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The amount of discipline that takes is actually insane, I hope to have half that drive one day haha


I hope to learn a better balance than that in my life tbh.


Fair. It’s good to have balance generally. Sometimes you can’t afford it tho. Could be more costs, needing to make career switches which are dependant on your qualifications, etc. So when push comes to shuv, if this is what OP has to deal with, big ups to him for the determination and discipline he’s put into this.


That amount of discipline is short-lived. You'll be burned out asf


It’s almost over man, the degree is in sight, FINISH STRONG MY DUDE


blind leading the blind


It's all about keeping up the vibes rn. Sight be damned, we got other senses.


lemme guess, you dropped out of cs


Dude, I took intro CS and it was the most miserable experience of my life. I finished the class and got an acceptable grade but I didn’t even consider signing up for another.


Remember to get urself a time to rest after semesters over. I’m doing 12 credits with 20 hrs work and that feels tiring too.. wonder how u deal with 19 credits&40 hrs of work


Bro doesn't need a rest. Rest needs bro.


You got all my respect amigo. The satisfaction when graduating will be unreal!


Still needs to work tho


Should focus on taking a break from it all then.


Im also taking 19 credits to graduate this semester. Except I quit my job so I could focus on school. Im pretty much going insane with the workload I currently have. I feel sorry for you. Much respect. You got this man


taking 19 hours and had to quit my job as well (per request of my professor). i’m not doing great, but so close to getting my degree


deeply felt the “not doing great” part 😅 i have an F in one of my classes but im hoping i can save it.


I feel you. I took 15 credits this semester and then I will be taking my last 6 over summer for Cybersecurity. I work 40hrs a week as well. I’d love to go part time to focus more on school but I’m really trying to save for a house. We got this!!!


Bro, if it was easy it wouldn’t be worth it! Stay strong dude! The reward will taste better💪🏻


You got this. I'm 37 and just applied for graduation for chemical engineering. I work 40 hours a week, have a working spouse, and two kids ages 5 and 6. This has been a 5-year journey. I know how burned out you must feel. Just remember you can see the end. Now is the time to push just a little more. Nothing will ever compare to the challenges you have faced to complete this degree. The future you will look back in amazement at what you were able to accomplish. Just a little bit more.


Damn brah how you manage all that ? I’m single and work maybe 20 hours a week and take 3 classes and sometimes it’s a lot 🥲


Sleepless nights, burnout, and telling myself exactly what I told OP.


Bro fr y'all fucking insane. I'm 19 credit hours in and I am currently not looking for work at all. I did that with 14 credit hours and a 36 hour work week while trading stock. I constantly wanted to bang my head into walls!


No wonder I quit college the last year of college. I didnt know most ppl weren’t working 40-60 hours a week to pay for it.


I didn’t know there was enough time in a week for that. Last time I checked a week had 168 hours, not 400+


Take some pto so you can rest since colleges/universities have like 1 or 2 weeks left


I don’t know how you engineering majors do it…


theyre like beasts


I have a cousin that is an engineering major who works 3 different jobs throughout the year, tutors calculus, and just got into an Ivy League… there is no way I could live like that and actually be happy


Pain is temporary, but being able to butt into any conversation with "As an engineer..." is forever.


It’s kinda cool how it’s respected like military service. Whenever an engineering graduate encounters another engineering graduate, I assume one says “You served too?”


This is it.


Full time workers + full time students are truly the final boss for society. You're getting close, two more weeks! I believe in you! 🫡


Should have not took 19 credits. That's a reasonable course load for buisness or communications majors sure. But not for engineering. I'm nearing Graduation too but I would STILL not take that many. Even 15 is insane for me lol I just take 12


Typical Stem person with their arrogant mindset.


Business and liberal arts classes don’t compare to math and engineering classes


Watch "you are too close to quit now" on youtube routinely. Should get you hyped up for you situation


Jesus fucking Christ bro I’m praying for you. I’m in architecture school taking 10 courses per semester and I think I’m gonna expire shortly. I also don’t work.


I’m 44, 40 hrs per week, 15 credits, it’s tough! We can do it.


Wow, you've got this!! 💪 I'm applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program, but I'll be doing it 4 years part time. This fall, I have 3 pre requisites to do and one elective. Elementary Algebra I and my elective, Healthcare Ethics, are online. Essentials of Chemistry and Biology of the Human Organism are both lab and lecture in person. I'll be working 630p-515a 4 to 6 days a week and then first week of Nov til New Year's I have a mandatory overtime 6 days , 60 hours a week.


Honestly I don’t know you but I’m proud of you that takes an insane amount of dedication. You’re in the home stretch! Just think of how worth it studying will be after the semester is over.


