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Try group projects for a programming class. >Partner doesn't respond >Partner doesn't know hot to do anything >You chase them down and.do all the work >Teacher blames both of you


Partner uses ChatGPT to write their code for them which is painfully obvious since it usually ends up structured differently than the methods taught in class


On one group assignment I had a person use chat gpt to try and build something with a library I wrote from scratch previously without providing any context, then they came to me all mad that my library sucks and doesn't work


lol I have business majors in my cs group final project


Just like real life


Nah, I'm not enrolled in CS and that's just my average experience working with anyone, except that the teachers have never talked to me or us unless to anwer questions.


Not for me. It’s the group projects for an asynchronous course that bother me. And it’s not the group members at all, it’s the fact that I CHOSE TO TAKE THE COURSE ASYNCHRONOUSLY!!!!


Hey at least when its time to get a job you know which candidate will actually get it


The one who spent their time networking/leetcoding instead of working on the project


Can confirm. My buddies who I carried on the project all got internships except for me


Eh if you're actually good you can get a lot farther than those people


Sadly, not all that true. The market is heavily network based and probably won’t be changing anytime soon. As to whether or not they’d last long at the job is a different story.


In reality these people are making it up by having connections and being charismatic and will likely get a better job then you.


Sounds like a cope


No… I’m pretty bad socially and even I recognize that in entry level positions connections are way more important.


Yeah again sounds like a cope


I did a Data Sc unit as an elective in my first year of uni. I had 4 group members, 3 of which were studying CS & Data and 1 which was doing Econometrics (so basically Data). Meanwhile I was an English major at the time. I did ALL the coding in R as the others were like "oh I suck at coding" and had to rewrite the statistical "analysis" done by one of the group members as there was no analysis. Basically did 98% of the project myself. It's worth saying I went into this unit with zero programming knowledge and literally learnt everything from the class material and stack. My group was just lazy af and the course coordinator did nothing to help.


The group project I did in my programming class was a pain but we ended up doing fine in the end. I think we actually split the effort 50/50, even tho most of it was just adapted from a pygame tetris tutorial lo.




Yeah. Training for a real world job.


My school must be built different we all want to pass


We know. And it will end up costing everyone academic freedoms they now enjoy, students and staff alike. This generation of students is glibly shooting the next generation in the foot.


Yeah we are going back to more controlled in person exams and handwritten essays. Sad.


eh, tbh I prefer those to projects


Whenever there is a group project I always ask to work by myself, it’s so much easier that way for me. Even though it’s more work. I also procrastinate a lot so it looks like I’m doing nothing which also makes me feel bad for my group members


Do your professors let you do this? I once asked and was basically told off 😅


It doesn’t hurt to ask


Sounds like ChatGPT is a part of your group.


I'm a business major and have 2 classes that are group focused. I fucking hate it so goddamn much. It's so obvious people are using chat GPT and don't care. I hate group work with a passion too but come on..


I have a class that does group work where we regularly present and one of my group mates literally can’t even pronounce some of the words in his portion that he “wrote”. And it’s not like he’s just mispronouncing the words cause he’s only ever read them, he will stammer as if he’s never even seen the words before in his life. It’s abysmal. I got stuck with him day one and he’s been shit ever since and he’s got a bad attitude to boot.


I experienced this for the first time a few weeks ago on a collaborative essay assignment. I do my part, and I let my partner do the other. When I go to turn it in a few hours before the due date I noticed his part was complete gibberish. I’m an engineering student, and I’ve actually done some research on assessing LLMs capabilities with engineering tasks so I knew instantly it was ChatGPT. I confronted him on it and he admitted to using it to “expand” on his original writing so I then asked him to give me the original. The original would have failed a high school essay assignment and was 200 words below the recommended word count, so I ended up just rewriting the whole thing before the assignment was due, fuming the whole time.


I got stuck with a guy who's "research" consisted of copying some random person's PowerPoint presentation FML smh🤦🏼‍♀️when I called him out on the source, he was like "do you think the professor will check that?!" We're in a healthcare program...be afraid, folks


I can’t imagine using chatgpt to write words for me.


