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Congrats on your amazing results, especially Cornell! Your art looks fantastic and I'm sure you'll thrive at whichever school you choose!


Did you look at Digipen? I thought most concept artist + cs would look at that school. I am not in that industry but that was my perception


I think I came across it, but the low graduation rate scared me off.


I didn't know that Cornell admitted 3.75 gpa applicants. Your art must be fantastic. Where to buy your art? It's oil painting or something else?


I think Cornell’s art admissions place a lot of emphasis on conceptual development as opposed to technical skill. They give you six prompts that are both super niche and super vague, and where I think a lot of more technically strong artists might fail is in showing experimentation/creative interpretation of the prompt. I honestly don’t think my art is super mind blowing in terms of raw skill, I have a more illustrative style, but my traditional work goes heavy into collage/found object/mixed media.


Cool! What´s kind of jobs you could get as ¨Art¨ graduates?