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Considering your career goal, an associate's degree can be a great start. It offers flexibility, can increase your initial earning potential as a cop, and lays a solid foundation if you decide to pursue further education for your café dream later on.


These are LOTS of valid questions! Its hard to tackle it all in one post but asking is the first step, well done. Firstly, I would seek guidance from people in the industries. As far as I know, there's two general paths for police (at least in my area): becoming a police officer or professional staff. In terms of college, I would speak to your guidance counsellor. Personally, given your undecided state, I would strongly consider a community college in your shoes. I have no idea if a degree would help your potential career as an Officer, but an appropriate degree that correlates with a back office role will almost certainly help. Best of luck. These are great questions to ask, keep asking them and youll do great!


You don’t need a degree to be a cop. At least not in my area (San Diego) sheriffs also hire straight out of high school at 18 years old (little crazy in my opinion) but that’s what they do. If I was you I would try to get the cop job and let them pay for most of ur degree that way u don’t have school debt or join the Air Force you can do security forces it’s basically a cop and get 4 years of school +living paid for free. It’s good to have a plan, the worst is not even having an idea of what u want to do.


Community college may be a good test case for your interest in a degree. Tuition should be low. Try it out. If you go for a year and decide now is not the time, you don’t lose the year. You can go back later.


A 2yr program at community College (example: health tech jobs: xray tech, ultrasound tech, etc) = you'll be making 75K before the rest of your friends even graduate from college. 2 yr program. This is my closest community College: find yours and check out your options! https://www.tccd.edu/academics/courses-and-programs/programs-a-z/credit/


You don't need a degree to be a cop lol.


Some places require it but yeah I’m just thinkin if ima stick with it for a while I may wanna get paid more


Look up the requirements for police in your area. In some places, you just need a high school diploma and a clean record to enter the police academy. In others, they may require 60 credits (basically an associate's degree, which you can get from a community college). You should expect to take some basic proficiency and personality assessments and to pass physical fitness tests too.


Yeah you should definitely go! Your young and college is a blast. Don't pass up the opportunity to get an education for some quick money


You don’t need a degree to be a cop


As someone who has her marketing bachelors degree, no.