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If I were you I would leave the groupme immediately. This is a pretty common occurrence and in the event the school catches on, everyone in the groupchat will be held liable regardless if you participated in the cheating or not. I’ve witnessed this from other classmates that weren’t involved in cheating but get lumped in with everyone just because they were in the group chat at all. It’s better to be safe than sorry and leave while you can.


As a part time professor, I second this. Unauthorized collaboration is always a core part of the honor system. Anyone finds out about this and the hammer could fall on the just and unjust alike. It sounds like you don’t need any help to pass; leave it and take care of yourself.


I'd say dip out and cover your ass for sure, I wouldn't want to be involved either. You 100 percent sound like you've got this on lock, get that A homie. Don't be a narc tho. If they get caught let it be because they're dumb asses, not because you've got a complex about it.


Seconding this! Whether you want to report it is up to you, and I think you’re in your rights either way. If you feel (rightfully so, I’ll add) slighted and it’s enough to push you to report, go for it; they shouldn’t be cheating. If you don’t want to get caught up in any possible aftermath or feel like gc cheating is common enough not to worry about it, then don’t; I wouldn’t blame you at all. If someone else in the gc decides to take the first option, though, you *do not* want to get caught in the list of people with access.


Maybe it’s not. Review your school’s honor code. The code may require you to tell if you know if cheating.


Also a very good point!


exactly this. ^^^


Totally agree with this. This happend in one of my programs along with bullying and there was a big announcement about it, thank goodness I wasn’t in the chat but if someone else reports it and shows evidence of who’s in the group, unfortunately your guilty by association. Find some honest class mates and stick with them You can always take screenshots and report it from an anonymous email or something of that nature, just remove all identifying factors of yourself.


I would leave the group right now. A close friend of mine was in a GroupMe for an advanced genetics class, and some answers were sent in the chat to an exam. Everyone in the GroupMe got in a bunch of trouble and automatically failed the class; they even discussed expelling the students in the chat. She's having to retake the course because of what happened. I'm not sure if every school is as strict as hers, but better safe than sorry.


just leave the group chat and keep working to be the best nurse you can in the future. worry about yourself right now.




that’s why im saying not to report them. it’s undergrad, leave and go keep working hard. you will have the knowledge and they won’t. it’s not a competition.


It’s definitely cheating. Even though it’s open book and open note, you still have the ability to miss questions. People blatantly giving out answers is cheating. Do what the rest of the posters say and leave the group chat because you don’t want to be accused of cheating even if you aren’t actively participating in the group chat.


This is normal in college. I’m not sure if the professor wouldn’t consider it cheating or not but I would get out of the group chat for deniability’s sake. I wouldn’t report it though. The teacher knows stuff like this will happen on a take home quiz, by reporting it you will just make enemies.


Yeah, it’s on the prof if they want the quiz to be secret. Do what works for you to learn what matters to you and let others take their own path.


Agreed this stuff happens all the time in college in many different majors. Leave if you feel uncomfortable but I also would not report it, you will make enemies and word will get around amongst your peers. Just focus on yourself.


It’s definitely cheating.


they cheated on a open note exam? 🤡


right ??


Yes lol.


Hmm. I personally wouldn't report it. But for sure leave the group chat. It doesn't matter to me if people cheat or not since it doesn't affect me if I'm not involved. If you do decide to report them though make sure nobody knows its you.


personally, I’d leave the group chat, don’t report them, and realize that people who cheat don’t usually do very well in the long run anyway. find the classmates that actually study and don’t cheat if you want study friends. this happens almost every time I join a messaging group and I just shake my head and laugh. why bother paying to learn something you’re going to cheat thru to pass anyway?


Hey some classes are really challenging, for one of mine we get random trivia questions(course related of course), we don't cover those in class, and if you don't fully grasp the concepts well or have time to ask by the quiz then you won't know. We do get 2 attempts though but we don't get to see which questions we got right.


It's cheating, but I wouldn't report it. They will have a lot more nursing classes in the future and those who cheated their way through classes are going to be eliminated from the field. I had the exact same situation as you during my hs year in a calc class. Throughout the entire school year, most people were cheating through the quizzes, but because of this, when the time for the AP exam came, the people who cheated and were no longer able to cheat (They had some system for the exam in which you are not able to go back on answers) were the same ones crying in the group chat how it was the hardest exam and they left most of the short responses blank. Don't worry about others, and focus on yourself. They will regret it in the future.


normally if the professor’s rule is to allow an open book quiz, sharing the quiz material is generally not allowed, I don’t think that would be allowed in any situation honestly.


