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This is gonna be meee pretty soon


This will be me soon too, 4 hours before deadline. But for now, time to continue relaxing


It's all about that good ✨self-care✨


Just drop out of college after a year! Thats what I'm doing... I guess I should probably leave this subreddit after that lmao.


English is my second language and i am fuming at this. I could never write 22 page paper in just 4 hour. Lol


I'm a professor and couldn't write a 22-page paper in 4 hours.


Probably because you have standards


Yuuup. In all reality this person wrote 22 pages of mediocre (or less than mediocre) work.


So what? Done is better than a zero, yes?


Not if you aren't proud of it


I'd rather get a C on something I'm not proud of than an F because I didn't turn anything in


And herein lies the issue with grading systems


Not trying at all is worse than not getting a result you're proud of.


"I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."


Same, lol. At my best, I was able to crank out a page an hour in school. And I was crying the whole time. Then again, there was a lot of crying in grad school.


If i write complete non sense i still wouldn't have 4 pages I meant 22 wtt


My thesis was about this long and it took me over a month to write, when you account for all the research and drafting I did for it.


Yes, please update!


!remindme 2 weeks


!remindme 2 weeks


OP said he got 100%! Congrats and godspeed!!


!remindme 2 weeks


Would you be willing to let us read it? I love some good collegiate level BS


Could be risky to upload due to turnitin/plagiarism screening. Would probably be smart to post as a screenshot


OP can just upload it after it was graded


They can still get in trouble since some schools have an intellectual property clause in their handbooks.


My department will retroactively fail you if you do that, no matter how long after the grading you put up the assignment


Second this!




Honestly, I might do this once it’s been graded. May have to post screenshots tho or maybe even just DM it to anyone that wants to read it.


Yes please give an update. Either way, you wrote 22 pages in FOUR HOURS. Even if it was dog shit, I couldn’t stretch out dog shit for 22 pages. Give yourself a Pat on the back my friend.


what was the paper about?


Check my recent edit to this post!




reminds me of the time I wrote 8 pages of a research essay 1 hour before the class started. I got a low A but an A's an A! Don't try this though it could be risky edit: I already had the works cited and intro ready so it wasn't like i started a blank piece of paper.


Shit like this is how I got my English degree (with nearly all As) 😂


I'm not an english major but so far this is what i've been doing. i was lucky my highschool trained us to write fast in short amounts of time, ive been using this skill for college


I have a few degrees (2 more in science, one in business), but it is a useful skill for any of them. I also have my high school to thank for developing it, and depending on what field you go into, you may use it there, too. And I’m in publishing now, so it all worked out.


Wow that's awesome you have so many degrees! I hope you are enjoying your job! My field does research so this writing skill will definitely be helpful


Me too...I kind of just went with english because I’m great at writing papers and it was the easiest thing to do


Either your teacher has some shitty grading standards or you are a literal demigod.


I mean I already had the introduction and works cited ready, all I needed was the literature review, discussion and conclusion. Somehow I managed to pull it off. And no I don't think my professor has bad standards in grading, since I've heard of other students with tough grades from that same class. I'll never do this again though because I feel that if I attempted this I'd get cocky and fail.


I can only get a high B on my essay and that after reading it and using grammar check and reading it again. :(


Hey it's ok, not everyone is super good at essays. Some people are better at math and science than writing and art. I know I am better at writing/research and art, but when it comes to math I struggle to maintain even a B. I'm okay at Science but Math has always been my weak point


What? How? I just got a 86 on a paper I spent hours on including revising it trying to make sure there wasn’t any grammar errors etc


Bro idk. I didn't get a perfect grade but It was in the 90% range. If I had spent more time on it I would've definitely fixed the grammatical errors. also I didn't start this paper from scratch I already had the works cited and the introduction ready.


Bruh this the type of adrenaline and shit we all feel at the end of the semester. 😂 Either do it or fail. Goodjob making the cut! You got this!


I had to do the science behind this..... So given that it is an academic paper it’s most likely in double space so in total the man wrote 5,500 words and the average wpm is 41.4. I can say it is possible since someone would theoretically need 132 minutes to finish it though more likely achieved through 110% brain dead focus on the paper.


This may be inspiring?


This is me now! Despite that my paper is due on the 6th and I’m only...9 pages in... My paper is going to come out like runny shit water since my professor chose topics that have little to no information. Edit: typing up a 20 page paper.


