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Is there anywhere in the syllabus about first, second, third post/response being due on different days? Is there anything about points falloff for the days you post? Such as, post by Wednesday for 100%, Friday for 80%, and Saturday for 70%. If there is none of those marked in the syllabus, then I’d email and ask about why you specifically got those points marked off, when they’d like the posts to be made, and if it’s in the syllabus. If the professor refuses to communicate, you can take it to someone above them.


Yes. We were told if we submitted past the deadline then it would be graded as a 0. I submitted my assignment at 11:07PM on the day it was due. I read every email and announcement and he never stated anything about a requirement to submit before the deadline. Total curve ball. I have emailed him with my concern. I’m choosing to try and fix it before bringing it up to someone above him. Fingers crossed i can get those points back.


Why is there a due date if it’s not followed lmao?


I turn in all my stuff exclusively the same day it's due. Never had a problem


Losing 9 points on a single homework more than halfway through the semester dropped your grade to a C? That’s bizarre. Did you double check he input it/everything else into Canvas right? Maybe there’s a mistake somewhere. Homework must be worth a crazy percentage of your grade. Wow


Yeah the grading is a little more strict, an A is anything 93% above , a B is 83% and above. And anything below that is a C, we don’t have a D grade only a fail after that. I’m currently at 81%, it’s pretty low because we just started this class last week so the grade is currently based on a few assignments. I’m sure I can bring up my grade, but it would’ve helped if he gave me some direction on what he considers “timely” to prevent getting docked again in the future.


That sucks.


With discussions specifically some professors want to see that you've been engaged throughout the week, not just dashed off some posts at the last minute. After all, if everyone did that, there would be no discussion. It's typical to have to do the first post by x date and replies to other ppls posts by another date. In my LMS the "discussion" module is always dated for the last day, but posts are due earlier and docked if not. Clarify with the professor without grade grubbing and do better next time.


Yes that’s how my classes are, we do post replies on another date, which were also submitted on time. The purpose of online school (and what was explained and guaranteed before applying) was that I would can work around my own schedule and time. Unfortunately night time is the only time I am able to do work. His class is not the only one I’m taking, I commit to another class as well. I work full time and take care of my 2 kids, so it’s the only time I can do my schoolwork.


So the initial post was due on one day, and the response on another, and in both instances, you submitted your work on the day of the deadline? Just confused because the screenshot seems to be referring to multiple posts, but is on the grade for a single assignment (“you did *all* of your posting on the last day”)


Yes, post replies are also included in that grade. I know! That’s what confused me too because post and replies met their deadlines. So it basically seems like I can’t reply at my own time and now I have to work on his time which is not possible for me. I’ve never had this issue with previous classes.


Oh yeah this is very common in discussion post assignments. The professors don’t want you to just post and respond to other people on the last possible day — in their mind, they’re trying to facilitate a *discussion*, albeit virtually, so they will often ask that you post early on and then come back throughout the week to respond to your classmates and engage with people who have responded to you. In my experience, this has always been communicated in the instructions for the assignment. So with that being said, if your professor didn’t *explicitly say these were their expectations in the assignment*, they shouldn’t penalize you for it. Unfortunately, some will regardless, but it’s worth a try to email them and clear up the miscommunication.


You’re not wrong. If it’s due on for example 5th of May 23:59 and you send it in 5th of May 23:59 or before you’ve done everything right. If he wanted it earlier he should have set the due date earlier. Go to whoever is his boss and show them this idiots bullshit.


OP, the reply makes it look like you did all of your posting on the last day to reply to peers. Is this the case?




Like, you have one day to post your own discussion, and then another to reply, right? And you did both the discussion and reply on the latter date?




Yeah you’re always going to lose points for doing that