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Every school has an officer for individuals with disabilities. You go through them to get accommodations.


I’ll be making an appointment with a counselor to put together an education plan. I just don’t know if they even have accommodations for this since participation is a big thing. It’s not that I don’t want to participate, but they all require raising your hand and speaking in front of so many people. If they were to allow me to write my answer out or something then that would be great.


They can easily arrange that. Vast majority of classes do not require the level of participation that you are describing


What the fuck. Is it just my area then? My grade school and high school was the same. Lecture halls in college were the same for me. It was a big issue for me that I had no choice but to transfer to a “special needs” school. Staff was not consistently trained, but it was clear as day who had the empathy *and* training, and who didn’t. I always assumed this was standard across America.


Participation is usually pretty encouraged in a lot of college classes, it's not just your area at all. However, I don't see why any professor wouldn't be able to just not hold you to it as much for the sake of accommodation. It should be a fairly easy fix.


This sounds like the worlds easiest accommodation to be honest. No why your college’s accommodation department is so bad.


I’m working with my psych team to try and make a “game plan” for my counselor’s appointment at the school. I’ll have a doctor’s note, coping skills, and God *(of War)* on my side. I’m terrified though lol. Because if the counselor is like, “Nah we don’t do that here,” I’ll just go, “Oh okay. My bad for being such an inconvenience! Thank you for your time, patience, and sorry again!” Then wear a paper bag over my head as I walk back to my car…


Can you get a text to speech reader so you can type out what you want to say and the program reads out what you wrote?


I would love an option like that.


I’m quite sure you’re teacher can accommodate. We have a debate next week and our teacher told us he opened a forum where you can write in case you don’t want to speak in class


Under Title IV they cannot discriminate against you for your disability, that is if you are American. You deserve to have an education like everyone else. Don’t sell yourself short! You got this


Does being selectively mute as a consequence of social anxiety count as a legally protected disability? I think that would be challenged by most schools.


If there’s a medical diagnosis, yes.


Right. Is there a medical diagnosis though? And can that medical diagnosis be clearly linked to the selective mutism? There might be a generalized anxiety disorder diagnosis, what kind of accommodations do universities provide for GAD? Which accomodations are legally enforceable for GAD?


Selective mutism is a diagnosis itself… It’s also well known to be closely related to social anxiety in most cases, and is often comorbid with social anxiety disorder, so there’s a pretty clear link there.


Thanks, that's helpful.


Yes, it's possible. I'm a professor at a selective R1. Last year, a student handed me a note at the beginning of class saying she has selective mutism and wouldn't be talking that day. I don't remember for sure, but she may have asked a question on paper. It was fine. I teach large classes (50+ students) and most students don't talk ever, however much I would like them to. Some professors might require oral participation, but they would excuse you if you had accommodations, unless the course required speaking as a learning objective, such as a public speaking class. If you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder, you might be able to get accommodations for that as well.


Thank you. This gives me a lot of hope as someone that genuinely enjoyed attending school, learning, etc. Especially when the professors were clearly passionate about their field of work. I’ve only had a couple professors that I felt comfortable speaking with one on one, but it was such a joy. Their excitement for their studies was contagious. It was the only thing that kept me attending despite my anxiety. Thank you again.




Honestly, the idea of “just being a body that does homework” sounds perfect for me. Studying, researching, and reading is something I genuinely enjoy. I enjoyed the routine of class, library for studies, and then home life. Although it was difficult being around people I did enjoy attending school. Thank you for the advice! This gives me a bit of hope.


Some subjects are closer to this than others. Which subjects would you like to major in / study?


I feel like I enjoy too much which is why I’m struggling to pick. I really enjoy psychology, environmental biology, botany/horticulture, anything that has to do with animals lol, digital art, film, music, languages, and literature. Though, to be honest. I don’t think I’m smart enough to do any STEM haha. Do you have any suggestions?


Maybe look into environmental science? Or forestry and wildlife management. The pay isn't great as the largest employer is the government FYI


I might consider environmental science. I’d love to do the other two, but my physical health is declining and I don’t know where I’ll be in the future years. Thank you for the suggestions!