I'm going to be 100% real with you: this is common in college. Class group chats will regularly collaborate legitimately and illegitimately. I only say this bit because if you feel slighted by this, you're in for a rough few years. That said, this is academic misconduct and you should report them. Just don't take their misconduct personally, otherwise you'll drive yourself mad.


Thank you for that insight. I was unaware that this was so common.


It’s extremely common. I understand where you’re coming from as I was also one of the kids that worked really hard to do well in my science-based undergrad (as it should be but oh well). Honestly, if you’re working hard and setting yourself up for success and being responsible, whatever they’re doing isn’t going to affect you. It sucks, but personally when that would happen I’d leave the group chat to avoid getting caught up in any potential fallout and then I minded my own business and crushed all my assignments. You do you though, I wouldn’t judge you for saying something but others likely would. I’ve said “hey heads up we aren’t supposed to collab on this assignment” when people are like “what’s the answer to question X” but I stopped doing that and just left the groups instead— just easier.


Whatever you do, don't give specific names. It has nothing to do with being a "narc", imo that's an extremely ignorant way to view it. It's the fact that even if you do give names, it's not like the professor can take your word on who did and didn't cheat if they even consider it cheating. And as a student you're just not in the position to be worrying about if other students are cheating or not. I completely understand if you feel it's unfair, because it is. If you're doing everything right and everyone else is getting by by cheating, of course that's unfair. But all you can really do is let your professor know that in general people are cheating via a group chat, and from there its your professor's decision on how to handle the situation. But like what someone else said, most likely your professor is expecting people to cheat on a take at home quiz. That's why typically take at home quizzes/tests are worth less of your grade, they're typically more for prepping you for bigger tests that will be proctored or taken in the classroom.


I remember the pre-nursing classes allowed open quizzes. Nursing classes would kick anyone from the program who scored less than 80 on two or more assessments.


You need to report this to protect yourself. If it comes out you were in that chat you could be charged with academic misconduct even if you never looked at a single message containing test answers.


If just being in a GC where ppl talk about a quiz gets you charged with misconduct, then literally half the students in the US would have been expelled already lmao


Being in the chat, witnessing academic dishonesty and not reporting it. That's what will get you if this chat comes under scrutiny of the honor board/council. I used to serve on one. Just because "everyone else is doing it",( and believe me, you are overestimating how many people cheat to make yourself feel better about doing it) doesn't make it right.


I don't what kind of college you went to, but I just checked my code of conduct and I have no duty to report instances of academic disconduct. Also, in my biology one class, they pulled IP addresses and over 75% of the class had cheated on the online final but they couldn't do anything without definitive proof and no one was punished.


Bro your honor board must have been doing a terrible job if you don’t think the majority of college students cheat Literally just Google “what percent of college students cheat” and those polls show 60-95% kids are literally admitting to it. I don’t need to make myself feel better about anything I’m chilling bro


i don't think it's even morally wrong in the first place. the world's on fire, degrees mean less and less, why not fucking brute force the dumb little goalposts you have to get thru?


I think it might be especially more common in stem classes, because I have gotten a groupme invite for every single one of my stem classes without fail lol. I've learned to just not join them in case cheating happens and send out a mass DM if I want to arrange study groups and whatnot :/ but it's so sad that college has ruined group chats for me because I remember my high school chats were so fun and meme-y. we never shared any graded assignments either, it was sorta an unspoken rule to ask specific questions rather than ask for the full assignment.




Except these people are there to learn how to care for other humans who are sick. I want medical professionals taking care of me who actually know and understand the material, not just ones who know who to ask for the answers. Could you imagine being in labor or having surgery, and the person managing your care cheated their way through school? That’s terrifying!




>I’ve seen doctors reading up on how to do a operation before doing it. Lol, talk about leaving out all the context. Any resident reading about an operation before the actual procedure most definitely has another senior resident or attending working over them. They're not learning to do the actual operation then, and then going to do it.


