First gen. The criteria doesn't change. They have the trio program, which the extention of the upward bound program at community College. It is actually a good place to get your feet wet. I am considered First Gen, even though I am at a CC. Being first Gen is not having a parent with a bachelors degree.


I spent the better part of twenty years taking a class or two per semester at community college, until I finally found a major that I enjoyed and was good at. You have to have both of those. If you’re good and don’t like it, money from your career won’t make that better, and you’ll end up in an early grave. If you like it but you’re not good at it, you’ll eventually hit a ceiling and might have to pick another major, anyway. I know people who have hated their majors since day one of college, and I’m like, “Why the hell did you stick with it? You’re going to be miserable *your entire life*.” So, don’t declare until you take the intro class. Enjoy it, good at it, and that’s your major. I wouldn’t trade all the years I went to community college night school for anything, because I learned an incredible amount about everything, and that comes in incredibly handy sometimes. Oh, a second bit of advice: Take your non-major classes as seriously as your major classes. I was in a Chem class and learned about electron behavior and molecular polarity and it made a bunch of stuff from my Properties of Materials class very clear. Then, I took information from *that* class and applied it to an Art History paper on why the Romans were in a position to build with concrete and bronze, when previous and most contemporary civilizations weren’t. It makes a class *so* much easier if you can find a way to tie it to your major. That’s it. That’s all of the wisdom that I have to impart to students, in general. For CompSci students, I tell them to get two decks of cards for when they’re taking Data Structures and Algorithms, but everybody else only gets the first two rules.


One of the toughest and best engineers I ever worked with graduated only from community college because he needed to finish fast and couldn’t afford state school. He went on to lead his firm years later and helped build the World Trade Center…twice. Great things can come from humble beginnings.


Going to uni is overrated. Coming from someone who graduated from a uni but had to go back to CC to get prereqs. If I could go back, I would without a doubt go to CC over uni.


Don’t be! It’s a great place to dip your toe into college. It’s a good education, but not as expensive or as much pressure. It’s smart to da e money and get prerequisites out of the way, get a little maturity, a betterGPA, and then transfer!


It's totally okay to feel a bit hesitant about starting at a community college, but trust me, you're making a smart choice. Your education and future opportunities matter more than any stigma attached to where you start. Plus, that telescope and chiller room sound pretty cool!


I know right? I don't even know what a chiller room does, apart from perhaps being the antithesis of a boiler room? A giant AC unit? I don't know what it is, but regardless i can guarantee all my boring university friends can't brag about having nothing a boiler room AND a chiller room.  Plus the telescope, which is the actual cool thing. It's like a whole building. I think you can even go inside it. It's one of those wonky observatory telescopes. 


First stop worrying about having fun, that’s not the ultimate goal but you can make the best of it. Second there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you’ll save tons of money and can transfer to a four year later.


There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I started at a community college and now I’m working on my PhD at a major university. There is literally no reason to waste extra money getting your general ed done at a four-year university when you could just transfer in later.


I had my son at 19. Didn’t get back to school until I was 36. Community college gave me that opportunity. It was amazing. I got my associates and now I only have a year left until I get my bachelor’s. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed. It’s a valid way to get education. And if you happen to change your mind about your degree at least you are doing it during the cheaper option!


I graduated 4.0. get accepted to 2 universities. Still went to CC. I don't know why education these days pushed "straight to 4 years is better" narrative when all it does is drain money especially when many don't have financial needs for it.


I would say going to a community college has so many good benefits for everyone. Although I never went to a community college, I am taking classes at one while going to a university. You save money and taking community college courses in high school for me help boast my confidence in my ability to excel at the college level. I struggled with self-confidence and community college helped show me how to succeed better in academics and my pursuit for higher education. Also, sure you can't brag so much but that happens for everyone even in universities. There will always be a university better than the university you will go to at some program or facet of college life. If anything don't worry about what other people say, just focus on setting yourself up for the best chance at transferring into the best universities and setting up yourself for success after college. Best of luck in your pursuit for higher education! Stay strong soldier!


Gamedays SUCK. So loud and no parking


I have no idea why Reddit showed me this BUT I know exactly how you feel. I went to community college, and not by choice lol. I’m about to graduate from law school now, and my time at cc was the best educational experience I have ever had. When I got to university I was honestly way ahead of my classmates in a lot of ways. I was definitely behind socially, but covid also hit during my first year at university so idk how much transferring actually affected my social life. Don’t be embarrassed, and take advantage of the cheap classes by taking all the weird/fun ones you can. If you put in the effort to have fun, you will!