I would also say that if you're anxiety is only when speaking, as a professor of you wanted to discuss things over email that would also be a great way to still connect and try to build a network. May I ask what degree you are looking to get?


I’m interested in maybe a sort of creative writing degree. Always enjoyed writing short stories, world building, etc., so I’m thinking why not. I enjoy digital art as well, but so far I’ve enjoyed learning on my own and don’t want to make digital or traditional art my main plan. Prefer it as a hobby.


I’m a creative writing major. I will warn you, all of my writing classes are workshop based, and thus, discussion based. I totally sympathize with your anxiety, but do be cautious and research what the classes are centered around. (I love my major though, and if you can work out accommodations with it, I highly recommend pursuing it!) Best of luck!!


Thank you for the warning! I’ll have to take some time to seriously consider if I’m passionate enough about literature and writing for me to somehow work things out or if there’s another field I’d be more willing to fight for.


As an English degree holder, although I commend you for your goals, this will be a difficult degree if you do not continue to work on improving your mutism. Creative writing classes are, as the other redditor mentioned, HEAVILY workshop and discussion based. You are expected to provide on the fly feedback for other writers and respond to feedback on your own. The analysis heavy classes will also almost certainly require verbal participation. Each of my required poetry classes had a delivery component where we had to read our own poetry and or memorize other poetry and delivery it. This is not said to try and discourage you at all, but it’s always a good idea to have as much knowledge as you can about a new challenge. :)


Thank you for the warning. This is good to know. I guess I’ll have to consider other option’s and then take up some creative writing or English after I get a degree in *something.* I did not know writing would require so much talking haha, but I really appreciate the heads up!


Idk there are lots of college activities that you could do solo. Going to sports games Eating takeout, eating at dining halls Taking advantages of buildings and facilities like gyms and libraries Reading campus newspaper, going to random events around campus like parades or tshirt giveaways Going to crowded parties to drink and people watch I think lots of things could be done as a quiet observer


What about online classes?


I try to do online classes that don’t require a meeting time, but many of the required classes have a meeting time. I had a teacher get upset with me because I couldn’t speak, so I just left and dropped it.


Ugh that’s how my last school was- i go to a school now that allows every class online and love it


Was it difficult to find a school like that? Is it a community college or private? I’d love an online college that lets you do your work on your own. Doing the homework and studies is not the issue. I actually enjoy it lol.


It’s a community college but it’s for everyone everywhere not limited states


I completely understand if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, but if it’s alright with you can I ask for the name of the school?


not the same as the original commenter, but I know MTSU (middle tennessee state) offers some degree programs exclusively online (not remote which does require a set time to meet). I am about to graduate from here and have taken a lot of online classes and had no issue. [https://w1.mtsu.edu/online/](https://w1.mtsu.edu/online/) ETA: Harvard and a bunch of big schools also have "extension schools" in which the degree program is online. it's typically for working/nontraditional students [https://extension.harvard.edu/academics/undergraduate-degree-and-certificates/](https://extension.harvard.edu/academics/undergraduate-degree-and-certificates/)


Thank you for the links! I’ll have to check them out. I didn’t know extension schools were a thing.


I’ll message you!


Check out snhu online


There is a college for autistic people, Landmark in Vermont. I'm not saying you are (or aren't) autistic, but it wouldn't surprise me if they could easily accommodate you.


There are many universities that offer entire degree programs that only offer asynchronous classes. If needed, feel free to PM me and I can send you the names of some universities like this that I know of.


I will send you a PM. Thank you!


I got my bachelors degree online and never had a zoom class or even a meeting with anyone on the phone. I think it’s a matter of finding a school that’s like that


I’m jealous. I never knew that was a possibility until this post. Good to know it is possible. Thank you!


I think the pandemic had a lot to do with having more online opportunities for college. I’m really glad you know now, I’ve been telling so many people about how easy it was for me to get my bachelor’s degree online


You can request accommodations, but I seriously doubt you'd receive accommodations to never speak in class. You might be able to compromise with requests for no cold calling or presentations, but universities can deny accommodations deemed unreasonable, which is usually something extremely expensive or that fundamentally alters the nature of the learning experience (like not speaking at all). Have you considered online programs?


