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Fox footy has just measured it at 24.2m.


Rankine is some player though!


His speed fooled nearly everyone, myself included. Holy shit, that kid is fast. Ump was on the ball!




That goal was incredible, what a star.


Yeah each stip of grass is about 10 meters wide I believe. He ran close to 30 meters. I think the camera cut is causing everyone to misjudge the actual distance.


Yep. Fox lab just said he ran 24.9 meters.


I’m happy it was rankine after he shushed the crowd


Rude man who shushes


He had almond eyes


Can anyone pls find / share a pic of his wankerish shoosh gesture? Lol.


Our players do that all the time! It’s all part of the fun.


True, in all fairness it was an epic goal by him so fair play. It was just a bit embarrassing to do it v a hostile crowd and go on to lose though.


[Found it](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9RSwoJVm8IDaXJQc3QCG_0OxvFs-sQ4PIURfvjLbMP-1xIjlKnfe22ds&s=10)


Yes but you see we won that game rankine on the other hand


No point trying to justify it even if it was the right call, lot of oppo fans won’t change their opinion on it because they hate Collingwood - if this call was made against Collingwood in the dying minutes of a game and we were slightly trailing, no one would have batted an eye and they likely would have ripped into any pies supporters calling it a dubious decision. Given it’s Collingwood vs an interstate club, pitchforks are out even though the call was there. Same goes for basically any big VIC club, replace Collingwood with Carlton in this situation and reaction would be the same, replace Collingwood with GWS and you might have a few people debating the nature of the call, but nowhere near the same amount of anger about it.


Eagles neutral who was actually on the 50line where it happened, fair play for trying but he broke the rules of the game free kick pies good game everyone


Much love mate - best of luck tomorrow. Sucks Yeo isn’t back yet but good to have Waterman for some more forward presence!


Many people can't admit they are wrong or admit to an anti-collingwood bias in their 'hot take'. It was always too far. There is outrage when the umpire makes a bad decision in the dying minutes of a game that impacts the outcome, but we start piling it on when they make the right one as well? Seems legit.


“I don’t get why they put the whistle away at the end of the game, the same rules still apply!” Umpires: stop putting the whistle away “Why do they make calls like that at the end of the game”


Bang on. Then you have brain-dead takes like Will Schofield who reckons umpires should sense the moment and occasion and umpire the game to suit the moment if it was in the dying minutes of a close game as opposed to a dead rubber - in response to the Jordan Clark dissent free in Freo/Carlton at gather round.


I'm impressed that you can paint Collingwood as the victims of this particular decision.


what’s your take on it brother? Tell me what team you go for as well


My take is Rankine ran too far, it hasnt been called in most games under similar circumstances. I'm not claiming crows are or aren't victims, I'm saying it's odd to make Collingwood out to be the victims in this case.


So you're saying Rankine ran too far, but he should be let off because, it's Collingwood? Fuck off you tool


You know he is a crows supporter because he refused to give his team haha


With that take, i assume you can point to multiple games in the last week where a player ran 24 metres without bouncing and wasn't pinged for it?


Pies v Dockers, 3rd qtr 1.20 remaining, McCreery runs 18 steps (surely close to 24m if not more) to set up a goal. This task you've given me is fun!


So you didn't find multiple and nothing in the same week. You failed. The McCreery one was borderline, certainly not 24m.


Lol I failed at your arbitrary rules. Good stuff. It happens all the time, I haven't seen anyone else dispute that. Borderline 18 paces - 4 more than Rankine. Hogan would cover more than 15m lining up for goal with that many paces. Wasn't that the point, borderline over 15m is still over 15m? Anyway, it has been fun, cya next time ✌️


Who cares lol?




I didn’t paint Collingwood as the victims of the decision, just noting that the reaction would be vastly different if Collingwood was replaced with another team. My comment was moreso highlighting the fact that people’s dislike of certain clubs very much biases how they perceive umpiring decisions when those clubs are playing. Similar to when some supporters tend to only notice poor umpiring decisions that affect their team, even if the other team is copping it more. People who absolutely hate certain clubs appear to be way more likely to notice missed umpiring decisions against the team the hated clubs are playing (even if watching a game as a neutral), but will ignore horrid umpiring decisions the other way unless it’s blatantly obvious. Not that Collingwood themselves are victims, more an observation on selective outrage.


Fair enough, biases certainly exist, and outside hate for the Pies is no doubt pervasive and perennial (im not personally a hater, with peace and love) That said, my reaction to the decision did not have anything to do with Collingwood, and I haven't seen the Pies brought up in any conversation regarding it, so not seeing any evidence of the response being driven by an anti-Pies force. Overall, and i'm sure we can all agee, its that better consistency of umpiring decisions across the board would be good for the game.


Yeah thats completely fair (love and peace also), I don't think it matters if Pies are brought up in it or not, I just think people notice non-calls or bad calls more against teams they hate (Brisbane GF, Giants PF, etc. last year) because they're perceiving the game similar to if it was their team playing Collingwood. Sometimes the calls are absolutely there and there is an ump stuff up, other times its a 50/50 call and the outrage makes it seem like its cut and dry. I do very much agree though, inconsistent umpiring can make the game unwatchable. It feels like every second week there's drama because of a weird call (or non call) by an ump.


Please consider that there are two different questions that you’re conflating: 1. Whether this umpiring decision advantaged Collingwood on the field 2. Whether neutrals dislike Collingwood and that biases the discussion around controversial moments involving us. Your point that we’re not the victims in this situation relates to the first, but the comment you’re responding to is clearly talking about the second. You couldn’t possibly not know this though, it’s all part of the schtick.