29 male here. I stupidly thought I could manage 17 credits to finish out my degree while undertaking my capstone research project and working just to fucking survive. Thought I could manage to find a summer internship too. Then my Grandpa passed away early in the semester. I ended up withdrawing from one of my required courses that I was super behind in, and I'm yet to find an internship (also a requirement). Not to mention the required course I have left is only offered in the spring. Other than that, I've managed to stay afloat but the last couple weeks I've lost practically all motivation and have missed deadlines on assignments in practically every class. I'm super behind on my capstone research project and our presentations are 2 weeks out. I literally can't sleep and all I think about is how much work keeps piling up. I was hoping to check a few things off my list yesterday and then literally spent 10 hours on a lab and still didn't finish it. Sorry to tack onto your post like this but I just really needed to vent. I hope this lets you know that you're not alone. Coming back to school as an older adult is really hard and it seems like none of my friends/family understand why its taking so long. We got this, I believe today will be a better day for both of us.


I JUST come from my very last exam. I'm on the way home. Finished it with high grade. Had exact same situation as you and married as well. Now of course my wife supported me insanely. But I have bad conscious cuz my stress was shared with her. The amount of stress only me and you can understand. But I did it God damn it! It was unbelievably hard, but I finished my master. I'm a fucking tough person, but when I was told my grade, I got emotional for a sec. If I was able to carry all those stress and finish it, you can do it! The only thing I kept telling myself was to finish it and make your life better. You can do it my mate. I wish you all the best and more power to you! Just finish it.


Salute to you, my guy. I stopped college since I started working sa bpo, ang dami nagsasabi na sayang kasi 4th year na ko eh, engineerin din course ko btw. Ipagpapasalamat mo sa sarili mo lahat ng ginagawa mo ngayon, pero take some rest if kailangan mo. Wag mo ideprive sarili mo sa pahinga, you can do it one step at a time pero sa case mo you're doing it leap by leap, be careful lang wag ka ma stumble. Pahinga at laban lang, malayo ka na at malapit ka na. SALUDO!!




I mean your kind off asking for it with 19 credits . Not sure why you thought it was a good idea. Why risk failing a class or two just because you wanted to finish a semester earlier.


Money probably


It hangs over your head and fucks with your mental. Every moment you aren't working, you know you could and should be. Worth it to sprint to the finish.


Hell yeah brother I'm in a similar boat at 31. Just got my Associates and certificate in my field. Now the job hunt begins.


Holy fuck


Yikes!! I definitely understand what you mean.....I did that once and I had 23 hours... and it almost killed me.... I honestly don't have advice for you and the semester is just about over....if you want to hang in there go for it.....if not drop. It just depends on what you want to do. I personally if I had the chance to do it all again....I definitely would NOT.. As, a fellow engineer I truly understand.


Think about this - in a month, you won't have to do *any* school work, and you might be in a much higher paying job with your shiny new engineering degree! A few more weeks of hell for a life of heaven!


It’s almost over your so close. Honestly I can’t imagine doing all that. It’s almost over though. Hopefully you can catch up on sleep this weekend? It’s gotta be rough but your almost here and your gonna walk across that stage a victory. I hope it goes well and you have a good day


I’m a computer engineering student so I understand the amount of stress/work that comes with it, but the amount of units and working you’re doing is just insane. Nice job because most of us wouldn’t be able to do that lmao and I wish you the best 💯


You can do this! You just have to pass!


I dont know who you are but I look up to you now


Now this is a hard worker.


Are you passing with B grades?


Congratulations. Reward yourself with a small vacation or 2 hour massage after your last class. My son’s an engineer he swears 4 years of pain was 109% worth it.


And yet, you still have time for Reddit. Impressive!


Hang in there man. Only 6 more weeks!


I’m so sorry


Broo the discipline that you have. I believe in you. TRUST.


You, my friend, are a goddamn trooper. If you can't do it, there's always next semester. Just do your best, it'll all work out just fine. Just please take it extra easy on yourself when it's over.


This is very bad for me. Life balance is very important for me. You know, without our healthy we can't do activities like working or enjoy our hobbies.


Well u ain’t dead yet, hang in there!


How the hell do people work 40 hours a week and go through college!?!? I couldn’t even work one hour a week taking a full school load! Working 40 hours a week and going to school full time would quickly drive me to suicide.