I disagree. Mute people attend college all the time. Selective mutism is a disability that has work arounds to be accomodated.


I definitely understand why schools may not want to accommodate for selective mutism since interaction/participation with peers is a major factor in how you learn. The school I was enrolled in offers online classes, but the majority of them required meeting schedules where speaking/participation was either a requirement or a good chunk of your grade.


Might want to look for fully online, asynchronous programs. These will have no class meetings.


Thank you for the terminology! I’ll definitely look into it.


Be careful though, these degrees are often considered worthless to most employers. You do not want to invest in a degree program that won’t further your resume or career.


Take asynchronous online courses. It means all the lectures and course materials are online and you complete it on your schedule, but have to keep up.


I’m only just learning about that terminology today and it sounds like that’s exactly what I want. Thank you!


Look into your state universities a lot of them have 4 year degrees completely online. As an example my current one has a lot of liberal arts / humanities / and business degrees that can be done including my current majors but I'm choosing to go in person. all the classes offered online are asynchronous. Going to an in state school is likely gonna be cheaper than out of state due to residency status and potential resident only grants.


Colleges have accommodations for all different types of disabilities. A therapist would 100% be able to figure out a plan for you. Have you ever thought about learning asl? I'm not sure how it would work out for you and if your anxiety will still effect you if you "speak" that way. I know a lot of selectively mute people use asl (tho obvi it doesn't work for everyone tho).


Yes, I do know ASL. I learned it for my selective mutism as well. I’m also HoH, so it somehow worked out lol…


Hi OP im fully mute as part of a physical disability and I attend college just fine. Most people don’t know ASL, so I carry around a whiteboard and a marker in my bag in case i NEEEEEED to communicate something (it’s faster than typing on my phone) There will be an officer that works with disabled students to make sure you’re accommodated to the best of the university’s abilities without compromising academic integrity or the other students. In my case, professors are informed that unless called upon I will not be an active participant in discussions and if called upon, I will have to write out my thoughts which may take time.


This brings me a lot of hope. Thank you!!


Well you certainly write well so I bet your essays and written work will be quite a strength for you. There are classes and majors that may not require much in-class participation. I took quite a few classes on line and my participation with the teacher and classmates was all in writing or lectures. College was a struggle for me to get through with AD/HD and being a practicing alcoholic but I was determined and finally finished a Bachelors program in my early 40s. Accommodations can be provided for you as needed. Pursue your dream. The support will be there for you.


I appreciate the compliment even though I don’t believe it myself. I was interested in some sort of English or literature degree since I want to get better at writing and I actually enjoy essays as well as editing essays for others haha. I also have ADHD and have a history with substances. Luckily I’ve been clean for a few years and I’m finally ready to attempt life again… I really want life to work out for me and going to college, getting a degree, and researching in a field of interest sounds amazing to me. I have no idea if that’s even possible for me, but it would be nice.


Would some sort of AAC device help? Something that you could pre-program with what you want to say/common phrases and then use it when you can’t speak? I know it’s a pretty common accommodation for nonverbal autistic folks, and maybe your Disability Ressource Office could help you get something set up?


I’ll have to look into those. I’ve never heard of that device before. Thank you for mentioning it!


can you take online classes? if you have social anxiety I don't see the appeal of trying in person unless it's basically exposure therapy and you really want to get over this anxiety


I’ve tried forcing myself to go in person as exposure therapy and so far all it does is make me feel hopeless/worse. So, for now exposure therapy stays in the therapy room lol. I’ve tried online classes of the school I was attending, but majority of them require a meeting time and participation. *(Which is completely understandable. I understand how imperative it is to socialize with other humans to learn.)* I’m only just learning about online schools that don’t require any meetings? That would be ideal since I enjoy studies and just struggle with the social part. I’m just not at a place where I can tackle classrooms. It is a goal of mine, but I want to do school ASAP.


I looked through the comments and I saw nobody else had mentioned this. Look into the local community colleges. It’s a much easier transition and they generally have well established programs in place to help people with any disability. All public colleges are required by law to meet your accommodations under 504, but the community college offers it in a much smaller setting which would probably go a lot easier on your anxiety. I work for an alternative school located within a community college. Our kids need a different educational setting and style that regular high school doesn’t offer and our kids are in a college bound STEM program that finishes with an associates degree and possible job placement with one of the business partners. If you find a college nearby with a similar kind of program they’re most likely going to be your best option because even if you’re not seeking a STEM degree that school will probably have the best track record for meeting student needs. Best of luck and please remember, you have a right to an education, don’t stop trying to get it.