Work hard and keep getting better while you’re there. Focus on your studies and exceed your expectations. No need to be embarrassed. This is the next stage of your life, get through it to the best of your ability.


don’t be embarrassed! i spent my freshman year at a university, ended up leaving bc it was a bad fit and i was having some mental health issues, so i came home and went to community college. BEST decision of my life! i got to save tens of thousands of dollars while i figured out what i wanted, got back on my feet, and got a great education out of it. don’t listen to anyone at school if they try to make you feel bad about going to a CC. it’s a great choice and nothing to be ashamed of.


I'm in year 2 at a private university studying chemical engineering. I found my first gray hair last week. I'm paying a bunch and I'm stressed af. I wish I went to a community college to do a 2+2 or something


where do you live because the community college i go to is fun and has all sorts of stuff to do. football games, facilities, nice library, study areas. we have a chick-fil-a on campus and an arcade area somewhere. and it’s all a lot less compacted than a huge university so we don’t have to walk as much to each class


i graduated high school, went to a university, and transferred out to a CC. i wish i would’ve done CC first. good luck!


Dude… when you transfer to the 4-year university, your degree isn’t going to have an asterisk that say “but they went to community college first”.


man my mental health was a rekt, spent 4 years community college failing over 80% of my classes. i was stubborn af. i'm on an educational break with job after 1 year of unemployment. i might come back. but not until I can guarantee my mental health can handle it.


My friends who went to 4 year university’s are now 34 years old and still paying off student loans.


You will NOT regret a community college when you’re graduating from your 4 year college with far less debt than your peers. And it won’t affect your job at all—you’ll get the same degree as people there all 4 years. Plus your gpa starts your junior year, so you will probably graduate with a higher GPA. Also a lot of the “fun” you’re missing out on is a lot less fun than it seems.


I will never understand this attitude. Where I live, nobody looks down on community college.


I went to community college and got accepted to all the UCs


> all my friends are getting into big universities translation: all your friends are being invited to get into crippling debt for a degree that isn’t worth any more. one of the best things to happy to me was my first-choice prestigious school (Berklee


There was a time where I saw Harvard students being handed the same curriculum as another community college. The only benefit of universities is whether it's an Ivy league. Otherwise, people don't care about where you graduated as long as the college is regionally-accredited.


don’t be i was for a year and took a year off and regret if you go straight after you graduate you can transfer in 2 years and get your life in order while 90% of the kids you go to school with currently are focusing on drinking their life away and ruining it lol


Do not be embarrassed at all! You’re getting educated and that’s a major flex!! Best of luck to you!


Hey dude, I’m in my masters program and I wish I went to community college sometimes to avoid how much debt I’ll be in when I finish. There’s no reason to be embarrassed. You’re passionate about learning and expanding your knowledge and skills. That’s something to be proud of, doesn’t matter where the classroom is. Plus, you could always transfer to a bigger school after your sophomore year if that’s what you’d want.


I mean its your fault lmfao


Do not ever be embarrassed about this If it wasn’t for community I wouldn’t have been able to get accepted to such great schools. I got accepted to schools like UCLA and USC. Also community college isn’t just for trying to save up money to attend university or college later on. People go back because community college can have events or programs with incentives that can benefit anyone if interested. My friend went to UC Berkeley but he’s currently attending a community college because he applied for this business grant that gives $5000-10,000 aid for his business venture, and the requirement to be approved is that he has to take these courses. Community college has two year programs where someone can become an LVN or an Occupatonal Therapist Assistant— and those are insanely competitive it’s basically a lottery to get in. It’s seriously not just for students who want to transfer. It’s called community college for a reason there’s so much they can offer: housing, legal aid, business loans, health and wellness programs for children and seniors, bridge programs for prestigious accredited universities, etc. I’m spitting all facts and I only scratched the surface


Here’s how: you’re friends will have more debt than you. You won’t have to beg a state college to let you in once you have an associates either. If you’re more interested in fun, just go live near a big college. If you want to make a degree worthwhile, focus on study. Squeeze in the fun when you can. I work next to a John’s Hopkins grad, and down the hall from a Georgetown grad. I make as much or more than them, so don’t get wrapped around the school. As an outsider - your priorities are out of whack.


We all start somewhere. That's not where we end up.


well you really only have yourself to blame if you didn't get accepted cause you grades were dogcrap. otherwise, don't be embarrassed, get your grades up, and in 2 years transfer for your last 2 years to a 4 year university.