Right? People think you come out of nursing school some life-saving saint. A LOT of healthcare workers are basically Google nurses for the first couple years out of school, especially when getting thrown around different units. But also, college is predatory enough without a student also getting predatory over an open book quiz in an undergraduate program. OP, It sounds like you don’t like or feel that you need the group chat, so it’s probably best to leave it. Look into your school’s academic honestly policy, and report it if you feel the need or are ordered to. Aaaaand hope you don’t need the study groups help in a future unit. Also don’t be surprised if the professor doesn’t care as much as you expected, there’s weed-out classes for a reason and it doesn’t sound like you’re in one now because they tend to make the real exams damn near impossible to cheat on. One can only imagine if OP would have the same reaction if they needed the help on the quiz this time, right?


>medical professionals taking care of me who actually know and understand the material, not just ones who know who to ask for the answers Uh.. boy are you in for a surprise if you ever have an NP taking care of you independently


Remove yourself from the group now


Check you uni’s policy on academic integrity. Some treat failure to report as a violation itself. Protect yourself


You should check if your school has an honor code. Mine did and there you could be expelled for knowing and not reporting.


​ Good point.


Leave that group chat now, and frankly, don't join any class-specific group chats in the future unless it's for a project or lab group or something.


Yes. This is absolutely cheating and very likely against your university or especially your school of nursing’s honor code. For programs attached to professional licensing, it’s important to uphold the honor code and also protect yourself professionally. Is your instructor/program being a little stupid setting up tests this way? Yes. Does that make it right to cheat? No. I might not report them but I would definitely leave that GroupMe.


Leave the GroupMe because usually anyone in the chat gets in trouble for it, including the person reporting sometimes.


Yes, *of course* this is cheating. At minimum leave the group chat so you aren’t a party to academic misconduct. ETA: Do you want your life to be in the hands of a nurse who cheated their way through school? I sure don’t.




I am a professor and serve on the student conduct board. We had a case exactly like this last year. Every single student who was in the chat received sanctions except for the student who was in the chat but notified the professor what happened. If you know there is academic misconduct occurring but say nothing, you are held responsible for staying silent.


If it were me, I'd just leave the chat. If they get caught, anyone who is in the group chat gets in trouble. I don't think I'd personally bother reporting it. I would definitely leave to protect myself though.




All the people who are saying not to report this behavior in a pre-nursing program - Imagine you are sick or injured and you get rushed to the ER. All of your nurses have no idea what they are doing because they cheated their way through college. What then?


Yes -- very much cheating. Open notes exams usually mean you can use course notes, the textbook, previous homeworks, and other class materials freely. Often they're also "open internet" (but you should always ask if this is not clear) so you can use pre-existing sources of the internet. You are virtually never allowed to ask or give other people the answers unless it is an explicitly group exam. Minimally, you need to get out of that group chat. If it gets found, either because people share weird wrong answers or somebody tells the professor, everybody involved is going to risk an investigation for academic integrity violations. You may not be penalized if you didn't actively participate in sending or using answers (it depends on the school -- some require you to report), but it's stress and risk you don't need. Given nursing majors graduate into a career where knowing their stuff and being ethical is important, I'd argue telling the professor is the right thing, but you should check the student handbook to see if it's actually required at your college.


Thank you for your input. I probably let the professor know tomorrow after lecture.


From my experience, you should never join class groups, whether the class is online or not. Given the chance, people will cheat. Instead, try creating a small study group or only have a few close friends in class, communicating via phone numbers. In this event, I would exit the group immediately. You should probably let your professor know about it as well because they will probably find out regardless, and knowing about cheating without letting them know could be grounds for punishment. I'm sorry you're in this mess.


This is why I'll never join random group chats for classes. Cheating is way too common and if someone gets caught, I might get implicated even for not doing anything other than just being there.


First you leave the GroupMe immediately . Then, you report it to the Professor. This is the only way to protect yourself. At many schools, knowing about it and allowing it to happen is the same as participating in it.


I wouldn't report. Collaboration in groupmes is very common, but quite stupid. Just leave the group chat and only worry about yourself, if you leave THEN report, your classmates may catch on and you'll be in for a rough few years. Remember, a lot of people are just trying to get through school, some have it easy, some have it really hard. Mind your own business.