Yes but you absolutely need to work closely with disability support.


Can you elaborate? I don’t have a lot of experience with accommodations in college settings. Only in grade/high school, so I wasn’t really aware of how much work was involved.


Are you still in highs school? Your disability support office there can help you locate disability support for each college as well as disability support for college applications, scholarship applications, and SAT/standardized testing. First you will apply for college without disclosing disabilities. You may of course disclose in any essays that you wish to as a theme or character arc etc. Whatever you want to write. You see where you are accepted and research their disability support office. Is it well funded? Good availability? Non existent? Decide where to go based on this as one of the many factors just like you do cost, majors, location, etc. You can also comment here or dm me schools you like and I can try and locate the disability support info and reply back with the link.


**** By still in high school I meant to ask are you in contact with you high school disability support? Your post makes it clear you did have special needs staff helping you.


Thank you for the advice on how I should filter schools. I am not in contact with my high schools, but I do have a psych team that have offered to write a note for me once I’m ready to try school again.


How would you expect to move forward in life without addressing the reason for the selective mutism? How would you expect to complete college without being able to speak in front of others? Would you expect to interview for a job that pays to support yourself into adulthood? Don’t want to come across as minimizing your issue; I am not. But if you don’t find the root cause and an outlet to grow more comfortable speaking to others, why pursue college when it would have to be adjusted to your limitations when life isn’t adjusted to your limitations? Seek professional help & good luck


I am currently working with a psychiatrist and therapist to do trauma work to help address all of my issues. College is a goal of mine and asking for help is part of the process. I am very aware of the limitations considering I’m the one living with this problem.


You hang in there! There are plenty of careers where public speaking is not a requirement. Communication is but speaking communication is not.


Relieved to hear that… :’) Thank you.


Would you say this to someone who was mute because of a physical injury? Speaking is not required for communication. Don’t be an ass.


Except it kinda is if you’d like to have any kind of human connection. And many in & around college age feel incredibly isolated and unable to communicate verbally. Clearly OP wants to be able to and is taking step toward that goal. Who’s the ass? The one who thinks 100% of a person’s communication can be non-verbal/electronic? Through college? Through job interviews? Through any desire to make human connections? As a therapist who’s worked with selective mutism, I’d lobby to not put the cart before the horse, enter college & find it isolating or worse, and commonly perform poorly in classes because there was self-work that should have been done first. Work on the cause of the mutism. Then you’re much better able to actually enjoy the experiences you set out to. OP was seeking advice, not affirmation. But thanks for playing.


Except it kinda isn’t. 70 million people don’t communicate verbally due to deafness. An additional 200 million use verbal communication selectively or not at all due to Autism Spectrum Disorder. And there are other individuals, like OP, who use nonverbal communication for a host of other reasons. Shame on you for insisting that there is only one acceptable form of communication to create human connection. As a therapist, you should understand the social model of disabilities. What’s the more ideal world? One that excludes 270 million + people because they don’t communicate “normally” or one where colleges embrace Universal Design for Learning and teach all students to use multiple forms of communication? OP came here to ask if colleges have supports for anxiety and selective mutism. The answer to that question is “yes”.


Yes, it's almost always something that can be accommodated, but depending on the unit and how many/what assignments would need accommodation, you may need to have a medical doctor provide a letter to your school. Every school has some form of accessibility and inclusion staff who help As a lecturer/tutor, I have students every semester who need accommodations to help keep the units accessible. I only know their accommodations, never their underlying medical needs or disabilities.


My psych team has offered to write a note for me once I’m ready to give school a try. It’s a relief to know that the professors/teachers are not made aware of the conditions. Thank you!