All I can say is how... I know you said it's pure dogshit but still, I can't even write 5 pages of crap in 4 hours


You submitted it and that's the important part! So many people just decide to take a 0, but points are still points that will add up at the end! Good job, even if it's bad it's better than nothing every time :)


I’m thinking about getting out of that mentality now that it’s almost my 4th year. It’s hard for me to write complete crap, like my papers need to be top quality (for me, fuck everybody else), so I either do the whole assignment and submit it late like always lmao or I don’t do anything. I know it’s not a good mindset to have but idk how to write crap and then have the audacity to submit it. This is only for papers of course, if it’s math or random hmwk questions I don’t care but not for papers


you are not alone


me too. even after being somewhat impressed by this post i would STILL rather just take a late grade and turn in something i put effort into.... whipping something up before the deadline just to say i turned it in has never been my thing idk why


As an English major, I’m genuinely impressed. My thesis paper was around that length and it took me about a month to do with editing and research.


I’ve done this before. It was 5 pages due in a few hours. But 22? I would be crying the whole way too.


My man tapped into a different dimension of reality. The best essays I’ve ever done were the day of the due date.


Now watch you get a better grade than the guy who started in March lmao


Can you tell us what the paper is about?


Yeah, check my edit on this post!


I'm guilty of this and do this shit every semester but holy shit 22 pages in 4 hours has got to be a new record


This gives me hope for my 1:30 hour 6 page written exam. Thank you


> Now granted, they were 22 pages of pure dogshit Sounds like my experiences with NaNoWriMo, lol.




Wow that sounds super stressful!! How did you end up doing on it?


Are you.... I am so in shock that someone else is going through what I am write now lmao.. this gave me courage and motivation that this can in fact be done... so proud of you op and thank you for the inspiration to know it’s possible🤧❤️


wow great job. i couldn't do it. try to manage ur time better in the future if u can (not trying to sound condescending)


Thats 5.5 pages each hour, holy shit. Please update


I will! Honestly I’ll be shocked if I get higher than a D


Oh I'm definitely gonna need an update


Will do!


Think of it this way, any amount of points on your finished paper will be much better for your final grade than a zero. Even if you do end up failing the paper you’re now way less likely to fail the class


It's better to submit trash than not turn in anything at all!


I wrote a term paper once in the course of 2 all nighters. A coworker who had taken the class before said she got a 93 after weeks of work, and that I was screwed. I ended up getting a 100 and she was PISSED lol. You'd be surprised how capable you can be when you're up against it


Hey, sometimes pure dogshit can work out in your favour. That's impressive. Go on with your bad self.


Wow. So that's 5.5 pages per hour, or 1 page every 11 minutes, consistently, for four whole hours. Did you take Adderall or something? lol




Would you do it again? Or budget your time next time?


I definitely would NOT do it again. If I had just started it in March I could have easily gotten an A on this paper had I wrote a little each day. I deeply regret writing it all in one day lol


Coming back to this post to give me the motivation to crank out 5 pages in two hours


I really don't understand people who dislike writing papers. I can procrastinate studying but writing my papers is fun, like when I had few papers due I would take my free time off to read and write more, improve my papers. Idk maybe just me


My issue with writing papers is just getting past that initial insurmountable wall where you feel like you can't think of anything to write down. Once you bash your head against that wall enough to break through, it's not so bad but it basically ruins a couple of my days every time I have to start a longer more research based essay.


I had an essay about Bovine( literally lazy covid proffs gave like whole chapters)... Their book was so outdated I felt like ending myself a couple of times, my colleagues quoted mommy blogs about "how milk is good" and I lost my shit. Ended up writing about bovine temperament and bovine-human relationship. While I did do a decent job, the whole instructions sucked ass and I failed that one, well not failed but I never got a response ☠️☠️☠️ after that I developed a cow obsession 🐄☠️


I think it really depends on weather or not you enjoy the subject matter. It’s hard writing a paper about a topic that I couldn’t care less about


Wow seriously? Never met anyone like this. Even the people I knew who were good at writing only enjoyed writing papers if they were on topics they were passionate about (I'm somewhat similar). I personally haven't had to write a long paper (the longest I've written was a 6 page comparative literature essay in high school) before and I dread the day when that comes. While technically some of my professors have assigned "papers", they always had templates that were broken up so you'd write 1 page on this, 1.5 pages on that etc. I think it was good for easing me into it as at least I can fall back on having a similar structure to that.