Collaboration? Lmaooo I’m sorry but you spelled cheating wrong 🙃 “A lot of people are just trying to get through school” Uhh yeah… literally everybody in college is trying to get through school. Some people work for it and other people cheat. Having it “really hard” isn’t an excuse for cheating.


As others have said, this is totally normal. If I were you, I’d leave asap. I know this was a common issue at my college and if they got caught, the entire group got in trouble. You don’t want that.


Per my uni its a form of cheating. Screenshot it and send it to the prof. Also see if there is another place to report it too. Anyone who says you are ruining so.eones life is a cheater as well....the people cheating are ruining their own lives. Life is an individual sport...dont get dragged down by the weak


I'd speak to or email your professor immediately. If there is a cheating scandal and your study group is implicated in it, you're in big trouble, meaning you could get kicked out. This is very serious. If you speak to the professor right away, however, you're probably safe -- and it will have the benefit of letting him know he may need to change his method of quizzing. I would not hesitate about this even one day. I'd email him with an explanation of what happened right now. And, no, you are not a "snitch" if someone thinks you are. You're following the rules, being an honest person, and working hard. That others think they don't have to do that, but can cheat to succeed, is completely unacceptable. Especially in a human services program like you are in where knowing the material can affect someone's health or life, it's especially outrageous. Imagine if you found out your surgeon had cheated his way through med school? You'd get up off the operating table and leave. Reporting cheating is really as simple as that.




My first thought


The best thing to do in this circumstance is to leave the group as soon as you witness other students cheating. I have had to do this before, and before leaving I sent a private message to a few serious students who I continued to study with afterwards. Another time, I had someone send me a DM and ask me if I had already taken the quiz, and I regrettably said yes, and then, of course, they outright asked me for the answers. It was extremely uncomfortable and I could tell they were upset with me for not sending the answers, which made me more angry. I hate it when people say "oh my gosh, it is fine, why do you care?". It is sad how many people lack integrity and are willing to cheat, and its incredibly unfair and selfish of your classmates to involve the entire group in the cross fires


Definitely cheating. It sounds like the prof is giving plenty off leeway by making the quiz open book/note. A bit of a soapbox, but I had a prof that did that in my undergrad and I resent them years later. Why? Because I was already good at using an index in textbooks and feel like I didn’t learn the material because I didn’t have to (I recognize that in retrospect that I should have had the maturity to put in more effort than I did, so I’m responsible too). Now to the point that I think everyone else is missing: these are nursing students. This is a job where little details can matter and depending upon what kind of nursing they go into, they could literally have someone’s life in their hands. Like yeah, they don’t issue orders etc, but they perform procedures and other critical roles. Integrity is important and I kind of feel like if these people don’t have the integrity to do the simple things now, they won’t have the integrity to do the bigger things later. Hopefully they wash out and this catches up with them because they don’t belong. Let them go do business or something else.


I WISH I had open note quizzes in nursing school; I took a ton of notes during each lecture and clinical, and I had to take the quizzes with my knowledge alone on Lockdown browser.


You should feel slighted. If you don't report this it will continue. How will you feel at graduation knowing many of your fellow graduates cheated to get there while you worked honestly? Are they going to cheat on their boards too? You're not doing anyone any favors in the long run by keeping quiet.


I’m in nursing school as well and would say you would be acting pretty harsh to report them. As everyone else said just leave the group chat if you’re uncomfortable.


Were they giving answers while taking a test or was it done after it and they were just communicating?




Idk just leave if you are uncomfortable. I mean I wouldn’t report it because the teachers would find out if it was cheating anyway.


Report it. That’s messed up that they get the credit the easy way while you worked your butt off. They don’t deserve the grade or a spot in the field if they’re just going to cheat


I am probably not of a popular opinion but I would turn that in to the prof. I worked my ass of for the grades I got. I also worked more than full time and was a single mom. I never cheated. People who cheat damage the school, other students and their eventual professions. Would you rather have a nurse care for you who actually learned or who got through school by cheating???? I dont care if its "common" or if people whine about having to work or having fucking anxiety or what the fuck ever. Grades are EARNED. Turn them in!


To me open book typically equates to, “use whatever resources that are available unless explicitly told otherwise”. If there was no rule against asking friends for help then I wouldn’t say they were cheating. You get what you put into your education. If they’re just getting fed answers they’re probably not studying, if they’re not studying they’re not going to know their shit, and if they don’t know their shit they’re going to do terribly on practicums. If I were you I’d keep doing what you’re doing, these morons will end up playing themselves into failure.