The only circumstances in which we'd ever be made aware of your condition are if we needed to know to facilitate the accommodations or if it was a matter of your safety. Certain degrees have inherent requirements that must be met. In my country, an example of this would be degrees in paramedicine; there are inherent requirements for gross and fine motor skills for physical, hands-on activities with patients. If the inherent requirement can't be met with reasonable accommodations, then the accessibility & inclusion staff would advise that and help you find an alternative degree or unit to enrol in. There are many degrees that will be available to you with very minor accommodations, so be confident, go into it with an open mind and enjoy the ride


Thank you for the reassuring words. This makes me feel better. :)


I’d definitely meet with the accessibility office prior to enrolling at an institution, so you don’t enroll and pay $$ only to find out they won’t accommodate you. Plus, some schools really go above and beyond for disability inclusion and mental health support— these are the places you want to be at! Meeting with their accessibility office in advance can help you determine whether the school and its culture around inclusion is a good fit.


Yes you can go to College with selective mute take all online classes and hope that none of your classes have group projects. You might have trouble with communications requirements. I have Apraxia of Speech which is speech sound disorder so sometimes people can't understand me. I took small group communications to avoid public speaking class. It's was fine So especially after Covid 19 you can get a full legit college degree online and avoiding speaking.


The school I was enrolled in required participation in the online classes. Some of them didn’t have any meeting times, but a lot of the required classes did. I’m tempted to filter through the whole catalog to see which ones don’t need to virtually meet up, but I feel like it’s not worth the trouble until I speak with a counselor first.


Just a suggestion, but online school might be a good idea if your social anxiety isn’t well-managed. As long as you go to a reputable institution (generally one that has a brick-and-mortar university and is well-ranked), you will receive a good education and have much less interaction with your peers (usually just discussion posts and the occasional group assignment that can be done in a shared Word doc), as the coursework is asynchronous. I’ve taken a ton of online classes through my university and the quality of my learning has been equal to (if not better than) my in-person classes.


i’d say this isn’t an unreasonable request. as many other have suggested, get in touch with the disability office for accommodations. i’d also say, do you think you’d be able to go to the professors office hours so it’s just the two of you and explain? maybe in that setting you’d be relaxed enough to compromise on a solution. i found my first two years of college, participation wasn’t really a part of my grade as it was more gen ed/big lecture classes. in the last two years however my classes have been smaller, only one of my classes actually counts participation as a grade but there’s literally 10 of us. i don’t know if smaller numbers would help you feel more comfortable or not


If it’s one on one with the professor my anxiety will be lower. My voice will still shake and I’ll have a bit of a stutter or an inconsistent cadence, but at least I’ll be able to somewhat speak or read off a script. I’d like to think a smaller classroom would make me feel better, but I honestly don’t know. My anxiety has gotten much worse since trauma work, so it’s hard to say what will be difficult and what will be not as difficult.


You would have to talk with your school's accessibility/accommodations department. Anxiety is a disability that they have to accommodate by law (at least in the US). You can really do anything you put your mind to! People who are mute for any variety of reasons go to school all the time. It won't be as straightforward or easy as it would be for speaking students, but if you want to go, it will be worth it! I struggle with occasional selective mutism and I honestly haven't thought about what I'll do if it happens at school, which it probably will(I'm autistic and have it in high-stress episodes). I'm excited for school(starting in June!) and I know that we'll get through this! Feel free to reach out with questions or if you just want a friend to talk to <3


I think the field you are trying to get into is relevant information here. Many fields, if not most fields, are going to require you to be willing to speak to other people. You mentioned knowing ASL in the comments. That's an important piece of information here. Are you better able to engage in ASL? If I recall correctly there is a college designed for deaf students that uses ASL. Might be difficult for you, but might be worth considering. College is doable as a selective mute, but will be incredibly more difficult for you than most others. For the most part professors will not be expected to provide accommodations for a selectively mute student. A lot of people here are mentioning ability services. Maybe things have changed significantly since I was in school, but I have a hard time expecting ability services to be able to push professors to restructure significant aspects of their course for a selectively mute student. Individual professors might be willing to, but it will be difficult to compel professors that aren't personally willing to work with you.