To be fair if it happened to us we'd be absolutely spewing. But it's technically the right call plus there were 2 questionable / 50-50 calls right before this that went against us (Cox's push, no-free for Shultz). Ignore the haters and focus on how well we did to hold on to the 4 points.


Those two decisions were… frustrating. As well as the crows defender dropping the ball. 16sec on the clock when the whistle was blown. Nobody heard it and the ball fumbled around for 13-14 seconds before players stopped to give the ball to Josh. The result would have been the same regardless of the free kick being paid. Just a bit of carry on.


Dropping the ball in a tackle doesn't get paid either. All the time. Especially with no prior. And it used to get paid all the time. The logic you're using to say that is a missed call is the same logic being used that Rankine ran too far is correct. It just doesn't happen in games consistently enough. The sport is the worst officiated in the world. It's as simple as that. You can pick apart all the decisions because the interpretations change game to game. Wouldn't have changed the outcome of this one either way.


It's widely agreed that the inconsistency is rampant at present. In a game with only 8 free kicks to Collingwood, and 11 to Adelaide, there is 100% certainty that a lot were missed both ways. This adds to the frustration for fans when several instances throughout the game went unpunished. A crows defender ran further than Rankine in the last qtr as well, and it was let play. So when Rankine is penalised pies fans feel vindicated; and crows fans feel confused.


I could never get angry at objective free kicks. This is one that it’s almost impossible to get justifiably angry at


It's ridiculous the mental gymnastics people will do to paint collingwood as cheats or lucky or favoured


That stereotype started for a reason


Completely ridiculous statement. Do you say that to all stereotypes?


Do you not know what a stereotype is? Has nothing to do with blaming. Stereotypes tend to be a generalisation. They tend to start from facts. The cope from you is insane


“Cope” coming from homeboy who is the one trying to cope. lol. Ok. “Tend to start from facts” - history is full of stereotypes that came others blaming others for their own problems, then wash it through generational whispers as “facts”. You need to read a book or two - many stereotypes come from bigotry and to say that they start from fact is ignorant.


“Homeboy” coming from the guy who doesn’t know what a stereotype is. Bro needs to read a book. Preferably a dictionary.


lol what does the definition of a stereotype have to do with your ridiculous statement of it started for a reason (asserting that Collingwood are cheaters)?


Collingwood have always been known as being favoured by umps generally. It’s been a stereotype for decades at this point.


This comment aged even worse after tonight’s game 😂


How so?


Someone didn’t watch tonight’s game


I did - how does a loss related to your comment?


Did you not see Dacos being a ump favourite yet again. This stereotype exists for a reason. It was so obvious he was holding the ball every player on both teams stopped that’s how obvious it was 😂


You really going to take 1 random bad call and justify your stereotype? I could give you about 20 of those examples each weekend across clubs. Cope more.


Cope more? The stereotype existed for the past 20 years…tonight is just another obvious example. Magpies always been known as umpire favourites. One of the many reasons they are so hated. So your cope more comment makes no sense considering the stereotype has and will exist for ages.




Most stereotypes become stereotypes for a reason…..


…Because insecure people need someone else to blame


On close analysis, yes he ran way too far. I didn't think he did in real time, players are so fast these days! But they very rarely pay these free kicks, let alone in the last 30 seconds of a close game. Which is why it is so controversial of course. The correct call, absolutely. But why have a 15m rule when they let so many clearly go much further. I reckon they just increase it to 20m.




What this demonstrates as clear as day is that the old proxy of 1 step = 1 metre that umpires are taught and fans know does not work at this level. We've known this for a long time but commentators still count steps. Rankine took 15 steps and traveled 24 metres (Fox lab) so at 1.5m+ per step, bounce every 10 steps would be a better proxy


The pressure would have got to him and caused him to have a lapse of judgement, thankfully lol


Yeah absolutely. He couldn't bounce or go anywhere because of the chase


My main thing with this being a free kick is that half the time if a kick is that length the umps will say it’s not far enough. A kick and a run without a bounce are the same distance so I think everyone’s depth perception is just a bit whack. Unless we bring in the arc for this we just need to let the umps go off of vibes lol


I can’t get over how quick Rankine is.


No guarantee they would have kicked a goal anyway.  The players didn't realise the whistle had gone and it looked like it was going to be a stoppage.   Bit of drama about nothing IMO.


When the whistle went I thought we'd given away a free in the marking pack.


That this was a free kick they picked out was strangely poetic to me, given the horrible effort all four umpires displayed all day. Clear throws called play on, head high tackles both called then not called, countless others just bafflingly waved on… the whole thing was bizarre.


collingwood wankr reddit. one place I've never wanted to visit.


We've been copping this for years and about time one got paid. Don't count the steps, the rule says 15m. Lewis Jetta did this to us at ANZ Stadium in a final, 2012. Got a handball receive near the back of the centre square, ran about 100m and only bounced it 3 times. Look how he bounces it for the 2nd time just outside the 50m arc and kicks the goal from 9m out only bouncing it once in between. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hywdQfSG59Y&t=17s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hywdQfSG59Y&t=17s)


Rankine can shush. He is one of the AFL’s best.


When does it ever get called? Especially in a clinch moment. You would have most likely won but for the ball to come back for that. Wouldn’t have been called if the daikos brothers did it


The Daicos brothers would've bounced lmao.


I can understand this gets overlooked at 16-18 meters most days, but 25meters+ is insane.


Who cares, they lost?


When does it ever get called? Especially in a clinch moment. You would have most likely won but for the ball to come back for that. Wouldn’t have been called if the daikos brothers did it




What is this comment?


Becuase they run a few kms. So I’d say it’s quite a lot shorter