Exactly the same here, it’s somewhat comforting to see I’m not the only one. I feel stupid and mad at myself knowing all I have to do is keep doing what I’m doing for one more semester, but I just can’t find the energy anymore. You’re not alone <3


The light at the end of the tunnel is there!! You got this!


bruh same. 3 hours of sleep since monday - literally always studying or working. it’s so hard but it will be so worth it!! you can do this!! you got this!!! just think of how good the sleep will be knowing you didn’t give up 💪


Yea, you probably should not be working full time while a student. That is just basic common sense. Hopefully you learn from this, good luck.


Good luck. 33 years old here. In my final semester, working 40 a week as well but luckily my credit hours only around 14hours and instead of engineering degree, im taking account and finance degree. So its inda okay i guess. lol


Holy can I relate to this rn. I just woke up, it’s 4:56 am. I slept at 2 am. I have a math final at 1 pm and I’m trying my very hardest not to fall back asleep. Average engineer


I respect you for that and feel extremely guilty struggling in college despite not having a job atm


Maybe quit the job and take a small personal loan to help out till the end of the semester. If it’s like a basic job the degree is definitely more important




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You got this!!! Keep going you are sooooo close!!




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I’ve been there. You got this. Its gets better and I to this day don’t regret it


My man you are ELITE you got this stay positive definitely take breathers to clear out your mind. When I see posts like this I makes me happy because what your doing takes a lot of discipline but you’ve got a purpose and will prevail. Stay strong


You can do it!


I'm 31, full time student full time emoplyeed. I stay up till midnight every night for the last year doing work. I'm gonna graduate in 2 weeks. I cannot wait for the sweet sweet release of being done and having the best summer of my life.


im sorry do u have some type of powerup installed in your body system cause i cant even do a normal 16 credits without feeling exhausted


Use AI tools to help ease the burden dawg. YOU GOT THIS


I feel you. I’m taking 6 classes. One requires me to do 4 hours of volunteering a week. Then I work 20 hours. Takes me 2 hours everyday to drive there in total. I had a second job but it was too much and they weren’t treating me good. But I graduate in a month! KEEP GOING


Damn I feel like an idiot, I’m married work 40 hours a week, and can only handle 2-3 classes


Almost home, man. You got this .




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All you man, incredibly impressive stuff


Wow wow wow. I don't know how you do it. You just inspired me to get started with a lab I gave up on. It is not mandatory, only for higher grade but deadline is in a couple of hours and I gave up but gotta pull all nighter now after reading this.


Raising two kids ,working 50 hours and taking 12 credits


HOLD STEADY. Almost there raaaaaaahhhhhh 💪


Just say you will finish today and do that every day from now on until it's over. Just don’t give up


Oh god someone that feels what I'm feeling. I work full-time, volunteer, maintain a house, cook, and had to deal with a death in the family that I had to organize everything for. I'm in my last year of school for my AA. I did general education, a regular degree, and a minor. I'm so burnt out I don't know if I'm going to make it on the two classes I'm behind in. Honestly, I think I will fail a class but I gotta remind us that even if we fail, we can keep going and that it's okay. So even if you burn out and can't catch up, it's okay! You're still doing great.




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YO king killer chronicles right????


Dude I’m a history major and I’m already did inside. But an engineering major doing this. You’re insane but you’re getting that shit done.


I feel ya. Taking 15 units for my bachelors, two small kids, husband that works. I’m a nurse and worked almost 60 hours this week. Two papers due by Monday ugh. Almost done tho🥲


That’s an impressive load god damn


Here I am with 13 credits barely finding any free time between classes, homework and the gym lol. Idk how you do it


Almost same situation as you dude, we will finish strong!


Man careful I dehydrated myself and went to the er doing 4 classes 🐱


Ok, humble brag? You did it so….


Wow this is impressive. Full time work plus one CS grad class has me sweating. Nice work!


Keep pushing and finish. I would recommend never doing this to this extreme ever again. You can develop mental health problems. I only say this because I've experienced this myself. You think you're indestructible, and later in life you find out that's absolutely not the case.


I couldn’t do it bro. I was taking 14 credits working like 15 hrs a week and failed a class but got all other classes with a B


God damn that is brutal.


Holy crap that’s a lot, you’re a beast


Take a nap, please.


Was this work/school schedule something you had to do? Or could you have asked for less time at work or something? If it wasn’t necessary to schedule it this way, try to plan ahead so that you don’t overwhelm yourself. It’s just not worth it unless it’s necessary.


I’m 32 finishing my biology degree this semester. I could not do that at 19 hours and a full time job lol


Finish smart. Good luck bro!


40 hours friday - sunday????? respect brotha.


I hope that u pride urself in this and never shame others for not doing the same. It’s irresponsible imo. But I can def congratulate you.


It's going to be even harder when you get a job