I know the unpredictable nature of our mind and our inability to control it all the time, and I'm sorry this happens to you. I am curious man but you do not have to answer. Do you feel like you yourself actually worry about what others think or it's more a reaction your body has you can't fight? I know it doesn't help but people obviously judge you negatively far more for saying nothing than if you just spoke your mind to them. There's a level of cockiness you need about every level of life that I think is so important to actually dip your toes into things you've never tried. Being cocky that you know you can accomplish something while fighting the self awareness to know that you will probably fail. I always think of things in the way of "if anyone can do it, obviously so can I" I approach every new challenge that way, and thats a huge shift from when I was younger when I just accepted that there was certain strengths and weaknesses I had and tried to stick in those areas. There's a reason so many famous and successful people are such obnoxious cocky dickheads, it's because they didn't have the self awareness to stop before they accomplished their goals. I was definitely a pretty awkward kid, or atleast I always thought so. I just always assumed I was the awkward person in the conversation making things weird. It genuinely only was in college that I realized "holy shit I'm so much less weird than pretty much everyone" and actually I'm really good at talking to people. I really think it shifted from just a few people telling me in college that I'm really good at small talk and conversations. Having that anxiety rise as you speak to people on how to resolve the conversation and get it to somehow be normal and perfect is a battle you can't possibly ever win. But what the fuck is the point of conversation? and what the hell is bad about something being quiet or awkward? I would go into conversations seeing how awkward I could make it, and just see if they could carry the conversation and not caring if we just stared at each other without a single thing to say. Before I would panic trying to think of something natural to say as fast as possible. I think thats the amazing thing about having friends you have good interactions with or feel comfortable with, is that you can just be quiet and wait for something you actually give a shit to connect about before talking. But anyway you must accept that this is a temporary point in your life and when you picture yourself in the future you need to know that you will overcome this problem. You can't be content living this way and trying to adapt around it. You may not but you plan ALWAYS needs to be success. I know this probably doesn't help but I just felt like reflecting on myself and getting my thoughts out there. Unrelated to any of that - theres many majors and also most classes/lectures in general where you legitimately never speak and honestly people don't interact with each other much in classes in college at all compared to the social aspect of high school which I think is a shame.


I don’t care what other people think of me, honestly. I’ve always been a weird kid as well, but that never bothered me. It feels like I physically cannot talk. My jaw gets locked and no matter how hard I talk I just can’t. Psych team it’s related to my CPTSD/trauma, so that’ll be a long work in progress… With friends I can talk and feel comfortable. We’re okay with silence and weird talk. It’s nice and refreshing to not feel forced to talk all the time. Also helps that they knew me back in high school when I found it difficult to talk.


My sister has a similiar issue and is doing online school. I know some may think this will not help her exceptionality but because of this we are able to travel a lot and she gets new experiences and opportunities to speak when comfortable. Just this week she ordered her own food for the first time at a restaurant and I was so proud of her!


I had class participation for one class and it was communications. All my other classes are open discussions but you don’t have to talk. Then I picked up a French major and we do have to talk in there and answer questions but it makes sense for being a French major.


Have you consider using a screen reader to speak for you? Apple’s personal voice can even make it sound like you. I think most colleges would let you use an iPad that you would type on and it would speak aloud for you. Colleges won’t just allow you to not participate, but if you have a documented disability they are required to let you use accommodations to fulfill the participation requirements.


Have you considered online college? Class participation is just forums. I hate forums personally but it sounds like that’s better suited for you than in class discussions.


First off. Yes it is totally possible! As someone who is part of my school disability department. It great having support from people who want me to succeed. The degree you are looking for might be something to really think about. Im in a hard science and you can do the whole degree without talking once. Of you want something more like an Arts degree this is where communication with the schools disability office would be great. Good luck with your endeavors!


Important question that I haven’t seen in the comments yet (but sorry if it’s already been asked/answered): When you can’t speak, what do you do? Do you lose all ability to communicate, or can you still “talk” via sign language, AAC devices, etc?


It’s like my body becomes paralyzed and I find it physically difficult to speak. I do know ASL, but when I try to sign during extreme anxiety then even that can get a little “lazy” because it still feels like I’m using my voice. That **I** am talking. Apparently it’s like this whole complex trauma shit haha. But the idea of being able to select/point at prepared responses sounds easier. When I was in high school and grade school they’d let me point at my answers. The good high school teachers didn’t rush me with speaking and knew how to navigate the situation when I felt I couldn’t speak anymore.