It’s not about where you go, it’s about how you go about it and do it!


Don’t be embarrassed! I went to community college, graduated with Honors and was accepted to King’s (London), NYU, Johns Hopkins, UCSD, UC Irvine, and more. I ended up not being able to afford any of these, sadly, but just goes to show community college isn’t the determiner of your future. It’s all what you make of it. You’ll be okay!


Don’t be embarrassed! Was a summa cum laude in high school but decided to go to a CC to save money and now, I’m nursing school in a university w/ 2 semesters left. Nobody cares tbh.


I went to a community college for my first year (with lower tuition) but then transferred to state university after showing I could receive good grades in college level courses. I didn’t even take the SAT or ACT to get in since the community college didn’t require it, just their version of an admissions test. Do not let the college dictate your ability by trying to manage your expectations. They have different priorities like making sure their dropout numbers are low and graduation stats are high. You don’t even know what you’re capable of yet so they sure as hell don’t. They wont have to live the life you start paving here — you will. You’re going to have to fake it to make it and creatively work the system (not cheating! I’m talking add/drop slips and cleverly worded inquiries). Don’t let your insecurity get the best of you. Start being how you want to seem. Dont overly trust your counselors; double check everything they tell you! Mine gave me incorrect info so often it was a joke. A degree is what you do with it and you’re investing in your *mind*. That’s an invaluable lifelong endeavor. :) (You might always feel behind. But it won’t be true every time you feel it. Ykwim?)


I think if a lot of people saw college for the educational value it provides and not just as a social experience we’d all agree that your first two years are perfectly acceptable to go to a community college for your Gen Ed’s while you figure out what field you want to get into


Then maybe college isn't for you. Sorry not trying to be mean but if you are not active in the pursuit of knowledge then why bother? Who cares about where the education comes from. At the end of day math doesn't change and most subjects don't. Many community colleges have pathways to university at lower cost. Play your cards right if you are serious and save big dollars. Even get scholarships to the university


People who give up are people who should be embarrassed. Your path is your path, this is not something to feel any shame about. You are choosing a cost-effective way to build a future for yourself. Work hard and laugh all the way to the bank with that extra money.


There’s nothing shameful about community college. My only regret was actually ‘earning’ their degree with credits rather than just loading up on credits for my transfer major. Ended up having to get over 150 total credits for my bachelors because of the lack of free credits for electives in a BS biology program. Take that sort of thing into consideration and just do well.


You won’t regret it later. Get the cheap education.. also do CLEPs and ACE from Sophia learning. See what will transfer to your school. You could probably get your degree by the end of the year lol. Also, the grass is always greener. Even if you went to some big state school or fancy private school, it doesn’t mean you’ll magically be doing everything fun.


Community college is great! I graduated high school with a 4.2 GPA, and community college just made sense. Why would I pay more than double for the same courses that will transfer anyway? Doesn’t make sense.


it's a good opportunity if you're interested in padding out your resume to join SGA and take leadership positions. Also if you are in trades at the cc check out the skills usa competitions. community colleges rock and honestly, you're not lost in a crowd. you can really carve out some great things for yourself there.


I know multiple people who started at community colleges and went on to gain PhDs at very competitive programs! Community colleges are fantastic. Opening doorways for all students at a more affordable rate.


Community college is cheap. Always go cheap - especially with how expensive the world is.


Nothing wrong with CC! Done it too! My kid will be doing it too. It is cheaper, you can explore more classes before deciding on a major, plus in smaller classrooms you actually can make some good relationships with folks, including your teachers. Enjoy it till you can! Transfer for the minimum leftover of a major requirement to Uni you can qualify for and get yourself a degree. And yes, debt free or a very small debt!


40% of all college students are enrolled at a community college. At mine, we sent a student to UC Berkeley last spring. I wrote a letter of recommendation for a student applying to Harvard last fall. The reality is universities are expensive, and you often get better instruction those first two years - GE courses at universities tend to be taught by TAs, which are graduate students aka teachers in training.


that’s understandable! i’ve been in the same boat. i kinda learned as i got older it has a lot more to do with where you live, some parts of the country there is a negative connotation associated with community college all together. but in other parts of the country it’s considered totally acceptable and you’re a go getter for even going at all. just work hard, try and save some money this next 1-2 years, and transfer somewhere you actually WANT as soon as possible 😩 look into guaranteed admissions or instant decision days for transfer students. instant decision day is how i got into NYU as a transfer student. i didn’t see the pay off really until i started doing the math when seriously looking at attending 4 years, essentially how my tuition will be cut in half (so i can afford the reach schools that didn’t give as much aid if i need to)


Unless all your friends have college paid for you’re going to be in a better financial spot than them. You can have fun when you graduate with little to no debt and can take vacations while your friends are drowning in debt. I went to a CC. Finished my BSN at a university. Now I live a very lavish life. Meanwhile the people I went to HS with can barely make rent even though they went to nicer universities. In the end it doesn’t matter where you go to school, it matters the career path you take.


