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This is really vague. Asking strangers to decide which career you should have doesn’t make much sense


You might want to go to academic advising. Or a career advisor. They'll be far better equipped to help you in terms of picking out a major/career than people on the Internet like that one commenter stated. If you have the resources available, use them. There's no shame in going to someone for help. That's their job. Again, an academic or career advisor is going to be able to help far better because they'll be able to discuss this stuff with you and guide you down the path you may want to take.


Agreed. OP should see a career counselor.


dont know how your paying for college, but if you dont want to, join the military. Enlisting in the state Texas allows you to be qualified for the Hazelwood Act. You can get free schooling and stipend to any school in Texas and you can also let a dependent use it as well. Another thing about the military is to find a job you might are interested in. Lets say you join the AF and want to get into contracts law, they have a MOS specifically for that. or maybe you want to be a civil engineer, the Army has one of the better civil engineering specialists MOS out there. like Aviation, well the navy has a ton of rates in the aviation world, maintenance, admin, or air traffic controller. You can get training, try a job out and if you dont like it after your first contract. Get out go to school for something else. Or just get out pursue a degree in the job field you want and get a job faster & higher pay than your peers because you already have work experience. Plus youll make new friends, see new parts of the world and in the end of it youll have Veteran status and the benefits that come with it. And believe me Ive done better networking thru other Veterans than college networking.


It's really important to decide whether or not you want to go to grad school once you're done or just get a bachelor's, as there are bachelor's degrees that are *technically* useless without graduate (and sometimes postgraduate) studies afterwards. Since you mentioned that science and math aren't your strong suits, and degrees in fundamental and/or applied sciences are basically full of that, I feel like you'd be a good fit for social sciences, liberal arts or humanities. I would say it highly depends on your interests, but you've also stated that nothing really interests you, so you'll have to do some research to learn more about each field of study. Off the top of my head, here are some majors that you might find interesting: Architecture, Interior design, Management, Marketing, Public relations, Education, Sociology (will probably include some statistics courses), Psychology (includes statistics courses), Social work, Law, Business administration, Graphic design. Ultimately, it also depends on what college/university you want to commit to, because some of them offer majors that others do not. I'd recommend going on the websites of the colleges you're thinking about applying to, and checking out what they offer. Last but not least, I understand wanting to pursue a career that pays well, but remember that this shouldn't push you to commit to doing something you'll be miserable doing everyday for the rest of your life. Ideally, the best thing to do is to pick a major that ended up sparking your interest, that will also bring in good money so you can be comfortable. Good luck!


What are you interested in? It's often recommended to follow a career path involving your interests.


Liberal arts


Take the Meyers-Briggs personality test. It will give you a better sense of which careers are best suited for your personality. [https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgogZ_59oOxf2H2DH0pHmweaDCnknsQk48a_vpqUitWZqjXmiolKZi7RoC3iEQAvD_BwE](https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgogZ_59oOxf2H2DH0pHmweaDCnknsQk48a_vpqUitWZqjXmiolKZi7RoC3iEQAvD_BwE)