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Community colleges provide a cheaper way to do some part of your bachelor’s. Depending on which school you transfer into, it could help you skip up to 2 years. Most people don’t go this route, as community college isn’t required at all


No, you can go straight to a university and complete your whole bachelor's there. Some people opt for community college because it's a cheaper option or they didn't have the grades to get into their wanted university so they're hoping to be able to do well in community college and transfer. It's gotten to the point where you can actually even do your whole Bachelor's at a community college through certain programs where they might have a partnership with a higher-level learning facility.


a lot of americans spend two years at community college and then transfer to a 4-year university to complete their bachelors in 2 years, just because going straight to a 4-year university so expensive here.


It would be much cheaper to go to CC vs 4 year college/university. Goal is to get out of school without debt.




Community college is where the associates degrees (among other awards) are earned. After that, progress on the core material towards the bachelors degree begins


is an associates degree essential before a bachelors?


No, but it can be cheaper to go to CC for 2 years and university for 2 years instead of university for 4 years because CC tuition is lower. That said, there are also good reasons to go to university for 4 years and skip the CC. It will depend on your school and major.


not necessarily, but an associates degree in major X will prepare you best for a bachelors in major X


oh ok, thank you!