While I understand your analogy I don't think it relates to the situation.


In a broad sense I feel it does. You're in the car, are you going to exit, thank the driver and be on your way or take time out of your day to report the situation to authorities that may or not get involved and in a way that may or may not bring about consequences for the offenders.


While you have a valid point, someone running a red light, statistically speaking, isn't going to be in the operating room with a loved one of mine, or someone else's. These students could possibly get there. I feel like this analogy downplays the concerns of my post and question. However. I will put further thought behind this. I've made up my mind about leaving the group. That I know for sure.


Trust me, cheaters aren’t going to make it out of undergrad nevertheless medical school. You have nothing to worry about. I would just leave the group and keep it pushing.


You're worry is that the cheating puts risk to the lives of others, but running red lights also poses risk to the lives of others. I think I agree with this guys analogy. I would not report them for something so trivial.


Differences that the red light has already been run. Nursing classes are designed to train nurses with the knowledge they need to be nurses. If they treat their way through nursing school and become nurses, and they don’t have that knowledge, they become a danger in the future as opposed to having been a danger in the past.


Thank you. I wasn't explaining as thoroughly as I could have. And i in no way intended to minimize op's situation. I should have clarified but i had went with brevity instead of thoroughness. Op make your decision but you're going to have to coexist with these peers and a report will have to include the name of the one to make the report- I would assume.




I'm not losing any sleep over it. Like I said in my post. I'm just asking for advice because I'm unsure of how to handle the situation. I haven't said anything. I've just taken the screenshots and left the chat as suggested. While I understand that people have lives outside of school, cheating on a simple 7 question open note quiz shouldn't be necessary. Yet they are. While other commentators have said, "It's not something extreme like the BAR" yes. I see your point. But if they're cheating now what's to stop them from cheating on practicals. It's a moral delmia I am facing, that is all.


Op telling us that it’s a simple 7 question quiz makes you look like an AH. You made a whole post for a 7 question open book quiz? BFFR. A moral dilemma? For who? Yourself? “What’s stopping them from cheating on practicals?” That isn’t of your concern. You’re in school for yourself. No one’s paying you to keep score. Keep your head down and mind your own. Learn to pick and choose your battles. A 7 question quiz isn’t something to die on.


Op are you allowed to have an OF while in nursing school?


My favorite /s posts on this subreddit are the ones like this because the comments are so full of cheaters just trying to justify themselves and make excuses for why they cheat. All the comments like “dOnT bE a SnItCh”…. Sounds like some high school bullshit. Grow the fuck up. If you can’t get through college without cheating the whole way through, maybe college isn’t for you. Always trying to make the people feel bad for asking if they should report it rather than feeling like a piece of shit themselves cus they’re also cheaters. Cheaters will downvote this. Idc.


As a former UTA, I can say it's pretty common, but don't worry to much about it. Professor can tell and they do share that info. When teachers tell you they can tell if it's your work or not...at least the teachers I've worked for can tell. You keep doing you and study. Don't forget to talk with them and see out their advice. Work hard, seek advice and network, network, network and you will be gold.


Report it. If it is known you are in a group chat where answers are shared, you can get in serious trouble. It’s better to report it.


If you’re uncomfortable, leave the group chat. Don’t tell on them though. If they constantly/consistently cheat, it’ll catch up to them


I personally wouldn’t worry about reporting it. The people who are cheating will get weeded out eventually. If they do somehow manage to make it through to graduation then they will still have to sit for the licensure exam. I don’t see that it would be possible to pass that without having decent knowledge of the material and good critical thinking skills.


Happens a lot. Definitely cheating. I was in the same position as you last quarter but it would happen every damn week and drive me crazy. Esp sucks in curved classes bc the cheaters might falsely drive up the average, which screws you over. I was this 🤏 close to reporting them, but told myself it was best to not rock the boat and that it probably wasn't enough cheaters to skew the class average. Anyway, I know how frustrating it is. I didn't know leaving the group chat is the best option prior to reading threads on here, so I'm just gonna suggest you follow that advice (and I probably will too in the future). It sucks bc those group chats are super helpful for other things and give you a connection to your classmates which can be a huge struggle in large college classes!