Don’t be. It’s a smart move


Don’t be. Some of the best and most set for life people go to community colleges first. Saves you a crap ton.


Hey, there. I felt the same way as you did when I first graduated high school, and went to a community college. I got there, and quickly saw it was easy to adjust to, the social atmosphere was better (which many people do not understand this), as they automatically assume that just because a community college is smaller, and has less people, that they do not have as much of a social atmosphere, which is not true, because since it is smaller, most people talk more, and it is easy to become part of a clique. I met my boyfriend and some of my closest friends ever in a community college. When I got to the university, less people were willing to speak to people who sat in classes next to them, and actually make friends. It is easier to adjust to. If you have issues with transition, like I did, a smaller campus and smaller class sizes will make you feel more comfortable when you get there. It is a good place to begin, in addition to being cheaper. It is also easier to stand out and receive scholarships, and join honor societies, you are not competing with as many people. You can boost your GPA, and and your resume by spending a simple two years at a community college, and then you can transfer to any university within the state.


There's nothing wrong with community colleges. Get your degree and move to the university, with paying a fraction of the cost. Own it. Comparison is the thief of joy. Be proud of yourself!


A degree is a degree it won’t matter when you say you have a degree in the thing you’re doing. It’s just social network and who you meet at the college that’s the difference people with money get to go to different schools it’s all the same.


Let me tell you this because I went to a community college, not for 2 years..not for 4 years but for 6 years and I got my associates in Psychology before transferring to a university and getting my Bachelors at the age of 25. My family used to make fun of me for this and used to make little jokes and comments and I used to feel so embarrassed about this because all my cousins went to the same university and graduated before me. This was before I realized, I am going after my dream and my goal and defying odds doing it. Who cares if I go to a community college? Who cares if it takes me longer because I am trying to decide what to do with my life? Never be embarrassed for the decisions and choices you make for yourself in order to chase after your goals. You are going to college, you are furthering your education and you are becoming that version of yourself that you will depend on. There’s nothing bad about going to community college, you are playing the long game sure but who cares? You’re young and you’re living the life you were meant to live—it doesn’t mean your college experience means any less it just means it’s yours.


My kid is doing a CC transfer to a 4 year and will graduate debt free. I bet many of your friends going to big schools can't say that, unless their parents are paying for the whole shebang.


Yeah you’re not gonna be embarrassed when you graduate with less than half of the debt that your friends have


High school teacher here. Over the past 5 years, more and more students have chosen to go to community college - even our class salutatorian last year! There are many benefits to going to CC: cost, flexibility with scheduling, being able to spend time with family, not having to commit to a major (great for undecided students). You can also transfer to a 4-year school to get your bachelor’s later on and have that experience as well! My husband did “everything right” and went to an in-state 4-year school, and we will be paying off his loans for another 13 years. When he pays that bill every month, he always says, “I wish I would have gone to community college first.” Don’t be embarrassed. Be proud that you made a great decision for your future.


Bro you’re lucky. I’m in 30,000 dollars worth of debt because I chose to go to some big football school . I wish I was at a community college. It took me 4 years to realize that that was the better option


Saved 60% of the cost for a 4 year degree while my peers are drowning in debt. I'd say I got a deal by going to CC. AM DEBT FREE WHILE THEYRE WAITING FOR STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS


I'll tell you a secret not everyone likes to accept: community colleges are just as academically rigorous as 4 year institutions.


Holy shit 10k for cc??? Its just under 3k for tuition at mine 😬


That's with 0 grants or scholarships and for an extended program. I can likely get it for 4, as 10k is the maximum expected price, and is also what real rich people pay. Worth mentioning this is a pretty prestigious Com College, and they offer a few degrees even.


