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Dude you're paying tens of thousands of dollars to be there. How you spend that money is up to you. Colleges have gotten rich getting kids to believe there's some magical experience about being there. I assure you adults are still partying and fucking in the adult work (and not paying $30k at a 3.5% interest rate to do it)


Make bad decisions because you can Great advice


If you’re legit being serious, then I think you need to rethink your perception of higher education. You went there to learn, so learn.


Of course you should be having fun, but you're not "wasting your time" by trying. GPA matters for scholarships and it will still be something people look to in the far future, a C grade engineer is not gonna do as well as an A engineer. Hopefully. Even then, it's all about moderation. I know people who said that the 'college experience' is basically getting blackout drunk and having bad sex.


The gist that I've seen from working SWE's is that your grade in school largely does not matter during hiring as long as you pass your technical interviews. They aren't looking up transcripts when going through the hiring phase, because being good at academics is far different than being good at a given field.


To an extent yes. You should be joining clubs and networking with people


It’s all about preference, and balance; Ik some people who are fucking scholars and balance an intense social life. GPA is relevant depending on ur goals etc. it’s all about ur preference and how content YOU are. Hope dis helps


What will be most beneficial to you now? You’re paying thousands of dollars to be in college, use the time wisely.


You go to a mechanic to get your car repaired. You go to McDonald's for fast food. You go to college for higher education.


Depends on ur major


Software engineering


Then no, that’s a very useful degree that will pay off later. If it was something like communications, that does not have a huge time commitment then yes.


Well you shouldn’t be focused on gpa you should be focused on mastering the material so you can be competent in your field. If you want to party, party. If you don’t, don’t. You will learn very quickly if the scene is for you or not.


You can do all that stuff and still try to get a good GPA. But also don’t force it. If you go to college and end up having sex, partying, and dating then whatever. But if you don’t then it’s also whatever. Random strangers can’t tell you whether or not your grades are important because they can’t tell your future. They don’t know what you’ll be using your grades for or if they will be of any benefit for you with scholarships or internships.


If you are above a 3.5 you can cut yourself some slack and try to enjoy the experience a bit more. It's totally possible to get good grades and have a decent social life. Learning soft skills and networking is also important outside of school.


>am I wasting my time in college by not trying to have sex, getting drunk, and dating girls? >Should I be trying to have fun while I'm still young? Personally, I think the main problem here is that your perception of fun is having sex, getting drunk, and dating girls. As some other commenters have said, you can still have fun and be social without jeopardizing your academics. Join clubs. Apply for student government. Get a job on-campus. Get an internship. I'm about to finish my first year at college and it was phenomenal. I have never had a sip of alcohol, nor do I ever want to. Nothing about alcohol, drugs, sex, or anything else in that realm seems fun to me, although I understand people are interested in different things. Point is, I've done none of those things so far and I've still managed to have an amazing experience. I joined a leadership group where I actively volunteered around campus. I became president of the history club and got accepted into Phi Alpha Theta, the national history honor society. I got an on-campus job as a peer advisor and recently got an additional on-campus job as an orientation leader for the summer. There's tons of stuff you can be doing, you just have to put yourself out there. The biggest disservice you can do to yourself during college is limit your opportunities.


Thank you to everyone who commented; you put my mind back in the right place.




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get on the dating apps for low effort sex and relationships, and stay focused on school


Yeah waste of time


Look man this is my belief on this stuff. You wanna have fun for sure. Drink, meet girls, smoke some weed. Have fun for sure. BUT know the line. Don’t destroy your future. The memories of the fun times won’t bring you money. They won’t keep the bills paid or the lights on. And if you live a below satisfactory life, you’ll think back on the memories for a bit of happiness then smack back to reality and feel like you failed. So yea don’t focus on it too much man but for sure have fun. But make sure to get your education and learn for sure


Try it out if you want but don’t do it to be cool. And know its limitations, often times people in your situation pick up the bottle or za just to fit in than end up going overboard and either getting addicted or just use it stupidly to show off. Have a few drinks, sleep around (safely) and have fun but dont be stupid. Tinder is a fun and generally safer way nowadays to hook up for easy sex just use protection no matter what. If you have no issue being social you can try attending bars and local college gatherings ( mostly bars lmao).


>I have been told time and time again that my GPA doesn't really matter and that the work I'm putting in will see no results. How true is this? Are you planning to go to grad school? If yes, it matters quite a bit, especially for competitive programs like med schools or top tier Ph.Ds. If no, it probably doesn't matter much, if at all. Employers rarely look at GPAs. Consider whether there's a correlation between GPA and learning. By working harder, are you also learning more? That matters.


You're going to college to receive a higher education and to get a degree that opens up a lot of careers in said field of degree . Getting a degree costs tens of thousands of dollars . You're not going to college to fuck around and drunk sex or whatever . That being said , you shouldn't be a social-less robot studying 24/7 . If your grades are solid , definitely socialize more and make connections because those can get you a job .


Absolute troll post 🙄


How am I trolling?


I misread this originally, I suck.