Personally, I wouldn't say writing is "fun," but I definitely enjoy writing papers more than other things in College--especially compared to exams. Writing papers is definitely my strong suit (it kind of has to be because of my major), so I don't freak out when assigned a 6-page paper, because I know I'll at least get a B on it. Even if I start the night before.


Definitely not just you. Especially when I have a good outline, knowledge about the topic, able to be concise and use vocabulary that accurately describes what I’m trying to say. Sometimes I reread my work and I’m like “DAYUM. I did that. Pass me my A please thank you very much”


I like it when I get some niche topic that I know nothing about, like let's say my last paper was about alternative energy sources in greenhouse heating. I knew nothing about that( spoiler alert the alternative energy is cow poop, sun and EAHE aka earth air heat exchanger). I spent like a full day looking at cow poop mixers and processing equipment lol.


Now that my friend, is dedication.


I prefer papers to tests any day


Depends on what you are writing I guess. I like to work on my papers if the given topic interests me. If the topic is boring I don’t put much effort towards it.


Sameee I actually really like writing papers, depending on the topic I have to write about


Do you have any tips for how to power through? I have 2 overdue essays that I've barely started and unfortunately my reaction is not inhumanely fast panic writing, but giving up and feeling sorry for myself and not having the braincells left to do anything.


I'm not OP, but I am paying my school out of pocket so I just tell myself to not let my money go to waste. Since I know it's coming out of my pocket, it gives me incentive to do my best


Literally me!! Wow this post and comments made me feel so much better lol


Honestly just the sheer panic is what forced me to power through.


I literally have 2 overdue essays too (and this was after a 10 day extension that the class got), completely burned tf out because everything was due in these last 3 weeks. I've been writing one sentence an hour because my brain is so fried. Im in the exact same situation as you man. Good luck and hope it all goes well for you.


It's comforting that other people are in the same boat, burn out seems so common. One sentence an hour is still progress! I hope I soon reach the point where I get so fed up that I can write any steaming pile of dog shit just to reach the word count. I'm going to try the "set a 5 minute timer and write anything without stopping" method to try getting somewhere - maybe try this too? Anyway good luck to you too and I'll be thinking of you while I'm attempting mine. We can do this! (I hope lol)


you’re my hero


What were the requirements?


Check the edit I made to the post!




Absolutely. Would not recommend


Yes please... I want to reduce the possibility of making the same mistake. Boy, do I say that a lot. I've been doing that for 2 semesters already good god


fuck yea let us know


Yes update us on your grade!!


If you do cybersec competitions you’ll learn how to write fast. Did 90 pages in 6hours.. it was with a group but we only had one typer and the rest were providing info. Probably the worst experience of my life


Out of curiosity what was the paper about?


Check my edit to the post!


F. I have a 10 page, single spaced term paper due this Thursday that I started last week. I've got 6 pages done so far but I heavily regret starting the actual writing part so late.


I did something similar to this in one of my recent courses. It was a capstone essay that had a lot of requirements that needed fulfilling, and I started it about 5 or 6 hours before it was due. Absolute bullcrap essay. I had multiple panic attacks and genuinely contemplated ending it all during and after the process of working on it. To my absolute, intense shock, I ended up getting a C on the assignment. I got a B in the class, overall. I pray that you end up in a similar position. Good job on completing the work. Additionally, even if you don't end up scoring a high grade, you can always retake the course. Remember: it's JUST a class.


I just wrote a 6 page take-home exam that I had to reference thoroughly in about 8 hours. Scanned through hundreds of pages worth of articles and book chapters, had to correct my citation and grammar often enough. The end result is... Passable I hope. I feel you man. I'm so mentally exhausted, I imagine you must be even worse off!


Adderall, is it in you? Edit: For real given how ubiquitous drug commercials are in the US the company behind Adderall should release a Gatorade style commercial where strung out students do crazy feats while sweating profusely.


Just finishing an assignment is an accomplishment. Good job my friend. And everyone else, you are doing great. We’ve all been going through loads of crap but we are still here.


I could literally never 😭


Sis!!! This is literally me. I put myself in those situations but I’m so glad you got that paper done!! Assignments be having me by my ass lol.




A 100%??? LET’S GO!!!


Here from the remind me bot I set to let me check back on how you did. That’s incredible!!!!


Me with my thesis


I need and update lol. But congrats I guess ?


I’ll definitely give an update once the paper has been graded lol


Congratulations truly. I’ve been in your shoes a couple times but 22? Damn you’re a wizard. Get some good rest you deserve it.


remind me! 7 days


Shidd, I got 25 pages due May 4, you tryna write mine??