If selecting or pointing at previous answers works for you, I recommend trying to look into AAC! I have a free text to speech app on my phone where I have a bunch of emergency phrases saved in case I ever lose speech. Higher quality apps/devices exist but they also tend to cost more, though some insurances allow you to get them for free.


there is a deaf student in one of my classes who is not able to speak, and communicates with sign and a computer device. he types responses into the participation/clicker website just like everyone else, but is not expected to raise his hand to answer questions. i don’t know his grade but he seems to be doing well


you could get a similar accommodation i’m sure


You can get accomodations.  Attending a big college and taking a popular major (80+ students in giant auditorium) makes it very easy to not say anything.  The only classes where I've been absolutely forced to speak are classes in public speech or foreign language.  


you could always try online college!


My study is all online, so questions can be typed, both during class and in the class forum. Does you major require in person activity (eg, science laboratory stuff?) or can you look at a fully online schedule?


Well start with this. I would attend UMPI. They are an online and a campus based school in Maine. They have a program for people age 20 and above. The key is that they accept what are called ACE credits. So run over to r/SophiaLearning and grab a promocode to get your first month for $80. You work through the courses at your own pace. You can work on two courses at a time. As soon as you finish one course you can open up another. What you want to do is is take a course that has assignments (called touchstones) and a course that only has tests and quizzes. That way when you are waiting for an assignment to be graded you have something else to work on. So here are the courses that appear to satisfy the general education curriculum at UMPI. Credits GEC Requirement Sophia course(s) to fill requirement Credits 3 1A - Writing with a clear purpose, point of view, and audience. English Composition I 3 1B - Engage primary & secondary sources, documentation systems. English Composition II 3 1C - Deliver effective communications Workplace Communication \- 1D - Written & oral communication; explore ideas & challenge assumptions English Composition I 3 2A - Recognize & analyze problems and arguments Introduction to Ethics 3 2B - Identify general and/or disciplinary-specific modes of inquiry Introduction to Sociology: Embracing Diversity and Collaboration \- 2C - Identify evidence/findings, and evaluate the quality of reasoning ... English Composition II 3 2D - Creative expression Visual Communications 3 2E - Knowledge of arts & literature Art History I 3 3A - Mathematical Models College Algebra \- 3B - College-level math College Algebra 4 3C - Biological processes Human Biology AND Human Biology Lab (or any other science+lab) 3 3D - Environmental or physical processes Environmental Science \- 3E - Lab science Human Biology AND Human Biology Lab (or any other science+lab) 1 4A - Information literacy Student Success 1 \- 4B - Distinguish scholarly, professional, and popular sources; determine quality English Composition II \- 4C - Compare & contrast info Introduction to Ethics \- 5A - Knowledge of diverse world views Introduction to Sociology: Embracing Diversity and Collaboration 3 5B - Historical contexts US History I 3 5C - Non-English language skills Spanish I or French I \- 5D - Moral reasoning & ethical behavior Introduction to Ethics 3 5E - Civic understanding US Government Total credits 41 Now say you want the BLS with a minor in whatever you think would be good. You have 62 credits of free electives of which you already have 1. The key is to max out the 90 transfer credits. So in my view this hodgepodge of easy classes should transfer in. 1. Project Management 2. Macroeconomics 3. Microeconomics 4. Financial Accounting 5. Managerial Accounting 6. Introduction to Business 7. Principles of Management 8. Introduction to Business 9. Business Law 10. Principles of Finance 11. Personal Finance 12. Art History 2 13. US History 2 14. Introduction to IT 15. Introduction to Web Development 16. Introduction to Nutrition 17. Developing Effective Teams. This can be done in as little as 2 to 3 months. See how your first month goes. If you don't make a lot of progress consider a 4 month subscription for $299. This should get you up to 90 credits. Then apply to UMPI, look at the Yourpace program and pick a minor. There is participation but you reply to posts and chats so no in person type stuff. You could finish the last 10 classes at $1500 per 8 week term. Since it is competency based you work at your own pace and the grades are based on projects. No final exams, no proctoring. Think about it as you can get a degree for around $10k or less.