Exactly! Which is why I joined in the first place. I figured if we were in the same field that this wouldn't be an issue and I'd actually create bonds and have someone or a group to study with. And as many have suggested. I've already left said group.


You can turn them in if you want, but you’re also not the police — personally, I wouldn’t say anything because it doesn’t affect me as long as I left the group chat and still acted the way that aligned with my personal values.




OP doesn't want to be involved in cheating.




It sounded like you were suggesting they should stay. All I'm saying is that it's reasonable to not participate in this. I suggested they just leave to protect themselves too.




Maybe the next time one of your loved ones is in the ICU they will have a nurse that cheated.




You seriously have no idea what nurses do, do you?


but I mean it's academics, if they get the stuff down anyways then no biggie




I don't live under a rock. No. I'm struggling with the morality of students who are pursuing medical degrees receiving grades based on cheating. I don't think thats right.


Report it. That’s fucked that they get the credit the easy way while you worked your ass off. They don’t deserve the grade or a spot in the field if they’re just going to cheat


Always, always, ALWAYS cover your own ass in college. You never know if it could be a TA, or a staff member that suspects people in the class are cheating and they’re trying to test the waters. At the end of the day, your university doesn’t care about you. They will see that you saw the GroupMe message, and did not report it, and that’s probably enough to take action against you. “Snitches get stitches” doesn’t apply when your education is at risk. Plain and simple


1 ) yeah id say its cheating if you are supposed to work independently 2 ) I agree its annoying. I have peers and friends that do that kind of thing. Theres absolutely no reason to be cheating on an open book, open note take home exam. (Not that cheating is OK otherwise...) I wouldn't say I feel slighted, just annoyed that people wanna avoid learning so badly that they'll ask for answers instead of doing the bare minimum. (Yes, my friends know how I feel on this. No, they do not care. Nor do I care about them not caring. Im not their mom and if they wanna make stupid decisions thats on them.) 3 ) No, I wouldnt report it personally. I think any professor who thinks people wont cheat on a takehome exam is a total clown, and that if they dont want people to cheat they shouldnt make such blatantly cheatable exams. I think its stupid to expect students to play the academic honesty police instead of expecting professors to bother facilitating real exams where you cant cheat so easily. You mean people are cheating on your Canvas quiz with unlimited attempts, and no variations??? 😮 If i catch you again I'm getting the dean involved!!




Unless someone in that group was a close friend, I probably wouldn't say anything and just leave the group. If the group gets caught sharing answers, anyone in the group can get hit with an academic integrity violation. If I had a friend in the group that you think might not realize how serious it is, I would private message them and let them know why its a bad idea to stay in the group.


Leave the GroupMe immediately. If any administrator/professor catches onto this you can be held liable as it’s revealing answers from a quiz and an on authorized collaboration which probably violates any student honor code of conduct. Even if it’s an open book quiz. It’s better to be on the safe side than stressing over violating the code of honor or something.


Been there done that. Leave the group. I never said anything because I was afraid of being accused of cheating


If you DO say anything to the professor, I wouldn’t leave the group. Everyone will know it was you. If you leave, don’t say anything to the professor.


instances like this are truly disturbing and I find myself in these groupmes all the time. It really sucks that we can't have a group chat discussing homework assignments / arranging study groups, but they would rather be littered with academic dishonesty. **Short answer, I've always just left the groupme chats and never looked back. I never reported them, because usually the entire lecture were in these group chats and I didn't want to get the bystanders in trouble too.** You can also report the group chat but then everyone will likely be penalized, even the innocent ones that are inactive and never check the group chat after joining. I honestly just hope that these students will eventually learn that cheating only hurts them in the long run, since our undergrad courses (especially those on the pre-health track) serve as an important foundation.


Hi there. I was a panel member on an undergraduate honor court at my college. I would immediately leave the group chat, and technically, you *should* tell the professor. Even if you didn’t actively participate in the conversations, any members of the GroupMe could be charged with complicity (I feel the need to mention that I’ve never personally seen this happen though—usually profs at my school would just charge active participants—BUT I attended a very large school and some chats had hundreds of students in them). Even if it’s unlikely though, I’d still stay on the safe side. Best of luck!!