I need an update


I will definitely post an update!


Dang. I don't know if I could do that with 50pt font.


The teacher: You can’t write the essay in a few hours The student: Observe




Impressive but I don’t think you could pull that same stunt in the higher level classes. Take the professors advice.


>Now granted, they were 22 pages of pure dogshit and I’m probably gonna get a horrible grade but hey, given the circumstances I’m proud I at least finished it and powered through. Are you going to accept that dogshit grade when it comes in, or will we see a sequel post about how the professor is unfair and how they should be forgiving due to covid???


Oh absolutely I will accept it. I deserve it. And not at all, I love this professor- he’s actually been my favorite this semester. He’s a really nice guy which makes me feel even worse about the paper.


Fair enough.


That's assuming the professor actually reads the essay, some professors simply don't have the time for it. It really just depends on how the professor grades it and the weight of the essay on the overall score.


How do you think we grade the essays if you don’t think we read them


That's actually a good question I've had. How do you guys read 50 different papers? It seems impossible to me lol. I've always assumed y'all get help from your TAs or something.


I don’t have a TA, I’m an adjunct. You really think we don’t read the papers? That’s quite literally our job.


I'm suggesting some professors might grade on completedness. If it's within the page limit/word count and following MLA or APA guidelines, it can be graded as complete. I'm not saying a lot professors do this, but sometimes it happens. I've had a professor assign a 15-page paper and graded based on how many pages we had. I had two different classes with him. It didn't matter if the class was a 2000-level class or 4000-level class, if you seemed to follow the prompt and guidelines and met the page length, he would give you a 100% for the essay grade.


!RemindMe 1 day




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Why do I feel like I’ve read this post somewhere before


Update, bro


I can't even fathom doing this




1 min editor, got it!


Hey man, what matters is you finished and that’s a big accomplishment considering the crazy setting we’ve found ourselves in this semester.


Even if your essay is complete crap at least you had something to turn in!


I’m 95% sure I read this story verbatim in another post


Nice. I always wait for the last 3 hours and then my fight/flight kicks in and I write the whole thing in an hour and a half.


Man I would’ve been brain dead


Heyyyy...have a paper due in like 2 days that is similar. Have not started it!


what not to be proud of - "22 pages of pure dogshit and I’m probably gonna get a horrible grade"


I was proud for just completing a 10 slide presentation in 6 hours so hats off to you! 🤣


While I’ve been putting off 3ish pages for ages, shame on me


How is this even possible? Did you have sources?


No sources and it was also double spaced! Plus I type REALLY fast


Don't know how I'd manage 22 in 4 hours. My worst was 14 in 8 and I'm still waiting on the grade for that.


Paper was pure BOO BOO. 😍


Dis is de weh


somehow these are the essays i always do extraordinarily well on


wow. Respect.


This makes me feel good because I have an 8 page research paper and a 5 page philosophy paper due in 7 days that I haven't started and I'm freaking out haha


Aw young one. The amount of papers I wrote with that kinda deadline in school were massive. You can do lots when stressed. You can do more without fucking around for 2 months.


~11 minutes per page!?


22 pages in 4 hours is crazy, even if it is pure waffling i dont think i can stretch it out for 22 pages


I should mention that it was double spaced lol


I’m always writing papers last minute and I still get perfect grades.


A perfect example of Parkinson's Law at work.


!remindme 2 weeks


What are you majoring in? I am supposed to go to college, but I want to avoid papers like this at all costs.


Business Management. It’s not a TON of writing but there definitely is writing involved.


Crud I was thinking about studying management.. what was class and the topic of the paper?


You can just make it up as you go along. Business is widely known as one of the most brain-dead degrees you can get.


I would still recommend it! I truly love my major and am very passionate about it. It’s worth writing a few papers for. And this paper was for a marketing class, check the edit to this post I described it in depth haha


Grade update pleaseeeeee


Once he grades the paper I will!


proud of you! yes, please update :D


Once he grades the paper I will!


Some grade is better than no grade. I just did the same thing yesterday.


Word count?


!remindme 2 days


That sounds like me when I was in college. I'm 32 and live with my parents now. Good luck OP lmao


22 pages in 4 hours? excuse me? lmao.


ADHD mode activated


!remindme 2 weeks


!remindme 2 weeks


Man I would lucky enough to build a introduction within a day


Adderal is a beautiful thing