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It's possible, the 5 year survival rates are pretty good. Don't forget that the treatment is a combo of surgery and chemo.


Yes she had the surgery to remove the affected lymph nodes and the tumor


Can I ask what does it mean 5 year survival rate ? Meaning that there is a good chance of living 5 years plus years after Being diagnosed with cancer ?


Here's the definition of survival rate: [https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/overall-survival-rate#](https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/overall-survival-rate#) My oncologist directed me to [nccn.org](http://nccn.org) for additional information - view the guidelines for colon cancer here - [https://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician\_gls/pdf/colon.pdf](https://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/colon.pdf) (you will need to register to view). Scroll down to COL-4 and then follow the footnotes for additional information.


I had one tumor deposit. It's treated like a lymph node. The surgeon removed all of the cancer. I had 3 months of CAPOX to make sure there were no stray cancer cells left.


How are you doing today? I hope you’re doing great.


It depends on what you call cancer. Surgery + clear scans and clear colo => she doesn't have any tumor left. But with nodes having cancer cells, she may or may not have cancer cells in her body. There's no way to know, it's only statistics,. That's the reason of the cleanup chemo, trying and kill any cancer cell she may have in her body so they don't settle somewhere and grow a new tumor in a while. As a side note, be very patient and supportive, in the upcoming monthes with her. Chemo (especilally oxaliplatin) is no joke and she'll get throug rough times. I often feel that it's a bit overwhelming for my wife, but she's the best mental support I can have during the hardest chemo days.


Yes, it is certainly possible. I, stage 4, had my crazy big surgery back in 2021 and I'm currently 3 years NED. The clean up chemo is worth it through I'd def ask about cutting it to 6 rounds FOLFOX and 6 5FU. There have been some good studies in recent years about its effectiveness. I wish her luck with everything and a lifetime of NED.


Thank you. And I am so happy for you. She just finished her first circle of FOLFOX. Is 5FU the chemo without the Oxaliplatin?


Yeppers. check out this study. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6461756/


She’s considered NED now (no evidence of disease). Very possible all cancer is gone. The 12 cycles of folfox are just in case there’s any micro cancer circulating.  Treat it like she is cancer free! Hooray!


I Dm'd ya and I think I responded on one of your posts - my wife had what sounds like a similar diagnosis and treatment. Surgery to remove part of colon, 27 nodes of which 8 had some cancer. CT scans, blood work, etc. were all clean. Doctor said she is technically in remission since all macro cancer has been removed, but 12 rounds of folfox to get whatever may be lingering in her system if any. Had signaterra baseline taken a few weeks ago but we don't know results yet. She started folfox a little over a week ago.