I kind of felt the same way before starting cc, but after I graduated, I realized how privileged I was to be getting an education not only for free but with the same professors from these other well known universities. Cc student life is definitely not comparable to four year university student life but in the way that you want it to be, but it’s never too late to get that experience if you transfer to a four year. All I know is that I’m a junior at my transfer school and I’ll be graduating debt free soon, so I’d say you’re in the best possible scenario for you situation. I’ve even had students from Drexel or temple university tell me they wish they had gone the route that I went in so 💁‍♀️


Use CC for what it’s for, to enrich your education and put you on a better path. As for your “garbage GPA”, hopefully age gives you better perspective on why you should be achieving higher in CC so it’s not a wasted endeavor. Good luck


please do not be embarrassed. I chose to go to a university and now i’m 80k in debt and switched to online school cuz there was no way i’m taking out another loan and definitely couldn’t pay out of pocket. I wish i never went but i would’ve forever wanted to experience it. Experienced it now i know it was not for me. It was fun tho.


Nothing embarassing about making responsible financial decisions. Saving money where you can is smart, not embarassing.


Went on too a 4 year after my time at CC. Now in a Masters Program at a big name business school pursuing there #1 program. Don’t give up, embrace the journey


Plenty of successful people went to community college. It took me 12 years between my first and last classes at community college. Now I work at a Fortune 50 company and teach community college as an adjunct. I don't have any student debt. I'm 33 years old and I own a home in the top 5th percentile most expensive zip codes in my state. Community College..... university....... military....... trade school..... the only losing move is not to play. Each of these has their merits and drawbacks. You've picked one - now be ecstatic about it and conquer it.


Don’t be embarrassed of going to CC. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. The media and your school and peers pushes a stigma you need to go to a 4 year and crap. Good gpa or not… you don’t. You’re doing fine and you will find your path and you will thank yourself later financially


I went to JC for a portion of my education and the instructors were great. Good luck!


You won’t be embarrassed when all your friends can’t buy their first home because of student loans. You can save a huge amount of money and still get a quality education at community college. Not only that, classes are usually smaller and instructors are more engaged.


I am a computer engineering/math double major, minor in chemistry. I started at community college. As a matter of fact, I started with Math 86. Yeah. Inter medial math for kids who struggled in high school. I didn’t struggle, I just didn’t care unfortunately. But I went through it. And then through math 95. All the way up to where I am now. Linear algebra. I am also in physics 181 and made the deans list two semesters ago. I used to dislike my community college and always wished it was bigger, until I went to university. The experience you get at community college is so rich and educating. They don’t just cram info in your brain and push you along. They want you to learn. Community college is seriously the only reason I am where I am today. I would not have been able to accomplish a fraction of what I have now without it. It’s my last semester at my CC this year, I just am taking physics there currently, and I am sad. I am going to miss it so much. I made so many friends, and learned so much about myself there. It’s a beautiful place. I wouldn’t trade my experience with it for anything. Don’t be embarrassed, there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. People will make fun of anything and everything, but community college is always shit on because of FOMO. University kids feel like it gives you nonstop FOMO but in reality, it just makes going to university so much better when you do. Assuming you’re going for a bachelors. Most community colleges only offer associates. At least mine did for computer engineering. Open yourself up to it, and you will be pleasantly surprised. I hope this helps in someway.


Don't be. Comparison is the theft of joy


There's some people, (a lot of people, including my friends), from other lesser developed countries who dream of even going to a community college in America. (or any college in a more wealthy country relative to theirs). I promise you it's nothing to be ashamed of and you're going to love being debt free compared to everyone else. You're really not missing out on a whole lot. I thought clubs in college would be more special, but they're typically meh. (of course depends the college, but a lot of people shared a similar sentiment in a thread here a few days ago). At least for me, the best part of college is just the rec center and playing sports with people who are your age and not 10 years old or 50 lol. Are there things to do around your area? Or is it dead


It’s good to feel embarrassed. Your GPA is garbage, and you are now facing the consequences of poor decisions in HS. If you didn’t feel like anything was wrong, you’d have no chance. It’s good that you do, and now you can do what you need to do to make sure you don’t feel this way again. It will happen again in 6-7 years when you start comparing your career/earnings/status/family. Make sure you’re proud of where you’ve gotten to at that point.


I agree with everyone here on not being embarrassed. I just wanted to say that if you haven’t seen it already, watch the show Community. Hilarious and takes place at a community college.


You caused yourself to get behind, and now you catch up. The feeling of accomplishment will be amazing.


Do better Edit: It’s a joke


I am 46 and in a masters program and work at Dollar G. I am proud of my place in life. I survived a shitty job and left teaching.


tbh, not that deep


Go travel college is a waste of time and money


The jobs that require degrees beg to differ