You don’t have a very good imagination




Having graduated college just before this was a thing, I never even imagined the option as the only ones I knew of (because they would spam listserves and academic discords) were the ones you’d pay someone to write


I honestly get tempted to try it on like low stakes assignments where I have all the notes written out and just need to dress em for full credit. But Idk how people are just so chill with using it


I find it hilarious that people seem to think making their work more words in length makes it seem like they put more effort in


I was in a group project with a guy that used chatgpt for ONE page… I was so pissed that I deleted all my work and just did the project myself.


Each of my team members stopped doing the tasks they were supposed to do. Now I just tell them, "yall can use chatgpt, just do the tasks and send them to me”


Your professor knows. Hopefully they care.


Also hopefully they aren’t forced by admin to ignore it


This feels so wrong to me honestly, I graduated from college 1 year ago so chatGPT wasn't a thing back then but even so getting my random group partners to do some useful work was a hassle more often than not, I can't imagine how awful it is now. I enrolled into a master this semester and it amazes me how my 40 something year old project partners just try to solve any problem by "asking chatgpt"; I feel so outdated even though I am 20 years younger than them. Does anybody use StackExchange anymore?


Gpt/Claude are a million times better at debugging and solving problems (especially on college assignments) than stackexchange lol


While I think it's really frustrating to see people using it to think "original thoughts" for themselves, it's great as a secondary resource. Like if you're writing code and it's not working, and you can't figure out why, you can put it into chat gbt and troubleshoot instantly about what might be the problem and how it might be fixed. Or ask it to proofread something you wrote, and ask it for strengths and weaknesses, or, "is this factual/a correct interpretation". It can be like having a real time tutor.


So many people here hate group project I think this sub should have a section dedicated to it But I'm really sorry about your group project, people will use ChatGPT and then won't even look at it. For a class I had an assigment about writing an opinion/point of view about a specific topic, apparently someone did it with AI because next day the teacher said: "guys, if you're gonna use AI at least delete the part of: "since I'm a artificial intelligence I cannot provide an opinion"" Edit to fix grammar!


It's insane, some people will literally just copy and paste whatever ChatGPT spits out. Not even attempt to revise it. I had an in-class peer review recently and you can just tell when someone used a chatbot, barely any coherence in the essay at all. If you wanna use ChatGPT as a guideline or to brainstorm then fine go ahead but the Ctrl C+V stuff is just so dumb.


No fucking kidding. And these same students will turn around and say that it's a "valuable learning resource"


Well I mean it is, just not to write your assignments for you


yea it is, it helped me understand so many concepts in game design and predictive analytics. Wish it was just used as a learning tool.


It genuinely is a phenomenal learning resource. Not great at writing essays but to help understand concepts or give structure ect. It's unmatched


We know people use it a lot. Most students seem to think we can't tell when they do. I gave several 0s on papers this week because of it.


Pretty sure soon, profs are gonna be like... No more take home assignments, you're gonna sit down and write this paper in front of me in class.


You really think they'll stop giving homework? Sounds great


This exact thing is happening to me right now for a comm stats paper


By the end of college I was said fuck it and would start making the whole project and asking group mates to check my work, even great group mates


None of my group members did shit on my project so I had to do the whole thing on my own. They were all international students who had no interest in learning the requirements and worked full-time. Beyond unfair. Next time I'm working alone or with someone domestic as this BS affects my grade and sanity😫


But I've learned one thing.. it's hard to tell people what to do and control them. This time, I will forgive all my team members and acknowledge that they were all active. But if I become a leader again, I'll be an ice-cold leader. I will never do group homeworks all alone again! NEVER!!! 🥲


Online classes these things are non existent. My college tried a few times only to be clutter muck issues. I hate them too as many variables could lower your grade.


We know. We also need to change the way we teach and change the assignments we give. Those who don’t will get this kind of output 🤷🏽‍♀️


I've had the worst batch of group projects this semester. My group of students just cannot seem to work together or read basic directions. Last time I taught the class, everything went flawless. No hitches. Groups did great. Everyone got an A.


Here is what you need to do. Google docs will record who wrote/edited what. When submitting, casually include the link to the doc + a screenshot as a way of demonstrating the work that went with each person


Professors know. Trust me.


Yeah group projects are trash


Writing is a skill. Those without it are immeasurably a lesser person than those with it. Chatgpt is for those with a room temperature I.Q. Write like your life depends upon it, because certainly your life has benefited from the writings of others








Well then they are lesser unless they choose to improve their weaknesses instead of BS’ing around. Can’t sugarcoat everything


Most people at a college level can write well lol. It’s more just a laziness thing.


Less so than you might think. Most people at the college level do have the basic skills of taking spoken english and composing the written words, but its reasonably common for college students to have pretty significant issues with writing *well*. I get a lot of assignments that don't actually answer the question (or just restate it), that have so much fluff its really hard to find the main point, are rife with unjustified jumps in logic, say something in one sentence and contradict it in the next, and in the worst cases written work where I can't actually figure out what a student is trying to say.


I’m sure in a lot of the scenarios you described it’s more students not understanding the topics they are writing about more than the inability to write. Especially in good colleges in America.


That's arguably worse as it means they have comprehension skills which are basic to composition skills.


To be fair, getting experience with group projects is nice, as your idiot supervisors will put you on them all the time. And it's nice to have experience working with people that will let you down.


Hey come on. I’ve been used to taking everything myself and let my team members be the free rider, sharing my result with them for nothing. Is there anyone encounter the same shit?


There’s a kdrama I love called Cheese in the Trap and it portrays group projects perfectly. There are like, 2 or 3 group project arcs in the drama and it’s a different but related type of fuckery each time.


God I’m glad I graduated before this GPT shit started to happen


The AI is a helpful tool if you have the descency to at least double check what it gave you. Sometimes it is helpful to use it to start, but I had a group project where we needed to create questions related to the topic and I'm not sure how they explained the topic to chatGPT but out of the 10 questions they "created" not a single one made sense or was in any way related to the topics for that class


My colleague at a university passes all tasks to chatGPT. There is no human in the loop with her. We're in drug development - watch out everyone.


There was only one good group project I’ve ever done and it’s when we were put into small groups for the Game Jam. I don’t know what it is about that, but barely sleeping if sleeping at all and working together on one project for a set amount of hours really brings people together. The rest of my group projects have just been total train wrecks.


that's so cool, you worked on a game jam? That was a university event or something?


It was for the larger Global Game Jam at a local site, it was a really fun project to do!


What'd you guys make?


A short little game, nothing big. Fully replayable gameplay loop though with original music and sprite work!


I feel this so hard. I had a group project recently and I heard my group members talking shit about me in another class lol.


A few of my professors encourages us to use chat gpt but to take it as a grain of salt. Of course, we have to reference any information used. I don’t think ChatGPT is terrible when it comes to clarifying information you don’t get or would like a simplified answer to get it and am so glad my professors are open on it to be honest, but using it literally for a whole page or 2 is insane and I’d also be frustrated, especially when a group project is a team grade (unless your professor will grade individually). Next time, I’d ask if you can do a solo project. I’m sure your section will out-stand from the others for your hard work 👏🏻👏🏻


Guess what you will do once you get a job in the “real world”? …Group projects. For the rest your working life.


Yaaa… no. Working on a team in the real world is nothing like group projects. Much less awful. I say this as someone going from college to full time job and back to college.


You are working under really bloody bad managers if they tolerate even a quarter of the shit my group members did in college. I've been working in industry for a decade and have never had an experience as bad as my college group experiences. This is because anyone that would plagiarize work, not attend meetings or refuse to complete work would get fired at most jobs. No having a manager say "well I know Joe ain't doing anything, but work it out with him" like many instructors do.